#!/usr/bin/env python
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Filename: libgse2.py
# Purpose: Python wrapper for gse_functions of Stefan Stange
# Author: Moritz Beyreuther
# Email: moritz.beyreuther@geophysik.uni-muenchen.de
# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Moritz Beyreuther
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lowlevel module internally used for handling GSE2 files.
Python wrappers for gse_functions - The GSE2 library of Stefan Stange.
Currently CM6 compressed GSE2 files are supported, this should be
sufficient for most cases. Gse_functions is written in C and
interfaced via python-ctypes.
See: http://www.orfeus-eu.org/software/seismo_softwarelibrary.html#gse
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import * # NOQA
from future.utils import native_str
import ctypes as C # NOQA
import doctest
import warnings
import numpy as np
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.util.libnames import _load_cdll
# Import shared libgse2
clibgse2 = _load_cdll("gse2")
clibgse2.decomp_6b_buffer.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
C.CFUNCTYPE(C.c_char_p, C.POINTER(C.c_char), C.c_void_p), C.c_void_p]
clibgse2.decomp_6b_buffer.restype = C.c_int
clibgse2.rem_2nd_diff.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
clibgse2.rem_2nd_diff.restype = C.c_int
clibgse2.check_sum.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
C.c_int, C.c_int32]
clibgse2.check_sum.restype = C.c_int # do not know why not C.c_int32
clibgse2.diff_2nd.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
C.c_int, C.c_int]
clibgse2.diff_2nd.restype = C.c_void_p
clibgse2.compress_6b_buffer.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
C.CFUNCTYPE(C.c_int, C.c_char)]
clibgse2.compress_6b_buffer.restype = C.c_int
[docs]class ChksumError(Exception):
Exception type for mismatching checksums
[docs]class GSEUtiError(Exception):
Exception type for other errors in GSE_UTI
# example header of tests/data/loc_RNON20040609200559.z:
# WID2 2009/05/18 06:47:20.255 RNHA EHN CM6 750 200.000000
# 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
# 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
# 9.49e-02 1.000 M24 -1.0 -0.0
# 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
# 70 80 90 100
[docs]def _str(s):
return s.strip()
# local used date fields
('year', 5, 9, int),
('month', 10, 12, int),
('day', 13, 15, int),
('hour', 16, 18, int),
('minute', 19, 21, int),
('second', 22, 24, int),
('microsecond', 25, 28, int),
# global ObsPy stats names
('station', 29, 34, _str),
('channel', 35, 38, lambda s: s.strip().upper()),
('gse2.auxid', 39, 43, _str),
('gse2.datatype', 44, 48, _str),
('npts', 48, 56, int),
('sampling_rate', 57, 68, float),
('calib', 69, 79, float),
('gse2.calper', 80, 87, float),
('gse2.instype', 88, 94, _str),
('gse2.hang', 95, 100, float),
('gse2.vang', 101, 105, float),
[docs]def is_gse2(f):
Checks whether a file is GSE2 or not. Returns True or False.
:type f: file
:param f: file pointer to start of GSE2 file to be checked.
pos = f.tell()
widi = f.read(4)
if widi != b'WID2':
raise TypeError("File is not in GSE2 format")
[docs]def uncompress_cm6(f, n_samps):
Uncompress n_samps of CM6 compressed data from file pointer fp.
:type f: file
:param f: File Pointer
:type n_samps: int
:param n_samps: Number of samples
def read83(cbuf, vptr): # @UnusedVariable
line = f.readline()
if line == b'':
return None
# avoid buffer overflow through clipping to 82
sb = C.create_string_buffer(line[:82])
# copy also null termination "\0", that is max 83 bytes
C.memmove(C.addressof(cbuf.contents), C.addressof(sb), len(line) + 1)
return C.addressof(sb)
cread83 = C.CFUNCTYPE(C.c_char_p, C.POINTER(C.c_char), C.c_void_p)(read83)
if n_samps == 0:
data = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int32)
# aborts with segmentation fault when n_samps == 0
data = np.empty(n_samps, dtype=np.int32)
n = clibgse2.decomp_6b_buffer(n_samps, data, cread83, None)
if n != n_samps:
raise GSEUtiError("Mismatching length in lib.decomp_6b")
clibgse2.rem_2nd_diff(data, n_samps)
return data
[docs]def compress_cm6(data):
CM6 compress data
:type data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype=int32
:param data: the data to write
:returns: NumPy chararray containing compressed samples
data = np.ascontiguousarray(data, np.int32)
n = len(data)
count = [0] # closure, must be container
# 4 character bytes per int32_t
carr = np.zeros(n * 4, dtype=native_str('c'))
def writer(char):
carr[count[0]] = char
count[0] += 1
return 0
cwriter = C.CFUNCTYPE(C.c_int, C.c_char)(writer)
ierr = clibgse2.compress_6b_buffer(data, n, cwriter)
if ierr != 0:
msg = "Error status after compress_6b_buffer is NOT 0 but %d"
raise GSEUtiError(msg % ierr)
cnt = count[0]
if cnt < 80:
return carr[:cnt].view(native_str('|S%d' % cnt))
return carr[:(cnt // 80 + 1) * 80].view(native_str('|S80'))
[docs]def verify_checksum(fh, data, version=2):
Calculate checksum from data, as in gse_driver.c line 60
:type fh: file
:param fh: File Pointer
:type version: int
:param version: GSE version, either 1 or 2, defaults to 2.
chksum_data = clibgse2.check_sum(data, len(data), C.c_int32(0))
# find checksum within file
buf = fh.readline()
chksum_file = 0
chk_line = ('CHK%d' % version).encode('ascii', 'strict')
while buf:
if buf.startswith(chk_line):
chksum_file = int(buf.strip().split()[1])
buf = fh.readline()
if chksum_data != chksum_file:
# 2012-02-12, should be deleted in a year from now
if abs(chksum_data) == abs(chksum_file):
msg = "Checksum differs only in absolute value. If this file " + \
"was written with ObsPy GSE2, this is due to a bug in " + \
"the obspy.io.gse2.write routine (resolved with [3431]), " + \
"and thus this message can be safely ignored."
warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
msg = "Mismatching checksums, CHK %d != CHK %d"
raise ChksumError(msg % (chksum_data, chksum_file))
[docs]def read_integer_data(fh, npts):
Reads npts points of uncompressed integers from given file handler.
:type fh: file
:param fh: File Pointer
:type npts: int
:param npts: Number of samples to read
:rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype=int32
:return: Data as numpy.ndarray of type int32.
# find next DAT2 section within file
data = []
in_data_section = False
while len(data) < npts:
buf = fh.readline()
if not buf:
# break loop if no data is given
if buf.strip() in (b"DAT1", b"DAT2"):
in_data_section = True
if not in_data_section:
data.extend(buf.strip().split(b" "))
return np.array(data, dtype=np.int32)
[docs]def read(f, verify_chksum=True):
Read GSE2 file and return header and data.
Currently supports only CM6 compressed GSE2 files, this should be
sufficient for most cases. Data are in circular frequency counts, for
correction of calper multiply by 2PI and calper: data * 2 * pi *
:type f: file
:param f: Open file pointer of GSE2 file to read, opened in binary mode,
e.g. f = open('myfile','rb')
:type test_chksum: bool
:param verify_chksum: If True verify Checksum and raise Exception if it
is not correct
:rtype: Dictionary, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype=int32
:return: Header entries and data as numpy.ndarray of type int32.
headdict = read_header(f)
dtype = headdict['gse2']['datatype']
if dtype == 'CM6':
data = uncompress_cm6(f, headdict['npts'])
elif dtype == 'INT':
data = read_integer_data(f, headdict['npts'])
msg = "Unsupported data type %s in GSE2 file" % (dtype)
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
# test checksum only if enabled
if verify_chksum:
verify_checksum(f, data, version=2)
return headdict, data
[docs]def write(headdict, data, f, inplace=False):
Write GSE2 file, given the header and data.
Currently supports only CM6 compressed GSE2 files, this should be
sufficient for most cases. Data are in circular frequency counts, for
correction of calper multiply by 2PI and calper:
data * 2 * pi * header['calper'].
Warning: The data are actually compressed in place for performance
issues, if you still want to use the data afterwards use data.copy()
:note: headdict dictionary entries C{'datatype', 'n_samps',
'samp_rate'} are absolutely necessary
:type data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype=int32
:param data: Contains the data.
:type f: file
:param f: Open file pointer of GSE2 file to write, opened in binary
mode, e.g. f = open('myfile','wb')
:type inplace: bool
:param inplace: If True, do compression not on a copy of the data but
on the data itself --- note this will change the data
values and make them therefore unusable
:type headdict: dict
:param headdict: ObsPy Header
n = len(data)
chksum = clibgse2.check_sum(data, n, C.c_int32(0))
# Maximum values above 2^26 will result in corrupted/wrong data!
# do this after chksum as chksum does the type checking for NumPy array
# for you
if not inplace:
data = data.copy()
if data.max() > 2 ** 26:
raise OverflowError("Compression Error, data must be less equal 2^26")
clibgse2.diff_2nd(data, n, 0)
data_cm6 = compress_cm6(data)
# set some defaults if not available and convert header entries
headdict.setdefault('calib', 1.0)
headdict.setdefault('gse2', {})
headdict['gse2'].setdefault('auxid', '')
headdict['gse2'].setdefault('datatype', 'CM6')
headdict['gse2'].setdefault('calper', 1.0)
headdict['gse2'].setdefault('instype', '')
headdict['gse2'].setdefault('hang', -1)
headdict['gse2'].setdefault('vang', -1)
# This is the actual function where the header is written. It avoids
# the different format of 10.4e with fprintf on Windows and Linux.
# For further details, see the __doc__ of write_header
write_header(f, headdict)
for line in data_cm6:
f.write(line + b"\n")
f.write(("CHK2 %8ld\n\n" % chksum).encode('ascii', 'strict'))
[docs]def parse_sta2(line):
Parses a string with a GSE2 STA2 header line.
Official Definition::
Position Name Format Description
1-4 "STA2" a4 Must be "STA2"
6-14 Network a9 Network identifier
16-34 Lat f9.5 Latitude (degrees, S is negative)
36-45 Lon f10.5 Longitude (degrees, W is negative)
47-58 Coordsys a12 Reference coordinate system (e.g., WGS-84)
60-64 Elev f5.3 Elevation (km)
66-70 Edepth f5.3 Emplacement depth (km)
Corrected Definition (end column of "Lat" field wrong)::
Position Name Format Description
1-4 "STA2" a4 Must be "STA2"
6-14 Network a9 Network identifier
16-24 Lat f9.5 Latitude (degrees, S is negative)
26-35 Lon f10.5 Longitude (degrees, W is negative)
37-48 Coordsys a12 Reference coordinate system (e.g., WGS-84)
50-54 Elev f5.3 Elevation (km)
56-60 Edepth f5.3 Emplacement depth (km)
However, many files in practice do not adhere to these defined fixed
positions. Here are some real-world examples:
>>> l = "STA2 -999.0000 -999.00000 -.999 -.999"
>>> for k, v in sorted(parse_sta2(l).items()): \
... print(k, v)
edepth -0.999
elev -0.999
lat -999.0
lon -999.0
>>> l = "STA2 ABCD 12.34567 1.234567 WGS-84 -123.456 1.234"
>>> for k, v in sorted(parse_sta2(l).items()):
... print(k, v)
coordsys WGS-84
edepth 1.234
elev -123.456
lat 12.34567
lon 1.234567
network ABCD
header = {}
lat = line[15:24].strip()
if lat:
lat = float(lat)
lat = None
lon = line[25:35].strip()
if lon:
lon = float(lon)
lon = None
elev_edepth = line[48:].strip().split()
elev, edepth = elev_edepth or (None, None)
if elev:
elev = float(elev)
elev = None
if edepth:
edepth = float(edepth)
edepth = None
header['network'] = line[5:14].strip()
header['lat'] = lat
header['lon'] = lon
header['coordsys'] = line[36:48].strip()
header['elev'] = elev
header['edepth'] = edepth
except Exception:
msg = 'GSE2: Invalid STA2 header, ignoring.'
return {}
return header
[docs]def compile_sta2(stats):
Returns a STA2 line as a string (including newline at end) from a
:class:`~obspy.core.stats.Stats` object.
fmt1 = "STA2 %-9s %9s %10s %-12s "
fmt2 = "%5s %5s\n"
# compile first part, problems can only arise with invalid lat/lon values
# or if coordsys has more than 12 characters. raise in case of problems.
lat = stats['gse2'].get('lat')
lon = stats['gse2'].get('lon')
coordsys = stats['gse2'].get('coordsys')
line = fmt1 % (
lat is not None and '{:9.5f}'.format(lat) or '',
lon is not None and '{:10.5f}'.format(lon) or '',
coordsys or '')
if len(line) != 49:
msg = ("GSE2: Invalid header values, unable to compile valid "
"STA2 line. Omitting STA2 line in output")
raise Exception()
# compile second part, in many cases it is impossible to adhere to manual.
# follow common practice, just not adhere to fixed format strictly.
elev = stats['gse2'].get('elev')
edepth = stats['gse2'].get('edepth')
line = line + fmt2 % (
elev is not None and '{:5.3f}'.format(elev) or '',
edepth is not None and '{:5.3f}'.format(edepth) or '')
for key, value in zip(('elev', 'edepth'), (elev, edepth)):
if value is None:
if len('%5.3f' % stats['gse2'][key]) > 5:
msg = ("Bad value in GSE2 '%s' header field detected. "
"The last two header fields of the STA2 line in the "
"output file will deviate from the official fixed "
"column format description (because they can not be "
"represented as '%%f5.3' properly).") % key
return line.encode('ascii', 'strict')
if __name__ == '__main__':