Source code for obspy.signal.array_analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Filename:
#  Purpose: Functions for Array Analysis
#   Author: Martin van Driel, Moritz Beyreuther
#    Email:
# Copyright (C) 2010 Martin van Driel, Moritz Beyreuther
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions for Array Analysis

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import math
import warnings

from matplotlib.dates import datestr2num
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid

from obspy.core import Stream
from obspy.signal.headers import clibsignal
from obspy.signal.invsim import cosine_taper
from obspy.signal.util import next_pow_2, util_geo_km

[docs] def array_rotation_strain(subarray, ts1, ts2, ts3, vp, vs, array_coords, sigmau): r""" This routine calculates the best-fitting rigid body rotation and uniform strain as functions of time, and their formal errors, given three-component ground motion time series recorded on a seismic array. The theory implemented herein is presented in the papers [Spudich1995]_, (abbreviated S95 herein) [Spudich2008]_ (SF08) and [Spudich2009]_ (SF09). This is a translation of the Matlab Code presented in (SF09) with small changes in details only. Output has been checked to be the same as the original Matlab Code. .. note:: ts\_ below means "time series" :type vp: float :param vp: P wave speed in the soil under the array (km/s) :type vs: float :param vs: S wave speed in the soil under the array Note - vp and vs may be any unit (e.g. miles/week), and this unit need not be related to the units of the station coordinates or ground motions, but the units of vp and vs must be the SAME because only their ratio is used. :type array_coords: numpy.ndarray :param array_coords: array of dimension na x 3, where na is the number of stations in the array. array_coords[i,j], i in arange(na), j in arange(3) is j coordinate of station i. units of array_coords may be anything, but see the "Discussion of input and output units" above. The origin of coordinates is arbitrary and does not affect the calculated strains and rotations. Stations may be entered in any order. :type ts1: numpy.ndarray :param ts1: array of x1-component seismograms, dimension nt x na. ts1[j,k], j in arange(nt), k in arange(na) contains the k'th time sample of the x1 component ground motion at station k. NOTE that the seismogram in column k must correspond to the station whose coordinates are in row k of in.array_coords. nt is the number of time samples in the seismograms. Seismograms may be displacement, velocity, acceleration, jerk, etc. See the "Discussion of input and output units" below. :type ts2: numpy.ndarray :param ts2: same as ts1, but for the x2 component of motion. :type ts3: numpy.ndarray :param ts3: same as ts1, but for the x3 (UP or DOWN) component of motion. :type sigmau: float or :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param sigmau: standard deviation (NOT VARIANCE) of ground noise, corresponds to sigma-sub-u in S95 lines above eqn (A5). NOTE: This may be entered as a scalar, vector, or matrix! * If sigmau is a scalar, it will be used for all components of all stations. * If sigmau is a 1D array of length na, sigmau[i] will be the noise assigned to all components of the station corresponding to array_coords[i,:] * If sigmau is a 2D array of dimension na x 3, then sigmau[i,j] is used as the noise of station i, component j. In all cases, this routine assumes that the noise covariance between different stations and/or components is zero. :type subarray: numpy.ndarray :param subarray: NumPy array of subarray stations to use. I.e. if subarray = array([1, 4, 10]), then only rows 1, 4, and 10 of array_coords will be used, and only ground motion time series in the first, fourth, and tenth columns of ts1 will be used. Nplus1 is the number of elements in the subarray vector, and N is set to Nplus1 - 1. To use all stations in the array, set in.subarray = arange(na), where na is the total number of stations in the array (equal to the number of rows of in.array_coords. Sequence of stations in the subarray vector is unimportant; i.e. subarray = array([1, 4, 10]) will yield essentially the same rotations and strains as subarray = array([10, 4, 1]). "Essentially" because permuting subarray sequence changes the d vector, yielding a slightly different numerical result. :return: Dictionary with fields: **A:** (array, dimension 3N x 6) data mapping matrix 'A' of S95(A4) **g:** (array, dimension 6 x 3N) generalized inverse matrix relating ptilde and data vector, in S95(A5) **ce:** (4 x 4) covariance matrix of the 4 independent strain tensor elements e11, e21, e22, e33 **ts_d:** (array, length nt) dilatation (trace of the 3x3 strain tensor) as a function of time **sigmad:** (scalar) standard deviation of dilatation **ts_dh:** (array, length nt) horizontal dilatation (also known as areal strain) (eEE+eNN) as a function of time **sigmadh:** (scalar) standard deviation of horizontal dilatation (areal strain) **ts_e:** (array, dimension nt x 3 x 3) strain tensor **ts_s:** (array, length nt) maximum strain ( .5*(max eigval of e - min eigval of e) as a function of time, where e is the 3x3 strain tensor **cgamma:** (4 x 4) covariance matrix of the 4 independent shear strain tensor elements g11, g12, g22, g33 (includes full covariance effects). gamma is traceless part of e. **ts_sh:** (array, length nt) maximum horizontal strain ( .5*(max eigval of eh - min eigval of eh) as a function of time, where eh is e(1:2,1:2) **cgammah:** (3 x 3) covariance matrix of the 3 independent horizontal shear strain tensor elements gamma11, gamma12, gamma22 gamma is traceless part of e. **ts_wmag:** (array, length nt) total rotation angle (radians) as a function of time. I.e. if the rotation vector at the j'th time step is w = array([w1, w2, w3]), then ts_wmag[j] = sqrt(sum(w**2)) positive for right-handed rotation **cw:** (3 x 3) covariance matrix of the 3 independent rotation tensor elements w21, w31, w32 **ts_w1:** (array, length nt) rotation (rad) about the x1 axis, positive for right-handed rotation **sigmaw1:** (scalar) standard deviation of the ts_w1 (sigma-omega-1 in SF08) **ts_w2:** (array, length nt) rotation (rad) about the x2 axis, positive for right-handed rotation **sigmaw2:** (scalar) standard deviation of ts_w2 (sigma-omega-2 in SF08) **ts_w3:** (array, length nt) "torsion", rotation (rad) about a vertical up or down axis, i.e. x3, positive for right-handed rotation **sigmaw3:** (scalar) standard deviation of the torsion (sigma-omega-3 in SF08) **ts_tilt:** (array, length nt) tilt (rad) (rotation about a horizontal axis, positive for right handed rotation) as a function of time tilt = sqrt( w1^2 + w2^2) **sigmat:** (scalar) standard deviation of the tilt (not defined in SF08, From Papoulis (1965, p. 195, example 7.8)) **ts_data:** (array, shape (nt x 3N)) time series of the observed displacement differences, which are the di in S95 eqn A1 **ts_pred:** (array, shape (nt x 3N)) time series of the fitted model's predicted displacement difference Note that the fitted model displacement differences correspond to, ptilde), where A is the big matrix in S95 eqn A4 and ptilde is S95 eqn A5 **ts_misfit:** (array, shape (nt x 3N)) time series of the residuals (fitted model displacement differences minus observed displacement differences). Note that the fitted model displacement differences correspond to, ptilde), where A is the big matrix in S95 eqn A4 and ptilde is S95 eqn A5 **ts_m:** (array, length nt) Time series of M, misfit ratio of S95, p. 688 **ts_ptilde:** (array, shape (nt x 6)) solution vector p-tilde (from S95 eqn A5) as a function of time **cp:** (6 x 6) solution covariance matrix defined in SF08 .. rubric:: Warnings This routine does not check to verify that your array is small enough to conform to the assumption that the array aperture is less than 1/4 of the shortest seismic wavelength in the data. See SF08 for a discussion of this assumption. This code assumes that ts1[j,:], ts2[j,:], and ts3[j,:] are all sampled SIMULTANEOUSLY. .. rubric:: Notes (1) Note On Specifying Input Array And Selecting Subarrays This routine allows the user to input the coordinates and ground motion time series of all stations in a seismic array having na stations and the user may select for analysis a subarray of Nplus1 <= na stations. (2) Discussion Of Physical Units Of Input And Output If the input seismograms are in units of displacement, the output strains and rotations will be in units of strain (unitless) and angle (radians). If the input seismograms are in units of velocity, the output will be strain rate (units = 1/s) and rotation rate (rad/s). Higher temporal derivative inputs yield higher temporal derivative outputs. Input units of the array station coordinates must match the spatial units of the seismograms. For example, if the input seismograms are in units of m/s^2, array coordinates must be entered in m. (3) Note On Coordinate System This routine assumes x1-x2-x3 is a RIGHT handed orthogonal coordinate system. x3 must point either UP or DOWN. """ # start the code ------------------------------------------------- # This assumes that all stations and components have the same number of # time samples, nt [nt, na] = np.shape(ts1) # check to ensure all components have same duration if ts1.shape != ts2.shape: raise ValueError('ts1 and ts2 have different sizes') if ts1.shape != ts3.shape: raise ValueError('ts1 and ts3 have different sizes') # check to verify that the number of stations in ts1 agrees with the number # of stations in array_coords [nrac, _ncac] = array_coords.shape if nrac != na: msg = 'ts1 has %s columns(stations) but array_coords has ' % na + \ '%s rows(stations)' % nrac raise ValueError(msg) # check stations in subarray exist if min(subarray) < 0: raise ValueError('Station number < 0 in subarray') if max(subarray) > na: raise ValueError('Station number > na in subarray') # extract the stations of the subarray to be used subarraycoords = array_coords[subarray, :] # count number of subarray stations: Nplus1 and number of station # offsets: N n_plus_1 = subarray.size _n = n_plus_1 - 1 if n_plus_1 < 3: msg = 'The problem is underdetermined for fewer than 3 stations' raise ValueError(msg) elif n_plus_1 == 3: msg = 'For a 3-station array the problem is even-determined' warnings.warn(msg) # ------------------- NOW SOME SEISMOLOGY!! -------------------------- # constants eta = 1 - 2 * vs ** 2 / vp ** 2 # form A matrix, which relates model vector of 6 displacement derivatives # to vector of observed displacement differences. S95(A3) # dim(A) = (3*N) * 6 # model vector is [ u1,1 u1,2 u1,3 u2,1 u2,2 u2,3 ] (free surface boundary # conditions applied, S95(A2)) # first initialize A to the null matrix _a = np.zeros((_n * 3, 6)) z3t = np.zeros(3) # fill up A for i in range(_n): ss = subarraycoords[(i + 1), :] - subarraycoords[0, :] _a[(3 * i):(3 * i + 3), :] = np.c_[ np.r_[ss, z3t], np.r_[z3t, ss], np.array([-eta * ss[2], 0., -ss[0], 0., -eta * ss[2], -ss[1]])].transpose() # ------------------------------------------------------ # define data covariance matrix cd. # step 1 - define data differencing matrix D # dimension of D is (3*N) * (3*Nplus1) i3 = np.eye(3) ii = np.eye(3 * _n) _d = -i3 for i in range(_n - 1): _d = np.c_[_d, -i3] _d = np.r_[_d, ii].T # step 2 - define displacement u covariance matrix Cu # This assembles a covariance matrix Cu that reflects actual data errors. # populate Cu depending on the size of sigmau if np.size(sigmau) == 1: # sigmau is a scalar. Make all diag elements of Cu the same cu = sigmau ** 2 * np.eye(3 * n_plus_1) elif np.shape(sigmau) == (np.size(sigmau),): # sigmau is a row or column vector # check dimension is okay if np.size(sigmau) != na: raise ValueError('sigmau must have %s elements' % na) junk = (np.c_[sigmau, sigmau, sigmau]) ** 2 # matrix of variances cu = np.diag(np.reshape(junk[subarray, :], (3 * n_plus_1))) elif sigmau.shape == (na, 3): cu = np.diag(np.reshape(((sigmau[subarray, :]) ** 2).transpose(), (3 * n_plus_1))) else: raise ValueError('sigmau has the wrong dimensions') # cd is the covariance matrix of the displ differences # dim(cd) is (3*N) * (3*N) cd =, cu), _d.T) # --------------------------------------------------------- # form generalized inverse matrix g. dim(g) is 6 x (3*N) cdi = np.linalg.inv(cd) atcdia =, cdi), _a) g =, _a.T), cdi) condition_number = np.linalg.cond(atcdia) if condition_number > 100: msg = 'Condition number is %s' % condition_number warnings.warn(msg) # set up storage for vectors that will contain time series ts_wmag = np.empty(nt) ts_w1 = np.empty(nt) ts_w2 = np.empty(nt) ts_w3 = np.empty(nt) ts_tilt = np.empty(nt) ts_dh = np.empty(nt) ts_sh = np.empty(nt) ts_s = np.empty(nt) ts_pred = np.empty((nt, 3 * _n)) ts_misfit = np.empty((nt, 3 * _n)) ts_m = np.empty(nt) ts_data = np.empty((nt, 3 * _n)) ts_ptilde = np.empty((nt, 6)) for array in (ts_wmag, ts_w1, ts_w2, ts_w3, ts_tilt, ts_dh, ts_sh, ts_s, ts_pred, ts_misfit, ts_m, ts_data, ts_ptilde): array.fill(np.NaN) ts_e = np.empty((nt, 3, 3)) ts_e.fill(np.NaN) # other matrices udif = np.empty((3, _n)) udif.fill(np.NaN) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # here we define 4x6 be and 3x6 bw matrices. these map the solution # ptilde to strain or to rotation. These matrices will be used # in the calculation of the covariances of strain and rotation. # Columns of both matrices correspond to the model solution vector # containing elements [u1,1 u1,2 u1,3 u2,1 u2,2 u2,3 ]' # # the rows of be correspond to e11 e21 e22 and e33 be = np.zeros((4, 6)) be[0, 0] = 2. be[1, 1] = 1. be[1, 3] = 1. be[2, 4] = 2. be[3, 0] = -2 * eta be[3, 4] = -2 * eta be = be * .5 # # the rows of bw correspond to w21 w31 and w32 bw = np.zeros((3, 6)) bw[0, 1] = 1. bw[0, 3] = -1. bw[1, 2] = 2. bw[2, 5] = 2. bw = bw * .5 # # this is the 4x6 matrix mapping solution to total shear strain gamma # where gamma = strain - tr(strain)/3 * eye(3) # the four elements of shear are 11, 12, 22, and 33. It is symmetric. aa = (2 + eta) / 3 b = (1 - eta) / 3 c = (1 + 2 * eta) / 3 bgamma = np.zeros((4, 6)) bgamma[0, 0] = aa bgamma[0, 4] = -b bgamma[2, 2] = .5 bgamma[1, 3] = .5 bgamma[2, 0] = -b bgamma[2, 4] = aa bgamma[3, 0] = -c bgamma[3, 4] = -c # # this is the 3x6 matrix mapping solution to horizontal shear strain # gamma # the four elements of horiz shear are 11, 12, and 22. It is symmetric. bgammah = np.zeros((3, 6)) bgammah[0, 0] = .5 bgammah[0, 4] = -.5 bgammah[1, 1] = .5 bgammah[1, 3] = .5 bgammah[2, 0] = -.5 bgammah[2, 4] = .5 # solution covariance matrix. dim(cp) = 6 * 6 # corresponding to solution elements [u1,1 u1,2 u1,3 u2,1 u2,2 u2,3 ] cp =, cd), g.T) # Covariance of strain tensor elements # ce should be 4x4, correspond to e11, e21, e22, e33 ce =, cp), be.T) # cw should be 3x3 correspond to w21, w31, w32 cw =, cp), bw.T) # cgamma is 4x4 correspond to 11, 12, 22, and 33. cgamma =, cp), bgamma.T) # # cgammah is 3x3 correspond to 11, 12, and 22 cgammah =, cp), bgammah.T) # # # covariance of the horizontal dilatation and the total dilatation # both are 1x1, i.e. scalars cdh = cp[0, 0] + 2 * cp[0, 4] + cp[4, 4] sigmadh = np.sqrt(cdh) # covariance of the (total) dilatation, ts_dd sigmadsq = (1 - eta) ** 2 * cdh sigmad = np.sqrt(sigmadsq) # # cw3, covariance of w3 rotation, i.e. torsion, is 1x1, i.e. scalar cw3 = (cp[1, 1] - 2 * cp[1, 3] + cp[3, 3]) / 4 sigmaw3 = np.sqrt(cw3) # For tilt cannot use same approach because tilt is not a linear function # of the solution. Here is an approximation : # For tilt use conservative estimate from # Papoulis (1965, p. 195, example 7.8) sigmaw1 = np.sqrt(cp[5, 5]) sigmaw2 = np.sqrt(cp[2, 2]) sigmat = max(sigmaw1, sigmaw2) * np.sqrt(2 - np.pi / 2) # # BEGIN LOOP OVER DATA POINTS IN TIME SERIES============================== # for itime in range(nt): # # data vector is differences of stn i displ from stn 1 displ # sum the lengths of the displ difference vectors sumlen = 0 for i in range(_n): udif[0, i] = ts1[itime, subarray[i + 1]] - ts1[itime, subarray[0]] udif[1, i] = ts2[itime, subarray[i + 1]] - ts2[itime, subarray[0]] udif[2, i] = ts3[itime, subarray[i + 1]] - ts3[itime, subarray[0]] sumlen = sumlen + np.sqrt(np.sum(udif[:, i].T ** 2)) data = udif.T.reshape(udif.size) # # form solution # ptilde is (u1,1 u1,2 u1,3 u2,1 u2,2 u2,3).T ptilde =, data) # # place in uij_vector the full 9 elements of the displacement gradients # uij_vector is (u1,1 u1,2 u1,3 u2,1 u2,2 u2,3 u3,1 u3,2 u3,3).T # The following implements the free surface boundary condition u31 = -ptilde[2] u32 = -ptilde[5] u33 = -eta * (ptilde[0] + ptilde[4]) uij_vector = np.r_[ptilde, u31, u32, u33] # # calculate predicted data pred =, ptilde) # 9/8/92.I.3(9) and 8/26/92.I.3.T bottom # # calculate residuals (misfits concatenated for all stations) misfit = pred - data # Calculate ts_m, misfit ratio. # calculate summed length of misfits (residual displacements) misfit_sq = misfit ** 2 misfit_sq = np.reshape(misfit_sq, (_n, 3)).T misfit_sumsq = np.empty(_n) misfit_sumsq.fill(np.NaN) for i in range(_n): misfit_sumsq[i] = misfit_sq[:, i].sum() misfit_len = np.sum(np.sqrt(misfit_sumsq)) ts_m[itime] = misfit_len / sumlen # ts_data[itime, 0:3 * _n] = data.T ts_pred[itime, 0:3 * _n] = pred.T ts_misfit[itime, 0:3 * _n] = misfit.T ts_ptilde[itime, :] = ptilde.T # # --------------------------------------------------------------- # populate the displacement gradient matrix _u _u = np.zeros(9) _u[:] = uij_vector _u = _u.reshape((3, 3)) # # calculate strain tensors # Fung eqn 5.1 p 97 gives dui = (eij-wij)*dxj e = .5 * (_u + _u.T) ts_e[itime] = e # Three components of the rotation vector omega (=w here) w = np.empty(3) w.fill(np.NaN) w[0] = -ptilde[5] w[1] = ptilde[2] w[2] = .5 * (ptilde[3] - ptilde[1]) # amount of total rotation is length of rotation vector ts_wmag[itime] = np.sqrt(np.sum(w ** 2)) # # Calculate tilt and torsion ts_w1[itime] = w[0] ts_w2[itime] = w[1] ts_w3[itime] = w[2] # torsion in radians ts_tilt[itime] = np.sqrt(w[0] ** 2 + w[1] ** 2) # 7/21/06.ii.6(19), amount of tilt in radians # --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Here I calculate horizontal quantities only # ts_dh is horizontal dilatation (+ --> expansion). # Total dilatation, ts_dd, will be calculated outside the time # step loop. # ts_dh[itime] = e[0, 0] + e[1, 1] # # find maximum shear strain in horizontal plane, and find its azimuth eh = np.r_[np.c_[e[0, 0], e[0, 1]], np.c_[e[1, 0], e[1, 1]]] # 7/21/06.ii.2(4) gammah = eh - np.trace(eh) * np.eye(2) / 2. # 9/14/92.ii.4, 7/21/06.ii.2(5) # eigvecs are principal axes, eigvals are principal strains [eigvals, _eigvecs] = np.linalg.eig(gammah) # max shear strain, from Fung (1965, p71, eqn (8) ts_sh[itime] = .5 * (max(eigvals) - min(eigvals)) # calculate max of total shear strain, not just horizontal strain # eigvecs are principal axes, eigvals are principal strains [eigvalt, _eigvect] = np.linalg.eig(e) # max shear strain, from Fung (1965, p71, eqn (8) ts_s[itime] = .5 * (max(eigvalt) - min(eigvalt)) # # ========================================================================= # # (total) dilatation is a scalar times horizontal dilatation owing to there # free surface boundary condition ts_d = ts_dh * (1 - eta) # load output structure out = dict() out['A'] = _a out['g'] = g out['ce'] = ce out['ts_d'] = ts_d out['sigmad'] = sigmad out['ts_dh'] = ts_dh out['sigmadh'] = sigmadh out['ts_s'] = ts_s out['cgamma'] = cgamma out['ts_sh'] = ts_sh out['cgammah'] = cgammah out['ts_wmag'] = ts_wmag out['cw'] = cw out['ts_w1'] = ts_w1 out['sigmaw1'] = sigmaw1 out['ts_w2'] = ts_w2 out['sigmaw2'] = sigmaw2 out['ts_w3'] = ts_w3 out['sigmaw3'] = sigmaw3 out['ts_tilt'] = ts_tilt out['sigmat'] = sigmat out['ts_data'] = ts_data out['ts_pred'] = ts_pred out['ts_misfit'] = ts_misfit out['ts_m'] = ts_m out['ts_e'] = ts_e out['ts_ptilde'] = ts_ptilde out['cp'] = cp out['ts_m'] = ts_m return out
[docs] def get_geometry(stream, coordsys='lonlat', return_center=False, verbose=False): """ Method to calculate the array geometry and the center coordinates in km :param stream: Stream object, the trace.stats dict like class must contain an :class:`~obspy.core.util.attribdict.AttribDict` with 'latitude', 'longitude' (in degrees) and 'elevation' (in km), or 'x', 'y', 'elevation' (in km) items/attributes. See param ``coordsys`` :param coordsys: valid values: 'lonlat' and 'xy', choose which stream attributes to use for coordinates :param return_center: Returns the center coordinates as extra tuple :return: Returns the geometry of the stations as 2d :class:`numpy.ndarray` The first dimension are the station indexes with the same order as the traces in the stream object. The second index are the values of [lat, lon, elev] in km last index contains center [lat, lon, elev] in degrees and km if return_center is true """ nstat = len(stream) center_lat = 0. center_lon = 0. center_h = 0. geometry = np.empty((nstat, 3)) if isinstance(stream, Stream): for i, tr in enumerate(stream): if coordsys == 'lonlat': geometry[i, 0] = tr.stats.coordinates.longitude geometry[i, 1] = tr.stats.coordinates.latitude geometry[i, 2] = tr.stats.coordinates.elevation elif coordsys == 'xy': geometry[i, 0] = tr.stats.coordinates.x geometry[i, 1] = tr.stats.coordinates.y geometry[i, 2] = tr.stats.coordinates.elevation elif isinstance(stream, np.ndarray): geometry = stream.copy() else: raise TypeError('only Stream or numpy.ndarray allowed') if verbose: print("coordsys = " + coordsys) if coordsys == 'lonlat': center_lon = geometry[:, 0].mean() center_lat = geometry[:, 1].mean() center_h = geometry[:, 2].mean() for i in np.arange(nstat): x, y = util_geo_km(center_lon, center_lat, geometry[i, 0], geometry[i, 1]) geometry[i, 0] = x geometry[i, 1] = y geometry[i, 2] -= center_h elif coordsys == 'xy': geometry[:, 0] -= geometry[:, 0].mean() geometry[:, 1] -= geometry[:, 1].mean() geometry[:, 2] -= geometry[:, 2].mean() else: raise ValueError("Coordsys must be one of 'lonlat', 'xy'") if return_center: return np.c_[geometry.T, np.array((center_lon, center_lat, center_h))].T else: return geometry
[docs] def get_timeshift(geometry, sll_x, sll_y, sl_s, grdpts_x, grdpts_y): """ Returns timeshift table for given array geometry :param geometry: Nested list containing the arrays geometry, as returned by get_group_geometry :param sll_x: slowness x min (lower) :param sll_y: slowness y min (lower) :param sl_s: slowness step :param grdpts_x: number of grid points in x direction :param grdpts_x: number of grid points in y direction """ # unoptimized version for reference # nstat = len(geometry) # last index are center coordinates # # time_shift_tbl = np.empty((nstat, grdpts_x, grdpts_y), dtype=np.float32) # for k in xrange(grdpts_x): # sx = sll_x + k * sl_s # for l in xrange(grdpts_y): # sy = sll_y + l * sl_s # time_shift_tbl[:,k,l] = sx * geometry[:, 0] + sy * geometry[:,1] # time_shift_tbl[:, k, l] = sx * geometry[:, 0] + sy * geometry[:, 1] # return time_shift_tbl # optimized version mx = np.outer(geometry[:, 0], sll_x + np.arange(grdpts_x) * sl_s) my = np.outer(geometry[:, 1], sll_y + np.arange(grdpts_y) * sl_s) return np.require( mx[:, :, np.newaxis].repeat(grdpts_y, axis=2) + my[:, np.newaxis, :].repeat(grdpts_x, axis=1), dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def get_spoint(stream, stime, etime): """ Calculates start and end offsets relative to stime and etime for each trace in stream in samples. :type stime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param stime: Start time :type etime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param etime: End time :returns: start and end sample offset arrays """ spoint = np.empty(len(stream), dtype=np.int32, order="C") epoint = np.empty(len(stream), dtype=np.int32, order="C") for i, tr in enumerate(stream): if tr.stats.starttime > stime: msg = "Specified stime %s is smaller than starttime %s in stream" raise ValueError(msg % (stime, tr.stats.starttime)) if tr.stats.endtime < etime: msg = "Specified etime %s is bigger than endtime %s in stream" raise ValueError(msg % (etime, tr.stats.endtime)) # now we have to adjust to the beginning of real start time spoint[i] = int((stime - tr.stats.starttime) * tr.stats.sampling_rate + .5) epoint[i] = int((tr.stats.endtime - etime) * tr.stats.sampling_rate + .5) return spoint, epoint
[docs] def array_transff_wavenumber(coords, klim, kstep, coordsys='lonlat'): """ Returns array transfer function as a function of wavenumber difference :type coords: numpy.ndarray :param coords: coordinates of stations in longitude and latitude in degrees elevation in km, or x, y, z in km :type coordsys: str :param coordsys: valid values: 'lonlat' and 'xy', choose which coordinates to use :param klim: either a float to use symmetric limits for wavenumber differences or the tuple (kxmin, kxmax, kymin, kymax) """ coords = get_geometry(coords, coordsys) if isinstance(klim, float): kxmin = -klim kxmax = klim kymin = -klim kymax = klim elif isinstance(klim, tuple): if len(klim) == 4: kxmin = klim[0] kxmax = klim[1] kymin = klim[2] kymax = klim[3] else: raise TypeError('klim must either be a float or a tuple of length 4') nkx = int(np.ceil((kxmax + kstep / 10. - kxmin) / kstep)) nky = int(np.ceil((kymax + kstep / 10. - kymin) / kstep)) # careful with meshgrid indexing kygrid, kxgrid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(kymin, kymax, nky), np.linspace(kxmin, kxmax, nkx)) ks = np.transpose(np.vstack((kxgrid.flatten(), kygrid.flatten()))) # z coordinate is not used # Bug with numpy 1.14.0 ( # Nothing we can do. if np.__version__ == "1.14.0": # pragma: no cover k_dot_r = np.einsum('ni,mi->nm', ks, coords[:, :2], optimize=False) else: k_dot_r = np.einsum('ni,mi->nm', ks, coords[:, :2]) transff = np.abs(np.sum(np.exp(1j * k_dot_r), axis=1))**2 / len(coords)**2 return transff.reshape(nkx, nky)
[docs] def array_transff_freqslowness(coords, slim, sstep, fmin, fmax, fstep, coordsys='lonlat'): """ Returns array transfer function as a function of slowness difference and frequency. :type coords: numpy.ndarray :param coords: coordinates of stations in longitude and latitude in degrees elevation in km, or x, y, z in km :type coordsys: str :param coordsys: valid values: 'lonlat' and 'xy', choose which coordinates to use :param slim: either a float to use symmetric limits for slowness differences or the tupel (sxmin, sxmax, symin, symax) :type fmin: float :param fmin: minimum frequency in signal :type fmax: float :param fmax: maximum frequency in signal :type fstep: float :param fstep: frequency sample distance """ coords = get_geometry(coords, coordsys) if isinstance(slim, float): sxmin = -slim sxmax = slim symin = -slim symax = slim elif isinstance(slim, tuple): if len(slim) == 4: sxmin = slim[0] sxmax = slim[1] symin = slim[2] symax = slim[3] else: raise TypeError('slim must either be a float or a tuple of length 4') nsx = int(np.ceil((sxmax + sstep / 10. - sxmin) / sstep)) nsy = int(np.ceil((symax + sstep / 10. - symin) / sstep)) nf = int(np.ceil((fmax + fstep / 10. - fmin) / fstep)) transff = np.empty((nsx, nsy)) buff = np.zeros(nf) for i, sx in enumerate(np.arange(sxmin, sxmax + sstep / 10., sstep)): for j, sy in enumerate(np.arange(symin, symax + sstep / 10., sstep)): for k, f in enumerate(np.arange(fmin, fmax + fstep / 10., fstep)): _sum = 0j for l in np.arange(len(coords)): # NOQA _sum += np.exp( complex(0., (coords[l, 0] * sx + coords[l, 1] * sy) * 2 * np.pi * f)) buff[k] = abs(_sum) ** 2 transff[i, j] = cumulative_trapezoid(buff, dx=fstep)[-1] transff /= transff.max() return transff
[docs] def dump(pow_map, apow_map, i): """ Example function to use with `store` kwarg in :func:`~obspy.signal.array_analysis.array_processing`. """ np.savez('pow_map_%d.npz' % i, pow_map) np.savez('apow_map_%d.npz' % i, apow_map)
[docs] def array_processing(stream, win_len, win_frac, sll_x, slm_x, sll_y, slm_y, sl_s, semb_thres, vel_thres, frqlow, frqhigh, stime, etime, prewhiten, verbose=False, coordsys='lonlat', timestamp='mlabday', method=0, store=None): """ Method for Seismic-Array-Beamforming/FK-Analysis/Capon :param stream: Stream object, the trace.stats dict like class must contain an :class:`~obspy.core.util.attribdict.AttribDict` with 'latitude', 'longitude' (in degrees) and 'elevation' (in km), or 'x', 'y', 'elevation' (in km) items/attributes. See param ``coordsys``. :type win_len: float :param win_len: Sliding window length in seconds :type win_frac: float :param win_frac: Fraction of sliding window to use for step :type sll_x: float :param sll_x: slowness x min (lower) :type slm_x: float :param slm_x: slowness x max :type sll_y: float :param sll_y: slowness y min (lower) :type slm_y: float :param slm_y: slowness y max :type sl_s: float :param sl_s: slowness step :type semb_thres: float :param semb_thres: Threshold for semblance :type vel_thres: float :param vel_thres: Threshold for velocity :type frqlow: float :param frqlow: lower frequency for fk/capon :type frqhigh: float :param frqhigh: higher frequency for fk/capon :type stime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param stime: Start time of interest :type etime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param etime: End time of interest :type prewhiten: int :param prewhiten: Do prewhitening, values: 1 or 0 :param coordsys: valid values: 'lonlat' and 'xy', choose which stream attributes to use for coordinates :type timestamp: str :param timestamp: valid values: 'julsec' and 'mlabday'; 'julsec' returns the timestamp in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00, 'mlabday' returns the timestamp in days (decimals represent hours, minutes and seconds) since the start of the used matplotlib time epoch :type method: int :param method: the method to use 0 == bf, 1 == capon :type store: callable :param store: A custom function which gets called on each iteration. It is called with the relative power map and the time offset as first and second arguments and the iteration number as third argument. Useful for storing or plotting the map for each iteration. For this purpose the dump function of this module can be used. :return: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of timestamp, relative relpow, absolute relpow, backazimuth, slowness """ res = [] eotr = True # check that sampling rates do not vary fs = stream[0].stats.sampling_rate if len(stream) != len( msg = 'in sonic sampling rates of traces in stream are not equal' raise ValueError(msg) grdpts_x = int(((slm_x - sll_x) / sl_s + 0.5) + 1) grdpts_y = int(((slm_y - sll_y) / sl_s + 0.5) + 1) geometry = get_geometry(stream, coordsys=coordsys, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print("geometry:") print(geometry) print("stream contains following traces:") print(stream) print("stime = " + str(stime) + ", etime = " + str(etime)) time_shift_table = get_timeshift(geometry, sll_x, sll_y, sl_s, grdpts_x, grdpts_y) # offset of arrays spoint, _epoint = get_spoint(stream, stime, etime) # # loop with a sliding window over the dat trace array and apply bbfk # nstat = len(stream) fs = stream[0].stats.sampling_rate nsamp = int(win_len * fs) nstep = int(nsamp * win_frac) # generate plan for rfftr nfft = next_pow_2(nsamp) deltaf = fs / float(nfft) nlow = int(frqlow / float(deltaf) + 0.5) nhigh = int(frqhigh / float(deltaf) + 0.5) nlow = max(1, nlow) # avoid using the offset nhigh = min(nfft // 2 - 1, nhigh) # avoid using nyquist nf = nhigh - nlow + 1 # include upper and lower frequency # to speed up the routine a bit we estimate all steering vectors in advance steer = np.empty((nf, grdpts_x, grdpts_y, nstat), dtype=np.complex128) clibsignal.calcSteer(nstat, grdpts_x, grdpts_y, nf, nlow, deltaf, time_shift_table, steer) _r = np.empty((nf, nstat, nstat), dtype=np.complex128) ft = np.empty((nstat, nf), dtype=np.complex128) newstart = stime # 0.22 matches 0.2 of historical C bbfk.c tap = cosine_taper(nsamp, p=0.22) offset = 0 relpow_map = np.empty((grdpts_x, grdpts_y), dtype=np.float64) abspow_map = np.empty((grdpts_x, grdpts_y), dtype=np.float64) while eotr: try: for i, tr in enumerate(stream): dat =[spoint[i] + offset: spoint[i] + offset + nsamp] dat = (dat - dat.mean()) * tap ft[i, :] = np.fft.rfft(dat, nfft)[nlow:nlow + nf] except IndexError: break ft = np.ascontiguousarray(ft, np.complex128) relpow_map.fill(0.) abspow_map.fill(0.) # computing the covariances of the signal at different receivers dpow = 0. for i in range(nstat): for j in range(i, nstat): _r[:, i, j] = ft[i, :] * ft[j, :].conj() if method == 1: _r[:, i, j] /= np.abs(_r[:, i, j].sum()) if i != j: _r[:, j, i] = _r[:, i, j].conjugate() else: dpow += np.abs(_r[:, i, j].sum()) dpow *= nstat if method == 1: # P(f) = 1/(e.H R(f)^-1 e) for n in range(nf): _r[n, :, :] = np.linalg.pinv(_r[n, :, :], rcond=1e-6) errcode = clibsignal.generalizedBeamformer( relpow_map, abspow_map, steer, _r, nstat, prewhiten, grdpts_x, grdpts_y, nf, dpow, method) if errcode != 0: msg = 'generalizedBeamforming exited with error %d' raise Exception(msg % errcode) ix, iy = np.unravel_index(relpow_map.argmax(), relpow_map.shape) relpow, abspow = relpow_map[ix, iy], abspow_map[ix, iy] if store is not None: store(relpow_map, abspow_map, offset) # here we compute baz, slow slow_x = sll_x + ix * sl_s slow_y = sll_y + iy * sl_s slow = np.sqrt(slow_x ** 2 + slow_y ** 2) if slow < 1e-8: slow = 1e-8 azimut = 180 * math.atan2(slow_x, slow_y) / math.pi baz = azimut % -360 + 180 if relpow > semb_thres and 1. / slow > vel_thres: res.append(np.array([newstart.timestamp, relpow, abspow, baz, slow])) if verbose: print(newstart, (newstart + (nsamp / fs)), res[-1][1:]) if (newstart + (nsamp + nstep) / fs) > etime: eotr = False offset += nstep newstart += nstep / fs res = np.array(res) if timestamp == 'julsec': pass elif timestamp == 'mlabday': res[:, 0] = res[:, 0] / (24. * 3600) + datestr2num('1970-01-01') else: msg = "Option timestamp must be one of 'julsec', or 'mlabday'" raise ValueError(msg) return np.array(res)