- class Station(network, station, latitude, longitude, channels, stationxml_filename=None, stationxml_status=None)[source]¶
Bases: obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader.download_helpers._SlotsEqualityComparisionObject
Object representing a seismic station within the download helper classes.
It knows the coordinates of the station to perform the filtering, its channels and the filename and status of the StationXML files.
Parameters: - network (str) The network code.
- station (str) The station code.
- latitude (float) The latitude of the station.
- longitude (float) The longitude of the station.
- channels (list of Channel objects) The channels of the station.
- stationxml_filename (STATUS) The filename of the StationXML file.
- stationxml_status The current status of the station.
__doc__ str(object=’‘) -> str __hash__ __module__ str(object=’‘) -> str __slots__ list() -> new empty list channels has_existing_or_downloaded_time_intervals Returns true if any of the station’s time intervals have status has_existing_time_intervals Returns True if any of the station’s time intervals already exist. have_station_information latitude longitude miss_station_information network station stationxml_filename stationxml_status temporal_bounds Return the temporal bounds for the station. want_station_information Public Methods
prepare_mseed_download Loop through all channels of the station and distribute filenames and the current status of the channel. prepare_stationxml_download Figure out what to download. remove_files Delete all files under it. sanitize_downloads Should be run after the MiniSEED and StationXML downloads finished. Special Methods
__dir__ default dir() implementation __eq__ __format__ default object formatter __init__ __new__ Create and return a new object. __reduce__ helper for pickle __reduce_ex__ helper for pickle __sizeof__ size of object in memory, in bytes __str__ __subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().