Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Parsing of the text files from the FDSN station web services.

    Lion Krischer (, 2015
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import collections
import csv
import io
import warnings

import obspy
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.inventory import (Inventory, Network, Station, Channel,
                                  Response, Equipment, Site,

[docs]def float_or_none(value): if not value: return None else: return float(value)
[docs]def utcdatetime_or_none(value): if not value: return None else: return obspy.UTCDateTime(value)
# The header fields of the text files at the different request levels. network_components = ("network", "description", "starttime", "endtime", "totalstations") network_types = (str, str, obspy.UTCDateTime, utcdatetime_or_none, int) station_components = ("network", "station", "latitude", "longitude", "elevation", "sitename", "starttime", "endtime") station_types = (str, str, float, float, float, str, obspy.UTCDateTime, utcdatetime_or_none) channel_components = ("network", "station", "location", "channel", "latitude", "longitude", "elevation", "depth", "azimuth", "dip", "sensordescription", "scale", "scalefreq", "scaleunits", "samplerate", "starttime", "endtime") channel_types = (str, str, str, str, float, float, float, float_or_none, float_or_none, float_or_none, str, float_or_none, float_or_none, str, float_or_none, obspy.UTCDateTime, utcdatetime_or_none) all_components = (network_components, station_components, channel_components)
[docs]def unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, **kwargs): csv_reader = csv.reader(utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data), **kwargs) for row in csv_reader: try: yield [str(cell, "utf8") for cell in row] except Exception: yield [str(cell) for cell in row]
[docs]def utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data): for line in unicode_csv_data: if isinstance(line, str): yield line else: yield line.encode('utf-8')
[docs]def is_fdsn_station_text_file(path_or_file_object): """ Simple function checking if the passed object contains a valid FDSN station text file. :param path_or_file_object: File name or file like object. """ try: if hasattr(path_or_file_object, "readline"): cur_pos = path_or_file_object.tell() first_line = path_or_file_object.readline() else: with open(path_or_file_object, "rt", encoding="utf8") as fh: first_line = fh.readline() except Exception: return False # Attempt to move the file pointer to the old position. try:, 0) except Exception: pass first_line = first_line.strip() # Attempt to decode. try: first_line = first_line.decode("utf-8") except Exception: pass if not first_line.startswith("#"): return False first_line = first_line.lstrip("#").strip() if not first_line: return False # IRIS currently has a wrong header name. Just map it. first_line = first_line.replace("Instrument", "SensorDescription") components = tuple(_i.strip().lower() for _i in first_line.split("|")) if components in all_components: return True return False
[docs]def read_fdsn_station_text_file( path_or_file_object, **kwargs): # @UnusedVariable """ Function reading a FDSN station text file to an inventory object. :param path_or_file_object: File name or file like object. """ def _read(obj): r = unicode_csv_reader(obj, delimiter="|") header = next(r) header[0] = header[0].lstrip("#") header = [_i.strip().lower() for _i in header] # IRIS currently has a wrong header name. Just map it. header = [_i.replace("instrument", "sensordescription") for _i in header] all_lines = [] for line in r: # Skip comment lines. if line[0].startswith("#"): continue all_lines.append([_i.strip() for _i in line]) return {"header": tuple(header), "content": all_lines} # Enable reading from files and buffers opened in binary mode. if (hasattr(path_or_file_object, "mode") and "b" in path_or_file_object.mode) or \ isinstance(path_or_file_object, io.BytesIO): buf = io.StringIO("utf-8")), 0) path_or_file_object = buf if hasattr(path_or_file_object, "read"): content = _read(path_or_file_object) else: with open(path_or_file_object, "rt", newline="", encoding="utf8") as fh: content = _read(fh) # Figure out the type. if content["header"] == network_components: level = "network" filetypes = network_types elif content["header"] == station_components: level = "station" filetypes = station_types elif content["header"] == channel_components: level = "channel" filetypes = channel_types else: raise ValueError("Unknown type of header.") content = content["content"] converted_content = [] # Convert all types. for line in content: converted_content.append([ v_type(value) for value, v_type in zip(line, filetypes)]) # Now convert to an inventory object. inv = Inventory(networks=[], source=None) if level == "network": for net in converted_content: network = Network( code=net[0], description=net[1], start_date=net[2], end_date=net[3], total_number_of_stations=net[4]) inv.networks.append(network) elif level == "station": networks = collections.OrderedDict() for sta in converted_content: site = Site(name=sta[5]) station = Station( code=sta[1], latitude=sta[2], longitude=sta[3], elevation=sta[4], site=site, start_date=sta[6], end_date=sta[7]) if sta[0] not in networks: networks[sta[0]] = [] networks[sta[0]].append(station) for network_code, stations in networks.items(): net = Network(code=network_code, stations=stations) inv.networks.append(net) elif level == "channel": networks = collections.OrderedDict() stations = collections.OrderedDict() for channel in converted_content: net, sta, loc, chan, lat, lng, ele, dep, azi, dip, inst, scale, \ scale_freq, scale_units, s_r, st, et = channel if net not in networks: networks[net] = Network(code=net) if (net, sta) not in stations: station = Station(code=sta, latitude=lat, longitude=lng, elevation=ele) networks[net].stations.append(station) stations[(net, sta)] = station sensor = Equipment(type=inst) if scale is not None and scale_freq is not None: resp = Response( instrument_sensitivity=InstrumentSensitivity( value=scale, frequency=scale_freq, input_units=scale_units, output_units=None)) else: resp = None try: channel = Channel( code=chan, location_code=loc, latitude=lat, longitude=lng, elevation=ele, depth=dep, azimuth=azi, dip=dip, sensor=sensor, sample_rate=s_r, start_date=st, end_date=et, response=resp) except Exception as e: warnings.warn( "Failed to parse channel %s.%s.%s.%s due to: %s" % ( net, sta, loc, chan, str(e)), UserWarning) continue stations[(net, sta)].channels.append(channel) inv.networks.extend(list(networks.values())) else: # Cannot really happen - just a safety measure. raise NotImplementedError("Unknown level: %s" % str(level)) return inv
[docs]def _format_time(value): if isinstance(value, UTCDateTime): return value.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
[docs]def inventory_to_station_text(inventory_or_network, level): """ Function to convert inventory or network to station text representation. :type inventory_or_network: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` or :class:`` :param inventory_or_network: The object to convert. :type level: str :param level: Specify level of detail using ``'network'``, ``'station'`` or ``'channel'`` """ if isinstance(inventory_or_network, Inventory): networks = inventory_or_network.networks elif isinstance(inventory_or_network, Network): networks = [inventory_or_network.networks] else: msg = ("'inventory_or_network' must be a " " or a " "obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory object.") raise TypeError(msg) def _to_str(item): if item is None: return "" x = str(item) if isinstance(item, UTCDateTime): x = _format_time(item) return x items = [] # list of items to write # Write items at to the requested level of detail. Raises a ValueError if # insufficient information is present for the requested level of detail. level = level.upper() if level == "NETWORK": # get network level items for net in networks: items.append((net, None, None)) header = "#Network|Description|StartTime|EndTime|TotalStations" lines = [header] for net, sta, cha in items: line = "|".join(_to_str(x) for x in ( net.code, net.description, _format_time(net.start_date), _format_time(net.end_date), net.total_number_of_stations)) lines.append(line) elif level == "STATION": # get station level items for net in networks: if hasattr(net, 'stations') and net.stations: for sta in net.stations: items.append((net, sta, None)) else: msg = ("Unable to write stationtxt at station level. One or " "more networks contain no stations. Using " "`level='network'` might work (with less detail in " "the output).") raise ValueError(msg) if all(sta is not None for net, sta, cha in items): header = ("#Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|" "StartTime|EndTime") lines = [header] for net, sta, cha in items: line = "|".join(_to_str(x) for x in ( net.code, sta.code, sta.latitude, sta.longitude, sta.elevation, and, _format_time(sta.start_date), _format_time(sta.end_date))) lines.append(line) elif level == "CHANNEL": # get channel level items. for net in networks: if hasattr(net, 'stations') and net.stations: for sta in net.stations: if hasattr(sta, 'channels') and sta.channels: for cha in sta.channels: items.append((net, sta, cha)) else: msg = ("Unable to write stationtxt at channel level. " "One or more stations contain no channels. " "Using `level='station'` might work (with less " "detail in the output).") raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = ("Unable to write stationtxt at channel level. " "One or more networks contain no stations. " "Using `level='network'` might work (with less " "detail in the output).") raise ValueError(msg) if all(cha is not None for net, sta, cha in items): header = ("#Network|Station|Location|Channel|Latitude|Longitude|" "Elevation|Depth|Azimuth|Dip|SensorDescription|Scale|" "ScaleFreq|ScaleUnits|SampleRate|StartTime|EndTime") lines = [header] for net, sta, cha in items: resp = cha and cha.response sensitivity = resp and resp.instrument_sensitivity line = "|".join(_to_str(x) for x in ( net.code, sta.code, cha.location_code, cha.code, cha.latitude is not None and cha.latitude or sta.latitude, cha.longitude is not None and cha.longitude or sta.longitude, cha.elevation is not None and cha.elevation or sta.elevation, cha.depth, cha.azimuth, cha.dip, cha.sensor.description if (cha.sensor and cha.sensor.description) else None, sensitivity.value if (sensitivity and sensitivity.value) else None, sensitivity.frequency if (sensitivity and sensitivity.frequency) else None, sensitivity.input_units if (sensitivity and sensitivity.input_units) else None, cha.sample_rate, _format_time(cha.start_date), _format_time(cha.end_date))) lines.append(line) else: raise ValueError("Unknown level: %s" % str(level)) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def _write_stationtxt(inventory, path_or_file_object, level='channel', **kwargs): """ Writes an inventory object to a file or file-like object in stationtxt format. :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` :param inventory: The inventory instance to be written. :param path_or_file_object: The file or file-like object to be written to. :param level: Specify level of detail using one of: ``'network'``, ``'station'`` or ``'channel'``. """ stationtxt = inventory_to_station_text(inventory, level) if not hasattr(path_or_file_object, 'write'): f = open(path_or_file_object, 'w') else: f = path_or_file_object try: f.write(stationtxt) finally: if not hasattr(path_or_file_object, 'write'): f.close()