# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
DEPRECATED -- SeisHub database client is deprecated
SeisHub database client for ObsPy.
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import os
import pickle
import time
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from math import log
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import urllib.request as urllib_request
from lxml import objectify
from lxml.etree import Element, SubElement, tostring
from obspy import Catalog, UTCDateTime, read_events
from obspy.core.util import guess_delta
from obspy.core.util.decorator import deprecated_keywords
from obspy.core.util.deprecation_helpers import ObsPyDeprecationWarning
from obspy.io.xseed import Parser
from obspy.io.xseed.utils import SEEDParserException
KEYWORDS = {'network': 'network_id', 'station': 'station_id',
'location': 'location_id', 'channel': 'channel_id',
'starttime': 'start_datetime', 'endtime': 'end_datetime'}
[docs]def _unpickle(data):
# https://api.mongodb.org/python/current/\
# python3.html#why-can-t-i-share-pickled-objectids-\
# between-some-versions-of-python-2-and-3
obj = pickle.loads(data, encoding="latin-1")
return obj
[docs]def _objectify_result_to_dicts(root):
:type root: :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement`
:param root: Root node of result set returned by
:rtype: list[dict]
result = []
for node in root.getchildren():
result_ = {}
for k, v in node.__dict__.items():
# resource_name field should never be automatically cast to
# potentially matching python type but always remain plain string
# type. Otherwise a resource name of e.g. '24330' will be typecast
# to an integer which can results in problems later on.
if k == 'resource_name':
v = v.text
# otherwise just rely on autodetection of appropriate python type
v = v.pyval
result_[k] = v
return result
[docs]class Client(object):
DEPRECATED -- SeisHub database client is deprecated
SeisHub database request Client class.
The following classes are automatically linked with initialization.
Follow the links in "Linked Class" for more information. They register
via the name listed in "Entry Point".
=================== ============================================================
Entry Point Linked Class
=================== ============================================================
``Client.waveform`` :class:`~obspy.clients.seishub.client._WaveformMapperClient`
``Client.station`` :class:`~obspy.clients.seishub.client._StationMapperClient`
``Client.event`` :class:`~obspy.clients.seishub.client._EventMapperClient`
=================== ============================================================
""" # noqa
[docs] def __init__(self, base_url="http://teide.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de:8080",
user="admin", password="admin", timeout=10, debug=False,
DEPRECATED -- SeisHub database client is deprecated
Initializes the SeisHub Web service client.
:type base_url: str, optional
:param base_url: SeisHub connection string. Defaults to
:type user: str, optional
:param user: The user name used for identification with the Web
service. Defaults to ``'admin'``.
:type password: str, optional
:param password: A password used for authentication with the Web
service. Defaults to ``'admin'``.
:type timeout: int, optional
:param timeout: Seconds before a connection timeout is raised (default
is 10 seconds).
:type debug: bool, optional
:param debug: Enables verbose output.
:type retries: int
:param retries: Number of retries for failing requests.
msg = "The module obspy.clients.seishub is deprecated and will be " + \
"removed in the next major release."
warnings.warn(msg, ObsPyDeprecationWarning)
self.base_url = base_url
#: A :class:`obspy.clients.seishub.client._WaveformMapperClient`
#: instance
self.waveform = _WaveformMapperClient(self)
#: A :class:`obspy.clients.seishub.client._StationMapperClient`
#: instance
self.station = _StationMapperClient(self)
#: An :class:`obspy.clients.seishub.client._EventMapperClient` instance
self.event = _EventMapperClient(self)
self.timeout = timeout
self.debug = debug
self.retries = retries
self.xml_seeds = {}
self.station_list = {}
# Create an OpenerDirector for Basic HTTP Authentication
password_mgr = urllib_request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, base_url, user, password)
auth_handler = urllib_request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
opener = urllib_request.build_opener(auth_handler)
# install globally
[docs] def ping(self):
Ping the SeisHub server.
t1 = time.time()
urllib_request.urlopen(self.base_url, timeout=self.timeout).read()
return (time.time() - t1) * 1000.0
except Exception:
[docs] def test_auth(self):
Test if authentication information is valid. Raises an Exception if
status code of response is not 200 (OK) or 401 (Forbidden).
:rtype: bool
:return: ``True`` if OK, ``False`` if invalid.
(code, _msg) = self._http_request(self.base_url + "/xml/",
if code == 200:
return True
elif code == 401:
return False
raise Exception("Unexpected request status code: %s" % code)
[docs] def _fetch(self, url, *args, **kwargs): # @UnusedVariable
params = {}
# map keywords
for key, value in KEYWORDS.items():
if key in kwargs.keys():
kwargs[value] = kwargs[key]
del kwargs[key]
# check for ranges and empty values
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if not value and value != 0:
if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2:
params['min_' + str(key)] = str(value[0])
params['max_' + str(key)] = str(value[1])
elif isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 2:
params['min_' + str(key)] = str(value[0])
params['max_' + str(key)] = str(value[1])
params[str(key)] = str(value)
# replace special characters
remoteaddr = self.base_url + url + '?' + urlencode(params)
if self.debug:
print('\nRequesting %s' % (remoteaddr))
# certain requests randomly fail on rare occasions, retry
for _i in range(self.retries):
response = urllib_request.urlopen(remoteaddr,
doc = response.read()
return doc
# XXX currently there are random problems with SeisHub's internal
# XXX SQL database access ("cannot operate on a closed database").
# XXX this can be circumvented by issuing the same request again..
except Exception:
response = urllib_request.urlopen(remoteaddr, timeout=self.timeout)
doc = response.read()
return doc
[docs] def _http_request(self, url, method, xml_string=None, headers={}):
Send a HTTP request via urllib2.
:type url: str
:param url: Complete URL of resource
:type method: str
:param method: HTTP method of request, e.g. "PUT"
:type headers: dict
:param headers: Header information for request, e.g.
{'User-Agent': "obspyck"}
:type xml_string: str
:param xml_string: XML for a send request (PUT/POST)
if method not in HTTP_ACCEPTED_METHODS:
raise ValueError("Method must be one of %s" %
if method in HTTP_ACCEPTED_DATA_METHODS and not xml_string:
raise TypeError("Missing data for %s request." % method)
elif method in HTTP_ACCEPTED_NODATA_METHODS and xml_string:
raise TypeError("Unexpected data for %s request." % method)
req = _RequestWithMethod(method=method, url=url, data=xml_string,
# it seems the following always ends in a HTTPError even with
# nice status codes...?!?
response = urllib_request.urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout)
return response.code, response.msg
except urllib_request.HTTPError as e:
return e.code, e.msg
[docs] def _objectify(self, url, *args, **kwargs):
doc = self._fetch(url, *args, **kwargs)
return objectify.fromstring(doc)
[docs]class _BaseRESTClient(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
[docs] def get_resource(self, resource_name, format=None, **kwargs):
Gets a resource.
:type resource_name: str
:param resource_name: Name of the resource.
:type format: str, optional
:param format: Format string, e.g. ``'xml'`` or ``'map'``.
:return: Resource
# NOTHING goes ABOVE this line!
for key, value in locals().items():
if key not in ["self", "kwargs"]:
kwargs[key] = value
url = '/xml/' + self.package + '/' + self.resourcetype + '/' + \
return self.client._fetch(url, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_xml_resource(self, resource_name, **kwargs):
Gets a XML resource.
:type resource_name: str
:param resource_name: Name of the resource.
:return: Resource as :class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement`
url = '/xml/' + self.package + '/' + self.resourcetype + '/' + \
return self.client._objectify(url, **kwargs)
[docs] def put_resource(self, resource_name, xml_string, headers={}):
PUTs a XML resource.
:type resource_name: str
:param resource_name: Name of the resource.
:type headers: dict
:param headers: Header information for request,
e.g. ``{'User-Agent': "obspyck"}``
:type xml_string: str
:param xml_string: XML for a send request (PUT/POST)
:rtype: tuple
:return: (HTTP status code, HTTP status message)
url = '/'.join([self.client.base_url, 'xml', self.package,
self.resourcetype, resource_name])
return self.client._http_request(
url, method="PUT", xml_string=xml_string, headers=headers)
[docs] def delete_resource(self, resource_name, headers={}):
DELETEs a XML resource.
:type resource_name: str
:param resource_name: Name of the resource.
:type headers: dict
:param headers: Header information for request,
e.g. ``{'User-Agent': "obspyck"}``
:return: (HTTP status code, HTTP status message)
url = '/'.join([self.client.base_url, 'xml', self.package,
self.resourcetype, resource_name])
return self.client._http_request(
url, method="DELETE", headers=headers)
[docs]class _StationMapperClient(_BaseRESTClient):
Interface to access the SeisHub Station Web service.
.. warning::
This function should NOT be initialized directly, instead access the
object via the :attr:`obspy.clients.seishub.client.Client.station`
.. seealso:: https://github.com/barsch/seishub.plugins.seismology/blob/\
package = 'seismology'
resourcetype = 'station'
[docs] def get_list(self, network=None, station=None, **kwargs):
Gets a list of station information.
:type network: str
:param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``.
:type station: str
:param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``.
:rtype: list
:return: List of dictionaries containing station information.
# NOTHING goes ABOVE this line!
for key, value in locals().items():
if key not in ["self", "kwargs"]:
kwargs[key] = value
url = '/seismology/station/getList'
root = self.client._objectify(url, **kwargs)
return _objectify_result_to_dicts(root)
[docs] def get_coordinates(self, network, station, datetime, location=''):
Get coordinate information.
Returns a dictionary with coordinate information for specified station
at the specified time.
:type network: str
:param network: Network code, e.g. ``'BW'``.
:type station: str
:param station: Station code, e.g. ``'MANZ'``.
:type datetime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
:param datetime: Time for which the PAZ is requested,
e.g. ``'2010-01-01 12:00:00'``.
:type location: str
:param location: Location code, e.g. ``'00'``.
:rtype: dict
:return: Dictionary containing station coordinate information.
# NOTHING goes ABOVE this line!
kwargs = {} # no **kwargs so use empty dict
for key, value in locals().items():
if key not in ["self", "kwargs"]:
kwargs[key] = value
# try to read coordinates from previously obtained station lists
netsta = ".".join([network, station])
for data in self.client.station_list.get(netsta, []):
# check if starttime is present and fitting
if data['start_datetime'] == "":
elif datetime < UTCDateTime(data['start_datetime']):
# check if end time is present and fitting
if data['end_datetime'] == "":
elif datetime > UTCDateTime(data['end_datetime']):
coords = {}
for key in ['latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation']:
coords[key] = data[key]
return coords
metadata = self.get_list(**kwargs)
if not metadata:
msg = "No coordinates for station %s.%s at %s" % \
(network, station, datetime)
raise Exception(msg)
stalist = self.client.station_list.setdefault(netsta, [])
for data in metadata:
if data not in stalist:
if len(metadata) > 1:
warnings.warn("Received more than one metadata set. Using first.")
metadata = metadata[0]
coords = {}
for key in ['latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation']:
coords[key] = metadata[key]
return coords
[docs] def get_paz(self, seed_id, datetime):
Get PAZ for a station at given time span. Gain is the A0 normalization
constant for the poles and zeros.
:type seed_id: str
:param seed_id: SEED or channel id, e.g. ``"BW.RJOB..EHZ"`` or
:type datetime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
:param datetime: Time for which the PAZ is requested,
e.g. ``'2010-01-01 12:00:00'``.
:rtype: dict
:return: Dictionary containing zeros, poles, gain and sensitivity.
# try to read PAZ from previously obtained XSEED data
for res in self.client.xml_seeds.get(seed_id, []):
parser = Parser(res)
paz = parser.get_paz(seed_id=seed_id,
return paz
except Exception:
network, station, location, channel = seed_id.split(".")
# request station information
station_list = self.get_list(network=network, station=station,
if not station_list:
return {}
# don't allow wild cards
for wildcard in ['*', '?']:
if wildcard in seed_id:
msg = "Wildcards in seed_id are not allowed."
raise ValueError(msg)
for xml_doc in station_list:
res = self.client.station.get_resource(xml_doc['resource_name'])
reslist = self.client.xml_seeds.setdefault(seed_id, [])
if res not in reslist:
parser = Parser(res)
paz = parser.get_paz(seed_id=seed_id,
except SEEDParserException as e:
not_found_msg = 'No channel found with the given SEED id:'
if str(e).startswith(not_found_msg):
msg = 'No channel found with the given SEED id: %s' % seed_id
raise SEEDParserException(msg)
return paz
[docs]class _EventMapperClient(_BaseRESTClient):
Interface to access the SeisHub Event Web service.
.. warning::
This function should NOT be initialized directly, instead access the
object via the :py:attr:`obspy.clients.seishub.client.Client.event`
.. seealso:: https://github.com/barsch/seishub.plugins.seismology/blob/\
package = 'seismology'
resourcetype = 'event'
[docs] @deprecated_keywords({
"first_pick": None, "last_pick": None})
def get_list(self, limit=50, offset=None, localisation_method=None,
author=None, min_datetime=None, max_datetime=None,
min_first_pick=None, max_first_pick=None, min_last_pick=None,
max_last_pick=None, min_latitude=None, max_latitude=None,
min_longitude=None, max_longitude=None,
min_magnitude=None, max_magnitude=None, min_depth=None,
max_depth=None, used_p=None, min_used_p=None, max_used_p=None,
used_s=None, min_used_s=None, max_used_s=None,
document_id=None, **kwargs):
Gets a list of event information.
For SeisHub versions < 1.4 available keys include "user" and
"account". In newer SeisHub versions they are replaced by "author".
:rtype: list
:return: List of dictionaries containing event information.
The number of resulting events is by default limited to 50 entries from
a SeisHub server. You may raise this by setting the ``limit`` option to
a maximal value of 2500. Numbers above 2500 will result into an
# check limit
if limit > 2500:
msg = "Maximal allowed limit is 2500 entries."
raise ValueError(msg)
# NOTHING goes ABOVE this line!
for key, value in locals().items():
if key not in ["self", "kwargs"]:
kwargs[key] = value
url = '/seismology/event/getList'
root = self.client._objectify(url, **kwargs)
results = _objectify_result_to_dicts(root)
if limit == len(results) or \
limit is None and len(results) == 50 or \
len(results) == 2500:
msg = "List of results might be incomplete due to option 'limit'."
return results
[docs] def get_events(self, **kwargs):
Fetches a catalog with event information. Parameters to narrow down
the request are the same as for :meth:`get_list`.
.. warning::
Only works when connecting to a SeisHub server of version 1.4.0
or higher (serving event data as QuakeML).
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:returns: Catalog containing event information matching the request.
The number of resulting events is by default limited to 50 entries from
a SeisHub server. You may raise this by setting the ``limit`` option to
a maximal value of 2500. Numbers above 2500 will result into an
resource_names = [item["resource_name"]
for item in self.get_list(**kwargs)]
cat = Catalog()
for resource_name in resource_names:
return cat
[docs] def get_kml(self, nolabels=False, **kwargs):
Posts an event.get_list() and returns the results as a KML file. For
optional arguments, see documentation of
:type nolabels: bool
:param nolabels: Hide labels of events in KML. Can be useful with large
data sets.
:rtype: str
:return: String containing KML information of all matching events. This
string can be written to a file and loaded into e.g. Google Earth.
events = self.get_list(**kwargs)
timestamp = datetime.now()
# construct the KML file
kml = Element("kml")
kml.set("xmlns", "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2")
document = SubElement(kml, "Document")
SubElement(document, "name").text = "SeisHub Event Locations"
# style definitions for earthquakes
style = SubElement(document, "Style")
style.set("id", "earthquake")
iconstyle = SubElement(style, "IconStyle")
SubElement(iconstyle, "scale").text = "0.5"
icon = SubElement(iconstyle, "Icon")
SubElement(icon, "href").text = \
hotspot = SubElement(iconstyle, "hotSpot")
hotspot.set("x", "0.5")
hotspot.set("y", "0")
hotspot.set("xunits", "fraction")
hotspot.set("yunits", "fraction")
labelstyle = SubElement(style, "LabelStyle")
SubElement(labelstyle, "color").text = "ff0000ff"
SubElement(labelstyle, "scale").text = "0.8"
folder = SubElement(document, "Folder")
SubElement(folder, "name").text = "SeisHub Events (%s)" % \
SubElement(folder, "open").text = "1"
# additional descriptions for the folder
descrip_str = "Fetched from: %s" % self.client.base_url
descrip_str += "\nFetched at: %s" % timestamp
descrip_str += "\n\nSearch options:\n"
descrip_str += "\n".join(["=".join((str(k), str(v)))
for k, v in kwargs.items()])
SubElement(folder, "description").text = descrip_str
style = SubElement(folder, "Style")
liststyle = SubElement(style, "ListStyle")
SubElement(liststyle, "listItemType").text = "check"
SubElement(liststyle, "bgColor").text = "00ffffff"
SubElement(liststyle, "maxSnippetLines").text = "5"
# add one marker per event
interesting_keys = ['resource_name', 'localisation_method', 'account',
'user', 'public', 'datetime', 'longitude',
'latitude', 'depth', 'magnitude', 'used_p',
for event_dict in events:
placemark = SubElement(folder, "Placemark")
date = str(event_dict['datetime']).split(" ")[0]
mag = str(event_dict['magnitude'])
# scale marker size to magnitude if this information is present
if mag:
mag = float(mag)
label = "%s: %.1f" % (date, mag)
icon_size = 1.2 * log(1.5 + mag)
except ValueError:
icon_size = 0.1
label = date
icon_size = 0.5
if nolabels:
SubElement(placemark, "name").text = ""
SubElement(placemark, "name").text = label
SubElement(placemark, "styleUrl").text = "#earthquake"
style = SubElement(placemark, "Style")
icon_style = SubElement(style, "IconStyle")
liststyle = SubElement(style, "ListStyle")
SubElement(liststyle, "maxSnippetLines").text = "5"
SubElement(icon_style, "scale").text = str(icon_size)
if event_dict['longitude'] and event_dict['latitude']:
point = SubElement(placemark, "Point")
SubElement(point, "coordinates").text = "%.10f,%.10f,0" % \
(event_dict['longitude'], event_dict['latitude'])
# detailed information on the event for the description
descrip_str = ""
for key in interesting_keys:
if key not in event_dict:
descrip_str += "\n%s: %s" % (key, event_dict[key])
SubElement(placemark, "description").text = descrip_str
# generate and return KML string
return tostring(kml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True)
[docs] def save_kml(self, filename, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
Posts an event.get_list() and writes the results as a KML file. For
optional arguments, see help for
:meth:`~obspy.clients.seishub.client._EventMapperClient.get_list()` and
:type filename: str
:param filename: Filename (complete path) to save KML to.
:type overwrite: bool
:param overwrite: Overwrite existing file, otherwise if file exists an
Exception is raised.
:type nolabels: bool
:param nolabels: Hide labels of events in KML. Can be useful with large
data sets.
:rtype: str
:return: String containing KML information of all matching events. This
string can be written to a file and loaded into e.g. Google Earth.
if not overwrite and os.path.lexists(filename):
raise OSError("File %s exists and overwrite=False." % filename)
kml_string = self.get_kml(**kwargs)
open(filename, "wt").write(kml_string)
class _RequestWithMethod(urllib_request.Request):
Improved urllib2.Request Class for which the HTTP Method can be set to
values other than only GET and POST.
See http://benjamin.smedbergs.us/blog/2008-10-21/\
def __init__(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
if method not in HTTP_ACCEPTED_METHODS:
msg = "HTTP Method not supported. " + \
"Supported are: %s." % HTTP_ACCEPTED_METHODS
raise ValueError(msg)
urllib_request.Request.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._method = method
def get_method(self):
return self._method
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest