# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
NEIC PDE mchedr (machine-readable Earthquake Data Report) read support.
Only supports file format revision of February 24, 2004.
.. seealso:: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/data/pde.php
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org), Claudio Satriano
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import * # NOQA
from future.utils import native_str
from datetime import timedelta
import io
import math
import string as s
import numpy as np
from obspy.core.event import (Amplitude, Arrival, Axis, Catalog, Comment,
ConfidenceEllipsoid, CreationInfo, DataUsed,
Event, EventDescription, FocalMechanism,
Magnitude, MomentTensor, NodalPlane, NodalPlanes,
Origin, OriginQuality, OriginUncertainty, Pick,
PrincipalAxes, QuantityError, ResourceIdentifier,
StationMagnitude, Tensor, WaveformStreamID)
from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.util.decorator import map_example_filename
from obspy.geodetics import FlinnEngdahl
# ResourceIdentifier prefix used throughout this code
res_id_prefix = 'quakeml:us.anss.org'
[docs]def _is_mchedr(filename):
Checks whether a file format is mchedr
(machine-readable Earthquake Data Report).
:type filename: str
:param filename: Name of the mchedr file to be checked.
:rtype: bool
:return: ``True`` if mchedr file.
.. rubric:: Example
>>> _is_mchedr('/path/to/mchedr.dat') # doctest: +SKIP
if not isinstance(filename, (str, native_str)):
return False
with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
for line in fh.readlines():
# skip blank lines at beginning, if any
if line.strip() == b'':
# first record has to be 'HY':
if line[0:2] == b'HY':
return True
return False
[docs]class Unpickler(object):
De-serializes a mchedr string into an ObsPy Catalog object.
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.flinn_engdahl = FlinnEngdahl()
[docs] def load(self, filename):
Reads mchedr file into ObsPy catalog object.
:type file: str
:param file: File name to read.
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:returns: ObsPy Catalog object.
if not isinstance(filename, (str, native_str)):
raise TypeError('File name must be a string.')
self.filename = filename
self.fh = open(filename, 'rb')
return self._deserialize()
[docs] def loads(self, string):
Parses mchedr string into ObsPy catalog object.
:type string: str
:param string: QuakeML string to parse.
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:returns: ObsPy Catalog object.
self.fh = io.BytesIO(string)
self.filename = None
return self._deserialize()
[docs] def _int(self, string):
return int(string)
except ValueError:
return None
[docs] def _int_unused(self, string):
val = self._int(string)
if val < 0:
val = None
return val
[docs] def _int_zero(self, string):
val = self._int(string)
if val is None:
val = 0
return val
[docs] def _float(self, string):
return float(string)
except ValueError:
return None
[docs] def _float_unused(self, string):
val = self._float(string)
if val < 0:
val = None
return val
[docs] def _store_uncertainty(self, error, value, scale=1):
if not isinstance(error, QuantityError):
raise TypeError("'error' is not a 'QuantityError'")
if value is not None:
error['uncertainty'] = value * scale
[docs] def _coordinate_sign(self, type):
if type == 'S' or type == 'W':
return -1
return 1
[docs] def _tensor_code_sign(self, code):
Converts tensor from 'x,y,z' system to 'r,t,p'
and translates 'f' code to 'p'
system = {'xx': ('tt', 1), 'yy': ('pp', 1), 'zz': ('rr', 1),
'xy': ('tp', -1), 'xz': ('rt', 1), 'yz': ('rp', -1),
'ff': ('pp', 1), 'rf': ('rp', 1), 'tf': ('tp', 1)}
return system.get(code, (code, 1))
[docs] def _tensor_store(self, tensor, code, value, error):
code, sign = self._tensor_code_sign(code)
if code in ('rr', 'tt', 'pp', 'rt', 'rp', 'tp'):
setattr(tensor, "m_%s" % code, value * sign)
self._store_uncertainty(getattr(tensor, "m_%s_errors" % code),
[docs] def _decode_fe_region_number(self, number):
Converts Flinn-Engdahl region number to string.
if not isinstance(number, int):
number = int(number)
return self.flinn_engdahl.get_region_by_number(number)
[docs] def _to_rad(self, degrees):
radians = np.pi * degrees / 180
return radians
[docs] def _to_deg(self, radians):
degrees = 180 * radians / np.pi
return degrees
[docs] def _spherical_to_cartesian(self, spherical_coords):
length, azimuth, plunge = spherical_coords
plunge_rad = self._to_rad(plunge)
azimuth_rad = self._to_rad(azimuth)
x = length * np.sin(plunge_rad) * np.cos(azimuth_rad)
y = length * np.sin(plunge_rad) * np.sin(azimuth_rad)
z = length * np.cos(plunge_rad)
return (x, y, z)
[docs] def _angle_between(self, u1, u2):
Returns the angle in degrees between unit vectors 'u1' and 'u2':
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/q/2827393
angle = np.arccos(np.dot(u1, u2))
if np.isnan(angle):
if (u1 == u2).all():
angle = 0.0
angle = np.pi
return round(self._to_deg(angle), 1)
[docs] def _lat_err_to_deg(self, latitude_stderr):
Convert latitude error from km to degrees
using a simple formula
if latitude_stderr is not None:
return round(latitude_stderr / 111.1949, 4)
return None
[docs] def _lon_err_to_deg(self, longitude_stderr, latitude):
Convert longitude error from km to degrees
using a simple formula
if longitude_stderr is not None and latitude is not None:
return round(longitude_stderr /
(111.1949 * math.cos(self._to_rad(latitude))), 4)
return None
[docs] def _parse_record_hy(self, line):
Parses the 'hypocenter' record HY
date = line[2:10]
time = line[11:20]
# unused: location_quality = line[20]
latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
lat_type = line[27]
longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
lon_type = line[36]
depth = self._float(line[38:43])
# unused: depth_quality = line[43]
standard_dev = self._float(line[44:48])
station_number = self._int(line[48:51])
# unused: version_flag = line[51]
fe_region_number = line[52:55]
fe_region_name = self._decode_fe_region_number(fe_region_number)
source_code = line[55:60].strip()
event = Event()
# FIXME: a smarter way to define evid?
evid = date + time
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'event', evid))
event.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
description = EventDescription(
type='region name',
description = EventDescription(
type='Flinn-Engdahl region',
origin = Origin()
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid))
origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
origin.creation_info = CreationInfo()
if source_code:
origin.creation_info.agency_id = source_code
origin.creation_info.agency_id = 'USGS-NEIC'
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135'))
origin.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
origin.depth = depth * 1000
origin.depth_type = 'from location'
origin.quality = OriginQuality()
origin.quality.associated_station_count = station_number
origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
# associated_phase_count can be incremented in records 'P ' and 'S '
origin.quality.associated_phase_count = 0
# depth_phase_count can be incremented in record 'S '
origin.quality.depth_phase_count = 0
origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
origin.region = fe_region_name
return event
[docs] def _parse_record_e(self, line, event):
Parses the 'error and magnitude' record E
orig_time_stderr = self._float(line[2:7])
latitude_stderr = self._float(line[8:14])
longitude_stderr = self._float(line[15:21])
depth_stderr = self._float(line[22:27])
mb_mag = self._float(line[28:31])
mb_nsta = self._int(line[32:35])
ms_mag = self._float(line[36:39])
ms_nsta = self._int(line[39:42])
mag1 = self._float(line[42:45])
mag1_type = line[45:47]
mag1_source_code = line[47:51].strip()
mag2 = self._float(line[51:54])
mag2_type = line[54:56]
mag2_source_code = line[56:60].strip()
evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
origin = event.origins[0]
self._store_uncertainty(origin.time_errors, orig_time_stderr)
self._store_uncertainty(origin.depth_errors, depth_stderr, scale=1000)
if mb_mag is not None:
mag = Magnitude()
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'magnitude', evid, 'mb'))
mag.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
mag.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id='USGS-NEIC')
mag.mag = mb_mag
mag.magnitude_type = 'Mb'
mag.station_count = mb_nsta
mag.origin_id = origin.resource_id
if ms_mag is not None:
mag = Magnitude()
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'magnitude', evid, 'ms'))
mag.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
mag.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id='USGS-NEIC')
mag.mag = ms_mag
mag.magnitude_type = 'Ms'
mag.station_count = ms_nsta
mag.origin_id = origin.resource_id
if mag1 is not None:
mag = Magnitude()
mag1_id = mag1_type.lower()
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'magnitude', evid, mag1_id))
mag.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
mag.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id=mag1_source_code)
mag.mag = mag1
mag.magnitude_type = mag1_type
mag.origin_id = origin.resource_id
if mag2 is not None:
mag = Magnitude()
mag2_id = mag2_type.lower()
if mag2_id == mag1_id:
mag2_id += '2'
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'magnitude', evid, mag2_id))
mag.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
mag.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id=mag2_source_code)
mag.mag = mag2
mag.magnitude_type = mag2_type
mag.origin_id = origin.resource_id
[docs] def _parse_record_l(self, line, event):
Parses the '90 percent error ellipse' record L
origin = event.origins[0]
semi_major_axis_azimuth = self._float(line[2:8])
if semi_major_axis_azimuth is None:
semi_major_axis_plunge = self._float(line[8:13])
semi_major_axis_length = self._float(line[13:21])
intermediate_axis_azimuth = self._float(line[21:27])
intermediate_axis_plunge = self._float(line[27:32])
# This is called "intermediate_axis_length",
# but it is definitively a "semi_intermediate_axis_length",
# since in most cases:
# (intermediate_axis_length / 2) < semi_minor_axis_length
intermediate_axis_length = self._float(line[32:40])
semi_minor_axis_azimuth = self._float(line[40:46])
semi_minor_axis_plunge = self._float(line[46:51])
semi_minor_axis_length = self._float(line[51:59])
if (semi_minor_axis_azimuth ==
semi_minor_axis_plunge ==
semi_minor_axis_length == 0):
semi_minor_axis_azimuth = intermediate_axis_azimuth
semi_minor_axis_plunge = intermediate_axis_plunge
semi_minor_axis_length = intermediate_axis_length
origin.depth_type = 'operator assigned'
# FIXME: The following code needs to be double-checked!
semi_major_axis_unit_vect = \
semi_minor_axis_unit_vect = \
major_axis_rotation = \
origin.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
origin.origin_uncertainty.preferred_description = \
'confidence ellipsoid'
origin.origin_uncertainty.confidence_level = 90
confidence_ellipsoid = ConfidenceEllipsoid()
confidence_ellipsoid.semi_major_axis_length = \
semi_major_axis_length * 1000
confidence_ellipsoid.semi_minor_axis_length = \
semi_minor_axis_length * 1000
confidence_ellipsoid.semi_intermediate_axis_length = \
intermediate_axis_length * 1000
confidence_ellipsoid.major_axis_plunge = semi_major_axis_plunge
confidence_ellipsoid.major_axis_azimuth = semi_major_axis_azimuth
# We need to add 90 to match NEIC QuakeML format,
# but I don't understand why...
confidence_ellipsoid.major_axis_rotation = \
major_axis_rotation + 90
origin.origin_uncertainty.confidence_ellipsoid = confidence_ellipsoid
[docs] def _parse_record_a(self, line, event):
Parses the 'additional parameters' record A
origin = event.origins[0]
phase_number = self._int(line[2:6])
station_number = self._int(line[7:10])
gap = self._float(line[10:15])
# unused: official_mag = line[16:19]
# unused: official_mag_type = line[19:21]
# unused: official_mag_source_code = line[21:26]
# unused: deaths_field_descriptor = line[27]
# unused: dead_people = line[28:35]
# unused: injuries_field_descriptor = line[35]
# unused: injured_people = line[36:43]
# unused: damaged_buildings_descriptor = line[43]
# unused: damaged_buildings = line[44:51]
# unused: event_quality_flag = line[51]
origin.quality.used_phase_count = phase_number
origin.quality.used_station_count = station_number
origin.quality.azimuthal_gap = gap
[docs] def _parse_record_c(self, line, event):
Parses the 'general comment' record C
comment = event.comments[0]
comment.text += line[2:60]
except IndexError:
comment = Comment()
comment.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=res_id_prefix)
comment.text = line[2:60]
# strip non printable-characters
comment.text = \
"".join(x for x in comment.text if x in s.printable)
[docs] def _parse_record_ah(self, line, event):
Parses the 'additional hypocenter' record AH
date = line[2:10]
time = line[11:20]
# unused: hypocenter_quality = line[20]
latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
lat_type = line[27]
longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
lon_type = line[36]
# unused: preliminary_flag = line[37]
depth = self._float(line[38:43])
# unused: depth_quality = line[43]
standard_dev = self._float_unused(line[44:48])
station_number = self._int_unused(line[48:51])
phase_number = self._int_unused(line[51:55])
source_code = line[56:60].strip()
evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
origin = Origin()
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid, source_code.lower()))
origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id=source_code)
origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
origin.depth = depth * 1000
origin.depth_type = 'from location'
origin.quality = OriginQuality()
origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
origin.quality.used_station_count = station_number
origin.quality.used_phase_count = phase_number
origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
[docs] def _parse_record_ae(self, line, event):
Parses the 'additional hypocenter error and magnitude record' AE
orig_time_stderr = self._float_unused(line[2:7])
latitude_stderr = self._float_unused(line[8:14])
longitude_stderr = self._float_unused(line[15:21])
depth_stderr = self._float_unused(line[22:27])
gap = self._float_unused(line[28:33])
mag1 = self._float(line[33:36])
mag1_type = line[36:38]
mag2 = self._float(line[43:46])
mag2_type = line[46:48]
evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
# this record is to be associated to the latest origin
origin = event.origins[-1]
self._store_uncertainty(origin.time_errors, orig_time_stderr)
self._store_uncertainty(origin.depth_errors, depth_stderr, scale=1000)
origin.quality.azimuthal_gap = gap
if mag1 > 0:
mag = Magnitude()
mag1_id = mag1_type.lower()
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'magnitude', evid, mag1_id))
mag.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
mag.creation_info = CreationInfo(
mag.mag = mag1
mag.magnitude_type = mag1_type
mag.origin_id = origin.resource_id
if mag2 > 0:
mag = Magnitude()
mag2_id = mag2_type.lower()
if mag2_id == mag1_id:
mag2_id += '2'
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'magnitude', evid, mag2_id))
mag.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
mag.creation_info = CreationInfo(
mag.mag = mag2
mag.magnitude_type = mag2_type
mag.origin_id = origin.resource_id
[docs] def _parse_record_dp(self, line, event):
Parses the 'source parameter data - primary' record Dp
source_contributor = line[2:6].strip()
computation_type = line[6]
exponent = self._int_zero(line[7])
scale = math.pow(10, exponent)
centroid_origin_time = line[8:14] + '.' + line[14]
orig_time_stderr = line[15:17]
if orig_time_stderr == 'FX':
orig_time_stderr = 'Fixed'
orig_time_stderr = \
self._float_with_format(orig_time_stderr, '2.1', scale)
centroid_latitude = self._float_with_format(line[17:21], '4.2')
lat_type = line[21]
if centroid_latitude is not None:
centroid_latitude *= self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
lat_stderr = line[22:25]
if lat_stderr == 'FX':
lat_stderr = 'Fixed'
lat_stderr = self._float_with_format(lat_stderr, '3.2', scale)
centroid_longitude = self._float_with_format(line[25:30], '5.2')
lon_type = line[30]
if centroid_longitude is not None:
centroid_longitude *= self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
lon_stderr = line[31:34]
if lon_stderr == 'FX':
lon_stderr = 'Fixed'
lon_stderr = self._float_with_format(lon_stderr, '3.2', scale)
centroid_depth = self._float_with_format(line[34:38], '4.1')
depth_stderr = line[38:40]
if depth_stderr == 'FX' or depth_stderr == 'BD':
depth_stderr = 'Fixed'
depth_stderr = self._float_with_format(depth_stderr, '2.1', scale)
station_number = self._int_zero(line[40:43])
component_number = self._int_zero(line[43:46])
station_number2 = self._int_zero(line[46:48])
component_number2 = self._int_zero(line[48:51])
# unused: half_duration = self._float_with_format(line[51:54], '3.1')
moment = self._float_with_format(line[54:56], '2.1')
moment_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[56:58], '2.1')
moment_exponent = self._int(line[58:60])
if (moment is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
moment *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)
if (moment_stderr is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
moment_stderr *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)
evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
# Create a new origin only if centroid time is defined:
origin = None
if centroid_origin_time.strip() != '.':
origin = Origin()
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin',
evid, source_contributor.lower(),
'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
origin.creation_info = \
date = event.origins[0].time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + centroid_origin_time)
# Check if centroid time is on the next day:
if origin.time < event.origins[0].time:
origin.time += timedelta(days=1)
self._store_uncertainty(origin.time_errors, orig_time_stderr)
origin.latitude = centroid_latitude
origin.longitude = centroid_longitude
origin.depth = centroid_depth * 1000
if lat_stderr == 'Fixed' and lon_stderr == 'Fixed':
origin.epicenter_fixed = True
if depth_stderr == 'Fixed':
origin.depth_type = 'operator assigned'
origin.depth_type = 'from location'
depth_stderr, scale=1000)
quality = OriginQuality()
quality.used_station_count = \
station_number + station_number2
quality.used_phase_count = \
component_number + component_number2
origin.quality = quality
origin.origin_type = 'centroid'
focal_mechanism = FocalMechanism()
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'focalmechanism',
evid, source_contributor.lower(),
'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
focal_mechanism.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
focal_mechanism.creation_info = \
moment_tensor = MomentTensor()
if origin is not None:
moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = origin.resource_id
# this is required for QuakeML validation:
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'no-origin'))
moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = \
for mag in event.magnitudes:
if mag.creation_info.agency_id == source_contributor:
moment_tensor.moment_magnitude_id = mag.resource_id
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'momenttensor',
evid, source_contributor.lower(),
'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
moment_tensor.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
moment_tensor.scalar_moment = moment
data_used = DataUsed()
data_used.station_count = station_number + station_number2
data_used.component_count = component_number + component_number2
if computation_type == 'C':
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=CMT'))
focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
# CMT algorithm uses long-period body waves,
# very-long-period surface waves and
# intermediate period surface waves (since 2004
# for shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes
# --Ekstrom et al., 2012)
data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
if computation_type == 'M':
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=moment_tensor'))
focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
# FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used by
# "moment tensor" algorithm.
data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
elif computation_type == 'B':
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=broadband_data'))
focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
# FIXME: is 'combined' correct here?
data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
elif computation_type == 'F':
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=P-wave_first_motion'))
focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
data_used.wave_type = 'P waves'
elif computation_type == 'S':
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=scalar_moment'))
focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
# FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used
# for scalar moment determination.
data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
moment_tensor.data_used = [data_used]
focal_mechanism.moment_tensor = moment_tensor
return focal_mechanism
[docs] def _parse_record_dt(self, line, focal_mechanism):
Parses the 'source parameter data - tensor' record Dt
tensor = Tensor()
exponent = self._int_zero(line[3:5])
scale = math.pow(10, exponent)
for i in range(6, 51 + 1, 9):
code = line[i:i + 2]
value = self._float_with_format(line[i + 2:i + 6], '4.2', scale)
error = self._float_with_format(line[i + 6:i + 9], '3.2', scale)
self._tensor_store(tensor, code, value, error)
focal_mechanism.moment_tensor.tensor = tensor
[docs] def _parse_record_da(self, line, focal_mechanism):
Parses the 'source parameter data - principal axes and
nodal planes' record Da
exponent = self._int_zero(line[3:5])
scale = math.pow(10, exponent)
t_axis_len = self._float_with_format(line[5:9], '4.2', scale)
t_axis_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[9:12], '3.2', scale)
t_axis_plunge = self._int(line[12:14])
t_axis_azimuth = self._int(line[14:17])
n_axis_len = self._float_with_format(line[17:21], '4.2', scale)
n_axis_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[21:24], '3.2', scale)
n_axis_plunge = self._int(line[24:26])
n_axis_azimuth = self._int(line[26:29])
p_axis_len = self._float_with_format(line[29:33], '4.2', scale)
p_axis_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[33:36], '3.2', scale)
p_axis_plunge = self._int(line[36:38])
p_axis_azimuth = self._int(line[38:41])
np1_strike = self._int(line[42:45])
np1_dip = self._int(line[45:47])
np1_slip = self._int(line[47:51])
np2_strike = self._int(line[51:54])
np2_dip = self._int(line[54:56])
np2_slip = self._int(line[56:60])
t_axis = Axis()
t_axis.length = t_axis_len
self._store_uncertainty(t_axis.length_errors, t_axis_stderr)
t_axis.plunge = t_axis_plunge
t_axis.azimuth = t_axis_azimuth
n_axis = Axis()
n_axis.length = n_axis_len
self._store_uncertainty(n_axis.length_errors, n_axis_stderr)
n_axis.plunge = n_axis_plunge
n_axis.azimuth = n_axis_azimuth
p_axis = Axis()
p_axis.length = p_axis_len
self._store_uncertainty(p_axis.length_errors, p_axis_stderr)
p_axis.plunge = p_axis_plunge
p_axis.azimuth = p_axis_azimuth
principal_axes = PrincipalAxes()
principal_axes.t_axis = t_axis
principal_axes.n_axis = n_axis
principal_axes.p_axis = p_axis
focal_mechanism.principal_axes = principal_axes
nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane()
nodal_plane_1.strike = np1_strike
nodal_plane_1.dip = np1_dip
nodal_plane_1.rake = np1_slip
nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane()
nodal_plane_2.strike = np2_strike
nodal_plane_2.dip = np2_dip
nodal_plane_2.rake = np2_slip
nodal_planes = NodalPlanes()
nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = nodal_plane_1
nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = nodal_plane_2
focal_mechanism.nodal_planes = nodal_planes
[docs] def _parse_record_dc(self, line, focal_mechanism):
Parses the 'source parameter data - comment' record Dc
comment = focal_mechanism.comments[0]
comment.text += line[2:60]
except IndexError:
comment = Comment()
comment.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=res_id_prefix)
comment.text = line[2:60]
[docs] def _parse_record_p(self, line, event):
Parses the 'primary phase record' P
The primary phase is the first phase of the reading,
regardless its type.
station = line[2:7].strip()
phase = line[7:15]
arrival_time = line[15:24]
residual = self._float(line[25:30])
# unused: residual_flag = line[30]
distance = self._float(line[32:38]) # degrees
azimuth = self._float(line[39:44])
backazimuth = round(azimuth % -360 + 180, 1)
mb_period = self._float(line[44:48])
mb_amplitude = self._float(line[48:55]) # nanometers
mb_magnitude = self._float(line[56:59])
# unused: mb_usage_flag = line[59]
origin = event.origins[0]
evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
waveform_id = WaveformStreamID()
waveform_id.station_code = station
# network_code is required for QuakeML validation
waveform_id.network_code = ' '
station_string = \
.replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '_').lower()
prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'waveformstream',
evid, station_string))
waveform_id.resource_uri = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix)
pick = Pick()
prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'pick', evid, station_string))
pick.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix)
date = origin.time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
pick.time = UTCDateTime(date + arrival_time)
# Check if pick is on the next day:
if pick.time < origin.time:
pick.time += timedelta(days=1)
pick.waveform_id = waveform_id
pick.backazimuth = backazimuth
onset = phase[0]
if onset == 'e':
pick.onset = 'emergent'
phase = phase[1:]
elif onset == 'i':
pick.onset = 'impulsive'
phase = phase[1:]
elif onset == 'q':
pick.onset = 'questionable'
phase = phase[1:]
pick.phase_hint = phase.strip()
if mb_amplitude is not None:
amplitude = Amplitude()
prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'amp', evid, station_string))
amplitude.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix)
amplitude.generic_amplitude = mb_amplitude * 1E-9
amplitude.unit = 'm'
amplitude.period = mb_period
amplitude.type = 'AB'
amplitude.magnitude_hint = 'Mb'
amplitude.pick_id = pick.resource_id
amplitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id
station_magnitude = StationMagnitude()
prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'stationmagntiude',
evid, station_string))
station_magnitude.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix)
station_magnitude.origin_id = origin.resource_id
station_magnitude.mag = mb_magnitude
# station_magnitude.mag_errors['uncertainty'] = 0.0
station_magnitude.station_magnitude_type = 'Mb'
station_magnitude.amplitude_id = amplitude.resource_id
station_magnitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id
res_id = '/'.join(
(res_id_prefix, 'magnitude/generic/body_wave_magnitude'))
station_magnitude.method_id = \
arrival = Arrival()
prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'arrival', evid, station_string))
arrival.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix)
arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id
arrival.phase = pick.phase_hint
arrival.azimuth = azimuth
arrival.distance = distance
arrival.time_residual = residual
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135'))
arrival.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
origin.quality.minimum_distance = min(
d for d in (arrival.distance, origin.quality.minimum_distance)
if d is not None)
origin.quality.maximum_distance = \
max(arrival.distance, origin.quality.minimum_distance)
origin.quality.associated_phase_count += 1
return pick, arrival
[docs] def _parse_record_m(self, line, event, pick):
Parses the 'surface wave record' M
# unused: Z_comp = line[7]
z_period = self._float(line[9:13])
# note: according to the format documentation,
# column 20 should be blank. However, it seems that
# z_amplitude includes that column
z_amplitude = self._float(line[13:21]) # micrometers
# TODO: N_comp and E_comp seems to be never there
msz_mag = line[49:52]
ms_mag = self._float(line[53:56])
# unused: Ms_usage_flag = line[56]
evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
station_string = \
.replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '_').lower()
amplitude = None
if z_amplitude is not None:
amplitude = Amplitude()
prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'amp', evid, station_string))
amplitude.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix)
amplitude.generic_amplitude = z_amplitude * 1E-6
amplitude.unit = 'm'
amplitude.period = z_period
amplitude.type = 'AS'
amplitude.magnitude_hint = 'Ms'
amplitude.pick_id = pick.resource_id
if msz_mag is not None:
station_magnitude = StationMagnitude()
prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'stationmagntiude',
evid, station_string))
station_magnitude.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix)
station_magnitude.origin_id = event.origins[0].resource_id
station_magnitude.mag = ms_mag
station_magnitude.station_magnitude_type = 'Ms'
if amplitude is not None:
station_magnitude.amplitude_id = amplitude.resource_id
[docs] def _parse_record_s(self, line, event, p_pick, p_arrival):
Parses the 'secondary phases' record S
Secondary phases are following phases of the reading,
and can be P-type or S-type.
arrivals = []
phase = line[7:15].strip()
arrival_time = line[15:24]
if phase:
arrivals.append((phase, arrival_time))
phase = line[25:33].strip()
arrival_time = line[33:42]
if phase:
arrivals.append((phase, arrival_time))
phase = line[43:51].strip()
arrival_time = line[51:60]
if phase:
arrivals.append((phase, arrival_time))
evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
station_string = \
.replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '_').lower()
origin = event.origins[0]
for phase, arrival_time in arrivals:
if phase[0:2] == 'D=':
# unused: depth = self._float(phase[2:7])
depth_usage_flag = phase[7]
except IndexError:
# usage flag is not defined
depth_usage_flag = None
# FIXME: I'm not sure that 'X' actually
# means 'used'
if depth_usage_flag == 'X':
# FIXME: is this enough to say that
# the event is constrained by depth phases?
origin.depth_type = 'constrained by depth phases'
origin.quality.depth_phase_count += 1
pick = Pick()
prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'pick',
evid, station_string))
pick.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix)
date = origin.time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
pick.time = UTCDateTime(date + arrival_time)
# Check if pick is on the next day:
if pick.time < origin.time:
pick.time += timedelta(days=1)
pick.waveform_id = p_pick.waveform_id
pick.backazimuth = p_pick.backazimuth
onset = phase[0]
if onset == 'e':
pick.onset = 'emergent'
phase = phase[1:]
elif onset == 'i':
pick.onset = 'impulsive'
phase = phase[1:]
elif onset == 'q':
pick.onset = 'questionable'
phase = phase[1:]
pick.phase_hint = phase.strip()
arrival = Arrival()
prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'arrival',
evid, station_string))
arrival.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix)
arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id
arrival.phase = pick.phase_hint
arrival.azimuth = p_arrival.azimuth
arrival.distance = p_arrival.distance
origin.quality.associated_phase_count += 1
[docs] def _deserialize(self):
catalog = Catalog()
res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix,
self.filename.replace(':', '/')))\
.replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/')
catalog.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
catalog.description = 'Created from NEIC PDE mchedr format'
catalog.comments = ''
catalog.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime())
for line in self.fh.readlines():
# XXX: ugly, probably we should do everything in byte strings
# here? Is the pde / mchedr format unicode aware?
line = line.decode()
record_id = line[0:2]
if record_id == 'HY':
event = self._parse_record_hy(line)
elif record_id == 'P ':
pick, arrival = self._parse_record_p(line, event)
elif record_id == 'E ':
self._parse_record_e(line, event)
elif record_id == 'L ':
self._parse_record_l(line, event)
elif record_id == 'A ':
self._parse_record_a(line, event)
elif record_id == 'C ':
self._parse_record_c(line, event)
elif record_id == 'AH':
self._parse_record_ah(line, event)
elif record_id == 'AE':
self._parse_record_ae(line, event)
elif record_id == 'Dp':
focal_mechanism = self._parse_record_dp(line, event)
elif record_id == 'Dt':
self._parse_record_dt(line, focal_mechanism)
elif record_id == 'Da':
self._parse_record_da(line, focal_mechanism)
elif record_id == 'Dc':
self._parse_record_dc(line, focal_mechanism)
elif record_id == 'M ':
self._parse_record_m(line, event, pick)
elif record_id == 'S ':
self._parse_record_s(line, event, pick, arrival)
# strip extra whitespaces from event comments
for event in catalog:
for comment in event.comments:
comment.text = comment.text.strip()
return catalog
[docs]def _read_mchedr(filename):
Reads a NEIC PDE mchedr (machine-readable Earthquake Data Report) file
and returns a ObsPy Catalog object.
.. warning::
This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this
:type filename: str
:param filename: mchedr file to be read.
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:return: An ObsPy Catalog object.
.. rubric:: Example
>>> from obspy.core.event import read_events
>>> cat = read_events('/path/to/mchedr.dat')
>>> print(cat)
1 Event(s) in Catalog:
2012-01-01T05:27:55.980000Z | +31.456, +138.072 | 6.2 Mb
return Unpickler().load(filename)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest