
Nordic file format support for ObsPy

copyright:The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
license:GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)


Pick time-residuals are handled in event.origins[0].arrivals, with the arrival.pick_id linking the arrival (which contain calculated information) with the pick.resource_id (where the pick contains only physical measured information).

Changed in version 1.2.0: The number of stations used to calculate the origin was previously incorrectly stored in a comment. From version 1.2.0 this is now stored in origin.quality.used_station_count

Public Functions

blanksfile Generate an empty s-file with a populated header for a given waveform.
nordpick Format picks in an Event to nordic.
read_nordic Read a catalog of events from a Nordic formatted select file.
read_spectral_info Read spectral info from an sfile.
readheader Read header information from a seisan nordic format S-file.
readwavename Extract the waveform filename from the s-file.
write_select Function to write a catalog to a select file in nordic format.

Private Functions


Private functions are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.

_extract_event Helper to extract event info from a list of line strings.
_is_sfile Basic test of whether the file is nordic format or not.
_read_focal_mechanisms Read focal mechanism info from s-file
_read_highaccuracy Read high accuracy origin line.
_read_mags Read the magnitude info from a Nordic header line. Convenience function
_read_moment_tensors Read moment tensors from s-file
_read_origin Read one origin (type 1) line.
_read_picks Internal pick reader.
_read_spectral_info Internal spectral reader.
_read_uncertainty Read hyp uncertainty line.
_readheader Internal header reader.
_readwavename Internal wave-name reader.
_write_focal_mechanism_line Get the line for a focal-mechanism
_write_hyp_error_line Generate hypocentral error line.
_write_moment_tensor_line Generate the two lines required for moment tensor solutions in Nordic.
_write_nordic Write an Event to a nordic formatted s-file.