
Arrivals.plot(plot_type='spherical', plot_all=True, legend=True, label_arrivals=False, ax=None, show=True)[source]

Plot ray paths if any have been calculated.

  • plot_type (str) Either "spherical" or "cartesian". A spherical plot is always global whereas a Cartesian one can also be local.
  • plot_all (bool) By default all rays, even those travelling in the other direction and thus arriving at a distance of 360 - x degrees are shown. Set this to False to only show rays arriving at exactly x degrees.
  • legend (bool or str) If boolean, specify whether or not to show the legend (at the default location.) If a str, specify the location of the legend. If you are plotting a single phase, you may consider using the label_arrivals argument.
  • label_arrivals (bool) Label the arrivals with their respective phase names. This setting is only useful if you are plotting a single phase as otherwise the names could be large and possibly overlap or clip. Consider using the legend parameter instead if you are plotting multiple phases.
  • show (bool) Show the plot.
  • fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) Figure to plot in. If not given, a new figure will be created.
  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) Axes to plot in. If not given, a new figure with an axes will be created. Must be a polar axes for the spherical plot and a regular one for the Cartesian plot.

Matplotlib axes with the plot

Return type:


Changed in version 1.1.0: Deprecated.

With the introduction of plot_times(), plot() has been renamed to plot_rays()