
ObsPy implementation for parsing the arclink inventory format to an Inventory object.

This is a modified version of obspy.io.stationxml and obspy.io.sc3ml.

author:Mathijs Koymans (koymans@knmi.nl), 29.2016 - [Jollyfant@GitHub]
copyright:The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
license:GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)

Public Functions

validate_arclink_xml Checks if the given path is a valid arclink_xml file.

Private Functions


Private functions are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.

_attr2obj Reads text from attribute in element :param element: etree element :param attribute: name of attribute to be read :param convert: intrinsic function (e.g.
_get_restricted_status get the restricted_status (boolean)
_is_inventory_xml Simple function checking if the passed object contains a valid arclink XML
_ns Hoisted namespace function used to find elements
_read_channel reads channel element from arclinkXML format
_read_datalogger Reads equipment information from datalogger
_read_float_var function to read floattype to cls object (based on _read_floattype)
_read_instrument_sensitivity reads the instrument sensitivity (gain) from the sensor and channel element
_read_inventory_xml Function for reading an Arclink inventory file.
_read_network Reads the network structure
_read_response reads response from arclinkXML format
_read_response_stage Private function to read a response stage
_read_sensor Reads equipment information from element
_read_site Reads site information from the station element tags
_read_station Reads the station structure
_tag2obj Reads text from tag in element :param element: etree element :param tag: name of tag to be read :param convert: intrinsic function (e.g.
_tag2pole_or_zero Parses arclinkXML paz format