- class SLClient(loglevel='DEBUG', timeout=None)[source]¶
Bases: builtins.object
Basic class to create and use a connection to a SeedLink server using a SeedLinkConnection object.
A new SeedLink application can be created by sub-classing SLClient and overriding at least the packet_handler method of SLClient.
Variables: - slconn SeedLinkConnection object for communicating with the SeedLinkConnection over a socket.
- verbose Verbosity level, 0 is lowest.
- ppackets Flag to indicate show detailed packet information.
- streamfile Name of file containing stream list for multi-station mode.
- selectors Selectors for uni-station or default selectors for multi-station.
- multiselect Selectors for multi-station.
- statefile Name of file for reading (if exists) and storing state.
- begin_time Beginning of time window for read start in past.
- end_time End of time window for reading windowed data.
- infolevel INFO LEVEL for info request only.
Parameters: timeout (float) Timeout in seconds, passed on to the underlying SeedLinkConnection.
COPYRIGHT_YEAR str(object=’‘) -> str PROGRAM_NAME str(object=’‘) -> str VERSION str(object=’‘) -> str VERSION_DATE str(object=’‘) -> str VERSION_INFO str(object=’‘) -> str VERSION_YEAR str(object=’‘) -> str __dict__ __doc__ str(object=’‘) -> str __module__ str(object=’‘) -> str __weakref__ list of weak references to the object (if defined) Public Methods
initialize Initializes this SLClient. main Main method - creates and runs an SLClient using the specified packet_handler Processes each packet received from the SeedLinkConnection. parse_cmd_line_args Parses the command line arguments. print_usage Prints the usage message for this class. run Start this SLClient. Special Methods
__dir__ default dir() implementation __format__ default object formatter __init__ Creates a new instance of SLClient with the specified logging object __new__ Create and return a new object. __reduce__ helper for pickle __reduce_ex__ helper for pickle __sizeof__ size of object in memory, in bytes __subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().