Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
SEG-2 support for ObsPy.

A file format description is given by [Pullan1990]_.

    Lion Krischer (, 2011
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from copy import deepcopy
from struct import unpack, unpack_from
import warnings
import re

import numpy as np

from obspy import Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import AttribDict
from obspy.core.compatibility import from_buffer
from .header import MONTHS

WARNING_HEADER = "Many companies use custom defined SEG2 header variables." + \
    " This might cause basic header information reflected in the single " + \
    "traces' stats to be wrong (e.g. recording delays, first sample " + \
    "number, station code names, ..). Please check the complete list of " + \
    "additional unmapped header fields that gets stored in " + \
    "Trace.stats.seg2 and/or the manual of the source of the SEG2 files " + \
    "for fields that might influence e.g. trace start times."

[docs]class SEG2BaseError(Exception): """ Base class for all SEG-2 specific errors. """ pass
[docs]class SEG2InvalidFileError(SEG2BaseError): """ Will be raised if something is not correct with the SEG-2 file. """ pass
[docs]class SEG2(object): """ Class to read SEG 2 formatted files. The main reason this is realized as a class is for the ease of passing the various parameters from one function to the next. Do not change the file_pointer attribute while using this class. It will be used to keep track of which parts have been read yet and which not. """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def read_file(self, file_object): """ Reads the following file and will return a Stream object. If file_object is a string it will be treated as a file name, otherwise it will be expected to be a file like object with read(), seek() and tell() methods. If it is a file_like object,, 0) is expected to be the beginning of the SEG-2 file. """ # Read the file if it is a file name. if not hasattr(file_object, 'write'): self.file_pointer = open(file_object, 'rb') else: self.file_pointer = file_object, 0) = Stream() # Read the file descriptor block. This will also determine the # endianness. self.read_file_descriptor_block() # Loop over every trace, read it and append it to the Stream. for tr_pointer in self.trace_pointers:, 0) if not hasattr(file_object, 'write'): self.file_pointer.close() return
[docs] def read_file_descriptor_block(self): """ Handles the reading of the file descriptor block and the free form section following it. """ file_descriptor_block = # Determine the endianness and check if the block id is valid. if unpack_from(b'2B', file_descriptor_block) == (0x55, 0x3a): self.endian = b'<' elif unpack_from(b'2B', file_descriptor_block) == (0x3a, 0x55): self.endian = b'>' else: msg = 'Wrong File Descriptor Block ID' raise SEG2InvalidFileError(msg) # Check the revision number. revision_number, = unpack_from(self.endian + b'H', file_descriptor_block, 2) if revision_number != 1: msg = '\nOnly SEG 2 revision 1 is officially supported. This file ' msg += 'has revision %i. Reading it might fail.' % revision_number msg += '\nPlease contact the ObsPy developers with a sample file.' warnings.warn(msg) # Determine trace counts. (size_of_trace_pointer_sub_block, number_of_traces ) = unpack_from(self.endian + b'HH', file_descriptor_block, 4) if number_of_traces * 4 > size_of_trace_pointer_sub_block: msg = ('File indicates %d traces, but there are only %d trace ' 'pointers.') % (number_of_traces, size_of_trace_pointer_sub_block // 4) raise SEG2InvalidFileError(msg) # Define the string and line terminators. (size_of_string_terminator, first_string_terminator_char, second_string_terminator_char, size_of_line_terminator, first_line_terminator_char, second_line_terminator_char ) = unpack_from(b'BccBcc', file_descriptor_block, 8) # Assemble the string terminator. if size_of_string_terminator == 1: self.string_terminator = first_string_terminator_char elif size_of_string_terminator == 2: self.string_terminator = first_string_terminator_char + \ second_string_terminator_char else: msg = 'Wrong size of string terminator.' raise SEG2InvalidFileError(msg) # Assemble the line terminator. if size_of_line_terminator == 1: self.line_terminator = first_line_terminator_char elif size_of_line_terminator == 2: self.line_terminator = first_line_terminator_char + \ second_line_terminator_char else: msg = 'Wrong size of line terminator.' raise SEG2InvalidFileError(msg) # Read the trace pointer sub-block and retrieve all the pointers. trace_pointer_sub_block = \ self.trace_pointers = unpack_from( self.endian + (b'L' * number_of_traces), trace_pointer_sub_block) # The rest of the header up to where the first trace pointer points is # a free form section. = AttribDict() = AttribDict() self.parse_free_form([0] - self.file_pointer.tell()), # Get the time information from the file header. # XXX: Need some more generic date/time parsers. if "ACQUISITION_TIME" in \ and "ACQUISITION_DATE" in time = date = # Split on any non numeric character time = list(filter(None, re.split(r'\D+', time))) # Split on space, dot (.), slash (/), and dash (-) date = list(filter(None, re.split("[, ./-]+", date))) hour, minute, second = int(time[0]), int(time[1]), float(time[2]) day, month, year = int(date[0]), MONTHS[date[1].lower()], \ int(date[2]) self.starttime = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) else: self.starttime = UTCDateTime(0)
[docs] def parse_next_trace(self): """ Parse the next trace in the trace pointer list and return a Trace object. """ trace_descriptor_block = # Check if the trace descriptor block id is valid. if unpack(self.endian + b'H', trace_descriptor_block[0:2])[0] != \ 0x4422: msg = 'Invalid trace descriptor block id.' raise SEG2InvalidFileError(msg) size_of_this_block, = unpack_from(self.endian + b'H', trace_descriptor_block, 2) number_of_samples_in_data_block, = \ unpack_from(self.endian + b'L', trace_descriptor_block, 8) data_format_code, = unpack_from(b'B', trace_descriptor_block, 12) # Parse the data format code. if data_format_code == 4: dtype = self.endian + b'f4' sample_size = 4 elif data_format_code == 5: dtype = self.endian + b'f8' sample_size = 8 elif data_format_code == 1: dtype = self.endian + b'i2' sample_size = 2 elif data_format_code == 2: dtype = self.endian + b'i4' sample_size = 4 elif data_format_code == 3: dtype = self.endian + b'i2' sample_size = 2.5 if number_of_samples_in_data_block % 4 != 0: raise SEG2InvalidFileError( 'Data format code 3 requires that the number of samples ' 'is divisible by 4, but sample count is %d' % ( number_of_samples_in_data_block, )) else: msg = 'Unrecognized data format code' raise SEG2InvalidFileError(msg) # The rest of the trace block is free form. header = {} header['seg2'] = AttribDict() self.parse_free_form( - 32), header['seg2']) header['delta'] = float(header['seg2']['SAMPLE_INTERVAL']) # Set to the file's start time. header['starttime'] = deepcopy(self.starttime) if 'DELAY' in header['seg2']: if float(header['seg2']['DELAY']) != 0: msg = "Non-zero value found in Trace's 'DELAY' field. " + \ "This is not supported/tested yet and might lead " + \ "to a wrong starttime of the Trace. Please contact " + \ "the ObsPy developers with a sample file." warnings.warn(msg) if "DESCALING_FACTOR" in header["seg2"]: header['calib'] = float(header['seg2']['DESCALING_FACTOR']) # Unpack the data. data = from_buffer( int(number_of_samples_in_data_block * sample_size)), dtype=dtype) if data_format_code == 3: # Convert one's complement to two's complement by adding one to # negative numbers. one_to_two = (data < 0) # The first two bytes (1 word) of every 10 bytes (5 words) contains # a 4-bit exponent for each of the 4 remaining 2-byte (int16) # samples. exponents = data[0::5].view(self.endian + b'u2') result = np.empty(number_of_samples_in_data_block, dtype=np.int32) # Apply the negative correction, then multiply by correct exponent. result[0::4] = ((data[1::5] + one_to_two[1::5]) * 2**((exponents & 0x000f) >> 0)) result[1::4] = ((data[2::5] + one_to_two[2::5]) * 2**((exponents & 0x00f0) >> 4)) result[2::4] = ((data[3::5] + one_to_two[3::5]) * 2**((exponents & 0x0f00) >> 8)) result[3::4] = ((data[4::5] + one_to_two[4::5]) * 2**((exponents & 0xf000) >> 12)) data = result # Integrate SEG2 file header into each trace header tmp = tmp.update(header['seg2']) header['seg2'] = tmp return Trace(data=data, header=header)
[docs] def parse_free_form(self, free_form_str, attrib_dict): """ Parse the free form section stored in free_form_str and save it in attrib_dict. """ def cleanup_and_decode_string(value): # Some software/hardware produces invalid characters. def is_good_char(c): return c in (b'0123456789' b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' b'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' b'!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:; <=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ ') # A loop over a bytestring in Python 3 returns integers. This can # be solved with a number of imports from the python-future module # and all kinds of subtle changes throughout this file. return "".join(map(chr, filter(is_good_char, value))).strip() # Separate the strings. Every string starts with a 2-byte offset to the # next string, and ends with a terminator. An offset of 0 indicates the # end of the strings. offset = 0 strings = [] while offset + 2 < len(free_form_str): strlen, = unpack_from(self.endian + b'H', free_form_str, offset) if strlen == 0: break curstr = free_form_str[offset + 2:offset + strlen] try: curstrlen = curstr.index(self.string_terminator) except ValueError: strings.append(curstr) else: strings.append(curstr[:curstrlen]) offset += strlen # Every string has the structure OPTION<SPACE>VALUE. Write to # stream.stats attribute. for string in strings: string = string.strip().split(b' ', 1) key = cleanup_and_decode_string(string[0]) try: value = string[1] except IndexError: value = '' if key == 'NOTE': value = [cleanup_and_decode_string(line) for line in value.split(self.line_terminator) if line] else: value = cleanup_and_decode_string(value) setattr(attrib_dict, key, value)
[docs]def _is_seg2(filename): if not hasattr(filename, 'write'): file_pointer = open(filename, 'rb') else: file_pointer = filename file_descriptor_block = if not hasattr(filename, 'write'): file_pointer.close() try: # Determine the endianness and check if the block id is valid. if unpack_from(b'2B', file_descriptor_block) == (0x55, 0x3a): endian = b'<' elif unpack_from(b'2B', file_descriptor_block) == (0x3a, 0x55): endian = b'>' else: return False except Exception: return False # Check the revision number. revision_number, = unpack_from(endian + b'H', file_descriptor_block, 2) if revision_number != 1: return False return True
[docs]def _read_seg2(filename, **kwargs): # @UnusedVariable seg2 = SEG2() st = seg2.read_file(filename) warnings.warn(WARNING_HEADER) return st