Source code for

# Author: Tom Eulenfeld
# Year: 2018
SeismicHandler evt file bindings to ObsPy core module.

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import *  # NOQA

from collections import defaultdict
import io
from math import cos, pi
from warnings import warn

from obspy.core.event import (Arrival, Catalog, Event,
                              Magnitude, Origin, OriginQuality,
                              OriginUncertainty, Pick, ResourceIdentifier,
                              StationMagnitude, WaveformStreamID)
from obspy.core.event.header import EvaluationMode, EventType, PickOnset
from obspy.core.util.misc import _seed_id_map
from import to_utcdatetime

[docs]def _is_evt(filename): try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: temp = except Exception: return False return b'Event ID' in temp
[docs]def _km2m(km): return 1000 * float(km)
[docs]def _km2deg(km): return float(km) / 111.195
[docs]def _event_type(et): if 'quake' in et: et = 'earthquake' return EventType(et)
MAG_MAP = {'ml': 'ML', 'ms': 'MS', 'mb': 'Mb', 'mw': 'Mw'} MAP = { 'pick': { 'onset time': ('time', to_utcdatetime), 'phase flags': ('phase_hint', str), 'onset type': ('onset', PickOnset), 'pick type': ('evaluation_mode', EvaluationMode), 'applied filter': ('filter_id', ResourceIdentifier), 'sign': ('polarity', str) }, 'arrival': { 'phase name': ('phase', str), 'distance (deg)': ('distance', float), 'theo. azimuth (deg)': ('azimuth', float), 'weight': ('time_weight', float), }, 'origin': { 'origin time': ('time', to_utcdatetime), 'latitude': ('latitude', float), 'longitude': ('longitude', float), 'depth (km)': ('depth', _km2m), 'error in origin time': ('time_errors', float), 'error in latitude (km)': ('latitude_errors', _km2deg), 'error in longitude (km)': ('longitude_errors', _km2deg), # (correction for lat in _read_evt) 'error in depth (km)': ('depth_errors', _km2m), 'no. of stations used': ( 'quality', lambda x: OriginQuality(used_station_count=int(x))), 'source region': ('region', str) }, 'origin_uncertainty': { 'error ellipse major': ('max_horizontal_uncertainty', _km2m), 'error ellipse minor': ('min_horizontal_uncertainty', _km2m), 'error ellipse strike': ('azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty', float) }, 'event': { 'event type': ('event_type', _event_type) } # no dict for magnitudes, these are handled by function _mag } # define supported keys just for documentation SUPPORTED_KEYS = ['event id', 'station code', 'component', 'magnitude (M?)', 'mean magnitude (M?)'] SUPPORTED_KEYS = sorted([key for obj in MAP.values() for key in obj] + SUPPORTED_KEYS)
[docs]def _kw(obj, obj_name): kws = {} for source_key, (dest_key, convert) in MAP[obj_name].items(): try: val = convert(obj[source_key]) except KeyError: pass except ValueError as ex: warn(str(ex)) else: kws[dest_key] = val return kws
[docs]def _mags(obj, evid, stamag=False, wid=None): mags = [] pm = None for magtype1, magtype2 in MAG_MAP.items(): magkey = 'mean ' * (not stamag) + 'magnitude ' + magtype1 if magkey in obj: magv = obj[magkey] if 'inf' in magv: warn('invalid value for magnitude: %s (event id %s)' % (magv, evid)) else: magv = float(magv) mag = (StationMagnitude(station_magnitude_type=magtype2, mag=magv, waveform_id=wid) if stamag else Magnitude(magnitude_type=magtype2, mag=magv)) mags.append(mag) if len(mags) == 1: pm = mags[0].resource_id return mags, pm
[docs]def _read_evt(filename, inventory=None, id_map=None, id_default='.{}..{}', encoding='utf-8'): """ Read a SeismicHandler EVT file and returns an ObsPy Catalog object. .. warning:: This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this instead. :type filename: str :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode. :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` :param inventory: Inventory used to retrieve network code, location code and channel code of stations (SEED id). :type id_map: dict :param id_map: If channel information was not found in inventory, it will be looked up in this dictionary (example: `id_map={'MOX': 'GR.{}..HH{}'`). The values must contain three dots and two `{}` which are substituted by station code and component. :type id_default: str :param id_default: Default SEED id expression. The value must contain three dots and two `{}` which are substituted by station code and component. :param str encoding: encoding used (default: utf-8) :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` :return: An ObsPy Catalog object. .. note:: The following fields are supported by this function: %s. Compare with """ seed_map = _seed_id_map(inventory, id_map) with, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: temp = # first create phases and phases_o dictionaries for different phases # and phases with origin information phases = defaultdict(list) phases_o = {} phase = {} evid = None for line in temp.splitlines(): if 'End of Phase' in line: if 'origin time' in phase.keys(): if evid in phases_o: # found more than one origin pass phases_o[evid] = phase phases[evid].append(phase) phase = {} evid = None elif line.strip() != '': try: key, value = line.split(':', 1) except ValueError: continue key = key.strip().lower() value = value.strip() if key == 'event id': evid = value elif value != '': phase[key] = value assert evid is None # now create obspy Events from phases and phases_o dictionaries events = [] for evid in phases: picks = [] arrivals = [] stamags = [] origins = [] po = None magnitudes = [] pm = None for p in phases[evid]: sta = p.get('station code', '') comp = p.get('component', '') wid = seed_map.get(sta, id_default) wid = WaveformStreamID(seed_string=wid.format(sta, comp)) pick = Pick(waveform_id=wid, **_kw(p, 'pick')) arrival = Arrival(pick_id=pick.resource_id, **_kw(p, 'arrival')) picks.append(pick) arrivals.append(arrival) stamags_temp, _ = _mags(p, evid, stamag=True, wid=wid) stamags.extend(stamags_temp) if evid in phases_o: o = phases_o[evid] uncertainty = OriginUncertainty(**_kw(o, 'origin_uncertainty')) origin = Origin(arrivals=arrivals, origin_uncertainty=uncertainty, **_kw(o, 'origin')) if origin.latitude is None or origin.longitude is None: warn('latitude or longitude not set for event %s' % evid) else: if origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty is not None: origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty *= cos( origin.latitude / 180 * pi) origins = [origin] po = origin.resource_id magnitudes, pm = _mags(o, evid) else: o = p event = Event(resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(evid), picks=picks, origins=origins, magnitudes=magnitudes, station_magnitudes=stamags, preferred_origin_id=po, preferred_magnitude_id=pm, **_kw(o, 'event') ) events.append(event) return Catalog(events, description='Created from SeismicHandler EVT format')
_read_evt.__doc__ = _read_evt.__doc__ % (SUPPORTED_KEYS,)