
Inventory.__init__(networks=None, source='ObsPy 1.2.0', sender=None, created=None, module='ObsPy 1.2.0', module_uri='https://www.obspy.org')[source]
  • networks (list of Network) A list of networks part of this inventory.
  • source (str) Network ID of the institution sending the message.
  • sender (str, optional) Name of the institution sending this message.
  • created (UTCDateTime, optional) The time when the document was created. Will be set to the current time if not given.
  • module (str) Name of the software module that generated this document, defaults to ObsPy related information.
  • module_uri (str) This is the address of the query that generated the document, or, if applicable, the address of the software that generated this document, defaults to ObsPy related information.


For handling additional information not covered by the StationXML standard and how to output it to StationXML see the ObsPy Tutorial.