- class SLPacket(data=None, offset=None)[source]¶
Bases: builtins.object
Class to hold and decode a SeedLink packet.
Variables: - TYPE_SLINFT Packet type is terminated info packet.
- TYPE_SLINF Packet type is non-terminated info packet.
- SLTERMINATE Terminate flag - connection was closed by the server or the termination sequence completed.
- SLNOPACKET No packet flag - indicates no data available.
- SLERROR Error flag - indicates server reported an error.
- SLHEADSIZE SeedLink packet header size.
- SLRECSIZE Mini-SEED record size.
- SIGNATURE SeedLink header signature.
- INFOSIGNATURE SeedLink INFO packet signature.
- ERRORSIGNATURE SeedLink ERROR signature.
- ENDSIGNATURE SeedLink END signature.
- slhead The SeedLink header.
- msrecord The MiniSEED record.
ENDSIGNATURE bytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes ERRORSIGNATURE bytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes INFOSIGNATURE bytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes SIGNATURE bytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes SLERROR bytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes SLHEADSIZE int(x=0) -> integer SLNOPACKET bytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes SLRECSIZE int(x=0) -> integer SLTERMINATE bytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes TYPE_SLINF int(x=0) -> integer TYPE_SLINFT int(x=0) -> integer __dict__ __doc__ str(object=’‘) -> str __module__ str(object=’‘) -> str __weakref__ list of weak references to the object (if defined) Public Methods
free_ms_record get_ms_record get_sequence_number get_string_payload Get the MiniSEED payload, parsed as string. get_trace get_type Special Methods
__dir__ default dir() implementation __format__ default object formatter __init__ __new__ Create and return a new object. __reduce__ helper for pickle __reduce_ex__ helper for pickle __sizeof__ size of object in memory, in bytes __subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().