Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CMTSOLUTION file format support for ObsPy.

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import math
import uuid
import warnings

from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.event import (Catalog, Comment, Event, EventDescription,
                              Origin, Magnitude, FocalMechanism, MomentTensor,
                              Tensor, SourceTimeFunction)
from obspy.geodetics import FlinnEngdahl

_fe = FlinnEngdahl()

[docs]def _get_resource_id(cmtname, res_type, tag=None): """ Helper function to create consistent resource ids. """ res_id = "smi:local/cmtsolution/%s/%s" % (cmtname, res_type) if tag is not None: res_id += "#" + tag return res_id
[docs]def _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, function, reset_fp=True, file_mode="rb", *args, **kwargs): """ Calls a function with an open file or file-like object as the first argument. If the file originally was a filename, the file will be opened, otherwise it will just be passed to the underlying function. :param filename_or_buf: File to pass. :type filename_or_buf: str, open file, or file-like object :param function: The function to call. :param reset_fp: If True, the file pointer will be set to the initial position after the function has been called. :type reset_fp: bool :param file_mode: Mode to open file in if necessary. """ try: position = filename_or_buf.tell() is_buffer = True except AttributeError: is_buffer = False if is_buffer is True: ret_val = function(filename_or_buf, *args, **kwargs) if reset_fp:, 0) return ret_val else: with open(filename_or_buf, file_mode) as fh: return function(fh, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def _is_cmtsolution(filename_or_buf): """ Checks if the file is a CMTSOLUTION file. :param filename_or_buf: File to test. :type filename_or_buf: str or file-like object """ try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") return _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, _internal_is_cmtsolution, reset_fp=True) # Happens for example when passing the data as a string which would be # interpreted as a filename. except OSError: return False
[docs]def _internal_is_cmtsolution(buf): """ Checks if the file is a CMTSOLUTION file. :param buf: File to check. :type buf: open file or file-like object """ # The file format is so simple. Just attempt to read the first event. If # it passes it will be read again but that has really no # significant performance impact. try: _internal_read_single_cmtsolution(buf) return True except Exception: return False
[docs]def _read_cmtsolution(filename_or_buf, **kwargs): """ Reads a CMTSOLUTION file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. :param filename_or_buf: File to read. :type filename_or_buf: str or file-like object """ return _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, _internal_read_cmtsolution, **kwargs)
[docs]def _internal_read_cmtsolution(buf, **kwargs): """ Reads a CMTSOLUTION file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. :param buf: File to read. :type buf: open file or file-like object """ events = [] cur_pos = buf.tell() # This also works with BytesIO and what not., 2) size = buf.tell(), 0) # This is pretty inefficient due to all the file pointer jumping but # performance is really the least of our concerns. Also most performance # is still lost initializing the large ObsPy event objects. while True: if buf.tell() >= size: break line = buf.readline().strip() # If there is something, jump back to the beginning of the line and # read the next event. if line:, 0) events.append(_internal_read_single_cmtsolution(buf)) cur_pos = buf.tell() return Catalog(resource_id=_get_resource_id("catalog", str(uuid.uuid4())), events=events)
[docs]def _internal_read_single_cmtsolution(buf): """ Reads a single CMTSOLUTION file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. :param buf: File to read. :type buf: open file or file-like object """ # The first line encodes the preliminary epicenter. line = buf.readline() hypocenter_catalog = line[:5].strip().decode() origin_time = line[5:].strip().split()[:6] values = list(map(int, origin_time[:-1])) + \ [float(origin_time[-1])] try: origin_time = UTCDateTime(*values) except (TypeError, ValueError): warnings.warn("Could not determine origin time from line: %s. Will " "be set to zero." % line) origin_time = UTCDateTime(0) line = line[28:].split() latitude, longitude, depth, body_wave_mag, surface_wave_mag = \ map(float, line[:5]) # The rest encodes the centroid solution. event_name = buf.readline().strip().split()[-1].decode() preliminary_origin = Origin( resource_id=_get_resource_id(event_name, "origin", tag="prelim"), time=origin_time, longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude, # Depth is in meters. depth=depth * 1000.0, origin_type="hypocenter", region=_fe.get_region(longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude), evaluation_status="preliminary" ) preliminary_bw_magnitude = Magnitude( resource_id=_get_resource_id(event_name, "magnitude", tag="prelim_bw"), mag=body_wave_mag, magnitude_type="Mb", evaluation_status="preliminary", origin_id=preliminary_origin.resource_id) preliminary_sw_magnitude = Magnitude( resource_id=_get_resource_id(event_name, "magnitude", tag="prelim_sw"), mag=surface_wave_mag, magnitude_type="MS", evaluation_status="preliminary", origin_id=preliminary_origin.resource_id) values = ["time_shift", "half_duration", "latitude", "longitude", "depth", "m_rr", "m_tt", "m_pp", "m_rt", "m_rp", "m_tp"] cmt_values = {_i: float(buf.readline().strip().split()[-1]) for _i in values} # Moment magnitude calculation in dyne * cm. m_0 = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0) * math.sqrt( cmt_values["m_rr"] ** 2 + cmt_values["m_tt"] ** 2 + cmt_values["m_pp"] ** 2 + 2.0 * cmt_values["m_rt"] ** 2 + 2.0 * cmt_values["m_rp"] ** 2 + 2.0 * cmt_values["m_tp"] ** 2) m_w = 2.0 / 3.0 * (math.log10(m_0) - 16.1) # Convert to meters. cmt_values["depth"] *= 1000.0 # Convert to Newton meter. values = ["m_rr", "m_tt", "m_pp", "m_rt", "m_rp", "m_tp"] for value in values: cmt_values[value] /= 1E7 cmt_origin = Origin( resource_id=_get_resource_id(event_name, "origin", tag="cmt"), time=origin_time + cmt_values["time_shift"], longitude=cmt_values["longitude"], latitude=cmt_values["latitude"], depth=cmt_values["depth"], origin_type="centroid", # Could rarely be different than the epicentral region. region=_fe.get_region(longitude=cmt_values["longitude"], latitude=cmt_values["latitude"]) # No evaluation status as it could be any of several and the file # format does not provide that information. ) cmt_mag = Magnitude( resource_id=_get_resource_id(event_name, "magnitude", tag="mw"), # Round to 2 digits. mag=round(m_w, 2), magnitude_type="mw", origin_id=cmt_origin.resource_id ) foc_mec = FocalMechanism( resource_id=_get_resource_id(event_name, "focal_mechanism"), # The preliminary origin most likely triggered the focal mechanism # determination. triggering_origin_id=preliminary_origin.resource_id ) tensor = Tensor( m_rr=cmt_values["m_rr"], m_pp=cmt_values["m_pp"], m_tt=cmt_values["m_tt"], m_rt=cmt_values["m_rt"], m_rp=cmt_values["m_rp"], m_tp=cmt_values["m_tp"] ) # Source time function is a triangle, according to the SPECFEM manual. stf = SourceTimeFunction( type="triangle", # The duration is twice the half duration. duration=2.0 * cmt_values["half_duration"] ) mt = MomentTensor( resource_id=_get_resource_id(event_name, "moment_tensor"), derived_origin_id=cmt_origin.resource_id, moment_magnitude_id=cmt_mag.resource_id, # Convert to Nm. scalar_moment=m_0 / 1E7, tensor=tensor, source_time_function=stf ) # Assemble everything. foc_mec.moment_tensor = mt ev = Event(resource_id=_get_resource_id(event_name, "event"), event_type="earthquake") ev.event_descriptions.append(EventDescription(text=event_name, type="earthquake name")) ev.comments.append(Comment( text="Hypocenter catalog: %s" % hypocenter_catalog, force_resource_id=False)) ev.magnitudes.append(cmt_mag) ev.magnitudes.append(preliminary_bw_magnitude) ev.magnitudes.append(preliminary_sw_magnitude) ev.focal_mechanisms.append(foc_mec) # Set the preferred items. ev.preferred_origin_id = ev.preferred_magnitude_id = ev.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = ev.scope_resource_ids() return ev
[docs]def _write_cmtsolution(catalog, filename_or_buf, **kwargs): """ Write an event to a file. :param catalog: The catalog to write. Can only contain one event. :type catalog: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` :param filename_or_buf: Filename or file-like object to write to. :type filename_or_buf: str, open file, or file-like object """ return _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, _internal_write_cmtsolution, file_mode="wb", catalog=catalog, **kwargs)
[docs]def _internal_write_cmtsolution(buf, catalog, **kwargs): """ Write events to a file. :param buf: File to write to. :type buf: open file or file-like object :param catalog: The catalog to write. :type catalog: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` """ # Some sanity checks. if len(catalog) < 1: raise ValueError("Catalog must contain at least one event") for event in catalog: _internal_write_single_cmtsolution(buf, event) # Add an empty line between events. if len(catalog) > 1: buf.write(b"\n")
[docs]def _internal_write_single_cmtsolution(buf, event, **kwargs): """ Write an event to a file. :param buf: File to write to. :type buf: open file or file-like object :param event: The event to write. :type event: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` """ if not event.focal_mechanisms: raise ValueError("Event must contain a focal mechanism.") foc_mec = event.preferred_focal_mechanism() or event.focal_mechanisms[0] if not foc_mec.moment_tensor: raise ValueError("The preferred or first focal mechanism must " "contain a moment tensor.") mt = foc_mec.moment_tensor if not mt.tensor: raise ValueError("The preferred or first focal mechanism must " "contain a moment tensor element with an actual " "tensor.") if not raise ValueError("Event must have at least one origin.") if not event.magnitudes: raise ValueError("Event must have at least one magnitude.") # Attempt to get the body and surface wave magnitudes. mb_candidates = \ [_i for _i in event.magnitudes if _i.magnitude_type == "Mb"] ms_candidates = \ [_i for _i in event.magnitudes if _i.magnitude_type == "MS"] if not mb_candidates: warnings.warn("No body wave magnitude found. Will be replaced by the " "first magnitude in the event object.") mb_mag = event.magnitudes[0] else: mb_mag = mb_candidates[0] if not ms_candidates: warnings.warn("No surface wave magnitude found. Will be replaced by " "the first magnitude in the event object.") ms_mag = event.magnitudes[0] else: ms_mag = ms_candidates[0] # Now find the cmt origin. First attempt to get the derived origin of # the moment tensor, if mt.derived_origin_id: cmt_origin = mt.derived_origin_id.get_referred_object() # Otherwise try to find the first one that is CMT else: candidates = [_i for _i in if _i.origin_type == "centroid"] if candidates: warnings.warn("No derived origin attached to the moment tensor. " "Will instead use another centroid origin to be " "written to the file.") cmt_origin = candidates[0] # Otherwise just take the preferred or first one. else: warnings.warn("Could not find a centroid origin. Will instead " "assume that the preferred or first origin is the " "centroid origin.") cmt_origin = event.preferred_origin() or[0] # Next step is to find a hypocentral origin. candidates = [_i for _i in if _i.origin_type == "hypocenter"] if candidates: hypo_origin = candidates[0] # Otherwise get the first one that is not equal to the CMT origin. else: if len( == 1: warnings.warn("Hypocentral origin will be identical to the " "centroid one.") hypo_origin =[0] else: warnings.warn("No hypocentral origin could be found. Will choose " "the first one that is not identical to the " "centroid origin.") hypo_origin = [_i for _i in if _i != cmt_origin][0] # Try to find the half duration. if mt.source_time_function: if mt.source_time_function.duration: half_duration = mt.source_time_function.duration / 2.0 else: warnings.warn("Source time function has no duration. The half " "duration will be set to 1.0.") half_duration = 1.0 else: warnings.warn("Moment tensor has no source time function. Half " "duration will be set to 1.0.") half_duration = 1.0 # Now attempt to retrieve the event name. Otherwise just get a random one. event_name = None if event.event_descriptions: candidates = [_i for _i in event.event_descriptions if _i.type == "earthquake name"] if candidates: event_name = candidates[0].text if event_name is None: event_name = str(uuid.uuid4())[:6].upper() # Also attempt to retrieve the determination type. hypocenter_catalog = "PDE" if event.comments: candidates = [ _i for _i in event.comments if _i.text.lower().strip().startswith("hypocenter catalog:")] if candidates: hypocenter_catalog = \ candidates[0].text.strip().split(":")[-1].upper() template = ( "{hypocenter_catalog:>4} {year:4d} {month:02d} {day:02d} {hour:02d} " "{minute:02d} {second:05.2f} " "{latitude:9.4f} {longitude:9.4f} {depth:5.1f} {mb:.1f} {ms:.1f} " "{region}\n" "event name:{event_name:>17}\n" "time shift:{time_shift:17.4f}\n" "half duration:{half_duration:14.4f}\n" "latitude:{cmt_latitude:19.4f}\n" "longitude:{cmt_longitude:18.4f}\n" "depth:{cmt_depth:22.4f}\n" "Mrr:{m_rr:24.6E}\n" "Mtt:{m_tt:24.6E}\n" "Mpp:{m_pp:24.6E}\n" "Mrt:{m_rt:24.6E}\n" "Mrp:{m_rp:24.6E}\n" "Mtp:{m_tp:24.6E}\n" ) template = template.format( hypocenter_catalog=hypocenter_catalog, year=hypo_origin.time.year, month=hypo_origin.time.month,, hour=hypo_origin.time.hour, minute=hypo_origin.time.minute, second=float(hypo_origin.time.second) + hypo_origin.time.microsecond / 1E6, latitude=hypo_origin.latitude, longitude=hypo_origin.longitude, depth=hypo_origin.depth / 1000.0, mb=mb_mag.mag, ms=ms_mag.mag, region=_fe.get_region(longitude=hypo_origin.longitude, latitude=hypo_origin.latitude), event_name=event_name, time_shift=cmt_origin.time - hypo_origin.time, half_duration=half_duration, cmt_latitude=cmt_origin.latitude, cmt_longitude=cmt_origin.longitude, cmt_depth=cmt_origin.depth / 1000.0, # Convert to dyne * cm. m_rr=mt.tensor.m_rr * 1E7, m_tt=mt.tensor.m_tt * 1E7, m_pp=mt.tensor.m_pp * 1E7, m_rt=mt.tensor.m_rt * 1E7, m_rp=mt.tensor.m_rp * 1E7, m_tp=mt.tensor.m_tp * 1E7 ) # Write to a buffer/file opened in binary mode. buf.write(template.encode())