Source code for obspy.clients.fdsn.routing.eidaws_routing_client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Routing client for the EIDAWS routing service.

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import collections

from ..client import get_bulk_string
from ..header import FDSNNoDataException
from .routing_client import (
    BaseRoutingClient, _assert_attach_response_not_in_kwargs,

[docs]class EIDAWSRoutingClient(BaseRoutingClient): """ Routing client for the EIDAWS routing service. For waveform queries it will first launch a station query, get the station information at each data center with additional constraints (e.g. latitude/longitude/...) and use that information for the final waveform query. This means that with ObsPy the EIDA routing client behaves very similar to the IRIS federator routing client. """
[docs] def __init__(self, url="", include_providers=None, exclude_providers=None, debug=False, timeout=120, **kwargs): """ Initialize an EIDAWS router client. All parameters except ``url`` are passed on to the :class:`~obspy.clients.fdsn.routing.routing_client.BaseRoutingClient` parent class :param url: The URL of the routing service. :type url: str """ BaseRoutingClient.__init__(self, debug=debug, timeout=timeout, include_providers=include_providers, exclude_providers=exclude_providers, **kwargs) self._url = url
[docs] @_assert_filename_not_in_kwargs @_assert_attach_response_not_in_kwargs def get_waveforms_bulk(self, bulk, **kwargs): """ Get waveforms from multiple data centers. Arguments are the same as in :meth:`obspy.clients.fdsn.client.Client.get_waveforms_bulk()`. Any additional ``**kwargs`` are passed on to each individual service's dataselect service if the service supports them (otherwise they are silently ignored for that particular fdsnws endpoint). The ``filename`` and ``attach_response`` parameters of the single provider FDSN client are not supported. This can route on a number of different parameters, please see the web site of the `EIDAWS Routing Service <>`_ for details. """ # Multi-step procedure - first get the stations to be able to use # more query parameters - and then construct the waveform string # from it. # # This has to be done for each time interval - otherwise it will get # a lot more complicated. I guess in most cases people will use bulk # requests for the same time span so it should be fine. # Group by time interval - utilize the existing get_bulk_string() # method to not have to deal with various different inputs. _tmp_bulk_str = get_bulk_string(bulk, {}) if hasattr(_tmp_bulk_str, "decode"): _tmp_bulk_str = _tmp_bulk_str.decode() # Parse and split. bulk_per_time_interval = collections.defaultdict(list) for line in _tmp_bulk_str.splitlines(): # Cannot really happen - just a safety measure. if not line: # pragma: no cover continue item = line.split() bulk_per_time_interval[(item[-2], item[-1])].append(item) # Build up the new bulk string for each found time interval by # querying the station services. new_bulk = [] for t, _b in bulk_per_time_interval.items(): # channel level and text to keep it fast. inv = self.get_stations_bulk(_b, format="text", level="channel", **kwargs) for c in sorted(set(inv.get_contents()["channels"])): new_bulk.append(c.split(".")) new_bulk[-1].extend(t) # no available data, show appropriate error message and raise if not new_bulk: msg = ('No data available for request (requested time window ' 'might be out of bounds of valid station epochs).') raise FDSNNoDataException(msg) # Finally get the waveforms by getting the routes and downloading # everytyhing. Don't directly pass in the initializer as the order # would not be guaranteed across all Python version. arguments = collections.OrderedDict() arguments["service"] = "dataselect" arguments["format"] = "post" bulk_str = get_bulk_string(new_bulk, arguments) r = self._download(self._url + "/query", data=bulk_str) split = self._split_routing_response( r.content.decode() if hasattr(r.content, "decode") else r.content) return self._download_waveforms(split, **kwargs)
[docs] @_assert_filename_not_in_kwargs def get_stations(self, **kwargs): """ Get stations from multiple data centers. Only the ``network``, ``station``, ``location``, ``channel``, ``starttime``, and ``endtime`` parameters are used for the actual routing. These and all other arguments are then just passed on to each single fdsnws station implementation. Arguments are the same as in :meth:`obspy.clients.fdsn.client.Client.get_stations()`. Any additional ``**kwargs`` are passed on to each individual service's station service if the service supports them (otherwise they are silently ignored for that particular fdsnws endpoint). The ``filename`` parameter of the single provider FDSN client is not supported for practical reasons. This can route on a number of different parameters, please see the web site of the `EIDAWS Routing Service <>`_ for details. """ return super(EIDAWSRoutingClient, self).get_stations(**kwargs)
[docs] @_assert_filename_not_in_kwargs def get_stations_bulk(self, bulk, **kwargs): """ Bulk station download from multiple stations. Arguments are the same as in :meth:`obspy.clients.fdsn.client.Client.get_stations_bulk()`. Any additional ``**kwargs`` are passed on to each individual service's station service if the service supports them (otherwise they are silently ignored for that particular fdsnws endpoint). The ``filename`` parameter of the single provider FDSN client is not supported for practical reasons. This can route on a number of different parameters, please see the web site of the `EIDAWS Routing Service <>`_ for details. """ arguments = collections.OrderedDict() arguments["service"] = "station" arguments["format"] = "post" arguments["alternative"] = "false" bulk_str = get_bulk_string(bulk, arguments) r = self._download(self._url + "/query", data=bulk_str) split = self._split_routing_response( r.content.decode() if hasattr(r.content, "decode") else r.content) return self._download_stations(split, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def _split_routing_response(data): """ Splits the routing responses per data center for the EIDAWS output. Returns a dictionary with the keys being the root URLs of the fdsnws endpoints and the values the data payloads for that endpoint. :param data: The return value from the EIDAWS routing service. """ split = collections.defaultdict(list) current_key = None for line in data.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if "http" in line and "fdsnws" in line: current_key = line[:line.rfind("/fdsnws")] continue split[current_key].append(line) return {k: "\n".join(v) for k, v in split.items()}