- class Unpickler(xml_doc=None)[source]¶
Bases: builtins.object
De-serializes a QuakeML string into an ObsPy Catalog object.
__dict__ __doc__ str(object=’‘) -> str __module__ str(object=’‘) -> str __weakref__ list of weak references to the object (if defined) xml_root Public Methods
load Reads QuakeML file into ObsPy catalog object. loads Parses QuakeML string into ObsPy catalog object. Private Methods
Private methods are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.
_amplitude Converts an etree.Element into a Amplitude object. _arrival Converts an etree.Element into an Arrival object. _axis Converts an etree.Element into an Axis object. _comments _composite_times _confidence_ellipsoid _creation_info _data_used Converts an etree.Element into a list of DataUsed objects. _deserialize _event_description _extra Add information stored in custom tags/attributes in obj.extra. _float_value _focal_mechanism Converts an etree.Element into a FocalMechanism object. _int_value _magnitude Converts an etree.Element into a Magnitude object. _moment_tensor Converts an etree.Element into an MomentTensor object. _nodal_plane Converts an etree.Element into an NodalPlane object. _nodal_planes Converts an etree.Element into an NodalPlanes object. _origin Converts an etree.Element into an Origin object. _origin_quality _origin_uncertainty _pick Converts an etree.Element into a Pick object. _principal_axes Converts an etree.Element into an PrincipalAxes object. _set_enum _source_time_function Converts an etree.Element into an SourceTimeFunction object. _station_magnitude Converts an etree.Element into a StationMagnitude object. _station_magnitude_contributions _tensor Converts an etree.Element into an Tensor object. _time_value _time_window Converts an etree.Element into a TimeWindow object. _value _waveform_id _waveform_ids _xpath _xpath2obj Special Methods
__dir__ default dir() implementation __format__ default object formatter __init__ __new__ Create and return a new object. __reduce__ helper for pickle __reduce_ex__ helper for pickle __sizeof__ size of object in memory, in bytes __subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().