- class MatplotlibBackend(backend, sloppy=True, close=False)[source]¶
Bases: builtins.object
A helper class for switching the matplotlib backend.
Can be used as a context manager to temporarily switch the backend or by using the switch_backend() staticmethod.
The context manager has no effect when setting backend=None.
Parameters: - backend (str) Name of matplotlib backend to switch to.
- sloppy (bool) If True, uses matplotlib.pyplot.switch_backend() and no warning will be shown if the backend was not switched successfully. If False, additionally tries to use matplotlib.use() first and also shows a warning if the backend was not switched successfully.
- close (bool) Whether to close all matplotlib figures when exiting the context manager.
__dict__ __doc__ str(object=’‘) -> str __module__ str(object=’‘) -> str __weakref__ list of weak references to the object (if defined) Public Methods
switch_backend Switch matplotlib backend. Special Methods
__dir__ default dir() implementation __enter__ __exit__ __format__ default object formatter __init__ __new__ Create and return a new object. __reduce__ helper for pickle __reduce_ex__ helper for pickle __sizeof__ size of object in memory, in bytes __subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().