Source code for obspy.clients.arclink.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ArcLink/WebDC client for ObsPy.

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import *  # NOQA @UnusedWildImport
from future.utils import native_str

import io
import os
import time
import warnings
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from telnetlib import Telnet

from lxml import etree, objectify
import numpy as np

from obspy import UTCDateTime, read
from obspy.core.util import AttribDict, complexify_string

DCID_KEY_FILE = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME') or '', 'dcidpasswords.txt')

_ROUTING_NS_1_0 = ""
_ROUTING_NS_0_1 = ""
_INVENTORY_NS_1_0 = ""
_INVENTORY_NS_0_2 = ""

MSG_NOPAZ = "No Poles and Zeros information returned by server."

[docs]class ArcLinkException(Exception): """ Raised by the ArcLink client for known exceptions. """
[docs]class Client(object): """ The ArcLink/WebDC client. :type user: str :param user: The user name is used for identification with the ArcLink server. This entry is also used for usage statistics within the data centers, so please provide a meaningful user id such as your email address. :type host: str, optional :param host: Host name of the remote ArcLink server (default host is ``''``). :type port: int, optional :param port: Port of the remote ArcLink server (default port is ``18002``). :type timeout: int, optional :param timeout: Seconds before a connection timeout is raised (default is ``20`` seconds). :type password: str, optional :param password: A password used for authentication with the ArcLink server (default is an empty string). :type institution: str, optional :param institution: A string containing the name of the institution of the requesting person (default is an ``'Anonymous'``). :type dcid_keys: dict, optional :param dcid_keys: Dictionary of data center ids (DCID) and passwords used for decoding encrypted waveform requests. :type dcid_key_file: str, optional :param dcid_key_file: Simple text configuration file containing lines of data center ids (DCIDs) and password pairs separated by a equal sign, e.g. for DCID ``BIA`` and password ``OfH9ekhi`` use ``"BIA=OfH9ekhi"``. If not set, passwords found in a file called `$HOME/dcidpasswords.txt` will be used automatically. :type debug: bool, optional :param debug: Enables verbose output of the connection handling (default is ``False``). :type command_delay: float, optional :param command_delay: Delay between each command send to the ArcLink server (default is ``0``). :type status_delay: float, optional :param status_delay: Delay in seconds between each status request (default is ``0.5`` seconds). .. rubric:: Notes The following ArcLink servers may be accessed (also see; maybe partly restricted access only): * WebDC:, * ODC: * GFZ: * RESIF: * INGV: -- * ETHZ: * BGR: * IPGP: * USP: """ max_status_requests = MAX_REQUESTS
[docs] def __init__(self, user, host="", port=18002, password="", institution="Anonymous", timeout=20, dcid_keys={}, dcid_key_file=None, debug=False, command_delay=0, status_delay=0.5): """ Initializes an ArcLink client. See :class:`obspy.clients.arclink.client.Client` for all parameters. """ self.user = user self.password = password self.institution = institution self.command_delay = command_delay self.status_delay = status_delay self.init_host = host self.init_port = port self.timeout = timeout self.dcid_keys = dcid_keys self._client = Telnet(host, port, timeout) # silent connection check self.debug = False self._hello() self.debug = debug if self.debug: print('\nConnected to %s:%s' % (, str(self._client.port))) # check for dcid_key_file if not dcid_key_file: # check in user directory if not os.path.isfile(DCID_KEY_FILE): return dcid_key_file = DCID_KEY_FILE # parse dcid_key_file try: with open(dcid_key_file, 'rt') as fp: lines = fp.readlines() except Exception: pass else: for line in lines: line = line.strip() # skip empty lines if not line: continue # skip comments if line.startswith('#'): continue if ' ' in line: key, value = line.split(' ', 1) else: key, value = line.split('=', 1) key = key.strip() # ensure that dcid_keys set via parameters are not overwritten if key not in self.dcid_keys: self.dcid_keys[key] = value.strip()
[docs] def _reconnect(self): self._client.close() try:, self._client.port, self._client.timeout) except Exception: # old Python 2.7: port needs to be native int or string -> not long, native_str(self._client.port), self._client.timeout)
[docs] def _write_ln(self, buffer): # Py3k: might be confusing, _write_ln accepts str # readln accepts bytes (but was smallest change like that) if self.command_delay: time.sleep(self.command_delay) b_buffer = (buffer + '\r\n').encode() self._client.write(b_buffer) if self.debug: print('>>> ' + buffer)
[docs] def _read_ln(self, value=b''): line = self._client.read_until(value + b'\r\n', self.timeout) line = line.strip() if value not in line: msg = "Timeout waiting for expected %s, got %s" raise ArcLinkException(msg % (value, line.decode())) if self.debug: print('... ' + line.decode()) return line
[docs] def _hello(self): self._reconnect() self._write_ln('HELLO') self.version = self._read_ln(b')') self.node = self._read_ln() if self.password: self._write_ln('USER %s %s' % (self.user, self.password)) else: self._write_ln('USER %s' % self.user) self._read_ln(b'OK') self._write_ln('INSTITUTION %s' % self.institution) self._read_ln(b'OK')
[docs] def _bye(self): self._write_ln('BYE') self._client.close()
[docs] def _fetch(self, request_type, request_data, route=True): # skip routing on request if not route: # always use initial node if routing is disabled = self.init_host self._client.port = self.init_port return self._request(request_type, request_data) # request routing table for given network/station/times combination # location and channel information are ignored by ArcLink routes = self.get_routing(network=request_data[2], station=request_data[3], starttime=request_data[0], endtime=request_data[1]) # search routes for network/station/location/channel table = self._find_route(routes, request_data) if not table: # retry first ArcLink node if host or port has been changed if != self.init_host or \ self._client.port != self.init_port: = self.init_host self._client.port = self.init_port if self.debug: print('\nRequesting %s:%d' % (, self._client.port)) return self._fetch(request_type, request_data, route) msg = 'Could not find route to %s.%s. If you think the data ' + \ 'should be there, you might want to retry ' + \ 'with manually connecting to a different ArcLink node ' + \ '(see docstring of Client) to see if there is a problem ' + \ 'with a routing table at a specific ArcLink node (and ' + \ 'contact the ArcLink node operators).' raise ArcLinkException(msg % (request_data[2], request_data[3])) # we got a routing table for item in table: if item == {}: return self._request(request_type, request_data) # check if current connection is enough if item['host'] == and \ item['port'] == self._client.port: return self._request(request_type, request_data) = item['host'] self._client.port = item['port'] if self.debug: print('\nRequesting %s:%d' % (, self._client.port)) self._reconnect() try: return self._request(request_type, request_data) except ArcLinkException: raise except Exception: raise msg = 'Could not find route to %s.%s' raise ArcLinkException(msg % (request_data[2], request_data[3]))
[docs] def _request(self, request_type, request_data): self._hello() self._write_ln(request_type) # create request string # adding one second to start and end time to ensure right date times out = (request_data[0] - 1).format_arclink() + ' ' out += (request_data[1] + 1).format_arclink() + ' ' out += ' '.join([str(i) for i in request_data[2:]]) self._write_ln(out) self._write_ln('END') self._read_ln(b'OK') # get status id while True: status = self._read_ln() try: req_id = int(status) except Exception: if 'ERROR' in status: self._bye() raise ArcLinkException('Error requesting status id') pass else: break # loop until we hit ready="true" in the status message _loops = 0 _old_xml_doc = None while True: self._write_ln('STATUS %d' % req_id) xml_doc = self._read_ln(b'END') if b'ready="true"' in xml_doc: break # check if status messages changes over time if _old_xml_doc == xml_doc: _loops += 1 else: _loops = 0 _old_xml_doc = xml_doc # if we hit max_status_requests equal status break the loop if _loops > self.max_status_requests: msg = ('max_status_requests (%s) exceeded - breaking current ' 'request loop') % self.max_status_requests warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) break # wait a bit time.sleep(self.status_delay) # check for errors for err_code in (b'DENIED', b'CANCELLED', b'CANCEL', b'ERROR', b'RETRY', b'WARN', b'UNSET'): err_str = b'status="' + err_code + b'"' if err_str in xml_doc: # cleanup self._write_ln('PURGE %d' % req_id) self._bye() # parse XML for reason xml_doc = objectify.fromstring(xml_doc[:-3]) msg = xml_doc.request.volume.line.get('message') raise ArcLinkException("%s %s" % (err_code, msg)) if b'status="NODATA"' in xml_doc: # cleanup self._write_ln('PURGE %d' % req_id) self._bye() raise ArcLinkException('No data available') elif b'id="NODATA"' in xml_doc or b'id="ERROR"' in xml_doc: # cleanup self._write_ln('PURGE %d' % req_id) self._bye() # parse XML for error message xml_doc = objectify.fromstring(xml_doc[:-3]) raise ArcLinkException(xml_doc.request.volume.line.get('message')) elif b'<line content' not in xml_doc: # safeguard for not covered status messages self._write_ln('PURGE %d' % req_id) self._bye() msg = "Uncovered status message - contact a developer to fix this" raise ArcLinkException(msg) # check for encryption decryptor = None if b'encrypted="true"' in xml_doc: # extract dcid xml_doc = objectify.fromstring(xml_doc[:-3]) dcid = xml_doc.request.volume.get('dcid') # check if given in known list of keys if dcid in self.dcid_keys: # call decrypt routine from obspy.clients.arclink.decrypt import SSLWrapper decryptor = SSLWrapper(password=self.dcid_keys[dcid]) else: msg = "Could not decrypt waveform data for dcid %s." warnings.warn(msg % (dcid)) # download self._write_ln('DOWNLOAD %d' % req_id) try: fd = self._client.get_socket().makefile('rb') length = int(fd.readline(100).strip()) data = b'' bytes_read = 0 while bytes_read < length: buf =, length - bytes_read)) bytes_read += len(buf) if decryptor is not None: # decrypt on the fly data += decryptor.update(buf) else: data += buf if decryptor is not None: data += buf = fd.readline(100).strip() if buf != b"END" or bytes_read != length: raise Exception('Wrong length!') if self.debug: if data.startswith(b'<?xml'): print(data) else: print("%d bytes of data read" % bytes_read) finally: self._write_ln('PURGE %d' % req_id) self._bye() return data
[docs] def get_waveforms(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, format="MSEED", compressed=True, metadata=False, route=True): """ Retrieves waveform data via ArcLink and returns an ObsPy Stream object. :type network: str :param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``. :type station: str :param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``. :type location: str :param location: Location code, e.g. ``'01'``. Location code may contain wild cards. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code, e.g. ``'EHE'``. Channel code may contain wild cards. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start date and time. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End date and time. :type format: str, optional :param format: Output format. Either as full SEED (``'FSEED'``) or Mini-SEED (``'MSEED'``) volume. Defaults to ``'MSEED'``. :type compressed: bool, optional :param compressed: Request compressed files from ArcLink server. Defaults to ``True``. :type metadata: bool, optional :param metadata: Fetch PAZ and coordinate information and append to :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Stats` of all fetched traces. Defaults to ``False``. :type route: bool, optional :param route: Enables ArcLink routing. Defaults to ``True``. :return: ObsPy :class:`` object. .. rubric:: Example >>> from obspy.clients.arclink import Client >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> client = Client('', '', 18001) >>> t = UTCDateTime("2009-08-20 04:03:12") >>> st = client.get_waveforms("BW", "RJOB", "", "EH*", t - 3, t + 15) >>> st.plot() #doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: from obspy import UTCDateTime from obspy.clients.arclink.client import Client client = Client('', '', 18001) t = UTCDateTime("2009-08-20 04:03:12") st = client.get_waveforms("BW", "RJOB", "", "EH*", t - 3, t + 15) st.plot() """ file_stream = io.BytesIO() self.save_waveforms(file_stream, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, format=format, compressed=compressed, route=route), 0) stream = read(file_stream, 'MSEED') file_stream.close() # trim stream stream.trim(starttime, endtime) # fetching PAZ and coordinates if metadata: # fetch metadata only once # NOTE: The routing step here is not strictly necessary # TODO: Routing should preferably be done only once inv = self.get_inventory(network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, instruments=True, route=route) netsta = '.'.join([network, station]) coordinates = AttribDict() for key in ['latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation']: coordinates[key] = inv[netsta][key] for tr in stream: # add coordinates tr.stats['coordinates'] = coordinates # add PAZ entries = inv[] if len(entries) > 1: # multiple entries found for entry in entries: # trim current trace to timespan of current entry temp = tr.slice(entry.starttime, entry.get('endtime', None)) # append valid paz if 'paz' not in entry: raise ArcLinkException(MSG_NOPAZ) temp.stats['paz'] = entry.paz # add to end of stream stream.append(temp) # remove split trace stream.remove(tr) else: # single entry found - apply direct entry = entries[0] if 'paz' not in entry: raise ArcLinkException(MSG_NOPAZ) tr.stats['paz'] = entry.paz return stream
[docs] def save_waveforms(self, filename, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, format="MSEED", compressed=True, route=True, unpack=True): """ Writes a retrieved waveform directly into a file. This method ensures the storage of the unmodified waveform data delivered by the ArcLink server, e.g. preserving the record based quality flags of MiniSEED files which would be neglected reading it with :mod:``. :type filename: str :param filename: Name of the output file. :type network: str :param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``. :type station: str :param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``. :type location: str :param location: Location code, e.g. ``'01'``. Location code may contain wild cards. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code, e.g. ``'EHE'``. Channel code may contain wild cards. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start date and time. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End date and time. :type format: str, optional :param format: Output format. Either as full SEED (``'FSEED'``) or Mini-SEED (``'MSEED'``) volume. Defaults to ``'MSEED'``. .. note:: A format ``'XSEED'`` is documented, but not yet implemented in ArcLink. :type compressed: bool, optional :param compressed: Request compressed files from ArcLink server. Default is ``True``. :type route: bool, optional :param route: Enables ArcLink routing. Default is ``True``. :type unpack: bool, optional :param unpack: Unpack compressed waveform files before storing to disk. Default is ``True``. :return: None .. rubric:: Example >>> from obspy.clients.arclink import Client >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> client = Client('', '', 18001) >>> t = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 1, 12, 0) >>> client.save_waveforms('BW.MANZ.fullseed', 'BW', 'MANZ', '', '*', ... t, t + 20, format='FSEED') # doctest: +SKIP """ format = format.upper() if format not in ["MSEED", "FSEED"]: msg = ("'%s' is not a valid format. Choose either 'MSEED' or " "'FSEED'") raise ArcLinkException(msg) # check parameters is_name = isinstance(filename, (str, native_str)) if not is_name and not hasattr(filename, "write"): msg = "Parameter filename must be either string or file handler." raise TypeError(msg) # request type rtype = 'REQUEST WAVEFORM format=%s' % format if compressed: try: import bz2 except Exception: compressed = False else: rtype += " compression=bzip2" # request data rdata = [starttime, endtime, network, station, channel, location] # fetch waveform data = self._fetch(rtype, rdata, route=route) # check if data is still encrypted if data.startswith(b'Salted__'): # set "good" file names if is_name: if compressed and not filename.endswith('.bz2.openssl'): filename += '.bz2.openssl' elif not compressed and not filename.endswith('.openssl'): filename += '.openssl' # warn user that encoded files will not be unpacked if unpack: warnings.warn("Cannot unpack encrypted waveforms.") else: # not encoded - handle as usual if compressed: # unpack compressed data if option unpack is set if unpack: data = bz2.decompress(data) elif is_name and not filename.endswith('.bz2'): # set "good" file names filename += '.bz2' # create file handler if a file name is given if is_name: fh = open(filename, "wb") else: fh = filename fh.write(data) if is_name: fh.close()
[docs] def get_routing(self, network, station, starttime, endtime, modified_after=None): """ Get primary ArcLink host for given network/stations/time combination. :type network: str :param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``. :type station: str :param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start date and time. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End date and time. :type modified_after: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`, optional :param modified_after: Returns only data modified after given date. Default is ``None``, returning all available data. :return: Dictionary of host names. """ # request type rtype = 'REQUEST ROUTING ' if modified_after: rtype += 'modified_after=%s ' % modified_after.format_arclink() # request data rdata = [starttime, endtime, network, station] # fetch plain XML document # TODO: A simpler "routing-less" methods, check _request result = self._fetch(rtype, rdata, route=False) # parse XML document xml_doc = etree.fromstring(result) # get routing version if _ROUTING_NS_1_0 in xml_doc.nsmap.values(): xml_ns = _ROUTING_NS_1_0 elif _ROUTING_NS_0_1 in xml_doc.nsmap.values(): xml_ns = _ROUTING_NS_0_1 else: msg = "Unknown routing namespace %s" raise ArcLinkException(msg % xml_doc.nsmap) # convert into dictionary result = {} for route in xml_doc.xpath('ns0:route', namespaces={'ns0': xml_ns}): if xml_ns == _ROUTING_NS_0_1: # no location/stream codes in 0.1 id = route.get('net_code') + '.' + route.get('sta_code') + '..' else: id = route.get('networkCode') + '.' + \ route.get('stationCode') + '.' + \ route.get('locationCode') + '.' + \ route.get('streamCode') result[id] = [] for node in route.xpath('ns0:arclink', namespaces={'ns0': xml_ns}): temp = {} try: temp['priority'] = int(node.get('priority')) except Exception: temp['priority'] = -1 temp['start'] = UTCDateTime(node.get('start')) if node.get('end'): temp['end'] = UTCDateTime(node.get('end')) else: temp['end'] = None # address field may contain multiple addresses (?) address = node.get('address').split(',')[0] temp['host'] = address.split(':')[0].strip() temp['port'] = int(address.split(':')[1].strip()) result[id].append(temp) return result
[docs] def _find_route(self, routes, request_data): """ Searches routing table for requested stream id and date/times. """ # Note: Filtering by date/times is not really supported by ArcLink yet, # therefore not included here # Multiple fitting entries are sorted by priority only net, sta, cha, loc = (request_data + ['', ''])[2:6] keys = [] for key in routes: parts = key.split('.') if parts[0] and net != '*' and not fnmatch(parts[0], net): continue if parts[1] and sta != '*' and not fnmatch(parts[1], sta): continue if parts[2] and loc != '*' and not fnmatch(parts[2], loc): continue if parts[3] and cha != '*' and not fnmatch(parts[3], cha): continue keys.append(key) if not keys: # no route found return False # merge all out = [] for key in keys: temp = routes[key] if temp == []: out.append({}) else: out.extend(temp) # sort by priority out = sorted(out, key=lambda x: x.get('priority', 1000)) return out
[docs] def get_qc(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, parameters='*', outages=True, logs=True): """ Retrieve QC information of ArcLink streams. .. note:: Requesting QC is documented but seems not to work at the moment. :type network: str :param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``. :type station: str :param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``. :type location: str :param location: Location code, e.g. ``'01'``. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code, e.g. ``'EHE'``. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start date and time. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End date and time. :type parameters: str, optional :param parameters: Comma-separated list of QC parameters. The following QC parameters are implemented in the present version: ``'availability'``, ``'delay'``, ``'gaps count'``, ``'gaps interval'``, ``'gaps length'``, ``'latency'``, ``'offset'``, ``'overlaps count'``, ``'overlaps interval'``, ``'overlaps length'``, ``'rms'``, ``'spikes amplitude'``, ``'spikes count'``, ``'spikes interval'``, ``'timing quality'`` (default is ``'*'`` for requesting all parameters). :type outages: bool, optional :param outages: Include list of outages (default is ``True``). :type logs: bool, optional :param logs: Include log messages (default is ``True``). :return: XML document as string. """ # request type rtype = 'REQUEST QC' if outages is True: rtype += ' outages=true' else: rtype += ' outages=false' if logs is True: rtype += ' logs=false' else: rtype += ' logs=false' rtype += ' parameters=%s' % (parameters) # request data rdata = [starttime, endtime, network, station, channel, location] # fetch plain XML document result = self._fetch(rtype, rdata, route=False) return result
[docs] def get_metadata(self, network, station, location, channel, time, route=False): """ Returns poles, zeros, normalization factor and sensitivity and station coordinates for a single channel at a given time. :type network: str :param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``. :type station: str :param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``. :type location: str :param location: Location code, e.g. ``'01'``. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code, e.g. ``'EHE'``. :type time: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param time: Date and time. :type route: bool, optional :param route: Enables ArcLink routing (default is ``True``). :return: Dictionary containing keys 'paz' and 'coordinates'. .. rubric:: Example >>> from obspy.clients.arclink import Client >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> client = Client('', '', 18001) >>> t = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 1) >>> data = client.get_metadata('BW', 'MANZ', '', 'EHZ', t) >>> data # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +SKIP {'paz': AttribDict({'poles': [(-0.037004+0.037016j), (-0.037004-0.037016j), (-251.33+0j), (-131.04-467.29j), (-131.04+467.29j)], 'sensitivity': 2516778600.0, 'zeros': [0j, 0j], 'name': 'LMU:STS-2/N/g=1500', 'normalization_factor': 60077000.0}), 'coordinates': AttribDict({'latitude': 49.9862, 'elevation': 635.0, 'longitude': 12.1083})} """ if not time: # if not temporal keyword is given raise an exception raise ValueError("keyword 'time' is required") else: # time is given starttime = time endtime = time + 0.000001 # check if single trace id = '.'.join([network, station, location, channel]) if '*' in id: msg = 'get_metadata supports only a single channel, use ' + \ 'get_inventory instead' raise ArcLinkException(msg) # fetch inventory result = self.get_inventory(network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, instruments=True, route=route) data = {} # paz id = '.'.join([network, station, location, channel]) # HACK: returning first PAZ only for now - should happen only for a # timespan and not a single time if len(result[id]) > 1: msg = "Multiple PAZ found for %s. Applying first PAZ." warnings.warn(msg % (id), UserWarning) data['paz'] = result[id][0].paz # coordinates id = '.'.join([network, station]) data['coordinates'] = AttribDict() for key in ['latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation']: data['coordinates'][key] = result[id][key] return data
def __parse_paz(self, xml_doc, xml_ns): """ """ paz = AttribDict() # instrument name paz['name'] = xml_doc.get('name', '') # Response type: A=Laplace(rad/s), B=Analog(Hz), C, D try: paz['response_type'] = xml_doc.get('type') except Exception: paz['response_type'] = None # normalization factor try: if xml_ns == _INVENTORY_NS_1_0: paz['normalization_factor'] = \ float(xml_doc.get('normalizationFactor')) else: paz['normalization_factor'] = float(xml_doc.get('norm_fac')) except Exception: paz['normalization_factor'] = None try: if xml_ns == _INVENTORY_NS_1_0: paz['normalization_frequency'] = \ float(xml_doc.get('normalizationFrequency')) else: paz['normalization_frequency'] = \ float(xml_doc.get('norm_freq')) except Exception: paz['normalization_frequency'] = None # for backwards compatibility (but this is wrong naming!) paz['gain'] = paz['normalization_factor'] # zeros paz['zeros'] = [] if xml_ns == _INVENTORY_NS_1_0: nzeros = int(xml_doc.get('numberOfZeros', 0)) else: nzeros = int(xml_doc.get('nzeros', 0)) try: zeros = xml_doc.xpath('ns:zeros/text()', namespaces={'ns': xml_ns})[0] temp = zeros.strip().replace(' ', '').replace(')(', ') (') for zeros in temp.split(): paz['zeros'].append(complexify_string(zeros)) except Exception: pass # check number of zeros if len(paz['zeros']) != nzeros: raise ArcLinkException('Could not parse all zeros') # poles paz['poles'] = [] if xml_ns == _INVENTORY_NS_1_0: npoles = int(xml_doc.get('numberOfPoles', 0)) else: npoles = int(xml_doc.get('npoles', 0)) try: poles = xml_doc.xpath('ns:poles/text()', namespaces={'ns': xml_ns})[0] temp = poles.strip().replace(' ', '').replace(')(', ') (') for poles in temp.split(): paz['poles'].append(complexify_string(poles)) except Exception: pass # check number of poles if len(paz['poles']) != npoles: raise ArcLinkException('Could not parse all poles') return paz
[docs] def get_paz(self, network, station, location, channel, time, route=False): """ Returns poles, zeros, normalization factor and sensitivity for a single channel at a given time. :type network: str :param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``. :type station: str :param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``. :type location: str :param location: Location code, e.g. ``'01'``. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code, e.g. ``'EHE'``. :type time: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param time: Date and time. :type route: bool, optional :param route: Enables ArcLink routing. Defaults to ``True``. :return: Dictionary containing PAZ information. .. rubric:: Example >>> from obspy.clients.arclink import Client >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> client = Client('', '', 18001) >>> t = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 1) >>> paz = client.get_paz('BW', 'MANZ', '', 'EHZ', t) >>> paz # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +SKIP AttribDict({'poles': [(-0.037004+0.037016j), (-0.037004-0.037016j), (-251.33+0j), (-131.04-467.29j), (-131.04+467.29j)], 'sensitivity': 2516778600.0, 'zeros': [0j, 0j], 'name': 'LMU:STS-2/N/g=1500', 'normalization_factor': 60077000.0}) """ if not time: # if not temporal keyword is given raise an exception raise ValueError("keyword 'time' is required") else: # time is given starttime = time endtime = time + 0.000001 # check if single trace id = '.'.join([network, station, location, channel]) if '*' in id: msg = ('get_paz supports only a single channel, ' 'use get_inventory instead') raise ArcLinkException(msg) # fetch inventory result = self.get_inventory(network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, instruments=True, route=route) try: if time is None: # old deprecated schema (ARGS!!!!) # HACK: returning first PAZ only for now if len(result[id]) > 1: msg = "Multiple PAZ found for %s. Applying first PAZ." warnings.warn(msg % (id), UserWarning) paz = result[id][0].paz return { paz} else: # new schema return result[id][0].paz except Exception: msg = 'Could not find PAZ for channel %s' % id raise ArcLinkException(msg)
[docs] def save_response(self, filename, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, format='SEED', route=False): """ Writes response information into a file. :type filename: str or file :param filename: Name of the output file or open file like object. :type network: str :param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``. :type station: str :param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``. :type location: str :param location: Location code, e.g. ``'01'``. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code, e.g. ``'EHE'``. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start date and time. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End date and time. :type format: str, optional :param format: Output format. Currently only Dataless SEED (``'SEED'``) is supported. :type route: bool, optional :param route: Enables ArcLink routing (default is ``False``). :return: None .. rubric:: Example >>> from obspy.clients.arclink import Client >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> client = Client('', '', 18001) >>> t = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 1) >>> client.save_response('BW.MANZ..EHZ.dataless', 'BW', 'MANZ', '', ... '*', t, t + 1, format="SEED") # doctest: +SKIP """ # check format format = format.upper() if format == "SEED": # request type rtype = 'REQUEST RESPONSE format=%s' % format # request data rdata = [starttime, endtime, network, station, channel, location] # fetch dataless data = self._fetch(rtype, rdata, route=route) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported format %s" % format) if hasattr(filename, "write") and hasattr(filename.write, "__call__"): filename.write(data) else: with open(filename, "wb") as fp: fp.write(data)
[docs] def get_inventory(self, network, station='*', location='*', channel='*', starttime=UTCDateTime(), endtime=UTCDateTime(), instruments=False, route=False, sensortype='', min_latitude=None, max_latitude=None, min_longitude=None, max_longitude=None, restricted=None, permanent=None, modified_after=None): """ Returns information about the available networks and stations in that particular space/time region. :type network: str :param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``. :type station: str :param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``. Station code may contain wild cards. :type location: str :param location: Location code, e.g. ``'01'``. Location code may contain wild cards. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code, e.g. ``'EHE'``. Channel code may contain wild cards. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start date and time. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End date and time. :type instruments: bool, optional :param instruments: Include instrument data (default is ``False``). :type route: bool, optional :param route: Enables ArcLink routing (default is ``False``). :type sensortype: str, optional :param sensortype: Limit streams to those using specific sensor types: ``"VBB"``, ``"BB"``, ``"SM"``, ``"OBS"``, etc. Can be also a combination like ``"VBB+BB+SM"``. :type min_latitude: float, optional :param min_latitude: Minimum latitude. :type max_latitude: float, optional :param max_latitude: Maximum latitude. :type min_longitude: float, optional :param min_longitude: Minimum longitude. :type max_longitude: float, optional :param max_longitude: Maximum longitude :type permanent: bool, optional :param permanent: Requesting only permanent or temporary networks respectively. Default is ``None``, therefore requesting all data. :type restricted: bool, optional :param restricted: Requesting only networks/stations/streams that have restricted or open data respectively. Default is ``None``. :type modified_after: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`, optional :param modified_after: Returns only data modified after given date. Default is ``None``, returning all available data. :return: Dictionary of inventory information. .. rubric:: Example >>> from obspy.clients.arclink import Client >>> client = Client('', '', 18001) >>> inv = client.get_inventory('BW', 'M*', '*', 'EHZ', ... restricted=False, ... permanent=True, min_longitude=12, ... max_longitude=12.2) #doctest: +SKIP >>> inv.keys() # doctest: +SKIP ['BW.MROB', 'BW.MANZ..EHZ', 'BW', 'BW.MANZ', 'BW.MROB..EHZ'] >>> inv['BW'] # doctest: +SKIP AttribDict({'description': 'BayernNetz', 'region': 'Germany', ... >>> inv['BW.MROB'] # doctest: +SKIP AttribDict({'code': 'MROB', 'description': 'Rosenbuehl, Bavaria', ... """ # request type rtype = 'REQUEST INVENTORY ' if instruments: rtype += 'instruments=true ' if modified_after: rtype += 'modified_after=%s ' % modified_after.format_arclink() # request data rdata = [starttime, endtime, network, station, channel, location, '.'] if restricted is True: rdata.append('restricted=true') elif restricted is False: rdata.append('restricted=false') if permanent is True: rdata.append('permanent=true') elif permanent is False: rdata.append('permanent=false') if sensortype != '': rdata.append('sensortype=%s' % sensortype) if min_latitude: rdata.append('latmin=%f' % min_latitude) if max_latitude: rdata.append('latmax=%f' % max_latitude) if min_longitude: rdata.append('lonmin=%f' % min_longitude) if max_longitude: rdata.append('lonmax=%f' % max_longitude) # fetch plain XML document if network == '*' or network[0] == '_': # To not use routing if # (1) not network id is given, # (2) virtual network (Station group) is requested if route: msg = ("Routing was requested but parameter 'network' is '{}' " "and therefore routing is disabled.").format(network) warnings.warn(msg) result = self._fetch(rtype, rdata, route=False) else: result = self._fetch(rtype, rdata, route=route) # parse XML document xml_doc = etree.fromstring(result) # get inventory version if _INVENTORY_NS_1_0 in xml_doc.nsmap.values(): xml_ns = _INVENTORY_NS_1_0 stream_ns = 'sensorLocation' component_ns = 'stream' seismometer_ns = 'sensor' name_ns = 'publicID' resp_paz_ns = 'responsePAZ' elif _INVENTORY_NS_0_2 in xml_doc.nsmap.values(): xml_ns = _INVENTORY_NS_0_2 stream_ns = 'seis_stream' component_ns = 'component' seismometer_ns = 'seismometer' name_ns = 'name' resp_paz_ns = 'resp_paz' else: msg = "Unknown inventory namespace %s" raise ArcLinkException(msg % xml_doc.nsmap) sensors = {} for sensor in xml_doc.xpath('ns:sensor', namespaces={'ns': xml_ns}): entry = {} for key in ['description', 'manufacturer', 'model', 'name', 'type', 'unit', 'response']: entry[key] = sensor.get(key, '') sensors[entry['response']] = entry # convert into dictionary data = AttribDict() for network in xml_doc.xpath('ns:network', namespaces={'ns': xml_ns}): net = AttribDict() # strings for key in ['archive', 'code', 'description', 'institutions', 'net_class', 'region', 'type']: net[key] = network.get(key, '') # restricted if network.get('restricted', '') == 'false': net['restricted'] = False else: net['restricted'] = True # date / times try: net.start = UTCDateTime(network.get('start')) except Exception: net.start = None try: net.end = UTCDateTime(network.get('end')) except Exception: net.end = None # remark try: net.remark = network.xpath( 'ns:remark', namespaces={'ns': xml_ns})[0].text or '' except Exception: net.remark = '' # write network entries data[net.code] = net # stations for station in network.xpath('ns0:station', namespaces={'ns0': xml_ns}): sta = AttribDict() # strings for key in ['code', 'description', 'affiliation', 'country', 'place', 'restricted', 'archive_net']: sta[key] = station.get(key, '') # floats for key in ['elevation', 'longitude', 'depth', 'latitude']: try: sta[key] = float(station.get(key)) except Exception: sta[key] = None # restricted if station.get('restricted', '') == 'false': sta['restricted'] = False else: sta['restricted'] = True # date / times try: sta.start = UTCDateTime(station.get('start')) except Exception: sta.start = None try: sta.end = UTCDateTime(station.get('end')) except Exception: sta.end = None # remark try: sta.remark = station.xpath( 'ns:remark', namespaces={'ns': xml_ns})[0].text or '' except Exception: sta.remark = '' # write station entry data[net.code + '.' + sta.code] = sta # instruments for stream in station.xpath('ns:' + stream_ns, namespaces={'ns': xml_ns}): # fetch component for comp in stream.xpath('ns:' + component_ns, namespaces={'ns': xml_ns}): # date / times try: start = UTCDateTime(comp.get('start')) except Exception: start = None try: end = UTCDateTime(comp.get('end')) except Exception: end = None # check date/time boundaries if start > endtime: continue if end and starttime > end: continue if xml_ns == _INVENTORY_NS_0_2: seismometer_id = stream.get(seismometer_ns, None) else: seismometer_id = comp.get(seismometer_ns, None) # channel id if xml_ns == _INVENTORY_NS_0_2: # channel code is split into two attributes id = '.'.join([net.code, sta.code, stream.get('loc_code', ''), stream.get('code', ' ') + comp.get('code', ' ')]) else: id = '.'.join([net.code, sta.code, stream.get('code', ''), comp.get('code', '')]) # write channel entry if id not in data: data[id] = [] temp = AttribDict() data[id].append(temp) # fetch sensitivity etc try: temp['sensitivity'] = float(comp.get('gain')) except Exception: temp['sensitivity'] = None # again keep it backwards compatible temp['gain'] = temp['sensitivity'] try: temp['sensitivity_frequency'] = \ float(comp.get('gainFrequency')) except Exception: temp['sensitivity_frequency'] = None try: temp['sensitivity_unit'] = comp.get('gainUnit') except Exception: temp['sensitivity_unit'] = None # date / times try: temp['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(comp.get('start')) except Exception: temp['starttime'] = None try: temp['endtime'] = UTCDateTime(comp.get('end')) except Exception: temp['endtime'] = None if not instruments or not seismometer_id: continue # PAZ paz_id = xml_doc.xpath('ns:' + seismometer_ns + '[@' + name_ns + '="' + seismometer_id + '"]/@response', namespaces={'ns': xml_ns}) if not paz_id: continue paz_id = paz_id[0] # hack for 0.2 schema if paz_id.startswith('paz:'): paz_id = paz_id[4:] xml_paz = xml_doc.xpath('ns:' + resp_paz_ns + '[@' + name_ns + '="' + paz_id + '"]', namespaces={'ns': xml_ns}) if not xml_paz: continue # parse PAZ paz = self.__parse_paz(xml_paz[0], xml_ns) # convert from Hz (Analog) to rad/s (Laplace) if paz['response_type'] == "B": def x2pi(x): return x * 2 * np.pi paz['poles'] = list(map(x2pi, paz['poles'])) paz['zeros'] = list(map(x2pi, paz['zeros'])) paz['normalization_factor'] = \ paz['normalization_factor'] * (2 * np.pi) ** \ (len(paz['poles']) - len(paz['zeros'])) paz['gain'] = paz['normalization_factor'] paz['response_type'] = "A" # sensitivity paz['sensitivity'] = temp['sensitivity'] paz['sensitivity_frequency'] = \ temp['sensitivity_frequency'] paz['sensitivity_unit'] = temp['sensitivity_unit'] temp['paz'] = paz # add some seismometer-specific "nice to have" stuff public_id = xml_paz[0].get('publicID') try: paz['sensor_manufacturer'] = \ sensors[public_id]['manufacturer'] paz['sensor_model'] = sensors[public_id]['model'] except Exception: paz['sensor_manufacturer'] = None paz['sensor_model'] = None return data
[docs] def get_networks(self, starttime, endtime, route=False): """ Returns a dictionary of available networks within the given time span. .. note:: Currently the time span seems to be ignored by the ArcLink servers, therefore all possible networks are returned. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start date and time. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End date and time. :return: Dictionary of network data. :type route: bool, optional :param route: Enables ArcLink routing (default is ``False``). """ return self.get_inventory(network='*', starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, route=route)
[docs] def get_stations(self, starttime, endtime, network, route=False): """ Returns a dictionary of available stations in the given network(s). .. note:: Currently the time span seems to be ignored by the ArcLink servers, therefore all possible stations are returned. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start date and time. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End date and time. :type network: str :param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``. :return: Dictionary of station data. :type route: bool, optional :param route: Enables ArcLink routing (default is ``False``). """ data = self.get_inventory(network=network, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, route=route) stations = [value for key, value in data.items() if key.startswith(network + '.') and "code" in value] return stations
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)