18. Anything to MiniSEED

The following lines show how you can convert anything to MiniSEED format. In the example, a few lines of a weather station output are written to a MiniSEED file. The correct meta information starttime, the sampling_rate, station name and so forth are also encoded (Note: Only the ones given are allowed by the MiniSEED standard). Converting arbitrary ASCII to MiniSEED is extremely helpful if you want to send log messages, output of meteorologic stations or anything else via the SeedLink protocol.

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from obspy import UTCDateTime, read, Trace, Stream

weather = """
00.0000 0.0 ??? 4.7 97.7 1015.0 0.0 010308 000000
00.0002 0.0 ??? 4.7 97.7 1015.0 0.0 010308 000001
00.0005 0.0 ??? 4.7 97.7 1015.0 0.0 010308 000002
00.0008 0.0 ??? 4.7 97.7 1015.4 0.0 010308 000003
00.0011 0.0 ??? 4.7 97.7 1015.0 0.0 010308 000004
00.0013 0.0 ??? 4.7 97.7 1015.0 0.0 010308 000005
00.0016 0.0 ??? 4.7 97.7 1015.0 0.0 010308 000006
00.0019 0.0 ??? 4.7 97.7 1015.0 0.0 010308 000007

# Convert to NumPy character array
data = np.fromstring(weather, dtype='|S1')

# Fill header attributes
stats = {'network': 'BW', 'station': 'RJOB', 'location': '',
         'channel': 'WLZ', 'npts': len(data), 'sampling_rate': 0.1,
         'mseed': {'dataquality': 'D'}}
# set current time
stats['starttime'] = UTCDateTime()
st = Stream([Trace(data=data, header=stats)])
# write as ASCII file (encoding=0)
st.write("weather.mseed", format='MSEED', encoding=0, reclen=256)

# Show that it worked, convert NumPy character array back to string
st1 = read("weather.mseed")