#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
NonLinLoc file format support for ObsPy
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import * # NOQA @UnusedWildImport
import warnings
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
from obspy import Catalog, UTCDateTime, __version__
from obspy.core.event import (Arrival, Comment, CreationInfo, Event, Origin,
OriginQuality, OriginUncertainty, Pick,
from obspy.geodetics import kilometer2degrees
ONSETS = {"i": "impulsive", "e": "emergent"}
ONSETS_REVERSE = {"impulsive": "i", "emergent": "e"}
POLARITIES = {"c": "positive", "u": "positive", "d": "negative"}
POLARITIES_REVERSE = {"positive": "u", "negative": "d"}
[docs]def is_nlloc_hyp(filename):
Checks that a file is actually a NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase file.
with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
temp = fh.read(6)
except Exception:
return False
if temp != b'NLLOC ':
return False
return True
[docs]def read_nlloc_hyp(filename, coordinate_converter=None, picks=None, **kwargs):
Reads a NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase file to a
:class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object.
.. note::
Coordinate conversion from coordinate frame of NonLinLoc model files /
location run to WGS84 has to be specified explicitly by the user if
.. note::
An example can be found on the :mod:`~obspy.io.nlloc` submodule front
page in the documentation pages.
:param filename: File or file-like object in text mode.
:type coordinate_converter: func
:param coordinate_converter: Function to convert (x, y, z)
coordinates of NonLinLoc output to geographical coordinates and depth
in meters (longitude, latitude, depth in kilometers).
If left ``None``, the geographical coordinates in the "GEOGRAPHIC" line
of NonLinLoc output are used.
The function should accept three arguments x, y, z (each of type
:class:`numpy.ndarray`) and return a tuple of three
:class:`numpy.ndarray` (lon, lat, depth in kilometers).
:type picks: list of :class:`~obspy.core.event.Pick`
:param picks: Original picks used to generate the NonLinLoc location.
If provided, the output event will include the original picks and the
arrivals in the output origin will link to them correctly (with their
``pick_id`` attribute). If not provided, the output event will include
(the rather basic) pick information that can be reconstructed from the
NonLinLoc hypocenter-phase file.
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
if not hasattr(filename, "read"):
# Check if it exists, otherwise assume its a string.
with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
data = fh.read()
data = data.decode("UTF-8")
except Exception:
data = filename.decode("UTF-8")
except Exception:
data = str(filename)
data = data.strip()
data = filename.read()
if hasattr(data, "decode"):
data = data.decode("UTF-8")
# split lines and remove empty ones
lines = [line for line in data.splitlines() if line.strip()]
# remember picks originally used in location, if provided
original_picks = picks
if original_picks is None:
original_picks = []
cat = Catalog()
lines_start = [i for i, line in enumerate(lines)
if line.startswith("NLLOC ")]
lines_end = [i for i, line in enumerate(lines)
if line.startswith("END_NLLOC")]
if len(lines_start) != len(lines_end):
msg = ("NLLOC HYP file '{}' seems corrupt, number of 'NLLOC' lines "
"does not match number of 'END_NLLOC' lines").format(filename)
raise Exception(msg)
start_end_indices = []
for start, end in zip(lines_start, lines_end):
if any(np.diff(start_end_indices) < 1):
msg = ("NLLOC HYP file '{}' seems corrupt, inconsistent "
"positioning of 'NLLOC' and 'END_NLLOC' lines "
raise Exception(msg)
for start, end in zip(lines_start, lines_end):
event = _read_single_hypocenter(
lines[start:end + 1], coordinate_converter=coordinate_converter,
cat.creation_info.creation_time = UTCDateTime()
cat.creation_info.version = "ObsPy %s" % __version__
return cat
[docs]def _read_single_hypocenter(lines, coordinate_converter, original_picks):
Given a list of lines (starting with a 'NLLOC' line and ending with a
'END_NLLOC' line), parse them into an Event.
# some paranoid checks..
assert lines[0].startswith("NLLOC ")
assert lines[-1].startswith("END_NLLOC")
for line in lines[1:-1]:
assert not line.startswith("NLLOC ")
assert not line.startswith("END_NLLOC")
except Exception:
msg = ("This should not have happened, please report this as a bug at "
raise Exception(msg)
indices_phases = [None, None]
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith("PHASE "):
indices_phases[0] = i
elif line.startswith("END_PHASE"):
indices_phases[1] = i
# extract PHASES lines (if any)
if any(indices_phases):
if not all(indices_phases):
msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt, 'PHASE' block is corrupt.")
raise RuntimeError(msg)
i1, i2 = indices_phases
lines, phases_lines = lines[:i1] + lines[i2 + 1:], lines[i1 + 1:i2]
phases_lines = []
lines = dict([line.split(None, 1) for line in lines[:-1]])
line = lines["SIGNATURE"]
line = line.rstrip().split('"')[1]
signature, version, date, time = line.rsplit(" ", 3)
# new NLLoc > 6.0 seems to add prefix 'run:' before date
if date.startswith('run:'):
date = date[4:]
signature = signature.strip()
creation_time = UTCDateTime.strptime(date + time, str("%d%b%Y%Hh%Mm%S"))
if coordinate_converter:
# maximum likelihood origin location in km info line
line = lines["HYPOCENTER"]
x, y, z = coordinate_converter(*map(float, line.split()[1:7:2]))
# maximum likelihood origin location lon lat info line
line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"]
y, x, z = map(float, line.split()[8:13:2])
# maximum likelihood origin time info line
line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"]
year, mon, day, hour, min = map(int, line.split()[1:6])
seconds = float(line.split()[6])
time = UTCDateTime(year, mon, day, hour, min, seconds, strict=False)
# distribution statistics line
line = lines["STATISTICS"]
covariance_xx = float(line.split()[7])
covariance_yy = float(line.split()[13])
covariance_zz = float(line.split()[17])
stats_info_string = str(
"Note: Depth/Latitude/Longitude errors are calculated from covariance "
"matrix as 1D marginal (Lon/Lat errors as great circle degrees) "
"while OriginUncertainty min/max horizontal errors are calculated "
"from 2D error ellipsoid and are therefore seemingly higher compared "
"to 1D errors. Error estimates can be reconstructed from the "
"following original NonLinLoc error statistics line:\nSTATISTICS " +
# goto location quality info line
line = lines["QML_OriginQuality"].split()
(assoc_phase_count, used_phase_count, assoc_station_count,
used_station_count, depth_phase_count) = map(int, line[1:11:2])
stderr, az_gap, sec_az_gap = map(float, line[11:17:2])
gt_level = line[17]
min_dist, max_dist, med_dist = map(float, line[19:25:2])
# goto location quality info line
line = lines["QML_OriginUncertainty"]
if "COMMENT" in lines:
comment = lines["COMMENT"].strip()
comment = comment.strip('\'"')
comment = comment.strip()
hor_unc, min_hor_unc, max_hor_unc, hor_unc_azim = \
map(float, line.split()[1:9:2])
# assign origin info
event = Event()
o = Origin()
event.origins = [o]
event.preferred_origin_id = o.resource_id
o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
o.quality = OriginQuality()
ou = o.origin_uncertainty
oq = o.quality
o.comments.append(Comment(text=stats_info_string, force_resource_id=False))
event.comments.append(Comment(text=comment, force_resource_id=False))
# SIGNATURE field's first item is LOCSIG, which is supposed to be
# 'Identification of an individual, institiution or other entity'
# according to
# http://alomax.free.fr/nlloc/soft6.00/control.html#_NLLoc_locsig_
# so use it as author in creation info
event.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,
o.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,
# negative values can appear on diagonal of covariance matrix due to a
# precision problem in NLLoc implementation when location coordinates are
# large compared to the covariances.
o.longitude = x
o.longitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_xx))
except ValueError:
if covariance_xx < 0:
msg = ("Negative value in XX value of covariance matrix, not "
"setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
"still be set in origin uncertainty).")
o.latitude = y
o.latitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_yy))
except ValueError:
if covariance_yy < 0:
msg = ("Negative value in YY value of covariance matrix, not "
"setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
"still be set in origin uncertainty).")
o.depth = z * 1e3 # meters!
o.depth_errors.uncertainty = sqrt(covariance_zz) * 1e3 # meters!
o.depth_errors.confidence_level = 68
o.depth_type = str("from location")
o.time = time
ou.horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc
ou.min_horizontal_uncertainty = min_hor_unc
ou.max_horizontal_uncertainty = max_hor_unc
# values of -1 seem to be used for unset values, set to None
for field in ("horizontal_uncertainty", "min_horizontal_uncertainty",
if ou.get(field, -1) == -1:
ou[field] = None
ou[field] *= 1e3 # meters!
ou.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc_azim
ou.preferred_description = str("uncertainty ellipse")
ou.confidence_level = 68 # NonLinLoc in general uses 1-sigma (68%) level
oq.standard_error = stderr
oq.azimuthal_gap = az_gap
oq.secondary_azimuthal_gap = sec_az_gap
oq.used_phase_count = used_phase_count
oq.used_station_count = used_station_count
oq.associated_phase_count = assoc_phase_count
oq.associated_station_count = assoc_station_count
oq.depth_phase_count = depth_phase_count
oq.ground_truth_level = gt_level
oq.minimum_distance = kilometer2degrees(min_dist)
oq.maximum_distance = kilometer2degrees(max_dist)
oq.median_distance = kilometer2degrees(med_dist)
# go through all phase info lines
for line in phases_lines:
line = line.split()
arrival = Arrival()
station = str(line[0])
phase = str(line[4])
arrival.phase = phase
arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(float(line[21]))
arrival.azimuth = float(line[23])
arrival.takeoff_angle = float(line[24])
arrival.time_residual = float(line[16])
arrival.time_weight = float(line[17])
pick = Pick()
# network codes are not used by NonLinLoc, so they can not be known
# when reading the .hyp file.. to conform with QuakeML standard set an
# empty network code
wid = WaveformStreamID(network_code="", station_code=station)
# have to split this into ints for overflow to work correctly
date, hourmin, sec = map(str, line[6:9])
ymd = [int(date[:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8])]
hm = [int(hourmin[:2]), int(hourmin[2:4])]
t = UTCDateTime(*(ymd + hm), strict=False) + float(sec)
pick.waveform_id = wid
pick.time = t
pick.time_errors.uncertainty = float(line[10])
pick.phase_hint = phase
pick.onset = ONSETS.get(line[3].lower(), None)
pick.polarity = POLARITIES.get(line[5].lower(), None)
# try to determine original pick for each arrival
for pick_ in original_picks:
wid = pick_.waveform_id
if station == wid.station_code and phase == pick_.phase_hint:
pick = pick_
# warn if original picks were specified and we could not associate
# the arrival correctly
if original_picks:
msg = ("Could not determine corresponding original pick for "
"arrival. "
"Falling back to pick information in NonLinLoc "
"hypocenter-phase file.")
arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id
return event
[docs]def write_nlloc_obs(catalog, filename, **kwargs):
Write a NonLinLoc Phase file (NLLOC_OBS) from a
:class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object.
.. warning::
This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
the :meth:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog.write` method of an
ObsPy :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object, call this instead.
:type catalog: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Catalog`
:param catalog: The ObsPy Catalog object to write.
:type filename: str or file
:param filename: Filename to write or open file-like object.
info = []
# Open filehandler or use an existing file like object.
if not hasattr(filename, "write"):
file_opened = True
fh = open(filename, "wb")
file_opened = False
fh = filename
if len(catalog) > 1:
msg = ("Writing NonLinLoc Phase file is only supported for Catalogs "
"with a single Event in it (use a for loop over the catalog "
"and provide an output file name for each event).")
raise ValueError(msg)
fmt = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %7.4f GAU %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e %9.2e'
for pick in catalog[0].picks:
wid = pick.waveform_id
station = wid.station_code or "?"
component = wid.channel_code and wid.channel_code[-1].upper() or "?"
if component not in "ZNEH":
component = "?"
onset = ONSETS_REVERSE.get(pick.onset, "?")
phase_type = pick.phase_hint or "?"
polarity = POLARITIES_REVERSE.get(pick.polarity, "?")
date = pick.time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
hourminute = pick.time.strftime("%H%M")
seconds = pick.time.second + pick.time.microsecond * 1e-6
time_error = pick.time_errors.uncertainty or -1
if time_error == -1:
time_error = (pick.time_errors.upper_uncertainty +
pick.time_errors.lower_uncertainty) / 2.0
except Exception:
info_ = fmt % (station.ljust(6), "?".ljust(4), component.ljust(4),
onset.ljust(1), phase_type.ljust(6), polarity.ljust(1),
date, hourminute, seconds, time_error, -1, -1, -1)
if info:
info = "\n".join(sorted(info) + [""])
msg = "No pick information, writing empty NLLOC OBS file."
# Close if a file has been opened by this function.
if file_opened is True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest