#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides the Station class.
Lion Krischer (krischer@geophysik.uni-muenchen.de), 2013
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import * # NOQA
from future.utils import python_2_unicode_compatible
import copy
import fnmatch
import warnings
import numpy as np
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.util.obspy_types import (ObsPyException, ZeroSamplingRate,
from obspy.geodetics import inside_geobounds
from .util import (BaseNode, Equipment, Operator, Distance, Latitude,
Longitude, _unified_content_strings, _textwrap, Site)
[docs]class Station(BaseNode):
From the StationXML definition:
This type represents a Station epoch. It is common to only have a
single station epoch with the station's creation and termination dates
as the epoch start and end dates.
[docs] def __init__(self, code, latitude, longitude, elevation, channels=None,
site=None, vault=None, geology=None, equipments=None,
operators=None, creation_date=None, termination_date=None,
selected_number_of_channels=None, description=None,
comments=None, start_date=None, end_date=None,
restricted_status=None, alternate_code=None,
historical_code=None, data_availability=None,
identifiers=None, water_level=None, source_id=None):
:type channels: list of :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.channel.Channel`
:param channels: All channels belonging to this station.
:type site: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.util.Site`
:param site: The lexical description of the site
:type latitude: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.util.Latitude`
:param latitude: The latitude of the station
:type longitude: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.util.Longitude`
:param longitude: The longitude of the station
:param elevation: The elevation of the station in meter.
:param site: These fields describe the location of the station using
geopolitical entities (country, city, etc.).
:param vault: Type of vault, e.g. WWSSN, tunnel, transportable array,
:param geology: Type of rock and/or geologic formation.
:type equipments: list of :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.util.Equipment`
:param equipments: Equipment used by all channels at a station.
:type operators: list of :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.util.Operator`
:param operators: An operating agency and associated contact persons.
:type creation_date: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
:param creation_date: Date and time (UTC) when the station was first
:type termination_date: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`,
:param termination_date: Date and time (UTC) when the station was
terminated or will be terminated. A blank value should be assumed
to mean that the station is still active.
:type total_number_of_channels: int
:param total_number_of_channels: Total number of channels recorded at
this station.
:type selected_number_of_channels: int
:param selected_number_of_channels: Number of channels recorded at this
station and selected by the query that produced this document.
:type external_references: list of
:param external_references: URI of any type of external report, such as
IRIS data reports or dataless SEED volumes.
:type description: str
:param description: A description of the resource
:type comments: list of :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.util.Comment`
:param comments: An arbitrary number of comments to the resource
:type start_date: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`,
:param start_date: The start date of the resource
:type end_date: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
:param end_date: The end date of the resource
:type restricted_status: str
:param restricted_status: The restriction status
:type alternate_code: str
:param alternate_code: A code used for display or association,
alternate to the SEED-compliant code.
:type historical_code: str
:param historical_code: A previously used code if different from the
current code.
:type data_availability: :class:`~obspy.station.util.DataAvailability`
:param data_availability: Information about time series availability
for the station.
:type identifiers: list of str, optional
:param identifiers: Persistent identifiers for network/station/channel
(schema version >=1.1). URIs are in general composed of a 'scheme'
and a 'path' (optionally with additional components), the two of
which separated by a colon.
:type water_level: float, optional
:param water_level: Elevation of the water surface in meters for
underwater sites, where 0 is sea level. (schema version >=1.1)
:type source_id: str, optional
:param source_id: A data source identifier in URI form
(schema version >=1.1). URIs are in general composed of a 'scheme'
and a 'path' (optionally with additional components), the two of
which separated by a colon.
self.latitude = latitude
self.longitude = longitude
self.elevation = elevation
self.channels = channels or []
self.site = site if site is not None else Site()
self.vault = vault
self.geology = geology
self.equipments = equipments or []
self.operators = operators or []
self.creation_date = creation_date
self.termination_date = termination_date
self.total_number_of_channels = total_number_of_channels
self.selected_number_of_channels = selected_number_of_channels
self.external_references = []
self.water_level = water_level
super(Station, self).__init__(
code=code, description=description, comments=comments,
start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date,
restricted_status=restricted_status, alternate_code=alternate_code,
data_availability=data_availability, identifiers=identifiers,
def total_number_of_channels(self):
return self._total_number_of_channels
def total_number_of_channels(self, value):
if value is not None and value < 0:
msg = "total_number_of_channels cannot be negative."
raise ValueError(msg)
self._total_number_of_channels = value
def selected_number_of_channels(self):
return self._selected_number_of_channels
def selected_number_of_channels(self, value):
if value is not None and value < 0:
msg = "selected_number_of_channels cannot be negative."
raise ValueError(msg)
self._selected_number_of_channels = value
[docs] def __str__(self):
contents = self.get_contents()
ret = ("Station {station_name}\n"
"\tStation Code: {station_code}\n"
"\tChannel Count: {selected}/{total} (Selected/Total)\n"
"\t{start_date} - {end_date}\n"
"\tAccess: {restricted} {alternate_code}{historical_code}\n"
"\tLatitude: {lat:.2f}, Longitude: {lng:.2f}, "
"Elevation: {elevation:.1f} m\n")
ret = ret.format(
end_date=str(self.end_date) if self.end_date else "",
lat=self.latitude, lng=self.longitude, elevation=self.elevation,
alternate_code="Alternate Code: %s " % self.alternate_code if
self.alternate_code else "",
historical_code="historical Code: %s " % self.historical_code if
self.historical_code else "")
ret += "\tAvailable Channels:\n"
ret += "\n".join(_textwrap(
", ".join(_unified_content_strings(contents["channels"])),
initial_indent="\t\t", subsequent_indent="\t\t",
return ret
[docs] def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle):
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.channels[index]
[docs] def __len__(self):
return len(self.channels)
[docs] def get_contents(self):
Returns a dictionary containing the contents of the object.
.. rubric:: Example
>>> from obspy import read_inventory
>>> example_filename = "/path/to/IRIS_single_channel_with_response.xml"
>>> inventory = read_inventory(example_filename)
>>> station = inventory.networks[0].stations[0]
>>> station.get_contents() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
>>> for (k, v) in sorted(station.get_contents().items()):
... print(k, v[0])
channels ANMO.10.BHZ
stations ANMO (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
site_name = None
if self.site and self.site.name:
site_name = self.site.name
desc = "%s%s" % (self.code, " (%s)" % (site_name if site_name else ""))
content_dict = {"stations": [desc], "channels": []}
for channel in self.channels:
"%s.%s.%s" % (self.code, channel.location_code, channel.code))
return content_dict
def operators(self):
return self._operators
def operators(self, value):
if not hasattr(value, "__iter__"):
msg = "Operators needs to be an iterable, e.g. a list."
raise ValueError(msg)
# make sure to unwind actual iterators, or the just might get exhausted
# at some point
operators = [operator for operator in value]
if any([not isinstance(x, Operator) for x in operators]):
msg = "Operators can only contain Operator objects."
raise ValueError(msg)
self._operators = operators
def equipments(self):
return self._equipments
def equipments(self, value):
if not hasattr(value, "__iter__"):
msg = "equipments needs to be an iterable, e.g. a list."
raise ValueError(msg)
# make sure to unwind actual iterators, or the just might get exhausted
# at some point
equipments = [equipment for equipment in value]
if any([not isinstance(x, Equipment) for x in equipments]):
msg = "equipments can only contain Equipment objects."
raise ValueError(msg)
self._equipments = equipments
# if value is None or isinstance(value, Equipment):
# self._equipment = value
# elif isinstance(value, dict):
# self._equipment = Equipment(**value)
# else:
# msg = ("equipment needs to be be of type
# obspy.core.inventory.Equipment "
# "or contain a dictionary with values suitable for "
# "initialization.")
# raise ValueError(msg)
def creation_date(self):
return self._creation_date
def creation_date(self, value):
if value is None:
self._creation_date = None
if not isinstance(value, UTCDateTime):
value = UTCDateTime(value)
self._creation_date = value
def termination_date(self):
return self._termination_date
def termination_date(self, value):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, UTCDateTime):
value = UTCDateTime(value)
self._termination_date = value
def external_references(self):
return self._external_references
def external_references(self, value):
if not hasattr(value, "__iter__"):
msg = "external_references needs to be iterable, e.g. a list."
raise ValueError(msg)
self._external_references = value
def longitude(self):
return self._longitude
def longitude(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Longitude):
self._longitude = value
self._longitude = Longitude(value)
def latitude(self):
return self._latitude
def latitude(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Latitude):
self._latitude = value
self._latitude = Latitude(value)
def elevation(self):
return self._elevation
def elevation(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Distance):
self._elevation = value
self._elevation = Distance(value)
def water_level(self):
return self._water_level
def water_level(self, value):
if value is None:
self._water_level = None
elif isinstance(value, FloatWithUncertaintiesAndUnit):
self._water_level = value
self._water_level = FloatWithUncertaintiesAndUnit(value)
[docs] def select(self, location=None, channel=None, time=None, starttime=None,
endtime=None, sampling_rate=None, minlatitude=None,
maxlatitude=None, minlongitude=None, maxlongitude=None,
latitude=None, longitude=None, minradius=None, maxradius=None):
Returns the :class:`Station` object with only the
:class:`~obspy.core.inventory.channel.Channel`\ s that match the given
criteria (e.g. all channels with ``channel="EHZ"``).
.. warning::
The returned object is based on a shallow copy of the original
object. That means that modifying any mutable child elements will
also modify the original object
(see https://docs.python.org/2/library/copy.html).
Use :meth:`copy()` afterwards to make a new copy of the data in
.. rubric:: Example
>>> from obspy import read_inventory, UTCDateTime
>>> sta = read_inventory()[0][0]
>>> t = UTCDateTime(2008, 7, 1, 12)
>>> sta = sta.select(channel="[LB]HZ", time=t)
>>> print(sta) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Station FUR (Fuerstenfeldbruck, Bavaria, GR-Net)
Station Code: FUR
Channel Count: None/None (Selected/Total)
2006-12-16T00:00:00.000000Z -
Access: None
Latitude: 48.16, Longitude: 11.28, Elevation: 565.0 m
Available Channels:
The `location` and `channel` selection criteria may also contain UNIX
style wildcards (e.g. ``*``, ``?``, ...; see
:type location: str
:param location: Potentially wildcarded location code. If not given,
all location codes will be accepted.
:type channel: str
:param channel: Potentially wildcarded channel code. If not given,
all channel codes will be accepted.
:type time: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
:param time: Only include channels active at given point in time.
:type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
:param starttime: Only include channels active at or after given point
in time (i.e. channels ending before given time will not be shown).
:type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
:param endtime: Only include channels active before or at given point
in time (i.e. channels starting after given time will not be
:type sampling_rate: float
:param sampling_rate: Only include channels whose sampling rate
matches the given sampling rate, in Hz (within absolute tolerance
of 1E-8 Hz and relative tolerance of 1E-5)
:type minlatitude: float
:param minlatitude: Only include channels with a latitude larger than
the specified minimum.
:type maxlatitude: float
:param maxlatitude: Only include channels with a latitude smaller than
the specified maximum.
:type minlongitude: float
:param minlongitude: Only include channels with a longitude larger than
the specified minimum.
:type maxlongitude: float
:param maxlongitude: Only include channels with a longitude smaller
than the specified maximum.
:type latitude: float
:param latitude: Specify the latitude to be used for a radius
:type longitude: float
:param longitude: Specify the longitude to be used for a radius
:type minradius: float
:param minradius: Only include channels within the specified
minimum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the
latitude and longitude parameters.
:type maxradius: float
:param maxradius: Only include channels within the specified
maximum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the
latitude and longitude parameters.
channels = []
for cha in self.channels:
# skip if any given criterion is not matched
if location is not None:
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(cha.location_code.upper(),
if channel is not None:
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(cha.code.upper(),
if sampling_rate is not None:
if cha.sample_rate is None:
msg = ("Omitting channel that has no sampling rate "
if not np.allclose(float(sampling_rate), cha.sample_rate,
rtol=1E-5, atol=1E-8):
if any([t is not None for t in (time, starttime, endtime)]):
if not cha.is_active(time=time, starttime=starttime,
geo_filters = dict(
minlatitude=minlatitude, maxlatitude=maxlatitude,
minlongitude=minlongitude, maxlongitude=maxlongitude,
latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, minradius=minradius,
if any(value is not None for value in geo_filters.values()):
if not inside_geobounds(cha, **geo_filters):
sta = copy.copy(self)
sta.channels = channels
return sta
[docs] def plot(self, min_freq, output="VEL", location="*", channel="*",
time=None, starttime=None, endtime=None, axes=None,
unwrap_phase=False, plot_degrees=False, show=True, outfile=None):
Show bode plot of instrument response of all (or a subset of) the
station's channels.
:type min_freq: float
:param min_freq: Lowest frequency to plot.
:type output: str
:param output: Output units. One of:
displacement, output unit is meters
velocity, output unit is meters/second
acceleration, output unit is meters/second**2
:type location: str
:param location: Only plot matching channels. Accepts UNIX style
patterns and wildcards (e.g. ``"BH*"``, ``"BH?"``, ``"*Z"``,
``"[LB]HZ"``; see :func:`~fnmatch.fnmatch`)
:type channel: str
:param channel: Only plot matching channels. Accepts UNIX style
patterns and wildcards (e.g. ``"BH*"``, ``"BH?"``, ``"*Z"``,
``"[LB]HZ"``; see :func:`~fnmatch.fnmatch`)
:param time: Only show channels active at given point in time.
:type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
:param starttime: Only show channels active at or after given point in
time (i.e. channels ending before given time will not be shown).
:type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
:param endtime: Only show channels active before or at given point in
time (i.e. channels starting after given time will not be shown).
:type axes: list of 2 :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
:param axes: List/tuple of two axes instances to plot the
amplitude/phase spectrum into. If not specified, a new figure is
:type unwrap_phase: bool
:param unwrap_phase: Set optional phase unwrapping using NumPy.
:type plot_degrees: bool
:param plot_degrees: if ``True`` plot bode in degrees
:type show: bool
:param show: Whether to show the figure after plotting or not. Can be
used to do further customization of the plot before showing it.
:type outfile: str
:param outfile: Output file path to directly save the resulting image
(e.g. ``"/tmp/image.png"``). Overrides the ``show`` option, image
will not be displayed interactively. The given path/file name is
also used to automatically determine the output format. Supported
file formats depend on your matplotlib backend. Most backends
support png, pdf, ps, eps and svg. Defaults to ``None``.
.. rubric:: Basic Usage
>>> from obspy import read_inventory
>>> sta = read_inventory()[0][0]
>>> sta.plot(0.001, output="VEL", channel="*Z") # doctest: +SKIP
.. plot::
from obspy import read_inventory
sta = read_inventory()[0][0]
sta.plot(0.001, output="VEL", channel="*Z")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if axes:
ax1, ax2 = axes
fig = ax1.figure
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax1)
matching = self.select(location=location, channel=channel, time=time,
starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime)
for cha in matching.channels:
cha.plot(min_freq=min_freq, output=output, axes=(ax1, ax2),
label=".".join((self.code, cha.location_code,
unwrap_phase=unwrap_phase, plot_degrees=plot_degrees,
show=False, outfile=None)
except ZeroSamplingRate:
msg = ("Skipping plot of channel with zero "
"sampling rate:\n%s")
warnings.warn(msg % str(cha), UserWarning)
except ObsPyException as e:
msg = "Skipping plot of channel (%s):\n%s"
warnings.warn(msg % (str(e), str(cha)), UserWarning)
# final adjustments to plot if we created the figure in here
if not axes:
from obspy.core.inventory.response import _adjust_bode_plot_figure
_adjust_bode_plot_figure(fig, plot_degrees=plot_degrees,
if outfile:
if show:
return fig
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest