
class Stream(traces=None)[source]

Bases: builtins.object

List like object of multiple ObsPy Trace objects.

Parameters:traces (list of Trace, optional) Initial list of ObsPy Trace objects.

Basic Usage

>>> trace1 = Trace()
>>> trace2 = Trace()
>>> stream = Stream(traces=[trace1, trace2])
>>> print(stream)  
2 Trace(s) in Stream:

Supported Operations

stream = streamA + streamB
Merges all traces within the two Stream objects streamA and streamB into the new Stream object stream. See also: Stream.__add__().
stream += streamA
Extends the Stream object stream with all traces from streamA. See also: Stream.__iadd__().
Returns the number of Traces in the Stream object stream. See also: Stream.__len__().
Contains the number of traces in the Stream object and returns the value of each Trace’s __str__ method. See also: Stream.__str__().


__doc__ str(object=’‘) -> str
__module__ str(object=’‘) -> str
__weakref__ list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Public Methods

append Append a single Trace object to the current Stream object.
attach_response Search for and attach channel response to each trace as trace.stats.response.
clear Clear trace list (convenience method).
copy Return a deepcopy of the Stream object.
count Return the number of Traces in the Stream object.
cutout Cut the given time range out of all traces of this Stream object.
decimate Downsample data in all traces of stream by an integer factor.
detrend Remove a trend from all traces.
differentiate Differentiate all traces with respect to time.
extend Extend the current Stream object with a list of Trace objects.
filter Filter the data of all traces in the Stream.
get_gaps Determine all trace gaps/overlaps of the Stream object.
insert Insert either a single Trace or a list of Traces before index.
integrate Integrate all traces with respect to time.
interpolate Interpolate all Traces in a Stream.
max Get the values of the absolute maximum amplitudes of all traces in the stream.
merge Merge ObsPy Trace objects with same IDs.
normalize Normalize all Traces in the Stream.
plot Create a waveform plot of the current ObsPy Stream object.
pop Remove and return the Trace object specified by index from the Stream.
print_gaps Print gap/overlap list summary information of the Stream object.
remove Remove the first occurrence of the specified Trace object in the
remove_response Deconvolve instrument response for all Traces in Stream.
remove_sensitivity Remove instrument sensitivity for all Traces in Stream.
resample Resample data in all traces of stream using Fourier method.
reverse Reverse the Traces of the Stream object in place.
rotate Rotate stream objects.
select Return new Stream object only with these traces that match the given
simulate Correct for instrument response / Simulate new instrument response.
slice Return new Stream object cut to the given start and end time.
slide Generator yielding equal length sliding windows of the Stream.
sort Sort the traces in the Stream object.
spectrogram Create a spectrogram plot for each trace in the stream.
split Split any trace containing gaps into contiguous unmasked traces.
stack Stack traces by the same selected metadata.
std Calculate standard deviations of all Traces in the Stream.
taper Taper all Traces in Stream.
trigger Run a triggering algorithm on all traces in the stream.
trim Cut all traces of this Stream object to given start and end time.
verify Verify all traces of current Stream against available meta data.
write Save stream into a file.

Private Methods


Private methods are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.

_cleanup Merge consistent trace objects but leave everything else alone.
_dummy_stream_from_string Helper method to create a dummy Stream object (with data always equal
_get_common_channels_info Returns a dictionary with information on common channels.
_groupby Group traces by same metadata.
_ltrim Cut all traces of this Stream object to given start time.
_merge_checks Sanity checks for merging.
_rotate_specific_channels_to_zne Rotate three explicitly specified channels to ZNE.
_rotate_to_zne Rotate all matching traces to ZNE, specifying sets of component codes.
_rtrim Cut all traces of this Stream object to given end time.
_trim_common_channels Trim all channels that have the same ID down to the component character

Special Methods

__add__ Add two streams or a stream with a single trace.
__delitem__ Passes on the __delitem__ method to the underlying list of traces.
__dir__ default dir() implementation
__eq__ Implements rich comparison of Stream objects for “==” operator.
__format__ default object formatter
__ge__ Too ambiguous, throw an Error.
__getitem__ __getitem__ method of obspy.Stream objects.
__getslice__ __getslice__ method of obspy.Stream objects.
__gt__ Too ambiguous, throw an Error.
__iadd__ Add two streams with self += other.
__iter__ Return a robust iterator for stream.traces.
__le__ Too ambiguous, throw an Error.
__len__ Return the number of Traces in the Stream object.
__lt__ Too ambiguous, throw an Error.
__mul__ Create a new Stream containing num copies of this stream.
__ne__ Implements rich comparison of Stream objects for ”!=” operator.
__new__ Create and return a new object.
__nonzero__ A Stream is considered zero if has no Traces.
__reduce__ helper for pickle
__reduce_ex__ helper for pickle
__setitem__ __setitem__ method of obspy.Stream objects.
__sizeof__ size of object in memory, in bytes
__str__ Return short summary string of the current stream.
__subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().