
class Pick(force_resource_id=True, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: obspy.core.event.base.__Pick

A pick is the observation of an amplitude anomaly in a seismogram at a specific point in time. It is not necessarily related to a seismic event.

  • resource_id (ResourceIdentifier) Resource identifier of Pick.
  • force_resource_id (bool, optional) If set to False, the automatic initialization of resource_id attribute in case it is not specified will be skipped.
  • time (UTCDateTime) Observed onset time of signal (“pick time”).
  • time_errors (QuantityError) AttribDict containing error quantities.
  • waveform_id (WaveformStreamID) Identifies the waveform stream.
  • filter_id (ResourceIdentifier) Identifies the filter or filter setup used for filtering the waveform stream referenced by waveform_id.
  • method_id (ResourceIdentifier) Identifies the picker that produced the pick. This can be either a detection software program or a person.
  • horizontal_slowness (float, optional) Observed horizontal slowness of the signal. Most relevant in array measurements. Unit: s·deg^(−1)
  • horizontal_slowness_errors (QuantityError) AttribDict containing error quantities.
  • backazimuth (float, optional) Observed backazimuth of the signal. Most relevant in array measurements. Unit: deg
  • backazimuth_errors (QuantityError) AttribDict containing error quantities.
  • slowness_method_id (ResourceIdentifier) Identifies the method that was used to determine the slowness.
  • onset (str, optional) Flag that roughly categorizes the sharpness of the onset. See PickOnset for allowed values.
  • phase_hint (str, optional) Tentative phase identification as specified by the picker.
  • polarity (str, optional) Indicates the polarity of first motion, usually from impulsive onsets. See PickPolarity for allowed values.
  • evaluation_mode (str, optional) Evaluation mode of Pick. See EvaluationMode for allowed values.
  • evaluation_status (str, optional) Evaluation status of Pick. See EvaluationStatus for allowed values.
  • comments (list of Comment, optional) Additional comments.
  • creation_info (CreationInfo, optional) CreationInfo for the Pick object.


For handling additional information not covered by the QuakeML standard and how to output it to QuakeML see the ObsPy Tutorial.


__abstractmethods__ frozenset() -> empty frozenset object
__doc__ str(object=’‘) -> str
__module__ str(object=’‘) -> str
__slots__ tuple() -> empty tuple
__weakref__ list of weak references to the object (if defined)
defaults dict() -> new empty dictionary
do_not_warn_on list() -> new empty list
item tuple() -> empty tuple
key str(object=’‘) -> str
readonly list() -> new empty list
warn_on_non_default_key bool(x) -> bool

Public Methods

pop If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.
popitem as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

Private Methods


Private methods are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.

_cast_type Cast type of value to type required in _types dict.
_pretty_str Return better readable string representation of AttribDict object.

Special Methods

__dir__ default dir() implementation
__eq__ Two instances are considered equal if all attributes and all lists
__format__ default object formatter
__getattr__ Py3k hasattr() expects an AttributeError no KeyError to be
__new__ Create and return a new object.
__reduce__ helper for pickle
__reduce_ex__ helper for pickle
__setattr__ Custom property implementation that works if the class is
__sizeof__ size of object in memory, in bytes
__str__ Fairly extensive in an attempt to cover several use cases.