# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Filename: cpxtrace.py
# Author: Conny Hammer
# Email: conny.hammer@geo.uni-potsdam.de
# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Conny Hammer
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
Complex Trace Analysis
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import * # NOQA
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
from . import util
[docs]def envelope(data):
Envelope of a signal.
Computes the envelope of the given data which can be windowed or
not. The envelope is determined by the absolute value of the analytic
signal of the given data.
If data are windowed the analytic signal and the envelope of each
window is returned.
:type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
:param data: Data to make envelope of.
:return: **A_cpx, A_abs** - Analytic signal of input data, Envelope of
input data.
nfft = util.next_pow_2(data.shape[-1])
a_cpx = np.zeros((data.shape), dtype=np.complex64)
a_abs = np.zeros((data.shape), dtype=np.float64)
if len(data.shape) > 1:
i = 0
for row in data:
a_cpx[i, :] = signal.hilbert(row, nfft)
a_abs[i, :] = abs(signal.hilbert(row, nfft))
i = i + 1
a_cpx = signal.hilbert(data, nfft)
a_abs = abs(signal.hilbert(data, nfft))
return a_cpx, a_abs
[docs]def normalized_envelope(data, fs, smoothie, fk):
Normalized envelope of a signal.
Computes the normalized envelope of the given data which can be windowed
or not. In order to obtain a normalized measure of the signal envelope
the instantaneous bandwidth of the smoothed envelope is normalized by the
Nyquist frequency and is integrated afterwards.
The time derivative of the normalized envelope is returned if input data
are windowed only.
:type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
:param data: Data to make normalized envelope of.
:param fs: Sampling frequency.
:param smoothie: Window length for moving average.
:param fk: Coefficients for calculating time derivatives
(calculated via central difference).
:return: **Anorm[, dAnorm]** - Normalized envelope of input data, Time
derivative of normalized envelope (windowed only).
x = envelope(data)
fs = float(fs)
if len(x[1].shape) > 1:
i = 0
anorm = np.zeros(x[1].shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
for row in x[1]:
a_win_smooth = util.smooth(row, int(np.floor(len(row) / 3)))
# Differentiation of original signal, dA/dt
# Better, because faster, calculation of A_win_add
a_win_add = np.hstack(([a_win_smooth[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2),
[a_win_smooth[np.size(a_win_smooth) - 1]] *
(np.size(fk) // 2)))
t = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, a_win_add)
# correct start and end values of time derivative
t = t[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(t)]
a_win_smooth[a_win_smooth < 1] = 1
# (dA/dt) / 2*PI*smooth(A)*fs/2
t_ = t / (2. * np.pi * (a_win_smooth) * (fs / 2.0))
# Integral within window
t_ = cumtrapz(t_, dx=(1. / fs))
t_ = np.concatenate((t_[0:1], t_))
anorm[i] = ((np.exp(np.mean(t_))) - 1) * 100
i = i + 1
# faster alternative to calculate Anorm_add
anorm_add = np.hstack(
([anorm[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), anorm,
[anorm[np.size(anorm) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
danorm = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, anorm_add)
# correct start and end values of time derivative
danorm = danorm[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(danorm)]
# dAnorm = dAnorm[np.size(fk) // 2:
# (np.size(dAnorm) - np.size(fk) // 2)]
return anorm, danorm
anorm = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64)
a_win_smooth = util.smooth(x[1], smoothie)
# Differentiation of original signal, dA/dt
# Better, because faster, calculation of A_win_add
a_win_add = np.hstack(
([a_win_smooth[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2),
a_win_smooth, [a_win_smooth[np.size(a_win_smooth) - 1]] *
(np.size(fk) // 2)))
t = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, a_win_add)
# correct start and end values of time derivative
t = t[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(t)]
a_win_smooth[a_win_smooth < 1] = 1
t_ = t / (2. * np.pi * (a_win_smooth) * (fs / 2.0))
# Integral within window
t_ = cumtrapz(t_, dx=(1.0 / fs))
t_ = np.concatenate((t_[0:1], t_))
anorm = ((np.exp(np.mean(t_))) - 1) * 100
return anorm
[docs]def centroid(data, fk):
Centroid time of a signal.
Computes the centroid time of the given data which can be windowed or
not. The centroid time is determined as the time in the processed
window where 50 per cent of the area below the envelope is reached.
The time derivative of the centroid time is returned if input data are
windowed only.
:type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
:param data: Data to determine centroid time of.
:param fk: Coefficients for calculating time derivatives
(calculated via central difference).
:return: **centroid[, dcentroid]** - Centroid time input data, Time
derivative of centroid time (windowed only).
x = envelope(data)
if len(x[1].shape) > 1:
centroid = np.zeros(x[1].shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
i = 0
for row in x[1]:
# Integral within window
half = 0.5 * sum(row)
# Estimate energy centroid
for k in range(2, np.size(row)):
t = sum(row[0:k])
if (t >= half):
frac = (half - (t - sum(row[0:k - 1]))) / \
(t - (t - sum(row[0:k - 1])))
centroid[i] = \
(float(k - 1) + float(frac)) / float(np.size(row))
i = i + 1
centroid_add = np.hstack(
([centroid[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2),
centroid, [centroid[np.size(centroid) - 1]] *
(np.size(fk) // 2)))
dcentroid = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, centroid_add)
dcentroid = dcentroid[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(dcentroid)]
return centroid, dcentroid
centroid = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64)
# Integral within window
half = 0.5 * sum(x[1])
# Estimate energy centroid
for k in range(2, np.size(x[1])):
t = sum(x[1][0:k])
if (t >= half):
frac = (half - (t - sum(x[1][0:k - 1]))) / \
(t - (t - sum(x[1][0:k - 1])))
centroid = (float(k) + float(frac)) / float(np.size(x[1]))
return centroid
[docs]def instantaneous_frequency(data, fs, fk):
Instantaneous frequency of a signal.
Computes the instantaneous frequency of the given data which can be
windowed or not. The instantaneous frequency is determined by the time
derivative of the analytic signal of the input data.
:type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
:param data: Data to determine instantaneous frequency of.
:param fs: Sampling frequency.
:param fk: Coefficients for calculating time derivatives
(calculated via central difference).
:return: **omega[, domega]** - Instantaneous frequency of input data, Time
derivative of instantaneous frequency (windowed only).
x = envelope(data)
if len(x[0].shape) > 1:
omega = np.zeros(x[0].shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
i = 0
for row in x[0]:
f = np.real(row)
h = np.imag(row)
# faster alternative to calculate f_add
f_add = np.hstack(
([f[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), f,
[f[np.size(f) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
fd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, f_add)
# correct start and end values of time derivative
fd = fd[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(fd)]
# faster alternative to calculate h_add
h_add = np.hstack(
([h[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), h,
[h[np.size(h) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
hd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, h_add)
# correct start and end values of time derivative
hd = hd[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(hd)]
omega_win = abs(((f * hd - fd * h) / (f * f + h * h)) *
fs / 2 / np.pi)
omega[i] = np.median(omega_win)
i = i + 1
# faster alternative to calculate omega_add
omega_add = np.hstack(
([omega[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), omega,
[omega[np.size(omega) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
domega = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, omega_add)
# correct start and end values of time derivative
domega = domega[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(domega)]
return omega, domega
omega = np.zeros(np.size(x[0]), dtype=np.float64)
f = np.real(x[0])
h = np.imag(x[0])
# faster alternative to calculate f_add
f_add = np.hstack(
([f[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), f,
[f[np.size(f) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
fd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, f_add)
# correct start and end values of time derivative
fd = fd[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(fd)]
# faster alternative to calculate h_add
h_add = np.hstack(
([h[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), h,
[h[np.size(h) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
hd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, h_add)
# correct start and end values of time derivative
hd = hd[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(hd)]
omega = abs(((f * hd - fd * h) / (f * f + h * h)) * fs / 2 / np.pi)
return omega
[docs]def instantaneous_bandwidth(data, fs, fk):
Instantaneous bandwidth of a signal.
Computes the instantaneous bandwidth of the given data which can be
windowed or not. The instantaneous bandwidth is determined by the time
derivative of the envelope normalized by the envelope of the input data.
:type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
:param data: Data to determine instantaneous bandwidth of.
:param fs: Sampling frequency.
:param fk: Filter coefficients for computing time derivative.
:return: **sigma[, dsigma]** - Instantaneous bandwidth of input data, Time
derivative of instantaneous bandwidth (windowed only).
x = envelope(data)
if len(x[1].shape) > 1:
sigma = np.zeros(x[1].shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
i = 0
for row in x[1]:
# faster alternative to calculate A_win_add
a_win_add = np.hstack(
([row[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), row,
[row[np.size(row) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
t = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, a_win_add)
# t = t[np.size(fk) // 2:(np.size(t) - np.size(fk) // 2)]
# correct start and end values
t = t[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(t)]
sigma_win = abs((t * fs) / (row * 2 * np.pi))
sigma[i] = np.median(sigma_win)
i = i + 1
# faster alternative to calculate sigma_add
sigma_add = np.hstack(
([sigma[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), sigma,
[sigma[np.size(sigma) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
dsigma = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, sigma_add)
# dsigma = dsigma[np.size(fk) // 2:
# (np.size(dsigma) - np.size(fk) // 2)]
# correct start and end values
dsigma = dsigma[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(dsigma)]
return sigma, dsigma
row = x[1]
# faster alternative to calculate A_win_add
a_win_add = np.hstack(
([row[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), row,
[row[np.size(row) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
t = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, a_win_add)
# correct start and end values
t = t[np.size(fk) - 1:np.size(t)]
sigma = abs((t * fs) / (x[1] * 2 * np.pi))
return sigma