#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ObsPy implementation for parsing the arclink inventory format
to an Inventory object.
This is a modified version of obspy.io.stationxml and obspy.io.sc3ml.
Mathijs Koymans (koymans@knmi.nl), 29.2016 - [Jollyfant@GitHub]
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import * # NOQA
import inspect
import math
import os
import re
import warnings
from lxml import etree
import obspy
from obspy.core.util.obspy_types import (ComplexWithUncertainties,
from obspy.core.inventory import (Azimuth, ClockDrift, Dip,
Distance, Frequency, Latitude,
Longitude, SampleRate)
from obspy.core.inventory import (CoefficientsTypeResponseStage,
FilterCoefficient, FIRResponseStage,
SOFTWARE_MODULE = "ObsPy %s" % obspy.__version__
SOFTWARE_URI = "http://www.obspy.org"
SCHEMA_NAMESPACE = "http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/ns/Inventory/1.0/"
[docs]def _is_inventory_xml(path_or_file_object):
Simple function checking if the passed object contains a valid arclink XML
1.0 file. Returns True of False.
The test is not exhaustive - it only checks the root tag but that should
be good enough for most real world use cases. If the schema is used to
test for a StationXML file, many real world files are false negatives as
they don't adhere to the standard.
:param path_or_file_object: File name or file like object.
if hasattr(path_or_file_object, "tell") and hasattr(path_or_file_object,
current_position = path_or_file_object.tell()
if isinstance(path_or_file_object, etree._Element):
xmldoc = path_or_file_object
xmldoc = etree.parse(path_or_file_object)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
return False
root = xmldoc.getroot()
if re.match(r'{http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/ns/Inventory/'
r'[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+/}', root.tag) is None:
return False
# Match and convert schema number to a float to have positive
# comparisons between, e.g "1" and "1.0".
version = float(re.findall(r"\d+\.\d+", root.tag)[0])
if float(version != float(SCHEMA_VERSION)):
warnings.warn("The inventory file has version %s, ObsPy can "
"deal with version %s. Proceed with caution." % (
root.attrib["version"], SCHEMA_VERSION))
return True
# Make sure to reset file pointer position.
path_or_file_object.seek(current_position, 0)
except Exception:
[docs]def validate_arclink_xml(path_or_object):
Checks if the given path is a valid arclink_xml file.
Returns a tuple. The first item is a boolean describing if the validation
was successful or not. The second item is a list of all found validation
errors, if existent.
:param path_or_object: File name or file like object. Can also be an etree
# Get the schema location.
schema_location = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))
schema_location = os.path.join(schema_location, "data",
xmlschema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(schema_location))
if isinstance(path_or_object, etree._Element):
xmldoc = path_or_object
xmldoc = etree.parse(path_or_object)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
return (False, ("Not a XML file.",))
valid = xmlschema.validate(xmldoc)
# Pretty error printing if the validation fails.
if valid is not True:
return (False, xmlschema.error_log)
return (True, ())
[docs]def _ns(tagname):
Hoisted namespace function used to find elements
:param tagname: name of tag to be extracted
return "{%s}%s" % (SCHEMA_NAMESPACE, tagname)
[docs]def _read_inventory_xml(path_or_file_object):
Function for reading an Arclink inventory file.
:param path_or_file_object: File name or file like object.
root = etree.parse(path_or_file_object).getroot()
created = None
sender = "ObsPy Inventory"
# Set source to this script
source = "Arclink Inventory Import"
module = None
module_uri = None
# Collect all networks from the arcllink inventory
networks = []
for net_element in root.findall(_ns("network")):
networks.append(_read_network(root, net_element))
return obspy.core.inventory.Inventory(networks=networks, source=source,
sender=sender, created=created,
module=module, module_uri=module_uri)
[docs]def _attr2obj(element, attribute, convert):
Reads text from attribute in element
:param element: etree element
:param attribute: name of attribute to be read
:param convert: intrinsic function (e.g. int, str, float)
if element.get(attribute) is None:
return None
elif element.get(attribute) == '':
return None
return convert(element.get(attribute))
except Exception:
[docs]def _tag2obj(element, tag, convert):
Reads text from tag in element
:param element: etree element
:param tag: name of tag to be read
:param convert: intrinsic function (e.g. int, str, float)
if element.find(tag).text is None:
return None
return convert(element.find(tag).text)
except Exception:
[docs]def _read_network(inventory_root, net_element):
Reads the network structure
:param inventory_root: base inventory element of document
:param net_element: network element to be read
:param _ns: namespace
# Get the network code as attribute (e.g. <network code="GB">)
network = obspy.core.inventory.Network(net_element.get("code"))
# There is no further information in the attributes of <network>
# Start and end date are included as tags
network.start_date = _attr2obj(net_element, 'start', obspy.UTCDateTime)
network.end_date = _attr2obj(net_element, 'end', obspy.UTCDateTime)
network.description = _attr2obj(net_element, 'description', str)
# get the restricted_status (boolean)
# true is evaluated to 'open'; false to 'closed'
# to match stationXML format
network.restricted_status = _get_restricted_status(net_element)
# Collect the stations
stations = []
for sta_element in net_element.findall(_ns("station")):
stations.append(_read_station(inventory_root, sta_element))
network.stations = stations
return network
[docs]def _get_restricted_status(element):
get the restricted_status (boolean)
true is evaluated to 'open' and false to 'closed'
to match stationXML formatting
:param element: xmltree element status is extracted from
restricted_status = _attr2obj(element, "restricted", str)
if restricted_status == 'false':
return 'open'
return 'closed'
[docs]def _read_station(inventory_root, sta_element):
Reads the station structure
:param inventory_root: base inventory element of document
:param sta_element: station element to be read
# Read location tags
longitude = _attr2obj(sta_element, "longitude", Longitude)
latitude = _attr2obj(sta_element, "latitude", Latitude)
elevation = _attr2obj(sta_element, "elevation", Distance)
station = obspy.core.inventory.Station(code=sta_element.get("code"),
station.site = _read_site(sta_element)
# There is no relevant info in the base node
# Read the start and end date (creation, termination) from tags
station.start_date = _attr2obj(sta_element, "start", obspy.UTCDateTime)
station.end_date = _attr2obj(sta_element, "end", obspy.UTCDateTime)
station.creation_date = _attr2obj(sta_element, "start", obspy.UTCDateTime)
station.termination_date = _attr2obj(sta_element, "end", obspy.UTCDateTime)
# get the restricted_status (boolean)
# true is evaluated to 'open'; false to 'closed'
station.restricted_status = _get_restricted_status(sta_element)
# Get all the channels, format keeps these in <sensorLocation> tags in the
# station element. Individual channels are contained within <stream> tags
channels = []
for sen_loc_element in sta_element.findall(_ns("sensorLocation")):
for channel in sen_loc_element.findall(_ns("stream")):
channels.append(_read_channel(inventory_root, channel))
station.channels = channels
return station
[docs]def _read_site(sta_element):
Reads site information from the station element tags
and region from network element
In arclinkXML, site information are included as
tags in the station_element
:param sta_element: station element
# The region is defined in the parent network element
net_element = sta_element.getparent()
region = _attr2obj(net_element, "region", str)
# The country, place, description are given in the
# station element
country = _attr2obj(sta_element, "country", str)
place = _attr2obj(sta_element, "place", str)
description = _attr2obj(sta_element, "description", str)
# The name is usually the description
name = description
return obspy.core.inventory.Site(name=name, description=description,
town=place, county=None, region=region,
[docs]def _read_datalogger(equip_element):
Reads equipment information from datalogger
Some information is not present > to None
:param equip_element: element to be parsed
resource_id = equip_element.get("publicID")
description = _attr2obj(equip_element, "description", str)
manufacturer = _attr2obj(equip_element, "digitizerManufacturer", str)
model = _attr2obj(equip_element, "digitizerModel", str)
# A lot of properties are not specified in the ArclinkXML
return obspy.core.inventory.Equipment(
resource_id=resource_id, type=model, description=description,
manufacturer=manufacturer, vendor=None, model=model,
serial_number=None, installation_date=None,
removal_date=None, calibration_dates=None)
[docs]def _read_sensor(equip_element):
Reads equipment information from element
Some information is not present > to None
:param equip_element: element to be parsed
# try to read some element tags, most are missing anyway
resource_id = equip_element.get("publicID")
equipment_type = _attr2obj(equip_element, "type", str)
description = _attr2obj(equip_element, "description", str)
manufacturer = _attr2obj(equip_element, "manufacturer", str)
model = _attr2obj(equip_element, "model", str)
# A lot of properties are not specified in the ArclinkXML
return obspy.core.inventory.Equipment(
resource_id=resource_id, type=equipment_type, description=description,
manufacturer=manufacturer, vendor=None, model=model,
serial_number=None, installation_date=None,
removal_date=None, calibration_dates=None)
[docs]def _read_channel(inventory_root, cha_element):
reads channel element from arclinkXML format
:param inventory_root: root of the XML document
:param cha_element: channel element to be parsed
code = cha_element.get("code")
# Information is also kept within the parent <sensorLocation> element
sen_loc_element = cha_element.getparent()
location_code = sen_loc_element.get("code")
# get site info from the <sensorLocation> element
longitude = _attr2obj(sen_loc_element, "longitude", Longitude)
latitude = _attr2obj(sen_loc_element, "latitude", Latitude)
elevation = _attr2obj(sen_loc_element, "elevation", Distance)
depth = _attr2obj(cha_element, "depth", Distance)
channel = obspy.core.inventory.Channel(
code=code, location_code=location_code, latitude=latitude,
longitude=longitude, elevation=elevation, depth=depth)
# obtain the sensorID and link to particular publicID <sensor> element
# in the inventory base node
sensor_id = cha_element.get("sensor")
sensor_element = inventory_root.find(_ns("sensor[@publicID='" +
sensor_id + "']"))
# obtain the poles and zeros responseID and link to particular
# <responsePAZ> publicID element in the inventory base node
if sensor_element is not None:
response_id = sensor_element.get("response")
if response_id is not None:
# Fix #2552
resp_type = response_id.replace("#", "/").split("/")[0]
if resp_type == 'ResponsePAZ':
search = "responsePAZ[@publicID='" + response_id + "']"
response_element = inventory_root.find(_ns(search))
elif resp_type == 'ResponsePolynomial':
search = "responsePolynomial[@publicID='" + response_id + "']"
response_element = inventory_root.find(_ns(search))
response_element = None
response_element = None
# obtain the dataloggerID and link to particular <responsePAZ> publicID
# element in the inventory base node
datalogger_id = cha_element.get("datalogger")
search = "datalogger[@publicID='" + datalogger_id + "']"
data_log_element = inventory_root.find(_ns(search))
channel.restricted_status = _get_restricted_status(cha_element)
# There is no further information in the attributes of <stream>
# Start and end date are included as tags instead
channel.start_date = _attr2obj(cha_element, "start", obspy.UTCDateTime)
channel.end_date = _attr2obj(cha_element, "end", obspy.UTCDateTime)
# Determine sample rate (given is a numerator, denominator)
# Assuming numerator is # samples and denominator is # seconds
numerator = _attr2obj(cha_element, "sampleRateNumerator", int)
denominator = _attr2obj(cha_element, "sampleRateDenominator", int)
rate = numerator / denominator
channel.sample_rate_ratio_number_samples = numerator
channel.sample_rate_ratio_number_seconds = denominator
channel.sample_rate = _read_float_var(rate, SampleRate)
if sensor_element is not None:
channel.sensor = _read_sensor(sensor_element)
if data_log_element is not None:
channel.data_logger = _read_datalogger(data_log_element)
temp = _attr2obj(data_log_element, "maxClockDrift",
if channel.sample_rate != 0.0:
channel.clock_drift_in_seconds_per_sample = \
_read_float_var(temp / channel.sample_rate, ClockDrift)
msg = "Clock drift division by sample rate of 0: using sec/sample"
channel.sample_rate = temp
channel.azimuth = _attr2obj(cha_element, "azimuth", Azimuth)
channel.dip = _attr2obj(cha_element, "dip", Dip)
# storage format of channel not supported by StationXML1.1 anymore, keep it
# as a foreign tag to be nice if anybody needs to access it
channel.extra = {'format': {
'value': _tag2obj(cha_element, _ns("format"), str),
'namespace': SCHEMA_NAMESPACE}}
if channel.sample_rate == 0.0:
msg = "Something went hopelessly wrong, found sampling-rate of 0!"
# Begin to collect digital/analogue filter chains
# This information is stored as an array in the datalogger element
response_fir_id = []
response_paz_id = []
if data_log_element is not None:
# Find the decimation element with a particular num/denom
decim_element = data_log_element.find(_ns(
"decimation[@sampleRateDenominator='" +
str(int(denominator)) + "'][@sampleRateNumerator='" +
str(int(numerator)) + "']"))
analogue_filter_chain = _tag2obj(decim_element,
_ns("analogueFilterChain"), str)
if analogue_filter_chain is not None:
response_paz_id = analogue_filter_chain.split(" ")
digital_filter_chain = _tag2obj(decim_element,
_ns("digitalFilterChain"), str)
if digital_filter_chain is not None:
response_fir_id = digital_filter_chain.split(" ")
channel.response = _read_response(inventory_root, sensor_element,
response_element, cha_element,
response_fir_id, response_paz_id)
return channel
[docs]def _read_instrument_sensitivity(sen_element, cha_element):
reads the instrument sensitivity (gain) from the sensor and channel element
:param sen_element: sensor element to be parsed
:param cha_element: channel element to be parsed
# Read the gain and gain frequency from attributs
gain = _attr2obj(cha_element, "gain", float)
frequency = _attr2obj(cha_element, "gainFrequency", float)
# Get input units and hardcode output units to counts
input_units_name = _attr2obj(sen_element, "unit", str)
output_units_name = 'COUNTS'
sensitivity = obspy.core.inventory.response.InstrumentSensitivity(
value=gain, frequency=frequency,
# assuming these are equal to frequencyStart/frequencyEnd
sensitivity.frequency_range_start = _attr2obj(sen_element, "lowFrequency",
sensitivity.frequency_range_end = _attr2obj(sen_element, "highFrequency",
return sensitivity
[docs]def _read_response(root, sen_element, resp_element, cha_element,
data_log_element, samp_rate, fir, analogue):
reads response from arclinkXML format
:param root: XML document root element
:param sen_element: sensor element to be used
:param resp_element: response element to be parsed
:param cha_element: channel element to be used
:param data_log_element: datalogger element to be used
:param samp_rate: sample rate of stream
:param fir: list of FIR filter chain identifiers
:param analogue: list of analogue filter chain identifiers
response = obspy.core.inventory.response.Response()
response.instrument_sensitivity = _read_instrument_sensitivity(
sen_element, cha_element)
if resp_element is None:
return response
# The sampling rate is not given per fir filter as in stationXML
# We are only given a decimation factor per stage, therefore we are
# required to reconstruct the sampling rates at a given stage from
# this chain of factors
# start with the final sampling_rate after all stages are applied
# invert the fir stages to reverse engineer (backwards) the sample rate
# during any fir stage
samp_rate = float(samp_rate)
fir_stage_rates = []
if len(fir):
fir = fir[::-1]
for fir_id in fir:
# get the particular fir stage decimation factor
# multiply the decimated sample rate by this factor
search = "responseFIR[@publicID='" + fir_id + "']"
fir_element = root.find(_ns(search))
if fir_element is None:
dec_fac = _attr2obj(fir_element, "decimationFactor", int)
if dec_fac is not None and int(dec_fac) != 0:
samp_rate *= dec_fac
# Return filter chain to original and also revert the rates
fir = fir[::-1]
fir_stage_rates = fir_stage_rates[::-1]
# Attempt to read stages in the proper order
# arclinkXML does not group stages by an ID
# We are required to do stage counting ourselves
stage = 1
# Get the sensor units, default to M/S
sensor_units = _attr2obj(sen_element, "unit", str)
if sensor_units is None:
msg = "Sensor unit not set, assuming M/S"
sensor_units = "M/S"
# Get the first PAZ stage
# Input unit: M/S or M/S**2
# Output unit: V
if resp_element is not None:
paz_response = _read_response_stage(resp_element, samp_rate,
stage, sensor_units, 'V')
if paz_response is not None:
stage += 1
# Apply analogue filter stages (if any)
# Input unit: V
# Output unit: V
if len(analogue):
for analogue_id in analogue:
search = "responsePAZ[@publicID='" + analogue_id + "']"
analogue_element = root.find(_ns(search))
if analogue_element is None:
msg = ('Analogue responsePAZ not in inventory:'
'%s, stopping before stage %i') % (analogue_id, stage)
return response
analogue_response = _read_response_stage(analogue_element,
samp_rate, stage, 'V',
if analogue_response is not None:
stage += 1
# Apply datalogger (digitizer)
# Input unit: V
# Output unit: COUNTS
if data_log_element is not None:
coeff_response = _read_response_stage(data_log_element,
samp_rate, stage, 'V',
if coeff_response is not None:
stage += 1
# Apply final digital filter stages
# Input unit: COUNTS
# Output unit: COUNTS
for fir_id, rate in zip(fir, fir_stage_rates):
search = "responseFIR[@publicID='" + fir_id + "']"
stage_element = root.find(_ns(search))
if stage_element is None:
msg = ("fir response not in inventory: %s, stopping correction"
"before stage %i") % (fir_id, stage)
return response
fir_response = _read_response_stage(stage_element, rate, stage,
if fir_response is not None:
stage += 1
return response
[docs]def _read_response_stage(stage, rate, stage_number, input_units,
Private function to read a response stage
:param stage: response stage element
:param rate: stage sample rate
:param stage_number: response stage number
:param input_units: input units of stage
:param output_units output units of stage
elem_type = stage.tag.split("}")[1]
stage_sequence_number = stage_number
# Obtain the stage gain and frequency
# Default to a gain of 0 and frequency of 0 if missing
stage_gain = _attr2obj(stage, "gain", float) or 0
stage_gain_frequency = _attr2obj(stage, "gainFrequency", float) or 0.0
name = _attr2obj(stage, "name", str)
resource_id = _attr2obj(stage, "publicID", str)
# Determine the decimation parameters
# This is dependent on the type of stage
# Decimation delay/correction need to be normalized
if elem_type == "responseFIR":
decimation_factor = _attr2obj(stage, "decimationFactor", int)
if rate != 0.0:
temp = _attr2obj(stage, "delay", float) / rate
decimation_delay = _read_float_var(temp,
temp = _attr2obj(stage, "correction", float) / rate
decimation_corr = _read_float_var(temp,
decimation_delay = _read_float_var("inf",
decimation_corr = _read_float_var("inf",
decimation_input_sample_rate = \
_read_float_var(rate, Frequency)
decimation_offset = int(0)
elif elem_type == "datalogger":
decimation_factor = int(1)
decimation_delay = _read_float_var(0.00,
decimation_corr = _read_float_var(0.00,
decimation_input_sample_rate = \
_read_float_var(rate, Frequency)
decimation_offset = int(0)
elif elem_type == "responsePAZ" or elem_type == "responsePolynomial":
decimation_factor = None
decimation_delay = None
decimation_corr = None
decimation_input_sample_rate = None
decimation_offset = None
raise ValueError("Unknown type of response: " + str(elem_type))
# set up list of for this stage arguments
kwargs = {
"stage_sequence_number": stage_sequence_number,
"input_units": str(input_units),
"output_units": str(output_units),
"input_units_description": None,
"output_units_description": None,
"resource_id": None,
"resource_id2": resource_id,
"stage_gain": stage_gain,
"stage_gain_frequency": stage_gain_frequency,
"name": name,
"description": None,
"decimation_input_sample_rate": decimation_input_sample_rate,
"decimation_factor": decimation_factor,
"decimation_offset": decimation_offset,
"decimation_delay": decimation_delay,
"decimation_correction": decimation_corr
# Different processing for different types of responses
# currently supported:
# PAZ, COEFF, FIR, Polynomial response is not supported;
# could not find example
if elem_type == 'responsePAZ':
# read normalization params
normalization_freq = _attr2obj(stage, "normalizationFrequency",
normalization_factor = _attr2obj(stage, "normalizationFactor",
# Parse the type of the transfer function
# A: Laplace (rad)
# B: Laplace (Hz)
# D: digital (z-transform)
pz_transfer_function_type = _attr2obj(stage, "type", str)
if pz_transfer_function_type == 'A':
pz_transfer_function_type = 'LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)'
elif pz_transfer_function_type == 'B':
pz_transfer_function_type = 'LAPLACE (HERTZ)'
elif pz_transfer_function_type == 'D':
pz_transfer_function_type = 'DIGITAL (Z-TRANSFORM)'
msg = ("Unknown transfer function code %s. Defaulting to Laplace"
"(rad)") % pz_transfer_function_type
pz_transfer_function_type = 'LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)'
# Parse string of poles and zeros
# paz are stored as a string in arclinkXML
# e.g. (-0.01234,0.01234) (-0.01234,-0.01234)
zeros_array = stage.find(_ns("zeros")).text
poles_array = stage.find(_ns("poles")).text
if zeros_array is not None:
zeros_array = zeros_array.split(" ")
zeros_array = []
if poles_array is not None:
poles_array = poles_array.split(" ")
poles_array = []
# Keep counter for pole/zero number
cnt = 0
poles = []
zeros = []
for el in poles_array:
poles.append(_tag2pole_or_zero(el, cnt))
cnt += 1
for el in zeros_array:
zeros.append(_tag2pole_or_zero(el, cnt))
cnt += 1
# Return the paz response
return PolesZerosResponseStage(
normalization_factor=normalization_factor, zeros=zeros,
poles=poles, **kwargs)
elif elem_type == 'datalogger':
cf_transfer_function_type = "DIGITAL"
numerator = []
denominator = []
return CoefficientsTypeResponseStage(
numerator=numerator, denominator=denominator, **kwargs)
elif elem_type == 'responsePolynomial':
raise NotImplementedError("responsePolynomial not"
"implemented. Contact the ObsPy developers")
# Polynomial response (UNTESTED)
# Currently not implemented in ObsPy (20-11-2015)
f_low = None
f_high = None
max_err = None
appr_type = _attr2obj(stage, "approximationType", str)
appr_low = _attr2obj(stage, "approximationLowerBound", float)
appr_high = _attr2obj(stage, "approximationUpperBound", float)
coeffs_str = _tag2obj(stage, _ns("coefficients"), str)
if coeffs_str is not None:
coeffs = coeffs_str.split(" ")
coeffs_float = []
i = 0
# pass additional mapping of coefficient counter
# so that a proper stationXML can be formatted
for c in coeffs:
temp = _read_float_var(c, FilterCoefficient,
additional_mapping={str("number"): i})
i += 1
return PolynomialResponseStage(
approximation_type=appr_type, frequency_lower_bound=f_low,
frequency_upper_bound=f_high, approximation_lower_bound=appr_low,
approximation_upper_bound=appr_high, maximum_error=max_err,
coefficients=coeffs, **kwargs)
elif elem_type == 'responseFIR':
# For the responseFIR obtain the symmetry and
# list of coefficients
coeffs_str = _tag2obj(stage, _ns("coefficients"), str)
coeffs_float = []
if coeffs_str is not None and coeffs_str != 'None':
coeffs = coeffs_str.split(" ")
i = 0
# pass additional mapping of coefficient counter
# so that a proper stationXML can be formatted
for c in coeffs:
temp = _read_float_var(c, FilterCoefficient,
additional_mapping={str("number"): i})
i += 1
# Write the FIR symmetry to what ObsPy expects
# A = NONE, B = ODD, C = EVEN
symmetry = _attr2obj(stage, "symmetry", str)
if symmetry == 'A':
symmetry = 'NONE'
elif symmetry == 'B':
symmetry = 'ODD'
elif symmetry == 'C':
symmetry = 'EVEN'
raise ValueError('Unknown symmetry metric; expected A, B, or C')
return FIRResponseStage(
coefficients=coeffs_float, symmetry=symmetry, **kwargs)
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def _tag2pole_or_zero(paz_element, count):
Parses arclinkXML paz format
Uncertainties on poles removed, not present in fo
Always put to None so no internal conflict
The sanitization removes the first/last parenthesis
and split by comma, real part is 1st, imaginary 2nd
:param paz_element: string of poles or zeros e.g. (12320, 23020)
:param count: sequential numbering of poles/zeros
paz_element = paz_element[1:-1]
paz_element = paz_element.split(",")
real = float(paz_element[0])
imag = float(paz_element[1])
if real is not None or imag is not None:
real = real or 0
imag = imag or 0
x = ComplexWithUncertainties(real, imag)
x.upper_uncertainty = None
x.upper_uncertainty = None
x.number = count
return x
[docs]def _read_float_var(elem, cls, unit=False, datum=False, additional_mapping={}):
function to read floattype to cls object (based on _read_floattype)
normally ObsPy would read this directly from a tag, but with different
tag names this is no longer possible; instead we just pass the value
and not the tag name. We always set the unit/datum/uncertainties to None
because they are not provided.
:param elem: float value to be converted
:param cls: obspy.core.inventory class
convert = float(elem)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
"Encountered a value '%s' which could not be converted to a "
"float. Will be skipped. Please contact to report this "
"issue." % elem,
return None
if math.isnan(convert):
warnings.warn("'%s' has a value of NaN. It will be skipped." %
elem, UserWarning)
return None
obj = cls(convert)
if unit:
obj.unit = None
if datum:
obj.datum = None
obj.lower_uncertainty = None
obj.upper_uncertainty = None
for key1, key2 in additional_mapping.items():
setattr(obj, key1, key2)
return obj