
Routines to read and write SEG Y rev 1 encoded seismic data files.

Public Functions

autodetect_endian_and_sanity_check_su Takes an open file and tries to determine the endianness of a Seismic
iread_segy Iteratively read a SEG-Y field and yield single ObsPy Traces.
iread_su Iteratively read a SU field and yield single ObsPy Traces.

Private Functions


Private functions are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.

_internal_iread_segy Iteratively read a SEG-Y field and yield single ObsPy Traces.
_internal_iread_su Iteratively read a SU field and yield single ObsPy Traces.
_internal_read_segy Reads on open file object and returns a SEGYFile object.
_internal_read_su Reads on open file object and returns a SUFile object.
_read_segy Reads a SEG Y file and returns a SEGYFile object.
_read_su Reads a Seismic Unix (SU) file and returns a SUFile object.


SEGYBinaryFileHeader Parses the binary file header at the given starting position.
SEGYFile Class that internally handles SEG Y files.
SEGYTrace Convenience class that internally handles a single SEG Y trace.
SEGYTraceHeader Convenience class that handles reading and writing of the trace headers.
SUFile Convenience class that internally handles Seismic Unix data files. It


SEGYError Base SEGY exception class.
SEGYInvalidTextualHeaderWarning Warning that is raised if an invalid textual header is about to be written.
SEGYTraceHeaderTooSmallError Raised if the trace header is not the required 240 byte long.
SEGYTraceOnTheFlyDataUnpackingError Raised if attempting to unpack trace data but no unpack_data() function
SEGYTraceReadingError Raised if there is not enough data left in the file to unpack the data
SEGYWarning SEG Y warnings base class.
SEGYWritingError Raised if the trace header is not the required 240 byte long.