
InstrumentSensitivity.__init__(value, frequency, input_units, output_units, input_units_description=None, output_units_description=None, frequency_range_start=None, frequency_range_end=None, frequency_range_db_variation=None)[source]
  • value (float) Complex type for sensitivity and frequency ranges. This complex type can be used to represent both overall sensitivities and individual stage gains. The FrequencyRangeGroup is an optional construct that defines a pass band in Hertz ( FrequencyStart and FrequencyEnd) in which the SensitivityValue is valid within the number of decibels specified in FrequencyDBVariation.
  • frequency (float) Complex type for sensitivity and frequency ranges. This complex type can be used to represent both overall sensitivities and individual stage gains. The FrequencyRangeGroup is an optional construct that defines a pass band in Hertz ( FrequencyStart and FrequencyEnd) in which the SensitivityValue is valid within the number of decibels specified in FrequencyDBVariation.
  • input_units string
  • input_units The units of the data as input from the perspective of data acquisition. After correcting data for this response, these would be the resulting units. Name of units, e.g. “M/S”, “V”, “PA”.
  • input_units_description string, optional
  • input_units_description The units of the data as input from the perspective of data acquisition. After correcting data for this response, these would be the resulting units. Description of units, e.g. “Velocity in meters per second”, “Volts”, “Pascals”.
  • output_units string
  • output_units The units of the data as output from the perspective of data acquisition. These would be the units of the data prior to correcting for this response. Name of units, e.g. “M/S”, “V”, “PA”.
  • output_units_description (str, optional) The units of the data as output from the perspective of data acquisition. These would be the units of the data prior to correcting for this response. Description of units, e.g. “Velocity in meters per second”, “Volts”, “Pascals”.
  • frequency_range_start (float, optional) Start of the frequency range for which the SensitivityValue is valid within the dB variation specified.
  • frequency_range_end (float, optional) End of the frequency range for which the SensitivityValue is valid within the dB variation specified.
  • frequency_range_db_variation (float, optional) Variation in decibels within the specified range.