#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
FOCMEC file format support for ObsPy
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import * # NOQA @UnusedWildImport
import re
import warnings
import numpy as np
from obspy import UTCDateTime, Catalog, __version__
from obspy.core.event import (
Event, FocalMechanism, NodalPlanes, NodalPlane, Comment, CreationInfo)
# XXX some current PR was doing similar, should be merged to
# XXX core/utcdatetime.py eventually..
'jan': 1,
'feb': 2,
'mar': 3,
'apr': 4,
'may': 5,
'jun': 6,
'jul': 7,
'aug': 8,
'sep': 9,
'oct': 10,
'nov': 11,
'dec': 12}
[docs]def _is_focmec(filename):
Checks that a file is actually a FOCMEC output data file
with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
line = fh.readline()
except Exception:
return False
# first line should be ASCII only, something like:
# Fri Sep 8 14:54:58 2017 for program Focmec
line = line.decode('ASCII')
except Exception:
return False
line = line.split()
# program name 'focmec' at the end is written slightly differently
# depending on how focmec was compiled, sometimes all lower case sometimes
# capitalized..
line[-1] = line[-1].lower()
if line[-3:] == ['for', 'program', 'focmec']:
return True
return False
[docs]def _read_focmec(filename, **kwargs):
Reads a FOCMEC '.lst' or '.out' file to a
:class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object.
.. warning::
This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.catalog.read_events()` function, call
this instead.
:param filename: File or file-like object in text mode.
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
if not hasattr(filename, "read"):
# Check if it exists, otherwise assume its a string.
with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
data = fh.read()
data = data.decode("UTF-8")
except Exception:
data = filename.decode("UTF-8")
except Exception:
data = str(filename)
data = data.strip()
data = filename.read()
if hasattr(data, "decode"):
data = data.decode("UTF-8")
# split lines
lines = [line for line in data.splitlines()]
# line 6 in 'lst' format should look like this:
# " Statn Azimuth TOA Key Log10 Ratio NumPol DenTOA Comment"
if lines[5].split() == [
'Statn', 'Azimuth', 'TOA', 'Key', 'Log10', 'Ratio', 'NumPol',
'DenTOA', 'Comment']:
event = _read_focmec_lst(lines)
# line 16 in 'out' format should look like this:
# " Dip Strike Rake Pol: P SV SH AccR/TotR RMS RErr..."
# But on older program version output, it's instead line number 14, so it
# might depend on input data (polarities and/or amplitude ratios) and thus
# what the program outputs as info (different settings available depending
# on input data)
for line in lines[4:30]:
if line.split() == [
'Dip', 'Strike', 'Rake', 'Pol:', 'P', 'SV', 'SH',
'AccR/TotR', 'RMS', 'RErr', 'AbsMaxDiff']:
event = _read_focmec_out(lines)
msg = ("Input was not recognized as either FOCMEC 'lst' or "
"'out' file format. Please contact developers if input "
"indeed is one of these two file types.")
raise ValueError(msg)
cat = Catalog(events=[event])
cat.creation_info.creation_time = UTCDateTime()
cat.creation_info.version = "ObsPy %s" % __version__
return cat
[docs]def _is_lst_block_start(line):
if line.strip().startswith('+' * 20):
return True
return False
[docs]def _go_to_next_lst_block(lines):
while lines and not _is_lst_block_start(lines[0]):
return lines
[docs]def _match_polarity_summary_line(line):
# there seem to be (at least) two flavors of lst files..
# one has lines like this for polarity count summary:
# " 8 P Pol. 7 SV Pol. 8 SH Pol. 0.2 allowed (weighted) errors"
# .. the other one has lines like this:
# " Polarities/Errors: P 190/21 SV 000/00 SH 000/00"
patterns_polarity_summary = (
r'^ *([0-9]+) P Pol\. +([0-9]+) SV Pol\. +([0-9]+) SH Pol\. ',
r'^ Polarities/Errors: P +([0-9]+)/ *[0-9\.]+ +'
r'SV +([0-9]+)/ *[0-9\.]+ +SH +([0-9]+)/ *[0-9\.]')
for pattern_polarity_summary in patterns_polarity_summary:
match = re.match(pattern_polarity_summary, line)
if match:
return match
[docs]def _get_polarity_count(lines):
for line in lines:
match = _match_polarity_summary_line(line)
if match:
polarity_count = sum(int(x) for x in match.groups())
polarity_count = None
weighted = '(weighted)' in line
return polarity_count, weighted
[docs]def _read_focmec_lst(lines):
Read given data into an :class:`~obspy.core.event.Event` object.
Unfortunately, "lst" is not a well defined file format but what it outputs
depends on input data, program parameters, program version and also
resulting focal mechanisms. But it has way more information than the "out"
format, so it's worth the additional effort to try and parse all flavors of
:type lines: list
:param lines: List of decoded unicode strings with data from a FOCMEC lst
event, _ = _read_common_header(lines)
# don't regard separator lines at end of file
separator_indices = [i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if
_is_lst_block_start(line) and i < len(lines) - 1]
if not separator_indices:
return event
header = lines[:separator_indices[0]]
# get how many polarities are used
polarity_count, _ = _get_polarity_count(header)
# compute azimuthal gap
for i, line in enumerate(header):
if line.split()[:3] == ['Statn', 'Azimuth', 'TOA']:
azimuths = []
emergent_ignored = False
for line in header[i + 1:]:
# some lst files have some comments on not using emergent
# polarities right in the middle of the polarity block..
if line.strip().lower() == 'not including emergent polarity picks':
emergent_ignored = True
# at the end of the polarity info block is the polarity summary
# line..
if _match_polarity_summary_line(line):
sta, azimuth, takeoff_angle, key = line.split()[:4]
# these are all keys that identify a station polarity in FOCMEC,
# because here we do not take into account amplitude ratios for the
# azimuthal gap
if key in POLARITIES:
azimuths.append((float(azimuth), key))
except IndexError:
# if specified in output, only regard impulsive polarities
azimuths = sorted(azimuths)
azimuths = [azimuth_ for azimuth_, key_ in azimuths if
not emergent_ignored or key_ in POLARITIES_IMPULSIVE]
if polarity_count is not None and len(azimuths) != polarity_count:
msg = ('Unexpected mismatch in number of polarity lines found ({:d}) '
'and used polarities indicated by header ({:d})').format(
len(azimuths), polarity_count)
if len(azimuths) > 1:
# numpy diff on the azimuth list is missing to compare first and last
# entry (going through North), so add that manually
azimuthal_gap = np.diff(azimuths).max()
azimuthal_gap = max(azimuthal_gap, azimuths[0] + 360 - azimuths[-1])
azimuthal_gap = None
blocks = []
for i in separator_indices[::-1]:
blocks.append(lines[i + 1:])
lines = lines[:i]
blocks = blocks[::-1]
for block in blocks:
focmec, lines = _read_focmec_lst_one_block(
block, polarity_count)
if focmec is None:
focmec.azimuthal_gap = azimuthal_gap
focmec.creation_info = CreationInfo(
version='FOCMEC', creation_time=event.creation_info.creation_time)
return event
[docs]def _read_focmec_lst_one_block(lines, polarity_count=None):
comment = Comment(text='\n'.join(lines))
while lines and not lines[0].lstrip().startswith('Dip,Strike,Rake'):
# the last block does not contain a focmec but only a short comment how
# many solutions there were overall, so we hit a block that will not have
# the above line and we exhaust the lines list
if not lines:
return None, []
dip, strike, rake = [float(x) for x in lines[0].split()[1:4]]
plane1 = NodalPlane(strike=strike, dip=dip, rake=rake)
dip, strike, rake = [float(x) for x in lines[0].split()[1:4]]
plane2 = NodalPlane(strike=strike, dip=dip, rake=rake)
planes = NodalPlanes(nodal_plane_1=plane1, nodal_plane_2=plane2,
focmec = FocalMechanism(nodal_planes=planes)
if polarity_count is not None:
polarity_errors = _get_polarity_error_count_lst_block(lines)
focmec.station_polarity_count = polarity_count
focmec.misfit = float(polarity_errors) / polarity_count
return focmec, lines
[docs]def _get_polarity_error_count_lst_block(lines):
# counting polarity errors is a bit tedious, as sometimes it's multiple
# lines with station codes intersparsed with error weights and the error
# summary lines sometimes only have the weighted sum and sometimes also
# have the integer polarity error count, but we can't rely on it and thus
# have to count station codes..
pattern = re.compile(r'^ *(P|S[HV]) Polarity error at *([a-zA-Z]+.*)')
pattern_summary = re.compile(r'^ *Total (P|S[HV]) polarity weight is')
polarity_errors = 0
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
match = re.match(pattern, line)
if match:
polarity_errors += len(match.group(2).strip().split())
# there's always two lines together, station codes and then weights
# below it. there can be more than one 2-line tuple if there's many
# polarity errors and at the end comes a summary line
for j, line in enumerate(lines[i + 2:]):
if re.match(pattern_summary, line) or not line.strip():
if j % 2:
polarity_errors += len(line.strip().split())
return polarity_errors
[docs]def _read_focmec_out(lines):
Read given data into an :class:`~obspy.core.event.Event` object.
:type lines: list
:param lines: List of decoded unicode strings with data from a FOCMEC out
event, _ = _read_common_header(lines)
# now move to first line with a focal mechanism
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.split()[:3] == ['Dip', 'Strike', 'Rake']:
return event
header = lines[:i]
polarity_count, weighted = _get_polarity_count(header)
focmec_list_header = lines[i]
lines = lines[i + 1:]
except IndexError:
return event
for line in lines:
# allow for empty lines (maybe they can happen at the end sometimes..)
if not line.strip():
comment = Comment(text='\n'.join((focmec_list_header, line)))
items = line.split()
dip, strike, rake = [float(x) for x in items[:3]]
plane = NodalPlane(strike=strike, dip=dip, rake=rake)
planes = NodalPlanes(nodal_plane_1=plane, preferred_plane=1)
# XXX ideally should compute the auxilliary plane..
focmec = FocalMechanism(nodal_planes=planes)
focmec.station_polarity_count = polarity_count
focmec.creation_info = CreationInfo(
version='FOCMEC', creation_time=event.creation_info.creation_time)
if not weighted:
errors = sum([int(x) for x in items[3:6]])
focmec.misfit = float(errors) / polarity_count
return event
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest