Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
PDAS bindings to ObsPy core module.

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import numpy as np

from obspy.core import Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.compatibility import from_buffer

[docs] def _is_pdas(filename): """ Checks whether a file is a PDAS file or not. :type filename: str :param filename: Name of file to be checked. :rtype: bool :return: ``True`` if a PDAS file. """ try: with open(filename, "rb") as fh: header_fields = [fh.readline().split()[0].decode() for i_ in range(11)] expected_headers = ['DATASET', 'FILE_TYPE', 'VERSION', 'SIGNAL', 'DATE', 'TIME', 'INTERVAL', 'VERT_UNITS', 'HORZ_UNITS', 'COMMENT', 'DATA'] if header_fields == expected_headers: return True else: return False except Exception: return False
[docs] def _read_pdas(filename, **kwargs): """ Reads a PDAS file and returns an ObsPy Stream object. .. warning:: This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the ObsPy :func:`` function, call this instead. :type filename: str :param filename: PDAS file to be read. :rtype: :class:`` :return: An ObsPy Stream object. .. rubric:: Example >>> from obspy import read >>> st = read("/path/to/p1246001.108") >>> st # doctest: +ELLIPSIS < object at 0x...> >>> print(st) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1 Trace(s) in Stream: ... | 1994-04-18T00:00:00.000000Z - ... | 200.0 Hz, 500 samples """ extra_headers = {} with open(filename, "rb") as fh: items = [fh.readline().split() for i_ in range(11)] data = for i_ in (0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9): extra_headers[items[i_][0].decode()] = items[i_][1].decode() month, day, year = items[4][1].decode().split("-") if UTCDateTime().year > 2050: raise NotImplementedError() if len(year) == 2: if int(year) < 50: year = "20" + year else: year = "19" + year time = items[5][1].decode() t = UTCDateTime("%s-%s-%sT%s" % (year, month, day, time)) sampling_rate = 1.0 / float(items[6][1].decode()) dtype = items[1][1].decode() if dtype.upper() == "LONG": data = from_buffer(data, dtype=np.int16) elif dtype.upper() == "SHORT": data = from_buffer(data, dtype=np.int8) else: raise NotImplementedError() tr = Trace(data=data) tr.stats.starttime = t tr.stats.sampling_rate = sampling_rate tr.stats._format = "PDAS" tr.stats.pdas = extra_headers st = Stream(traces=[tr]) return st