Source code for obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader.domain

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Domain definitions for the download helpers.

Subclass the :class:`~obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader.domain.Domain` class
to define custom and potentially more complex domains. See its documentation
for an example.

    Lion Krischer (, 2014-2015
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import *  # NOQA
from future.utils import with_metaclass

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class Domain(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): """ Abstract base class defining a domain - subclass it to define a new domain. Each subclass must implement the :meth:`~.get_query_parameters` method and optionally the :meth:`~.is_in_domain` method which enables the construction of arbitrarily complex domains. The :meth:`~.get_query_parameters` method must return the query parameters to download as much data as required. The :meth:`~.is_in_domain` can later be used to refine the domain after the data has been downloaded. It can be thought of as a boolean operation - first the rough domain is specified including all the possible points, then some points are removed again. This is illustrated with an example domain representing Germany utilizing the external packages `shapely <>`_ and `fiona <>`_. Shapefiles can be found online on many websites, for example on ` <>`_. The example works by first extracting the bounds of the country to formulate the FDSN query and then removing points outside of the exact shape. .. code-block:: python import fiona import shapely.geometry from obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader import Domain class Germany(Domain): def __init__(self): Domain.__init__(self) fiona_collection ="./DEU_adm/DEU_adm0.shp") geometry =["geometry"] self.shape = shapely.geometry.asShape(geometry) self.b = fiona_collection.bounds def get_query_parameters(self): return {"minlatitude": self.b[1], "minlongitude": self.b[0], "maxlatitude": self.b[3], "maxlongitude": self.b[2]} def is_in_domain(self, latitude, longitude): if self.shape.contains(shapely.geometry.Point(longitude, latitude)): return True return False This is further illustrated by the following image. The green rectangle denotes the original FDSN query which returns the blue points. In the second step the red points are discarded leaving only points (stations) within Germany. .. figure:: /_images/expensive_plots/mass_downloader_domain.png :align: center """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def get_query_parameters(self): """ Return the domain specific query parameters for the :meth:`~obspy.clients.fdsn.client.Client.get_stations` method as a dictionary. Possibilities keys for rectangular queries are * ``minlatitude`` * ``maxlatitude`` * ``minlongitude`` * ``maxlongitude`` For circular queries: * ``latitude`` * ``longitude`` * ``minradius`` * ``maxradius`` """ pass
[docs] def is_in_domain(self, latitude, longitude): """ Returns True/False depending on the point being in the domain. If not implemented no further restrictions will be applied after the data has been downloaded. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class RectangularDomain(Domain): """ A rectangular domain defined by latitude and longitude bounds. >>> domain = RectangularDomain(minlatitude=30, maxlatitude=50, ... minlongitude=5, maxlongitude=35) """
[docs] def __init__(self, minlatitude, maxlatitude, minlongitude, maxlongitude): self.minlatitude = minlatitude self.maxlatitude = maxlatitude self.minlongitude = minlongitude self.maxlongitude = maxlongitude
[docs] def get_query_parameters(self): return { "minlatitude": self.minlatitude, "maxlatitude": self.maxlatitude, "minlongitude": self.minlongitude, "maxlongitude": self.maxlongitude}
[docs]class CircularDomain(Domain): """ A circular domain defined by a center point and minimum and maximum radius from that point in degrees. >>> domain = CircularDomain(latitude=37.52, longitude=143.04, ... minradius=70.0, maxradius=90.0) """
[docs] def __init__(self, latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius): self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self.minradius = minradius self.maxradius = maxradius
[docs] def get_query_parameters(self): return { "latitude": self.latitude, "longitude": self.longitude, "minradius": self.minradius, "maxradius": self.maxradius}
[docs]class GlobalDomain(Domain): """ Domain spanning the whole globe. >>> domain = GlobalDomain() """
[docs] def get_query_parameters(self): return {}
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)