Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Integration with ObsPy's core classes.

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import collections
import io
import re
import warnings

import obspy
import obspy.core.inventory

from . import InvalidResponseError
from .parser import Parser, is_xseed

[docs] def _is_seed(filename): """ Determine if the file is (dataless) SEED file. No comprehensive check - it only checks the initial record sequence number and the very first blockette. :type filename: str :param filename: Path/filename of a local file to be checked. :rtype: bool :returns: `True` if file seems to be a RESP file, `False` otherwise. """ try: if hasattr(filename, "read") and hasattr(filename, "seek") and \ hasattr(filename, "tell"): pos = filename.tell() try: buf = finally:, 0) else: with, "rb") as fh: buf = except IOError: return False # Minimum record size. if len(buf) < 128: return False if buf[:8] != b"000001V ": return False if buf[8: 8 + 3] not in [b"010", b"008", b"005"]: return False return True
[docs] def _is_xseed(filename): """ Determine if the file is an XML-SEED file. Does not do any schema validation but only check the root tag. :type filename: str :param filename: Path/filename of a local file to be checked. :rtype: bool :returns: `True` if file seems to be a RESP file, `False` otherwise. """ return is_xseed(filename)
[docs] def _is_resp(filename): """ Check if a file at the specified location appears to be a RESP file. :type filename: str :param filename: Path/filename of a local file to be checked. :rtype: bool :returns: `True` if file seems to be a RESP file, `False` otherwise. """ if hasattr(filename, "readline"): return _internal_is_resp(filename) try: with open(filename, "rb") as fh: return _internal_is_resp(fh) except (IOError, TypeError): return False
[docs] def _internal_is_resp(fh): try: # lookup the first line that does not start with a hash sign while True: # use splitlines to correctly detect e.g. mac formatted # files on Linux lines = fh.readline().splitlines() # end of file without finding an appropriate line if not lines: return False # check each line after splitting them for line in lines: if hasattr(line, "decode"): try: line = line.decode() except UnicodeError: return False if line.startswith("#"): continue # do the regex check on the first non-comment line if re.match(r'[bB]0[1-6][0-9]F[0-9]{2} ', line): return True return False except UnicodeDecodeError: return False
[docs] def _read_seed(filename, skip_invalid_responses=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Read dataless SEED files to an ObsPy inventory object :param filename: File with a SEED file. :type filename: str or file-like object :param skip_invalid_responses: If True, invalid responses will be replaced by None but a warning will be raised. Otherwise an exception will be raised. Only responses which are clearly invalid will not be read. """ p = Parser(filename) # Parse to an inventory object. return _parse_to_inventory_object( p, skip_invalid_responses=skip_invalid_responses)
[docs] def _read_xseed(filename, skip_invalid_responses=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Read XML-SEED files to an ObsPy inventory object :param filename: File with a XML-SEED file. :type filename: str or file-like object :param skip_invalid_responses: If True, invalid responses will be replaced by None but a warning will be raised. Otherwise an exception will be raised. Only responses which are clearly invalid will not be read. """ return _read_seed(filename=filename, skip_invalid_responses=skip_invalid_responses, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _read_resp(filename, skip_invalid_responses=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Read resp files to an ObsPy inventory object RESP does not save vital information like the station coordinates so this information will be missing from the inventory objects. :param filename: File with a RESP file. :type filename: str or file-like object :param skip_invalid_responses: If True, invalid responses will be replaced by None but a warning will be raised. Otherwise an exception will be raised. Only responses which are clearly invalid will not be read. """ if hasattr(filename, "read"): data = else: with, "rb") as fh: data = if hasattr(data, "decode"): data = data.decode() p = Parser() p._parse_resp(data) # Parse to an inventory object. return _parse_to_inventory_object( p, skip_invalid_responses=skip_invalid_responses)
[docs] def _parse_to_inventory_object(p, skip_invalid_responses=True): """ Parses a Parser object to an obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory object. :param p: A Parser object. :param skip_invalid_responses: If True, invalid responses will be replaced by None but a warning will be raised. Otherwise an exception will be raised. Only responses which are clearly invalid will not be read. """ # The volume time in blockette 10 will be mapped to the creation data of # all the ObsPy objects. If it is not given, the current time will be used. creation_date = None blkt10 = p.blockettes.get(10, None) if blkt10: creation_date = blkt10[0].volume_time if not creation_date: creation_date = obspy.UTCDateTime() # Dictionary to collect network descriptions. While looping through all # stations it will attempt to figure out the network description. If it # encounters multiple network descriptions it will just use the first one. network_descriptions = {} n = collections.OrderedDict() for station in p.stations: if station[0].id != 50: raise ValueError("Each station must start with blockette 50") # There might be multiple blockettes 50 if some information changed. blkts50 = [b for b in station if == 50] station_info = collections.defaultdict(list) keys = ["network_identifier_code", "station_call_letters", "latitude", "longitude", "elevation", "site_name", "start_effective_date", "end_effective_date", "network_code"] for b in blkts50: for k in keys: if hasattr(b, k): station_info[k].append(getattr(b, k)) # For most fields we just choose the last variant. # A bit ugly but there is only so much one can do. def last_or_none(x): return station_info[x][-1] if x in station_info else None network_code = last_or_none("network_code") station_call_letters = last_or_none("station_call_letters") latitude = last_or_none("latitude") longitude = last_or_none("longitude") elevation = last_or_none("elevation") site_name = last_or_none("site_name") # handle None in mandatory elevation field with obvious bogus value if elevation is None: elevation = 123456.0 # Take the first start-date and the last end-date. start_effective_date = station_info["start_effective_date"][0] \ if "start_effective_date" in station_info else None end_effective_date = station_info["end_effective_date"][-1] \ if "end_effective_date" in station_info else None if start_effective_date == "": start_effective_date = None if end_effective_date == "": end_effective_date = None # Get the network description if it exists. nic = last_or_none("network_identifier_code") if nic is not None: try: desc = p.resolve_abbreviation(33, nic).abbreviation_description except ValueError: pass else: if desc and network_code not in network_descriptions: network_descriptions[network_code] = desc s = obspy.core.inventory.Station( code=station_call_letters, # Set to bogus values if not set. # elevation bogus is handled above latitude=latitude or 0.0, longitude=longitude or 0.0, elevation=elevation, channels=None, site=obspy.core.inventory.Site(name=site_name), vault=None, geology=None, equipments=None, operators=None, creation_date=creation_date, termination_date=None, total_number_of_channels=None, selected_number_of_channels=None, description=None, comments=None, start_date=start_effective_date, end_date=end_effective_date, restricted_status=None, alternate_code=None, historical_code=None, data_availability=None) _c = [_b for _b in station if == 51] # If there are comments but no comment description blockettes - # raise a warning but do not fail. Comments are not important enough # to fail parsing the file. if _c and 31 not in p.blockettes: msg = ("The file has comments but no comment descriptions " "blockettes. This is an error - please fix the file! ObsPy " "will still read the file as comments are not vital but " "please be aware that some information might be missing " "in the final file.") warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) # Otherwise parse the comments. elif _c: for c in _c: # Parse times. _start = c.beginning_effective_time \ if hasattr(c, "beginning_effective_time") else None if not _start: _start = None _end = c.end_effective_time \ if hasattr(c, "end_effective_time") else None if not _end: _end = None comment = p.resolve_abbreviation(31, c.comment_code_key) s.comments.append(obspy.core.inventory.Comment( value=comment.description_of_comment, begin_effective_time=_start, end_effective_time=_end)) # Split the rest into channels channels = [] for _b in [_i for _i in station if != 50]: if == 51: continue elif == 52: channels.append([_b]) continue channels[-1].append(_b) for channel in channels: if channel[0].id != 52: raise ValueError("Each station must start with blockette 52") # Blockette 50. b = channel[0] # Get the instrument name if it exists. sensor = getattr(b, "instrument_identifier", None) if sensor is not None: try: instrument_name = p.resolve_abbreviation( 33, sensor).abbreviation_description except ValueError: sensor = None else: sensor = obspy.core.inventory.Equipment( type=instrument_name) c = obspy.core.inventory.Channel( code=b.channel_identifier, location_code=b.location_identifier, # Set to bogus values if not set. latitude=getattr(b, "latitude", 0.0), longitude=getattr(b, "longitude", 0.0), elevation=getattr(b, "elevation", 123456.0), depth=getattr(b, "local_depth", 123456.0), azimuth=getattr(b, "azimuth", None), dip=getattr(b, "dip", None), types=None, external_references=None, sample_rate=b.sample_rate if hasattr(b, "sample_rate") else None, sample_rate_ratio_number_samples=None, sample_rate_ratio_number_seconds=None, storage_format=None, clock_drift_in_seconds_per_sample=None, calibration_units=None, calibration_units_description=None, sensor=sensor, pre_amplifier=None, data_logger=None, equipments=None, response=None, description=None, comments=None, start_date=b.start_date if b.start_date else None, end_date=b.end_date if b.end_date else None, restricted_status=None, alternate_code=None, historical_code=None, data_availability=None) # Parse the comments if any. comments = [b_ for b_ in channel if == 59] if comments: for _c in comments: # Parse times. _start = _c.beginning_effective_time \ if hasattr(_c, "beginning_effective_time") else None if not _start: _start = None _end = _c.end_effective_time \ if hasattr(_c, "end_effective_time") else None if not _end: _end = None comment = p.resolve_abbreviation(31, _c.comment_code_key) c.comments.append(obspy.core.inventory.Comment( value=comment.description_of_comment, begin_effective_time=_start, end_effective_time=_end)) try: # Epoch string used to generate nice warning and error # messages. epoch_str = "%s.%s.%s.%s [%s - %s]" % ( network_code, s.code, c.location_code, c.code, c.start_date, c.end_date) resp = p.get_response_for_channel( blockettes_for_channel=channel, epoch_str=epoch_str) except InvalidResponseError as e: if not skip_invalid_responses: raise trace_id = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (network_code, s.code, c.location_code, c.code) msg = ("Failed to calculate response for %s with epoch " "%s - %s because: %s" % (trace_id, c.start_date, c.end_date, str(e))) warnings.warn(msg) resp = None c.response = resp s.channels.append(c) if network_code not in n: n[network_code] = [] n[network_code].append(s) networks = [] for code, stations in n.items(): networks.append(obspy.core.inventory.Network( code=code, stations=stations, description=network_descriptions.get(code, None))) inv = obspy.core.inventory.Inventory( networks=networks, source="ObsPy's version %s" % obspy.__version__) return inv
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)