
class Unpickler(xml_doc=None)[source]

Bases: builtins.object

De-serializes a QuakeML string into an ObsPy Catalog object.


__doc__ str(object=’‘) -> str
__module__ str(object=’‘) -> str
__weakref__ list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Public Methods

load Reads QuakeML file into ObsPy catalog object.
loads Parses QuakeML string into ObsPy catalog object.

Private Methods


Private methods are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.

_amplitude Converts an etree.Element into a Amplitude object.
_arrival Converts an etree.Element into an Arrival object.
_axis Converts an etree.Element into an Axis object.
_data_used Converts an etree.Element into a list of DataUsed objects.
_extra Add information stored in custom tags/attributes in obj.extra.
_focal_mechanism Converts an etree.Element into a FocalMechanism object.
_magnitude Converts an etree.Element into a Magnitude object.
_moment_tensor Converts an etree.Element into an MomentTensor object.
_nodal_plane Converts an etree.Element into an NodalPlane object.
_nodal_planes Converts an etree.Element into an NodalPlanes object.
_origin Converts an etree.Element into an Origin object.
_pick Converts an etree.Element into a Pick object.
_principal_axes Converts an etree.Element into an PrincipalAxes object.
_source_time_function Converts an etree.Element into an SourceTimeFunction object.
_station_magnitude Converts an etree.Element into a StationMagnitude object.
_tensor Converts an etree.Element into an Tensor object.
_time_window Converts an etree.Element into a TimeWindow object.

Special Methods

__dir__ default dir() implementation
__format__ default object formatter
__new__ Create and return a new object.
__reduce__ helper for pickle
__reduce_ex__ helper for pickle
__sizeof__ size of object in memory, in bytes
__subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().