Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
IASPEI Seismic Format (ISF) support for ObsPy

Currently only supports reading IMS1.0 bulletin files.

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import warnings

from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.event import (
    Catalog, Event, Origin, Comment, EventDescription, OriginUncertainty,
    QuantityError, OriginQuality, CreationInfo, Magnitude, ResourceIdentifier,
    Pick, StationMagnitude, WaveformStreamID, Amplitude)
from obspy.core.util.obspy_types import ObsPyReadingError
from .util import (
    float_or_none, int_or_none, fixed_flag, evaluation_mode_and_status,

PICK_EVALUATION_MODE = {'m': 'manual', 'a': 'automatic', '_': None, '': None}
POLARITY = {'c': 'positive', 'd': 'negative', '_': None, '': None}
ONSET = {'i': 'impulsive', 'e': 'emergent', 'q': 'questionable', '_': None,
         '': None}
    "uk": (None, None),
    "de": ("earthquake", "known"),
    "fe": ("earthquake", "known"),
    "ke": ("earthquake", "known"),
    "se": ("earthquake", "suspected"),
    "kr": ("rock burst", "known"),
    "sr": ("rock burst", "suspected"),
    "ki": ("induced or triggered event", "known"),
    "si": ("induced or triggered event", "suspected"),
    "km": ("mining explosion", "known"),
    "sm": ("mining explosion", "suspected"),
    "kh": ("chemical explosion", "known"),
    "sh": ("chemical explosion", "suspected"),
    "kx": ("experimental explosion", "known"),
    "sx": ("experimental explosion", "suspected"),
    "kn": ("nuclear explosion", "known"),
    "sn": ("nuclear explosion", "suspected"),
    "ls": ("landslide", "known"),
    "": (None, None),
LOCATION_METHODS = {'i': 'inversion', 'p': 'pattern recognition',
                    'g': 'ground truth', 'o': 'other', '': None}

[docs]class ISFEndOfFile(StopIteration): pass
[docs]def _decode_if_possible(value, encoding="UTF-8"): try: return value.decode(encoding) except Exception: return value
[docs]class ISFReader(object): encoding = 'UTF-8' resource_id_prefix = 'smi:local'
[docs] def __init__(self, fh, **kwargs): self.lines = [_decode_if_possible(line, self.encoding).rstrip() for line in fh.readlines() if line.strip()] = Catalog() self._no_uuid_hashes = kwargs.get('_no_uuid_hashes', False)
[docs] def deserialize(self): if not self.lines: raise ObsPyReadingError() line = self._get_next_line() if not line.startswith('DATA_TYPE BULLETIN IMS1.0:short'): raise ObsPyReadingError() try: self._deserialize() except ISFEndOfFile: pass return
[docs] def _deserialize(self): line = self._get_next_line() catalog_description = line.strip() = catalog_description if not self.lines[0].startswith('Event'): raise ObsPyReadingError() # get next line stops the loop eventually, raising a controlled # exception while True: next_line_type = self._next_line_type() if next_line_type == 'event': # scope last event when a new one starts # avoid trying to do it when starting to read first event, # which results in index error if len([-1].scope_resource_ids() self._read_event_header() elif next_line_type: self._process_block() else: raise ObsPyReadingError # scope last event when no new events are encountered anymore # in principle we should get rid of the above scoping and should just # scope every event at the end in a loop? not sure if this has negative # side effects so doing it like this for now, just fixing the # IndexError for first event above if len([-1].scope_resource_ids()
[docs] def _construct_id(self, parts, add_hash=False): id_ = '/'.join([str(] + list(parts)) if add_hash and not self._no_uuid_hashes: id_ = str(ResourceIdentifier(prefix=id_)) return id_
[docs] def _get_next_line(self): if not self.lines: raise ISFEndOfFile line = self.lines.pop(0) if line.startswith('STOP'): raise ISFEndOfFile return line
[docs] def _read_event_header(self): line = self._get_next_line() event_id = self._construct_id(['event', line[6:14].strip()]) region = line[15:80].strip() event = Event( resource_id=event_id, event_descriptions=[EventDescription(text=region, type='region name')])
[docs] def _next_line_type(self): if not self.lines: raise ISFEndOfFile return _block_header(self.lines[0])
[docs] def _process_block(self): if not raise ObsPyReadingError line = self._get_next_line() block_type = _block_header(line) # read origins block if block_type == 'origins': self._read_origins() # read publications block elif block_type == 'bibliography': self._read_bibliography() # read magnitudes block elif block_type == 'magnitudes': self._read_magnitudes() # read phases block elif block_type == 'phases': self._read_phases() # unexpected block header line else: msg = ('Unexpected line while reading file (line will be ' 'ignored):\n' + line) warnings.warn(msg)
[docs] def _read_phases(self): event =[-1] while not self._next_line_type(): line = self._get_next_line() if line.strip().startswith('('): comment = self._parse_generic_comment(line) event.picks[-1].comments.append(comment) continue pick, amplitude, station_magnitude = self._parse_phase(line) if (pick, amplitude, station_magnitude) == (None, None, None): continue event.picks.append(pick) if amplitude: event.amplitudes.append(amplitude) if station_magnitude: event.station_magnitudes.append(station_magnitude) continue
[docs] def _read_origins(self): event =[-1] origins = [] event_types_certainties = [] # just in case origin block is at end of file, make sure the event type # routine below gets executed, even if next line is EOF at some point try: while not self._next_line_type(): line = self._get_next_line() if line.strip().startswith('('): origins[-1].comments.append( self._parse_generic_comment(line)) continue origin, event_type, event_type_certainty = \ self._parse_origin(line) origins.append(origin) event_types_certainties.append( (event_type, event_type_certainty)) continue finally: # check event types/certainties for consistency event_types = set(type_ for type_, _ in event_types_certainties) event_types.discard(None) if len(event_types) == 1: event_type = event_types.pop() certainties = set( cert for type_, cert in event_types_certainties if type_ == event_type) if "known" in certainties: event_type_certainty = "known" elif "suspected" in certainties: event_type_certainty = "suspected" else: event_type_certainty = None else: event_type = None event_type_certainty = None event.event_type = event_type event.event_type_certainty = event_type_certainty
[docs] def _read_magnitudes(self): event =[-1] while not self._next_line_type(): line = self._get_next_line() if line.strip().startswith('('): event.magnitudes[-1].comments.append( self._parse_generic_comment(line)) continue event.magnitudes.append(self._parse_magnitude(line)) continue
[docs] def _read_bibliography(self): event =[-1] while not self._next_line_type(): line = self._get_next_line() if line.strip().startswith('('): # TODO parse bibliography comment blocks continue event.comments.append(self._parse_bibliography_item(line)) continue
[docs] def _make_comment(self, text): id_ = self._construct_id(['comment'], add_hash=True) comment = Comment(text=text, resource_id=id_) return comment
[docs] def _parse_bibliography_item(self, line): return self._make_comment(line)
[docs] def _parse_origin(self, line): # 1-10 i4,a1,i2,a1,i2 epicenter date (yyyy/mm/dd) # 12-22 i2,a1,i2,a1,f5.2 epicenter time ( time = UTCDateTime.strptime(line[:17], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:') time += float(line[17:22]) # 23 a1 fixed flag (f = fixed origin time solution, blank if # not a fixed origin time) time_fixed = fixed_flag(line[22]) # 25-29 f5.2 origin time error (seconds; blank if fixed origin time) time_error = float_or_none(line[24:29]) time_error = time_error and QuantityError(uncertainty=time_error) # 31-35 f5.2 root mean square of time residuals (seconds) rms = float_or_none(line[30:35]) # 37-44 f8.4 latitude (negative for South) latitude = float_or_none(line[36:44]) # 46-54 f9.4 longitude (negative for West) longitude = float_or_none(line[45:54]) # 55 a1 fixed flag (f = fixed epicenter solution, blank if not # a fixed epicenter solution) epicenter_fixed = fixed_flag(line[54]) # 56-60 f5.1 semi-major axis of 90% ellipse or its estimate # (km, blank if fixed epicenter) _uncertainty_major_m = float_or_none(line[55:60], multiplier=1e3) # 62-66 f5.1 semi-minor axis of 90% ellipse or its estimate # (km, blank if fixed epicenter) _uncertainty_minor_m = float_or_none(line[61:66], multiplier=1e3) # 68-70 i3 strike (0 <= x <= 360) of error ellipse clock-wise from # North (degrees) _uncertainty_major_azimuth = float_or_none(line[67:70]) # 72-76 f5.1 depth (km) depth = float_or_none(line[71:76], multiplier=1e3) # 77 a1 fixed flag (f = fixed depth station, d = depth phases, # blank if not a fixed depth) epicenter_fixed = fixed_flag(line[76]) # 79-82 f4.1 depth error 90% (km; blank if fixed depth) depth_error = float_or_none(line[78:82], multiplier=1e3) # 84-87 i4 number of defining phases used_phase_count = int_or_none(line[83:87]) # 89-92 i4 number of defining stations used_station_count = int_or_none(line[88:92]) # 94-96 i3 gap in azimuth coverage (degrees) azimuthal_gap = float_or_none(line[93:96]) # 98-103 f6.2 distance to closest station (degrees) minimum_distance = float_or_none(line[97:103]) # 105-110 f6.2 distance to furthest station (degrees) maximum_distance = float_or_none(line[104:110]) # 112 a1 analysis type: (a = automatic, m = manual, g = guess) evaluation_mode, evaluation_status = \ evaluation_mode_and_status(line[111]) # 114 a1 location method: (i = inversion, p = pattern # recognition, g = ground truth, o = # other) location_method = LOCATION_METHODS[line[113].strip().lower()] # 116-117 a2 event type: # XXX event type and event type certainty is specified per origin, # XXX not sure how to bset handle this, for now only use it if # XXX information on the individual origins do not clash.. not sure yet # XXX how to identify the preferred origin.. event_type, event_type_certainty = \ EVENT_TYPE_CERTAINTY[line[115:117].strip().lower()] # 119-127 a9 author of the origin author = line[118:127].strip() # 129-136 a8 origin identification origin_id = self._construct_id(['origin', line[128:136].strip()]) # do some combinations depth_error = depth_error and dict(uncertainty=depth_error, confidence_level=90) if all(v is not None for v in (_uncertainty_major_m, _uncertainty_minor_m, _uncertainty_major_azimuth)): origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty( min_horizontal_uncertainty=_uncertainty_minor_m, max_horizontal_uncertainty=_uncertainty_major_m, azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty=_uncertainty_major_azimuth, preferred_description='uncertainty ellipse', confidence_level=90) # event init always sets an empty QuantityError, even when # specifying None, which is strange for key in ['confidence_ellipsoid']: setattr(origin_uncertainty, key, None) else: origin_uncertainty = None origin_quality = OriginQuality( standard_error=rms, used_phase_count=used_phase_count, used_station_count=used_station_count, azimuthal_gap=azimuthal_gap, minimum_distance=minimum_distance, maximum_distance=maximum_distance) comments = [] if location_method: comments.append( self._make_comment('location method: ' + location_method)) if author: creation_info = CreationInfo(author=author) else: creation_info = None # assemble whole event origin = Origin( time=time, resource_id=origin_id, longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude, depth=depth, depth_errors=depth_error, origin_uncertainty=origin_uncertainty, time_fixed=time_fixed, epicenter_fixed=epicenter_fixed, origin_quality=origin_quality, comments=comments, creation_info=creation_info) # event init always sets an empty QuantityError, even when specifying # None, which is strange for key in ('time_errors', 'longitude_errors', 'latitude_errors', 'depth_errors'): setattr(origin, key, None) return origin, event_type, event_type_certainty
[docs] def _parse_magnitude(self, line): # 1-5 a5 magnitude type (mb, Ms, ML, mbmle, msmle) magnitude_type = line[0:5].strip() # 6 a1 min max indicator (<, >, or blank) # TODO figure out the meaning of this min max indicator min_max_indicator = line[5:6].strip() # 7-10 f4.1 magnitude value mag = float_or_none(line[6:10]) # 12-14 f3.1 standard magnitude error mag_errors = float_or_none(line[11:14]) # 16-19 i4 number of stations used to calculate magni-tude station_count = int_or_none(line[15:19]) # 21-29 a9 author of the origin author = line[20:29].strip() # 31-38 a8 origin identification origin_id = line[30:38].strip() # process items if author: creation_info = CreationInfo(author=author) else: creation_info = None mag_errors = mag_errors and QuantityError(uncertainty=mag_errors) if origin_id: origin_id = self._construct_id(['origin', origin_id]) else: origin_id = None if not magnitude_type: magnitude_type = None # magnitudes have no id field, so construct a unique one at least resource_id = self._construct_id(['magnitude'], add_hash=True) if min_max_indicator: msg = 'Magnitude min/max indicator field not yet implemented' warnings.warn(msg) # combine and return mag = Magnitude( magnitude_type=magnitude_type, mag=mag, station_count=station_count, creation_info=creation_info, mag_errors=mag_errors, origin_id=origin_id, resource_id=resource_id) # event init always sets an empty QuantityError, even when specifying # None, which is strange for key in ['mag_errors']: setattr(mag, key, None) return mag
[docs] def _get_pick_time(self, my_string): """ Look up absolute time of pick including date, based on the time-of-day only representation in the phase line Returns absolute pick time or None if it can not be determined safely. """ if not my_string.strip(): return None # TODO maybe we should defer phases block parsing.. but that will make # the whole reading more complex if not msg = ('Can not parse phases block before parsing origins block, ' 'because phase lines do not contain date information, only ' 'time-of-day') raise NotImplementedError(msg) origin_times = [origin.time for origin in[-1].origins] if not origin_times: msg = ('Can not parse phases block unless origins with origin ' 'time information are present, because phase lines do not ' 'contain date information, only time-of-day') raise NotImplementedError(msg) # XXX this whole routine is on shaky ground.. # since picks only have a time-of-day and there's not even an # association to one of the origins, in principle this would need some # real tough logic to make it failsafe. actually this would mean using # taup with the given epicentral distance of the pick and check what # date is appropriate. # for now just do a very simple logic and raise exceptions when things # look fishy. this is ugly but it's not worth spending more time on # this, unless somebody starts bumping into one of the explicitly # raised exceptions below. origin_time_min = min(origin_times) origin_time_max = max(origin_times) hour = int(my_string[0:2]) minute = int(my_string[3:5]) seconds = float(my_string[6:]) all_guesses = [] for origin in[-1].origins: first_guess = UTCDateTime( origin.time.year, origin.time.month,, hour, minute, seconds) all_guesses.append((first_guess, origin.time)) all_guesses.append((first_guess - 86400, origin.time)) all_guesses.append((first_guess + 86400, origin.time)) pick_date = sorted(all_guesses, key=lambda x: abs(x[0] - x[1]))[0][0] # make sure event origin times are reasonably close together if origin_time_max - origin_time_min > 5 * 3600: msg = ('Origin times in event differ by more than 5 hours, this ' 'is currently not implemented as determining the date of ' 'the pick might be tricky. Sorry.') warnings.warn(msg) return None # now try the date of the latest origin and raise if things seem fishy t = UTCDateTime(pick_date.year, pick_date.month,, hour, minute, seconds) for origin_time in origin_times: if t - origin_time > 6 * 3600: msg = ('This pick would have a time more than 6 hours after ' 'or before one of the origins in the event. This seems ' 'fishy. Please report an issue on our github.') warnings.warn(msg) return None return t
[docs] def _parse_phase(self, line): # since we can not identify which origin a phase line corresponds to, # we can not use any of the included information that would go in the # Arrival object, as that would have to be attached to the appropriate # origin.. # for now, just append all of these items as comments to the pick comments = [] # 1-5 a5 station code station_code = line[0:5].strip() # 7-12 f6.2 station-to-event distance (degrees) comments.append( 'station-to-event distance (degrees): "{}"'.format(line[6:12])) # 14-18 f5.1 event-to-station azimuth (degrees) comments.append( 'event-to-station azimuth (degrees): "{}"'.format(line[13:18])) # 20-27 a8 phase code phase_hint = line[19:27].strip() # 29-40 i2,a1,i2,a1,f6.3 arrival time (hh:mm:ss.sss) time = self._get_pick_time(line[28:40]) if time is None: msg = ('Could not determine absolute time of pick. This phase ' 'line will be ignored:\n{}').format(line) warnings.warn(msg) return None, None, None # 42-46 f5.1 time residual (seconds) comments.append('time residual (seconds): "{}"'.format(line[41:46])) # 48-52 f5.1 observed azimuth (degrees) comments.append('observed azimuth (degrees): "{}"'.format(line[47:52])) # 54-58 f5.1 azimuth residual (degrees) comments.append('azimuth residual (degrees): "{}"'.format(line[53:58])) # 60-65 f5.1 observed slowness (seconds/degree) comments.append( 'observed slowness (seconds/degree): "{}"'.format(line[59:65])) # 67-72 f5.1 slowness residual (seconds/degree) comments.append( 'slowness residual (seconds/degree): "{}"'.format(line[66:71])) # 74 a1 time defining flag (T or _) comments.append('time defining flag (T or _): "{}"'.format(line[73])) # 75 a1 azimuth defining flag (A or _) comments.append( 'azimuth defining flag (A or _): "{}"'.format(line[74])) # 76 a1 slowness defining flag (S or _) comments.append( 'slowness defining flag (S or _): "{}"'.format(line[75])) # 78-82 f5.1 signal-to-noise ratio comments.append('signal-to-noise ratio: "{}"'.format(line[77:82])) # 84-92 f9.1 amplitude (nanometers) amplitude = float_or_none(line[83:92]) # 94-98 f5.2 period (seconds) period = float_or_none(line[93:98]) # 100 a1 type of pick (a = automatic, m = manual) evaluation_mode = line[99] # 101 a1 direction of short period motion # (c = compression, d = dilatation, _= null) polarity = POLARITY[line[100].strip().lower()] # 102 a1 onset quality (i = impulsive, e = emergent, # q = questionable, _ = null) onset = ONSET[line[101].strip().lower()] # 104-108 a5 magnitude type (mb, Ms, ML, mbmle, msmle) magnitude_type = line[103:108].strip() # 109 a1 min max indicator (<, >, or blank) min_max_indicator = line[108] # 110-113 f4.1 magnitude value mag = float_or_none(line[109:113]) # 115-122 a8 arrival identification phase_id = line[114:122].strip() # process items waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(station_code=station_code) evaluation_mode = PICK_EVALUATION_MODE[evaluation_mode.strip().lower()] comments = [self._make_comment(', '.join(comments))] if phase_id: resource_id = self._construct_id(['pick'], add_hash=True) else: resource_id = self._construct_id(['pick', phase_id]) if mag: comment = ('min max indicator (<, >, or blank): ' + min_max_indicator) station_magnitude = StationMagnitude( mag=mag, magnitude_type=magnitude_type, resource_id=self._construct_id(['station_magnitude'], add_hash=True), comments=[self._make_comment(comment)]) # event init always sets an empty ResourceIdentifier, even when # specifying None, which is strange for key in ['origin_id', 'mag_errors']: setattr(station_magnitude, key, None) else: station_magnitude = None # assemble pick = Pick(phase_hint=phase_hint, time=time, waveform_id=waveform_id, evaluation_mode=evaluation_mode, comments=comments, polarity=polarity, onset=onset, resource_id=resource_id) # event init always sets an empty QuantityError, even when specifying # None, which is strange for key in ('time_errors', 'horizontal_slowness_errors', 'backazimuth_errors'): setattr(pick, key, None) if amplitude: amplitude /= 1e9 # convert from nanometers to meters amplitude = Amplitude( unit='m', generic_amplitude=amplitude, period=period) return pick, amplitude, station_magnitude
[docs] def _parse_generic_comment(self, line): return self._make_comment(line)
[docs]def _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, function, reset_fp=True, file_mode="rb", *args, **kwargs): """ Calls a function with an open file or file-like object as the first argument. If the file originally was a filename, the file will be opened, otherwise it will just be passed to the underlying function. :param filename_or_buf: File to pass. :type filename_or_buf: str, open file, or file-like object :param function: The function to call. :param reset_fp: If True, the file pointer will be set to the initial position after the function has been called. :type reset_fp: bool :param file_mode: Mode to open file in if necessary. """ try: position = filename_or_buf.tell() is_buffer = True except AttributeError: is_buffer = False if is_buffer is True: ret_val = function(filename_or_buf, *args, **kwargs) if reset_fp:, 0) return ret_val else: with open(filename_or_buf, file_mode) as fh: return function(fh, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def _read_ims10_bulletin(filename_or_buf, **kwargs): """ Reads an ISF IMS1.0 bulletin file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. :param filename_or_buf: File or file-like object """ try: return _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, __read_ims10_bulletin, reset_fp=False, **kwargs) # Happens for example when passing the data as a string which would be # interpreted as a filename. except OSError: return False
[docs]def __read_ims10_bulletin(fh, **kwargs): # NOQA """ Reads an ISF IMS1.0 bulletin file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. :param fh: File or file-like object """ return ISFReader(fh, **kwargs).deserialize()
[docs]def _is_ims10_bulletin(filename_or_buf, **kwargs): """ Checks whether a file is ISF IMS1.0 bulletin format. :type filename_or_buf: str or file :param filename_or_buf: name of the file to be checked or open file-like object. :rtype: bool :return: ``True`` if ISF IMS1.0 bulletin file. """ try: return _buffer_proxy(filename_or_buf, __is_ims10_bulletin, reset_fp=True, **kwargs) # Happens for example when passing the data as a string which would be # interpreted as a filename. except OSError: return False
[docs]def __is_ims10_bulletin(fh, **kwargs): # NOQA """ Checks whether a file is ISF IMS1.0 bulletin format. :type fh: open file or file-like object :param filename: name of the file to be checked or open file-like object. :rtype: bool :return: ``True`` if ISF IMS1.0 bulletin file. """ first_line = fh.readline() try: first_line = first_line.decode() except Exception: pass if first_line.strip().upper() == 'DATA_TYPE BULLETIN IMS1.0:SHORT': return True return False