

The following parameters deal with the problem, that the format only stores station names for the picks, but the Pick object expects a SEED id. The SEED id is looked up for every pick by the following procedure:

  1. look at seedid_map for a direct station name match and use the specified template

  2. if 1 did not succeed, look if the station is present in inventory and use its first channel as template

  3. if 1 and 2 did not succeed, use specified default template (default_seedid)

  • filename (str) – File or file-like object in text mode.

  • inventory (Inventory) – Inventory used to retrieve network code, location code and channel code of stations (SEED id).

  • seedid_map (dict) – Default templates for each station (example: seedid_map={‘MOX’: ‘GR.{}..HH{}’). The values must contain three dots and two {} which are substituted by station code and component.

  • default_seedid (str) – Default SEED id template. The value must contain three dots and two {} which are substituted by station code and component.

  • warn (bool) – Whether or not to warn on failed look ups (no matching data found or ambiguous results) in the inventory