

Print header values.

Default is all non-null values.



Which header fields to you want to list. Choose one of {‘all’, ‘picks’} or iterable of header fields. An iterable of header fields can look like ‘bea’ or (‘b’, ‘e’, ‘a’).

’all’ (default) prints all non-null values. ‘picks’ prints fields which are used to define time picks.

An iterable of header fields can look like ‘bea’ or (‘b’, ‘e’, ‘a’).


>>> from obspy.core.util import get_example_file
>>> file_ = get_example_file("LMOW.BHE.SAC")
>>> sac = SACTrace.read(file_)
>>> sac.lh()  
Reference Time = 04/10/2001 (100) 00:23:00.465000
   iztype IB: begin time
a          = 0.0
b          = 0.0
delta      = 0.009999999...
depmax     = 0.003305610...
depmen     = 0.00243799...
depmin     = 0.00148824...
e          = 0.98999997...
iftype     = itime
iztype     = ib
kcmpnm     = BHE
kevnm      = None
kstnm      = LMOW
lcalda     = True
leven      = True
lpspol     = False
nevid      = 0
norid      = 0
npts       = 100
nvhdr      = 6
nzhour     = 0
nzjday     = 100
nzmin      = 23
nzmsec     = 465
nzsec      = 0
nzyear     = 2001
stla       = -39.409999...
stlo       = 175.75
unused23   = 0