Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - F-net moment tensor file read support for ObsPy
F-net moment tensor file format support for ObsPy.

    The ObsPy Development Team ( and Yannik Behr
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import re
import uuid

from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.event import (Catalog, Comment, Event,
                              Origin, Magnitude, FocalMechanism, MomentTensor,
                              Tensor, NodalPlane, NodalPlanes)
from . import util

[docs] class FNETMTException(Exception): pass
[docs] def _get_resource_id(name, res_type, tag=None): """ Helper function to create consistent resource ids. """ res_id = "smi:local/fnetmt/%s/%s" % (name, res_type) if tag is not None: res_id += "#" + tag return res_id
[docs] def _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, function, reset_fp=True, file_mode="rb", *args, **kwargs): """ Calls a function with an open file or file-like object as the first argument. If the file originally was a filename, the file will be opened, otherwise it will just be passed to the underlying function. :param filename_or_buf: File to pass. :type filename_or_buf: str, open file, or file-like object :param function: The function to call. :param reset_fp: If True, the file pointer will be set to the initial position after the function has been called. :type reset_fp: bool :param file_mode: Mode to open file in if necessary. """ try: position = filename_or_buf.tell() is_buffer = True except AttributeError: is_buffer = False if is_buffer is True: ret_val = function(filename_or_buf, *args, **kwargs) if reset_fp:, 0) return ret_val else: with open(filename_or_buf, file_mode) as fh: return function(fh, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _is_fnetmt_catalog(filename_or_buf): """ Checks if the file is an F-net moment tensor file. :param filename_or_buf: File to test. :type filename_or_buf: str or file-like object """ try: return _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, _internal_is_fnetmt_catalog, reset_fp=True) # Happens for example when passing the data as a string which would be # interpreted as a filename. except (OSError): return False
[docs] def _internal_is_fnetmt_catalog(buf): """ Test whether file is an F-net moment tensor catalog file by reading the header and the first data line. Reads at most 40 lines. :param buf: File to read. :type buf: open file or file-like object """ cnt = 0 try: while True: line = buf.readline() if not line: return False line = line.decode() # read at most 40 lines if cnt > 40: return False if line.find('Total Number') != -1: match ='Total Number:\s+(\d+)\s+', line) if match: nevents = int( if line.startswith('Origin Time'): if nevents > 0: data = buf.readline() a = data.split() if len(a) != 21: return False return True cnt += 1 except Exception: return False else: return True
[docs] def _read_fnetmt_catalog(filename_or_buf, **kwargs): """ Reads an F-net moment tensor catalog file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. :param filename_or_buf: File to read. :type filename_or_buf: str or file-like object """ return _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, _internal_read_fnetmt_catalog, **kwargs)
[docs] def _internal_read_fnetmt_catalog(buf, **kwargs): """ Reads an F-net moment tensor catalog file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. :param buf: File to read. :type buf: open file or file-like object """ events = [] cur_pos = buf.tell() # This also works with BytesIO and what not., 2) size = buf.tell(), 0) # First read the headerlines containing the data request parameters headerlines = [] while buf.tell() < size: line = buf.readline().decode() if line.find('Total Number') != -1: match ='Total Number:\s+(\d+)\s+', line) if match: nevents = int( if line.startswith('Origin Time'): break headerlines.append(line) cur_pos = buf.tell() # Now read the catalog while buf.tell() < size: line = buf.readline().strip() # If there is something, jump back to the beginning of the line and # read the next event. if line: events.append(_internal_read_single_fnetmt_entry(line.decode())) # Consistency check if len(events) != nevents: raise FNETMTException('Parsing failed! Expected %d events but read %d.' % (nevents, len(events))) return Catalog(resource_id=_get_resource_id("catalog", str(uuid.uuid4())), events=events, description=headerlines[:-1])
[docs] def _internal_read_single_fnetmt_entry(line, **kwargs): """ Reads a single F-net moment tensor solution to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` object. :param line: String containing moment tensor information. :type line: str """ a = line.split() try: ot = UTCDateTime.strptime(a[0], '%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S.%f') except ValueError: ot = UTCDateTime.strptime(a[0], '%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S') lat, lon, depjma, magjma = map(float, a[1:5]) depjma *= 1000 region = a[5] strike = tuple(map(int, a[6].split(';'))) dip = tuple(map(int, a[7].split(';'))) rake = tuple(map(int, a[8].split(';'))) mo = float(a[9]) depmt = float(a[10]) * 1000 magmt = float(a[11]) var_red = float(a[12]) mxx, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, mzz, unit = map(float, a[13:20]) event_name = util.gen_sc3_id(ot) e = Event(event_type="earthquake") e.resource_id = _get_resource_id(event_name, 'event') # Standard JMA solution o_jma = Origin(time=ot, latitude=lat, longitude=lon, depth=depjma, depth_type="from location", region=region) o_jma.resource_id = _get_resource_id(event_name, 'origin', 'JMA') m_jma = Magnitude(mag=magjma, magnitude_type='ML', origin_id=o_jma.resource_id) m_jma.resource_id = _get_resource_id(event_name, 'magnitude', 'JMA') # MT solution o_mt = Origin(time=ot, latitude=lat, longitude=lon, depth=depmt, region=region, depth_type="from moment tensor inversion") o_mt.resource_id = _get_resource_id(event_name, 'origin', 'MT') m_mt = Magnitude(mag=magmt, magnitude_type='Mw', origin_id=o_mt.resource_id) m_mt.resource_id = _get_resource_id(event_name, 'magnitude', 'MT') foc_mec = FocalMechanism(triggering_origin_id=o_jma.resource_id) foc_mec.resource_id = _get_resource_id(event_name, "focal_mechanism") nod1 = NodalPlane(strike=strike[0], dip=dip[0], rake=rake[0]) nod2 = NodalPlane(strike=strike[1], dip=dip[1], rake=rake[1]) nod = NodalPlanes(nodal_plane_1=nod1, nodal_plane_2=nod2) foc_mec.nodal_planes = nod tensor = Tensor(m_rr=mxx, m_tt=myy, m_pp=mzz, m_rt=mxy, m_rp=mxz, m_tp=myz) cm = Comment(text="Basis system: North,East,Down (Jost and \ Herrmann 1989") cm.resource_id = _get_resource_id(event_name, 'comment', 'mt') mt = MomentTensor(derived_origin_id=o_mt.resource_id, moment_magnitude_id=m_mt.resource_id, scalar_moment=mo, comments=[cm], tensor=tensor, variance_reduction=var_red) mt.resource_id = _get_resource_id(event_name, 'moment_tensor') foc_mec.moment_tensor = mt = [o_jma, o_mt] e.magnitudes = [m_jma, m_mt] e.focal_mechanisms = [foc_mec] e.preferred_magnitude_id = e.preferred_origin_id = e.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = e.scope_resource_ids() return e