Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CNV file format support for ObsPy

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from bisect import bisect_right
import warnings

[docs] def _write_cnv(catalog, filename, phase_mapping=None, ifx_list=None, weight_mapping=None, default_weight=0): """ Write a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object to CNV event summary format (used as event/pick input by VELEST program). .. warning:: This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the the :meth:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog.write` method of an ObsPy :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object, call this instead. :type catalog: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` :param catalog: Input catalog for CNV output.. :type filename: str or file :param filename: Filename to write or open file-like object :type phase_mapping: dict :param phase_mapping: Mapping of phase hints to "P" or "S". CNV format only uses a single letter phase code (either "P" or "S"). If not specified the following default mapping is used: 'p', 'P', 'Pg', 'Pn', 'Pm' will be mapped to "P" and 's', 'S', 'Sg', 'Sn', 'Sm' will be mapped to "S". :type ifx_list: list of :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier` :param ifx_list: List of events for which the 'IFX' flag should be set (used in VELEST to fix the y coordinate of the hypocenter). :type weight_mapping: list[float]] :param weight_mapping: Mapping of pick uncertainties to integer weights. (Sorted) list of floats of boundary uncertainties. If uncertainty of pick is lower than the first entry of the list than a weight of 0 is assigned. If it is larger than the first entry, but smaller than the second entry a weight of 1 is assigned, and so on. The list of uncertainty boundaries should not contain more than 9 entries because the integer weight is restricted to a single digit. If not specified all picks will be output with weight `default_weight`. :type default_weight: int :param default_weight: Default weight to use when pick has no timing uncertainty and thus can not be mapped using `weight_mapping` parameter. Default weight should not be larger than 9, as the weight is represented as a single digit. """ # Check phase mapping or use default one if phase_mapping is None: phase_mapping = {'p': "P", 'P': "P", 'Pg': "P", 'Pn': "P", 'Pm': "P", 's': "S", 'S': "S", 'Sg': "S", 'Sn': "S", 'Sm': "S"} else: values = set(phase_mapping.values()) values.update(("P", "S")) if values != set(("P", "S")): msg = ("Values of phase mapping should only be 'P' or 'S'") raise ValueError(msg) if ifx_list is None: ifx_list = [] if weight_mapping is None: weight_mapping = [] else: if list(weight_mapping) != sorted(weight_mapping): msg = ("List of floats in weight mapping must be sorted in " "ascending order.") raise ValueError(msg) out = [] for event in catalog: o = event.preferred_origin() or[0] m = event.preferred_magnitude() or event.magnitudes[0] out_ = "%s %5.2f %7.4f%1s %8.4f%1s%7.2f%7.2f%2i\n" cns = o.latitude >= 0 and "N" or "S" cew = o.longitude >= 0 and "E" or "W" if event.resource_id in ifx_list: ifx = 1 else: ifx = 0 out_ = out_ % (o.time.strftime("%y%m%d %H%M"), o.time.second + o.time.microsecond / 1e6, abs(o.latitude), cns, abs(o.longitude), cew, o.depth / 1e3, m.mag, ifx) # assemble phase info picks = [] for p in event.picks: # map uncertainty to integer weight if p.time_errors.upper_uncertainty is not None and \ p.time_errors.lower_uncertainty is not None: uncertainty = p.time_errors.upper_uncertainty + \ p.time_errors.lower_uncertainty else: uncertainty = p.time_errors.uncertainty if uncertainty is None: msg = ("No pick time uncertainty, pick will be mapped to " "default integer weight (%s).") % default_weight warnings.warn(msg) weight = default_weight else: weight = bisect_right(weight_mapping, uncertainty) if weight > 9: msg = ("Integer weight for pick is greater than 9. " "This is not compatible with the single-character " "field for pick weight in CNV format." "Using 9 as integer weight.") warnings.warn(msg) weight = 9 # map phase hint phase = phase_mapping.get(p.phase_hint, None) if phase is None: msg = "Skipping pick (%s) with unmapped phase hint: %s" msg = msg % (p.waveform_id.get_seed_string(), p.phase_hint) warnings.warn(msg) continue station = p.waveform_id.station_code if len(station) > 4: msg = ("Station code with more than 4 characters detected. " "Only the first 4 characters will be used in output.") warnings.warn(msg) station = station[:4] dt = "%6.2f" % (p.time - o.time) if len(dt) != 6: msg = ("Problem with pick (%s): Calculated travel time '%s' " "does not fit in the '%%6.2f' fixed format field. " "Skipping this pick.") msg = msg % (p.waveform_id.get_seed_string(), dt) warnings.warn(msg) continue picks.append("".join([station.ljust(4), phase, str(weight), dt])) while len(picks) > 6: next_picks, picks = picks[:6], picks[6:] out_ += "".join(next_picks) + "\n" if picks: out_ += "".join(picks) + "\n" out.append(out_) if out: out = "\n".join(out + [""]) else: msg = "No event/pick information, writing empty CNV file." warnings.warn(msg) # Open filehandler or use an existing file like object. if not hasattr(filename, "write"): file_opened = True fh = open(filename, "wb") else: file_opened = False fh = filename fh.write(out.encode()) # Close if a file has been opened by this function. if file_opened is True: fh.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)