
Catalog.write(filename, format, **kwargs)[source]

Saves catalog into a file.

  • filename (str) The name of the file to write.
  • format (str) The file format to use (e.g. "QUAKEML"). See the Supported Formats section below for a list of supported formats.
  • kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to the underlying plugin’s writer method.


>>> from obspy import read_events
>>> catalog = read_events()
>>> catalog.write("example.xml", format="QUAKEML")  

Writing single events into files with meaningful filenames can be done e.g. using event.id

>>> for ev in catalog:  
...     filename = str(ev.resource_id) + ".xml"
...     ev.write(filename, format="QUAKEML") 

Supported Formats

Additional ObsPy modules extend the parameters of the write() method. The following table summarizes all known formats with write capability currently available for ObsPy.

Please refer to the Linked Function Call of each module for any extra options available.

Format Used Module Linked Function Call
CMTSOLUTION obspy.io.cmtsolution obspy.io.cmtsolution.core._write_cmtsolution()
CNV obspy.io.cnv obspy.io.cnv.core._write_cnv()
JSON obspy.io.json obspy.io.json.core._write_json()
KML obspy.io.kml obspy.io.kml.core._write_kml()
NLLOC_OBS obspy.io.nlloc obspy.io.nlloc.core.write_nlloc_obs()
NORDIC obspy.io.nordic obspy.io.nordic.core.write_select()
QUAKEML obspy.io.quakeml obspy.io.quakeml.core._write_quakeml()
SC3ML obspy.io.seiscomp obspy.io.seiscomp.event._write_sc3ml()
SCARDEC obspy.io.scardec obspy.io.scardec.core._write_scardec()
SHAPEFILE obspy.io.shapefile obspy.io.shapefile.core._write_shapefile()
ZMAP obspy.io.zmap obspy.io.zmap.core._write_zmap()