Source code for obspy.core.inventory.response

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Classes related to instrument responses.

    Lion Krischer (, 2013
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import copy
import ctypes as C  # NOQA
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
import itertools
from math import pi
import warnings

import numpy as np

from .. import compatibility
from obspy.core.util.base import ComparingObject
from obspy.core.util.deprecation_helpers import ObsPyDeprecationWarning
from obspy.core.util.obspy_types import (ComplexWithUncertainties,

from .util import Angle, Frequency

[docs]class ResponseStage(ComparingObject): """ From the StationXML Definition: This complex type represents channel response and covers SEED blockettes 53 to 56. """
[docs] def __init__(self, stage_sequence_number, stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency, input_units, output_units, resource_id=None, resource_id2=None, name=None, input_units_description=None, output_units_description=None, description=None, decimation_input_sample_rate=None, decimation_factor=None, decimation_offset=None, decimation_delay=None, decimation_correction=None): """ :type stage_sequence_number: int :param stage_sequence_number: Stage sequence number, greater or equal to zero. This is used in all the response SEED blockettes. :type stage_gain: float :param stage_gain: Value of stage gain. :type stage_gain_frequency: float :param stage_gain_frequency: Frequency of stage gain. :type input_units: str :param input_units: The units of the data as input from the perspective of data acquisition. After correcting data for this response, these would be the resulting units. Name of units, e.g. "M/S", "V", "PA". :type output_units: str :param output_units: The units of the data as output from the perspective of data acquisition. These would be the units of the data prior to correcting for this response. Name of units, e.g. "M/S", "V", "PA". :type resource_id: str :param resource_id: This field contains a string that should serve as a unique resource identifier. This identifier can be interpreted differently depending on the data center/software that generated the document. Also, we recommend to use something like GENERATOR:Meaningful ID. As a common behavior equipment with the same ID should contains the same information/be derived from the same base instruments. :type resource_id2: str :param resource_id2: This field contains a string that should serve as a unique resource identifier. Resource identifier of the subgroup of the response stage that varies across different response stage types (e.g. the poles and zeros part or the FIR part). :type name: str :param name: A name given to the filter stage. :type input_units_description: str, optional :param input_units_description: The units of the data as input from the perspective of data acquisition. After correcting data for this response, these would be the resulting units. Description of units, e.g. "Velocity in meters per second", "Volts", "Pascals". :type output_units_description: str, optional :param output_units_description: The units of the data as output from the perspective of data acquisition. These would be the units of the data prior to correcting for this response. Description of units, e.g. "Velocity in meters per second", "Volts", "Pascals". :type description: str, optional :param description: A short description of of the filter. :type decimation_input_sample_rate: float, optional :param decimation_input_sample_rate: The sampling rate before the decimation in samples per second. :type decimation_factor: int, optional :param decimation_factor: The applied decimation factor. :type decimation_offset: int, optional :param decimation_offset: The sample chosen for use. 0 denotes the first sample, 1 the second, and so forth. :type decimation_delay: float, optional :param decimation_delay: The estimated pure delay from the decimation. :type decimation_correction: float, optional :param decimation_correction: The time shift applied to correct for the delay at this stage. .. note:: The stage gain (or stage sensitivity) is the gain at the stage of the encapsulating response element and corresponds to SEED blockette 58. In the SEED convention, stage 0 gain represents the overall sensitivity of the channel. In this schema, stage 0 gains are allowed but are considered deprecated. Overall sensitivity should be specified in the InstrumentSensitivity element. """ self.stage_sequence_number = stage_sequence_number self.input_units = input_units self.output_units = output_units self.input_units_description = input_units_description self.output_units_description = output_units_description self.resource_id = resource_id self.resource_id2 = resource_id2 self.stage_gain = stage_gain self.stage_gain_frequency = stage_gain_frequency = name self.description = description self.decimation_input_sample_rate = \ Frequency(decimation_input_sample_rate) \ if decimation_input_sample_rate is not None else None self.decimation_factor = decimation_factor self.decimation_offset = decimation_offset self.decimation_delay = \ FloatWithUncertaintiesAndUnit(decimation_delay) \ if decimation_delay is not None else None self.decimation_correction = \ FloatWithUncertaintiesAndUnit(decimation_correction) \ if decimation_correction is not None else None
[docs] def __str__(self): ret = ( "Response type: {response_type}, Stage Sequence Number: " "{response_stage}\n" "{name_desc}" "{resource_id}" "\tFrom {input_units}{input_desc} to {output_units}{output_desc}\n" "\tStage gain: {gain}, defined at {gain_freq} Hz\n" "{decimation}").format( response_type=self.__class__.__name__, response_stage=self.stage_sequence_number, gain=self.stage_gain if self.stage_gain is not None else "UNKNOWN", gain_freq=("%.2f" % self.stage_gain_frequency) if self.stage_gain_frequency is not None else "UNKNOWN", name_desc="\t%s %s\n" % (, "(%s)" % self.description if self.description else "") if else "", resource_id=("\tResource Id: %s" % self.resource_id if self.resource_id else ""), input_units=self.input_units if self.input_units else "UNKNOWN", input_desc=(" (%s)" % self.input_units_description if self.input_units_description else ""), output_units=self.output_units if self.output_units else "UNKNOWN", output_desc=(" (%s)" % self.output_units_description if self.output_units_description else ""), decimation=( "\tDecimation:\n\t\tInput Sample Rate: %.2f Hz\n\t\t" "Decimation Factor: %i\n\t\tDecimation Offset: %i\n\t\t" "Decimation Delay: %.2f\n\t\tDecimation Correction: %.2f" % ( self.decimation_input_sample_rate, self.decimation_factor, self.decimation_offset, self.decimation_delay, self.decimation_correction) if self.decimation_input_sample_rate is not None else "")) return ret.strip()
[docs] def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(str(self))
[docs]class PolesZerosResponseStage(ResponseStage): """ From the StationXML Definition: Response: complex poles and zeros. Corresponds to SEED blockette 53. The response stage is used for the analog stages of the filter system and the description of infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filters. Has all the arguments of the parent class :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.ResponseStage` and the following: :type pz_transfer_function_type: str :param pz_transfer_function_type: A string describing the type of transfer function. Can be one of: * ``LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)`` * ``LAPLACE (HERTZ)`` * ``DIGITAL (Z-TRANSFORM)`` The function tries to match inputs to one of three types if it can. :type normalization_frequency: float :param normalization_frequency: The frequency at which the normalization factor is normalized. :type zeros: list[complex] :param zeros: All zeros of the stage. :type poles: list[complex] :param poles: All poles of the stage. :type normalization_factor: float, optional :param normalization_factor: """
[docs] def __init__(self, stage_sequence_number, stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency, input_units, output_units, pz_transfer_function_type, normalization_frequency, zeros, poles, normalization_factor=1.0, resource_id=None, resource_id2=None, name=None, input_units_description=None, output_units_description=None, description=None, decimation_input_sample_rate=None, decimation_factor=None, decimation_offset=None, decimation_delay=None, decimation_correction=None): # Set the Poles and Zeros specific attributes. Special cases are # handled by properties. self.pz_transfer_function_type = pz_transfer_function_type self.normalization_frequency = normalization_frequency self.normalization_factor = float(normalization_factor) self.zeros = zeros self.poles = poles super(PolesZerosResponseStage, self).__init__( stage_sequence_number=stage_sequence_number, input_units=input_units, output_units=output_units, input_units_description=input_units_description, output_units_description=output_units_description, resource_id=resource_id, resource_id2=resource_id2, stage_gain=stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency=stage_gain_frequency, name=name, description=description, decimation_input_sample_rate=decimation_input_sample_rate, decimation_factor=decimation_factor, decimation_offset=decimation_offset, decimation_delay=decimation_delay, decimation_correction=decimation_correction)
[docs] def __str__(self): ret = super(PolesZerosResponseStage, self).__str__() ret += ( "\n" "\tTransfer function type: {transfer_fct_type}\n" "\tNormalization factor: {norm_fact:g}, " "Normalization frequency: {norm_freq:.2f} Hz\n" "\tPoles: {poles}\n" "\tZeros: {zeros}").format( transfer_fct_type=self.pz_transfer_function_type, norm_fact=self.normalization_factor, norm_freq=self.normalization_frequency, poles=", ".join(map(str, self.poles)), zeros=", ".join(map(str, self.zeros))) return ret
[docs] def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(str(self))
@property def zeros(self): return self._zeros @zeros.setter def zeros(self, value): value = list(value) for i, x in enumerate(value): if not isinstance(x, ComplexWithUncertainties): value[i] = ComplexWithUncertainties(x) self._zeros = value @property def poles(self): return self._poles @poles.setter def poles(self, value): value = list(value) for i, x in enumerate(value): if not isinstance(x, ComplexWithUncertainties): value[i] = ComplexWithUncertainties(x) self._poles = value @property def normalization_frequency(self): return self._normalization_frequency @normalization_frequency.setter def normalization_frequency(self, value): self._normalization_frequency = Frequency(value) @property def pz_transfer_function_type(self): return self._pz_transfer_function_type @pz_transfer_function_type.setter def pz_transfer_function_type(self, value): """ Setter for the transfer function type. Rather permissive but should make it less awkward to use. """ msg = ("'%s' is not a valid value for 'pz_transfer_function_type'. " "Valid one are:\n" "\tLAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)\n" "\tLAPLACE (HERTZ)\n" "\tDIGITAL (Z-TRANSFORM)") % value value = value.lower() if "laplace" in value: if "radian" in value: self._pz_transfer_function_type = "LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)" elif "hertz" in value or "hz" in value: self._pz_transfer_function_type = "LAPLACE (HERTZ)" else: raise ValueError(msg) elif "digital" in value: self._pz_transfer_function_type = "DIGITAL (Z-TRANSFORM)" else: raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class CoefficientsTypeResponseStage(ResponseStage): """ This response type can describe coefficients for FIR filters. Laplace transforms and IIR filters can also be expressed using this type but should rather be described using the PolesZerosResponseStage class. Effectively corresponds to SEED blockette 54. Has all the arguments of the parent class :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.ResponseStage` and the following: :type cf_transfer_function_type: str :param cf_transfer_function_type: A string describing the type of transfer function. Can be one of: * ``ANALOG (RADIANS/SECOND)`` * ``ANALOG (HERTZ)`` * ``DIGITAL`` The function tries to match inputs to one of three types if it can. :type numerator: list of :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.CoefficientWithUncertainties` :param numerator: Numerator of the coefficient response stage. :type denominator: list of :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.CoefficientWithUncertainties` :param denominator: Denominator of the coefficient response stage. """
[docs] def __init__(self, stage_sequence_number, stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency, input_units, output_units, cf_transfer_function_type, resource_id=None, resource_id2=None, name=None, numerator=None, denominator=None, input_units_description=None, output_units_description=None, description=None, decimation_input_sample_rate=None, decimation_factor=None, decimation_offset=None, decimation_delay=None, decimation_correction=None): # Set the Coefficients type specific attributes. Special cases are # handled by properties. self.cf_transfer_function_type = cf_transfer_function_type self.numerator = numerator self.denominator = denominator super(CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, self).__init__( stage_sequence_number=stage_sequence_number, input_units=input_units, output_units=output_units, input_units_description=input_units_description, output_units_description=output_units_description, resource_id=resource_id, resource_id2=resource_id2, stage_gain=stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency=stage_gain_frequency, name=name, description=description, decimation_input_sample_rate=decimation_input_sample_rate, decimation_factor=decimation_factor, decimation_offset=decimation_offset, decimation_delay=decimation_delay, decimation_correction=decimation_correction)
[docs] def __str__(self): ret = super(CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, self).__str__() ret += ( "\n" "\tTransfer function type: {transfer_fct_type}\n" "\tContains {num_count} numerators and {den_count} denominators")\ .format( transfer_fct_type=self.cf_transfer_function_type, num_count=len(self.numerator), den_count=len(self.denominator)) return ret
[docs] def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(str(self))
@property def numerator(self): return self._numerator @numerator.setter def numerator(self, value): if value == []: self._numerator = [] return value = list(value) if isinstance( value, compatibility.collections_abc.Iterable) else [value] if any(getattr(x, 'unit', None) is not None for x in value): msg = 'Setting Numerator/Denominator with a unit is deprecated.' warnings.warn(msg, ObsPyDeprecationWarning) for _i, x in enumerate(value): if not isinstance(x, CoefficientWithUncertainties): value[_i] = CoefficientWithUncertainties(x) self._numerator = value @property def denominator(self): return self._denominator @denominator.setter def denominator(self, value): if value == []: self._denominator = [] return value = list(value) if isinstance( value, compatibility.collections_abc.Iterable) else [value] if any(getattr(x, 'unit', None) is not None for x in value): msg = 'Setting Numerator/Denominator with a unit is deprecated.' warnings.warn(msg, ObsPyDeprecationWarning) for _i, x in enumerate(value): if not isinstance(x, CoefficientWithUncertainties): value[_i] = CoefficientWithUncertainties(x) self._denominator = value @property def cf_transfer_function_type(self): return self._cf_transfer_function_type @cf_transfer_function_type.setter def cf_transfer_function_type(self, value): """ Setter for the transfer function type. Rather permissive but should make it less awkward to use. """ msg = ("'%s' is not a valid value for 'cf_transfer_function_type'. " "Valid one are:\n" "\tANALOG (RADIANS/SECOND)\n" "\tANALOG (HERTZ)\n" "\tDIGITAL") % value value = value.lower() if "analog" in value: if "rad" in value: self._cf_transfer_function_type = "ANALOG (RADIANS/SECOND)" elif "hertz" in value or "hz" in value: self._cf_transfer_function_type = "ANALOG (HERTZ)" else: raise ValueError(msg) elif "digital" in value: self._cf_transfer_function_type = "DIGITAL" else: raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class ResponseListResponseStage(ResponseStage): """ This response type gives a list of frequency, amplitude and phase value pairs. Effectively corresponds to SEED blockette 55. Has all the arguments of the parent class :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.ResponseStage` and the following: :type response_list_elements: list of :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.ResponseListElement` :param response_list_elements: A list of single discrete frequency, amplitude and phase response values. """
[docs] def __init__(self, stage_sequence_number, stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency, input_units, output_units, resource_id=None, resource_id2=None, name=None, response_list_elements=None, input_units_description=None, output_units_description=None, description=None, decimation_input_sample_rate=None, decimation_factor=None, decimation_offset=None, decimation_delay=None, decimation_correction=None): self.response_list_elements = response_list_elements or [] super(ResponseListResponseStage, self).__init__( stage_sequence_number=stage_sequence_number, input_units=input_units, output_units=output_units, input_units_description=input_units_description, output_units_description=output_units_description, resource_id=resource_id, resource_id2=resource_id2, stage_gain=stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency=stage_gain_frequency, name=name, description=description, decimation_input_sample_rate=decimation_input_sample_rate, decimation_factor=decimation_factor, decimation_offset=decimation_offset, decimation_delay=decimation_delay, decimation_correction=decimation_correction)
[docs]class ResponseListElement(ComparingObject): """ Describes the amplitude and phase response value for a discrete frequency value. """
[docs] def __init__(self, frequency, amplitude, phase): """ :type frequency: float :param frequency: The frequency for which the response is valid. :type amplitude: float :param amplitude: The value for the amplitude response at this frequency. :type phase: float :param phase: The value for the phase response at this frequency. """ self.frequency = frequency self.amplitude = amplitude self.phase = phase
@property def frequency(self): return self._frequency @frequency.setter def frequency(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Frequency): value = Frequency(value) self._frequency = value @property def amplitude(self): return self._amplitude @amplitude.setter def amplitude(self, value): if not isinstance(value, FloatWithUncertaintiesAndUnit): value = FloatWithUncertaintiesAndUnit(value) self._amplitude = value @property def phase(self): return self._phase @phase.setter def phase(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Angle): value = Angle(value) self._phase = value
[docs]class FIRResponseStage(ResponseStage): """ From the StationXML Definition: Response: FIR filter. Corresponds to SEED blockette 61. FIR filters are also commonly documented using the CoefficientsType element. Has all the arguments of the parent class :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.ResponseStage` and the following: :type symmetry: str :param symmetry: A string describing the symmetry. Can be one of: * ``NONE`` * ``EVEN`` * ``ODD`` :type coefficients: list[float] :param coefficients: List of FIR coefficients. """
[docs] def __init__(self, stage_sequence_number, stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency, input_units, output_units, symmetry="NONE", resource_id=None, resource_id2=None, name=None, coefficients=None, input_units_description=None, output_units_description=None, description=None, decimation_input_sample_rate=None, decimation_factor=None, decimation_offset=None, decimation_delay=None, decimation_correction=None): self._symmetry = symmetry self.coefficients = coefficients or [] super(FIRResponseStage, self).__init__( stage_sequence_number=stage_sequence_number, input_units=input_units, output_units=output_units, input_units_description=input_units_description, output_units_description=output_units_description, resource_id=resource_id, resource_id2=resource_id2, stage_gain=stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency=stage_gain_frequency, name=name, description=description, decimation_input_sample_rate=decimation_input_sample_rate, decimation_factor=decimation_factor, decimation_offset=decimation_offset, decimation_delay=decimation_delay, decimation_correction=decimation_correction)
@property def symmetry(self): return self._symmetry @symmetry.setter def symmetry(self, value): value = str(value).upper() allowed = ("NONE", "EVEN", "ODD") if value not in allowed: msg = ("Value '%s' for FIR Response symmetry not allowed. " "Possible values are: '%s'") msg = msg % (value, "', '".join(allowed)) raise ValueError(msg) self._symmetry = value @property def coefficients(self): return self._coefficients @coefficients.setter def coefficients(self, value): new_values = [] for x in value: if not isinstance(x, FilterCoefficient): x = FilterCoefficient(x) new_values.append(x) self._coefficients = new_values
[docs]class PolynomialResponseStage(ResponseStage): """ From the StationXML Definition: Response: expressed as a polynomial (allows non-linear sensors to be described). Corresponds to SEED blockette 62. Can be used to describe a stage of acquisition or a complete system. Has all the arguments of the parent class :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.ResponseStage` and the following: :type approximation_type: str :param approximation_type: Approximation type. Currently restricted to 'MACLAURIN' by StationXML definition. :type frequency_lower_bound: float :param frequency_lower_bound: Lower frequency bound. :type frequency_upper_bound: float :param frequency_upper_bound: Upper frequency bound. :type approximation_lower_bound: float :param approximation_lower_bound: Lower bound of approximation. :type approximation_upper_bound: float :param approximation_upper_bound: Upper bound of approximation. :type maximum_error: float :param maximum_error: Maximum error. :type coefficients: list[float] :param coefficients: List of polynomial coefficients. """
[docs] def __init__(self, stage_sequence_number, stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency, input_units, output_units, frequency_lower_bound, frequency_upper_bound, approximation_lower_bound, approximation_upper_bound, maximum_error, coefficients, approximation_type='MACLAURIN', resource_id=None, resource_id2=None, name=None, input_units_description=None, output_units_description=None, description=None, decimation_input_sample_rate=None, decimation_factor=None, decimation_offset=None, decimation_delay=None, decimation_correction=None): # XXX remove stage_gain and stage_gain_frequency completely, since # changes in StationXML 1.1? self._approximation_type = approximation_type self.frequency_lower_bound = frequency_lower_bound self.frequency_upper_bound = frequency_upper_bound self.approximation_lower_bound = approximation_lower_bound self.approximation_upper_bound = approximation_upper_bound self.maximum_error = maximum_error self.coefficients = coefficients # XXX StationXML 1.1 does not allow stage gain in Polynomial response # stages. Maybe we should we warn here.. but this could get very # verbose when reading StationXML 1.0 files, so maybe not super(PolynomialResponseStage, self).__init__( stage_sequence_number=stage_sequence_number, input_units=input_units, output_units=output_units, input_units_description=input_units_description, output_units_description=output_units_description, resource_id=resource_id, resource_id2=resource_id2, stage_gain=stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency=stage_gain_frequency, name=name, description=description, decimation_input_sample_rate=decimation_input_sample_rate, decimation_factor=decimation_factor, decimation_offset=decimation_offset, decimation_delay=decimation_delay, decimation_correction=decimation_correction)
@property def approximation_type(self): return self._approximation_type @approximation_type.setter def approximation_type(self, value): value = str(value).upper() allowed = ("MACLAURIN",) if value not in allowed: msg = ("Value '%s' for polynomial response approximation type not " "allowed. Possible values are: '%s'") msg = msg % (value, "', '".join(allowed)) raise ValueError(msg) self._approximation_type = value @property def coefficients(self): return self._coefficients @coefficients.setter def coefficients(self, value): new_values = [] for x in value: if not isinstance(x, CoefficientWithUncertainties): x = CoefficientWithUncertainties(x) new_values.append(x) self._coefficients = new_values
[docs] def __str__(self): ret = super(PolynomialResponseStage, self).__str__() ret += ( "\n" "\tPolynomial approximation type: {approximation_type}\n" "\tFrequency lower bound: {lower_freq_bound}\n" "\tFrequency upper bound: {upper_freq_bound}\n" "\tApproximation lower bound: {lower_approx_bound}\n" "\tApproximation upper bound: {upper_approx_bound}\n" "\tMaximum error: {max_error}\n" "\tNumber of coefficients: {coeff_count}".format( approximation_type=self._approximation_type, lower_freq_bound=self.frequency_lower_bound, upper_freq_bound=self.frequency_upper_bound, lower_approx_bound=self.approximation_lower_bound, upper_approx_bound=self.approximation_upper_bound, max_error=self.maximum_error, coeff_count=len(self.coefficients))) return ret
[docs]class Response(ComparingObject): """ The root response object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, resource_id=None, instrument_sensitivity=None, instrument_polynomial=None, response_stages=None): """ :type resource_id: str :param resource_id: This field contains a string that should serve as a unique resource identifier. This identifier can be interpreted differently depending on the data center/software that generated the document. Also, we recommend to use something like GENERATOR:Meaningful ID. As a common behavior equipment with the same ID should contains the same information/be derived from the same base instruments. :type instrument_sensitivity: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.InstrumentSensitivity` :param instrument_sensitivity: The total sensitivity for the given channel, representing the complete acquisition system expressed as a scalar. :type instrument_polynomial: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.InstrumentPolynomial` :param instrument_polynomial: The total sensitivity for the given channel, representing the complete acquisition system expressed as a polynomial. :type response_stages: list of :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.ResponseStage` objects :param response_stages: A list of the response stages. Covers SEED blockettes 53 to 56. """ self.resource_id = resource_id self.instrument_sensitivity = instrument_sensitivity self.instrument_polynomial = instrument_polynomial if response_stages is None: self.response_stages = [] elif hasattr(response_stages, "__iter__"): self.response_stages = response_stages else: msg = "response_stages must be an iterable." raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def _attempt_to_fix_units(self): """ Internal helper function that will add units to gain only stages based on the units of surrounding stages. Should be called when parsing from file formats that don't have units for identity stages. """ previous_output_units = None previous_output_units_description = None # Potentially set the input units of the first stage to the units of # the overall sensitivity and the output units of the second stage. if self.response_stages and self.response_stages[0] and \ hasattr(self, "instrument_sensitivity"): s = self.instrument_sensitivity if s: if self.response_stages[0].input_units is None: self.response_stages[0].input_units = s.input_units if self.response_stages[0].input_units_description is None: self.response_stages[0].input_units_description = \ s.input_units_description if len(self.response_stages) >= 2 and self.response_stages[1]: if self.response_stages[0].output_units is None: self.response_stages[0].output_units = \ self.response_stages[1].input_units if self.response_stages[0].output_units_description is None: self.response_stages[0].output_units_description = \ self.response_stages[1].input_units_description # Front to back. for r in self.response_stages: # Only for identity/stage only. if type(r) is ResponseStage: if not r.input_units and not r.output_units and \ previous_output_units: r.input_units = previous_output_units r.output_units = previous_output_units if not r.input_units_description and \ not r.output_units_description \ and previous_output_units_description: r.input_units_description = \ previous_output_units_description r.output_units_description = \ previous_output_units_description previous_output_units = r.output_units previous_output_units_description = r.output_units_description # Back to front. previous_input_units = None previous_input_units_description = None for r in reversed(self.response_stages): # Only for identity/stage only. if type(r) is ResponseStage: if not r.input_units and not r.output_units and \ previous_input_units: r.input_units = previous_input_units r.output_units = previous_input_units if not r.input_units_description and \ not r.output_units_description \ and previous_input_units_description: r.input_units_description = \ previous_input_units_description r.output_units_description = \ previous_input_units_description previous_input_units = r.input_units previous_input_units_description = r.input_units_description
[docs] def get_sampling_rates(self): """ Computes the input and output sampling rates of each stage. For well defined files this will just read the decimation attributes of each stage. For others it will attempt to infer missing values from the surrounding stages. :returns: A nested dictionary detailing the sampling rates of each response stage. :rtype: dict >>> import obspy >>> inv = obspy.read_inventory("AU.MEEK.xml") # doctest: +SKIP >>> inv[0][0][0].response.get_sampling_rates() # doctest: +SKIP {1: {'decimation_factor': 1, 'input_sampling_rate': 600.0, 'output_sampling_rate': 600.0}, 2: {'decimation_factor': 1, 'input_sampling_rate': 600.0, 'output_sampling_rate': 600.0}, 3: {'decimation_factor': 1, 'input_sampling_rate': 600.0, 'output_sampling_rate': 600.0}, 4: {'decimation_factor': 3, 'input_sampling_rate': 600.0, 'output_sampling_rate': 200.0}, 5: {'decimation_factor': 10, 'input_sampling_rate': 200.0, 'output_sampling_rate': 20.0}} """ # Get all stages, but skip stage 0. stages = [_i.stage_sequence_number for _i in self.response_stages if _i.stage_sequence_number] if not stages: return {} if list(range(1, len(stages) + 1)) != stages: raise ValueError("Can only determine sampling rates if response " "stages are in order.") # First fill in all the set values. sampling_rates = {} for stage in self.response_stages: input_sr = None output_sr = None factor = None if stage.decimation_input_sample_rate: input_sr = stage.decimation_input_sample_rate if stage.decimation_factor: factor = stage.decimation_factor output_sr = input_sr / float(factor) sampling_rates[stage.stage_sequence_number] = { "input_sampling_rate": input_sr, "output_sampling_rate": output_sr, "decimation_factor": factor} # Nothing might be set - just return in that case. if set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(v.values() for v in sampling_rates.values())) == {None}: return sampling_rates # Find the first set input sampling rate. The output sampling rate # cannot be set without it. Set all prior input and output sampling # rates to it. for i in stages: sr = sampling_rates[i]["input_sampling_rate"] if sr: for j in range(1, i): sampling_rates[j]["input_sampling_rate"] = sr sampling_rates[j]["output_sampling_rate"] = sr sampling_rates[j]["decimation_factor"] = 1 break # This should guarantee that the input and output sampling rate of the # the first stage are set. output_sr = sampling_rates[1]["output_sampling_rate"] if not output_sr: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError for i in stages: si = sampling_rates[i] if not si["input_sampling_rate"]: si["input_sampling_rate"] = output_sr if not si["output_sampling_rate"]: if not si["decimation_factor"]: si["output_sampling_rate"] = si["input_sampling_rate"] si["decimation_factor"] = 1 else: si["output_sampling_rate"] = si["input_sampling_rate"] / \ float(si["decimation_factor"]) if not si["decimation_factor"]: si["decimation_factor"] = int(round( si["input_sampling_rate"] / si["output_sampling_rate"])) output_sr = si["output_sampling_rate"] def is_close(a, b): return abs(a - b) < 1e-5 # Final consistency checks. sr = sampling_rates[stages[0]]["input_sampling_rate"] for i in stages: si = sampling_rates[i] if not is_close(si["input_sampling_rate"], sr): # pragma: no cover msg = ("Input sampling rate of stage %i is inconsistent " "with the previous stages' output sampling rate") warnings.warn(msg % i) if not is_close( si["input_sampling_rate"] / si["output_sampling_rate"], si["decimation_factor"]): # pragma: no cover msg = ("Decimation factor in stage %i is inconsistent with " "input and output sampling rates.") warnings.warn(msg % i) sr = si["output_sampling_rate"] return sampling_rates
[docs] def recalculate_overall_sensitivity(self, frequency=None): """ Recalculates the overall sensitivity. :param frequency: Choose frequency at which to calculate the sensitivity. If not given it will be chosen automatically. """ if not hasattr(self, "instrument_sensitivity"): msg = "Could not find an instrument sensitivity - will not " \ "recalculate the overall sensitivity." raise ValueError(msg) if not self.instrument_sensitivity.input_units: msg = "Could not determine input units - will not " \ "recalculate the overall sensitivity." raise ValueError(msg) i_u = self.instrument_sensitivity.input_units unit_map = { "DISP": ["M"], "VEL": ["M/S", "M/SEC"], "ACC": ["M/S**2", "M/(S**2)", "M/SEC**2", "M/(SEC**2)", "M/S/S"]} unit = None for key, value in unit_map.items(): if i_u and i_u.upper() in value: unit = key if not unit: msg = ("ObsPy does not know how to map unit '%s' to " "displacement, velocity, or acceleration - overall " "sensitivity will not be recalculated.") % i_u raise ValueError(msg) # Determine frequency if not given. if frequency is None: # lookup normalization frequency of sensor's first stage it should # be in the flat part of the response stage_one = self.response_stages[0] try: frequency = stage_one.normalization_frequency except AttributeError: pass for stage in self.response_stages[::-1]: # determine sampling rate try: sampling_rate = (stage.decimation_input_sample_rate / stage.decimation_factor) break except Exception: continue else: sampling_rate = None if sampling_rate: # if sensor's normalization frequency is above 0.5 * nyquist, # use that instead (e.g. to avoid computing an overall # sensitivity above nyquist) nyquist = sampling_rate / 2.0 if frequency: frequency = min(frequency, nyquist / 2.0) else: frequency = nyquist / 2.0 if frequency is None: msg = ("Could not automatically determine a suitable frequency " "at which to calculate the sensitivity. The overall " "sensitivity will not be recalculated.") raise ValueError(msg) freq, gain = self._get_overall_sensitivity_and_gain( output=unit, frequency=float(frequency)) self.instrument_sensitivity.value = gain self.instrument_sensitivity.frequency = freq
[docs] def _get_overall_sensitivity_and_gain( self, frequency=None, output='VEL'): """ Get the overall sensitivity and gain from stages 1 to N. Returns the overall sensitivity frequency and gain, which can be used to create stage 0. :type output: str :param output: Output units. One of: ``"DISP"`` displacement, output unit is meters ``"VEL"`` velocity, output unit is meters/second ``"ACC"`` acceleration, output unit is meters/second**2 ``"DEF"`` default units, the response is calculated in output units/input units (last stage/first stage). Useful if the units for a particular type of sensor (e.g., a pressure sensor) cannot be converted to displacement, velocity or acceleration. :type frequency: float :param frequency: Frequency to calculate overall sensitivity for in Hertz. Defaults to normalization frequency of stage 1. :rtype: :tuple: ( float, float ) :returns: frequency and gain at frequency. """ if frequency is None: # XXX is this safe enough, or should we lookup the stage sequence # XXX number explicitly? frequency = self.response_stages[0].normalization_frequency self.instrument_sensitivity.frequency = float(frequency) response_at_frequency = self._call_eval_resp_for_frequencies( frequencies=[frequency], output=output, hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning=True)[0][0] overall_sensitivity = abs(response_at_frequency) return frequency, overall_sensitivity
[docs] def _call_eval_resp_for_frequencies( self, frequencies, output="VEL", start_stage=None, end_stage=None, hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning=False): """ Returns frequency response for given frequencies using evalresp. Also returns the overall sensitivity frequency and its gain. :type frequencies: list[float] :param frequencies: Discrete frequencies to calculate response for. :type output: str :param output: Output units. One of: ``"DISP"`` displacement, output unit is meters ``"VEL"`` velocity, output unit is meters/second ``"ACC"`` acceleration, output unit is meters/second**2 ``"DEF"`` default units, the response is calculated in output units/input units (last stage/first stage). Useful if the units for a particular type of sensor (e.g., a pressure sensor) cannot be converted to displacement, velocity or acceleration. :type start_stage: int, optional :param start_stage: Stage sequence number of first stage that will be used (disregarding all earlier stages). :type end_stage: int, optional :param end_stage: Stage sequence number of last stage that will be used (disregarding all later stages). :type hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning: bool :param hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning: Hide the evalresp warning that computed and reported sensitivities don't match. :rtype: tuple(:class:`numpy.ndarray`, chan) :returns: frequency response at requested frequencies """ if not self.response_stages: msg = ("Can not use evalresp on response with no response " "stages.") raise ObsPyException(msg) import scipy.interpolate import obspy.signal.evrespwrapper as ew from obspy.signal.headers import clibevresp out_units = output.upper() if out_units not in ("DISP", "VEL", "ACC", "DEF"): msg = ("requested output is '%s' but must be one of 'DISP', 'VEL' " ", 'ACC' or 'DEF'") % output raise ValueError(msg) frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies) # Whacky. Evalresp uses a global variable and uses that to scale the # response if it encounters any unit that is not SI. scale_factor = [1.0] def get_unit_mapping(key): try: key = key.upper() except Exception: pass units_mapping = { "M": ew.ENUM_UNITS["DIS"], "NM": ew.ENUM_UNITS["DIS"], "CM": ew.ENUM_UNITS["DIS"], "MM": ew.ENUM_UNITS["DIS"], "M/S": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VEL"], "M/SEC": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VEL"], "NM/S": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VEL"], "NM/SEC": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VEL"], "CM/S": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VEL"], "CM/SEC": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VEL"], "MM/S": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VEL"], "MM/SEC": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VEL"], "M/S**2": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "M/(S**2)": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "M/SEC**2": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "M/(SEC**2)": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "M/S/S": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "NM/S**2": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "NM/(S**2)": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "NM/SEC**2": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "NM/(SEC**2)": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "CM/S**2": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "CM/(S**2)": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "CM/SEC**2": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "CM/(SEC**2)": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "MM/S**2": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "MM/(S**2)": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "MM/SEC**2": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], "MM/(SEC**2)": ew.ENUM_UNITS["ACC"], # Evalresp internally treats strain as displacement. "M/M": ew.ENUM_UNITS["DIS"], "M**3/M**3": ew.ENUM_UNITS["DIS"], "V": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VOLTS"], "VOLT": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VOLTS"], "VOLTS": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VOLTS"], # This is weird, but evalresp appears to do the same. "V/M": ew.ENUM_UNITS["VOLTS"], "COUNT": ew.ENUM_UNITS["COUNTS"], "COUNTS": ew.ENUM_UNITS["COUNTS"], "T": ew.ENUM_UNITS["TESLA"], "PA": ew.ENUM_UNITS["PRESSURE"], "PASCAL": ew.ENUM_UNITS["PRESSURE"], "PASCALS": ew.ENUM_UNITS["PRESSURE"], "MBAR": ew.ENUM_UNITS["PRESSURE"]} if key not in units_mapping: if key is not None: msg = ("The unit '%s' is not known to ObsPy. It will be " "assumed to be displacement for the calculations. " "This mostly does the right thing but please " "proceed with caution.") % key warnings.warn(msg) value = ew.ENUM_UNITS["DIS"] else: value = units_mapping[key] # Scale factor with the same logic as evalresp. if key in ["CM/S**2", "CM/S", "CM/SEC", "CM"]: scale_factor[0] = 1.0E2 elif key in ["MM/S**2", "MM/S", "MM/SEC", "MM"]: scale_factor[0] = 1.0E3 elif key in ["NM/S**2", "NM/S", "NM/SEC", "NM"]: scale_factor[0] = 1.0E9 return value all_stages = defaultdict(list) for stage in self.response_stages: # optionally select only stages as requested by user if start_stage is not None: if stage.stage_sequence_number < start_stage: continue if end_stage is not None: if stage.stage_sequence_number > end_stage: continue all_stages[stage.stage_sequence_number].append(stage) stage_lengths = set(map(len, all_stages.values())) if len(stage_lengths) != 1 or stage_lengths.pop() != 1: msg = "Each stage can only appear once." raise ValueError(msg) stage_list = sorted(all_stages.keys()) stage_objects = [] # Attempt to fix some potentially faulty responses here. if 1 in all_stages and all_stages[1] and ( not all_stages[1][0].input_units or not all_stages[1][0].output_units): # Make a copy to not modify the original all_stages[1][0] = copy.deepcopy(all_stages[1][0]) # Some stages 1 are just the sensitivity and as thus don't store # input and output units in for example StationXML. In these cases # try to guess it from the overall sensitivity or stage 2. if not all_stages[1][0].input_units: if self.instrument_sensitivity.input_units: all_stages[1][0].input_units = \ self.instrument_sensitivity.input_units msg = "Set the input units of stage 1 to the overall " \ "input units." warnings.warn(msg) if not all_stages[1][0].output_units: if max(all_stages.keys()) == 1 and \ self.instrument_sensitivity.output_units: all_stages[1][0].output_units = \ self.instrument_sensitivity.output_units msg = "Set the output units of stage 1 to the overall " \ "output units." warnings.warn(msg) if 2 in all_stages and all_stages[2] and \ all_stages[2][0].input_units: all_stages[1][0].output_units = \ all_stages[2][0].input_units msg = "Set the output units of stage 1 to the input " \ "units of stage 2." warnings.warn(msg) for stage_number in stage_list: st = ew.Stage() st.sequence_no = stage_number stage_blkts = [] blockette = all_stages[stage_number][0] # Write the input and output units. st.input_units = get_unit_mapping(blockette.input_units) st.output_units = get_unit_mapping(blockette.output_units) if isinstance(blockette, PolesZerosResponseStage): blkt = ew.Blkt() # Map the transfer function type. transfer_fct_mapping = { "LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)": "LAPLACE_PZ", "LAPLACE (HERTZ)": "ANALOG_PZ", "DIGITAL (Z-TRANSFORM)": "IIR_PZ"} blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES[transfer_fct_mapping[ blockette.pz_transfer_function_type]] # The blockette is a pole zero blockette. pz = blkt.blkt_info.pole_zero pz.nzeros = len(blockette.zeros) pz.npoles = len(blockette.poles) pz.a0 = blockette.normalization_factor pz.a0_freq = blockette.normalization_frequency # XXX: Find a better way to do this. poles = (ew.ComplexNumber * len(blockette.poles))() for i, value in enumerate(blockette.poles): poles[i].real = value.real poles[i].imag = value.imag zeros = (ew.ComplexNumber * len(blockette.zeros))() for i, value in enumerate(blockette.zeros): zeros[i].real = value.real zeros[i].imag = value.imag pz.poles = C.cast(C.pointer(poles), C.POINTER(ew.ComplexNumber)) pz.zeros = C.cast(C.pointer(zeros), C.POINTER(ew.ComplexNumber)) elif isinstance(blockette, CoefficientsTypeResponseStage): blkt = ew.Blkt() # This type can have either an FIR or an IIR response. If # the number of denominators is 0, it is a FIR. Otherwise # an IIR. # FIR if len(blockette.denominator) == 0: if blockette.cf_transfer_function_type.lower() \ != "digital": msg = ("When no denominators are given it must " "be a digital FIR filter.") raise ValueError(msg) # Set the type to an asymmetric FIR blockette. blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES["FIR_ASYM"] fir = blkt.blkt_info.fir fir.h0 = 1.0 fir.ncoeffs = len(blockette.numerator) # XXX: Find a better way to do this. coeffs = (C.c_double * len(blockette.numerator))() for i, value in enumerate(blockette.numerator): coeffs[i] = float(value) fir.coeffs = C.cast(C.pointer(coeffs), C.POINTER(C.c_double)) # IIR else: blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES["IIR_COEFFS"] coeff = blkt.blkt_info.coeff coeff.h0 = 1.0 coeff.nnumer = len(blockette.numerator) coeff.ndenom = len(blockette.denominator) # XXX: Find a better way to do this. coeffs = (C.c_double * len(blockette.numerator))() for i, value in enumerate(blockette.numerator): coeffs[i] = float(value) coeff.numer = C.cast(C.pointer(coeffs), C.POINTER(C.c_double)) coeffs = (C.c_double * len(blockette.denominator))() for i, value in enumerate(blockette.denominator): coeffs[i] = float(value) coeff.denom = C.cast(C.pointer(coeffs), C.POINTER(C.c_double)) elif isinstance(blockette, ResponseListResponseStage): blkt = ew.Blkt() blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES["LIST"] # Get values as numpy arrays. f = np.array([float(_i.frequency) for _i in blockette.response_list_elements], dtype=np.float64) amp = np.array([float(_i.amplitude) for _i in blockette.response_list_elements], dtype=np.float64) phase = np.array([ float(_i.phase) for _i in blockette.response_list_elements], dtype=np.float64) # Sanity check. min_f = frequencies[frequencies > 0].min() max_f = frequencies.max() min_f_avail = min(f) max_f_avail = max(f) if min_f < min_f_avail or max_f > max_f_avail: msg = ( "The response contains a " "response list stage with frequencies only from " "%.4f - %.4f Hz. You are requesting a response from " "%.4f - %.4f Hz. The calculated response will contain " "extrapolation beyond the frequency band constrained " "by the response list stage. Please consider " "adjusting 'pre_filt' and/or 'water_level' during " "response removal accordingly.") warnings.warn( msg % (min_f_avail, max_f_avail, min_f, max_f)) amp = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( f, amp, k=3)(frequencies) phase = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( f, phase, k=3)(frequencies) # Set static offset to zero. amp[amp == 0] = 0 phase[phase == 0] = 0 rl = blkt.blkt_info.list rl.nresp = len(frequencies) _freq_c = (C.c_double * rl.nresp)() _amp_c = (C.c_double * rl.nresp)() _phase_c = (C.c_double * rl.nresp)() _freq_c[:] = frequencies[:] _amp_c[:] = amp[:] _phase_c[:] = phase[:] rl.freq = C.cast(C.pointer(_freq_c), C.POINTER(C.c_double)) rl.amp = C.cast(C.pointer(_amp_c), C.POINTER(C.c_double)) rl.phase = C.cast(C.pointer(_phase_c), C.POINTER(C.c_double)) elif isinstance(blockette, FIRResponseStage): blkt = ew.Blkt() if blockette.symmetry == "NONE": blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES["FIR_ASYM"] if blockette.symmetry == "ODD": blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES["FIR_SYM_1"] if blockette.symmetry == "EVEN": blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES["FIR_SYM_2"] # The blockette is a fir blockette fir = blkt.blkt_info.fir fir.h0 = 1.0 fir.ncoeffs = len(blockette.coefficients) # XXX: Find a better way to do this. coeffs = (C.c_double * len(blockette.coefficients))() for i, value in enumerate(blockette.coefficients): coeffs[i] = float(value) fir.coeffs = C.cast(C.pointer(coeffs), C.POINTER(C.c_double)) elif isinstance(blockette, PolynomialResponseStage): msg = ("PolynomialResponseStage not yet implemented. " "Please contact the developers.") raise NotImplementedError(msg) else: # Otherwise it could be a gain only stage. if blockette.stage_gain is not None and \ blockette.stage_gain_frequency is not None: blkt = None else: msg = "Type: %s." % str(type(blockette)) raise NotImplementedError(msg) if blkt is not None: stage_blkts.append(blkt) # Evalresp requires FIR and IIR blockettes to have decimation # values. Set the "unit decimation" values in case they are not # set. # # Only set it if there is a stage gain - otherwise evalresp # complains again. if isinstance(blockette, PolesZerosResponseStage) and \ blockette.stage_gain and \ None in set([ blockette.decimation_correction, blockette.decimation_delay, blockette.decimation_factor, blockette.decimation_input_sample_rate, blockette.decimation_offset]): # Don't modify the original object. blockette = copy.deepcopy(blockette) blockette.decimation_correction = 0.0 blockette.decimation_delay = 0.0 blockette.decimation_factor = 1 blockette.decimation_offset = 0 sr = self.get_sampling_rates() if sr and blockette.stage_sequence_number in sr and \ sr[blockette.stage_sequence_number][ "input_sampling_rate"]: blockette.decimation_input_sample_rate = \ self.get_sampling_rates()[ blockette.stage_sequence_number][ "input_sampling_rate"] # This branch get's large called for responses that only have a # a single stage. else: blockette.decimation_input_sample_rate = 1.0 # Parse the decimation if is given. decimation_values = set([ blockette.decimation_correction, blockette.decimation_delay, blockette.decimation_factor, blockette.decimation_input_sample_rate, blockette.decimation_offset]) if None in decimation_values: if len(decimation_values) != 1: msg = ("If a decimation is given, all values must " "be specified.") raise ValueError(msg) else: blkt = ew.Blkt() blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES["DECIMATION"] decimation_blkt = blkt.blkt_info.decimation # Evalresp does the same! if blockette.decimation_input_sample_rate == 0: decimation_blkt.sample_int = 0.0 else: decimation_blkt.sample_int = \ 1.0 / blockette.decimation_input_sample_rate decimation_blkt.deci_fact = blockette.decimation_factor decimation_blkt.deci_offset = blockette.decimation_offset decimation_blkt.estim_delay = blockette.decimation_delay decimation_blkt.applied_corr = \ blockette.decimation_correction stage_blkts.append(blkt) # Add the gain if it is available. if blockette.stage_gain is not None and \ blockette.stage_gain_frequency is not None: blkt = ew.Blkt() blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES["GAIN"] gain_blkt = blkt.blkt_info.gain gain_blkt.gain = blockette.stage_gain gain_blkt.gain_freq = blockette.stage_gain_frequency stage_blkts.append(blkt) if not stage_blkts: msg = "At least one blockette is needed for the stage." raise ValueError(msg) # Attach the blockette chain to the stage. st.first_blkt = C.pointer(stage_blkts[0]) for _i in range(1, len(stage_blkts)): stage_blkts[_i - 1].next_blkt = C.pointer(stage_blkts[_i]) stage_objects.append(st) # Attach the instrument sensitivity as stage 0 at the end. st = ew.Stage() st.sequence_no = 0 st.input_units = 0 st.output_units = 0 blkt = ew.Blkt() blkt.type = ew.ENUM_FILT_TYPES["GAIN"] gain_blkt = blkt.blkt_info.gain gain_blkt.gain = self.instrument_sensitivity.value # Set the sensitivity frequency - use 1.0 if not given. This is also # what evalresp does. gain_blkt.gain_freq = self.instrument_sensitivity.frequency \ if self.instrument_sensitivity.frequency else 0.0 st.first_blkt = C.pointer(blkt) stage_objects.append(st) chan = ew.Channel() if not stage_objects: msg = "At least one stage is needed." raise ValueError(msg) # Attach the stage chain to the channel. chan.first_stage = C.pointer(stage_objects[0]) for _i in range(1, len(stage_objects)): stage_objects[_i - 1].next_stage = C.pointer(stage_objects[_i]) chan.nstages = len(stage_objects) # Evalresp will take care of setting it to the overall sensitivity. chan.sensit = 0.0 chan.sensfreq = 0.0 output = np.empty(len(frequencies), dtype=np.complex128) out_units = C.c_char_p(out_units.encode('ascii', 'strict')) # Set global variables if self.resource_id: clibevresp.curr_file.value = self.resource_id.encode('utf-8') else: clibevresp.curr_file.value = None try: rc = clibevresp._obspy_check_channel(C.byref(chan)) if rc: e, m = ew.ENUM_ERROR_CODES[rc] raise e('check_channel: ' + m) rc = clibevresp._obspy_norm_resp( C.byref(chan), -1, 0, 1 if hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning else 0) if rc: e, m = ew.ENUM_ERROR_CODES[rc] raise e('norm_resp: ' + m) rc = clibevresp._obspy_calc_resp(C.byref(chan), frequencies, len(frequencies), output, out_units, -1, 0, 0) if rc: e, m = ew.ENUM_ERROR_CODES[rc] raise e('calc_resp: ' + m) # XXX: Check if this is really not needed. # output *= scale_factor[0] finally: clibevresp.curr_file.value = None return output, chan
[docs] def get_evalresp_response_for_frequencies( self, frequencies, output="VEL", start_stage=None, end_stage=None, hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning=False): """ Returns frequency response for given frequencies using evalresp. :type frequencies: list[float] :param frequencies: Discrete frequencies to calculate response for. :type output: str :param output: Output units. One of: ``"DISP"`` displacement, output unit is meters ``"VEL"`` velocity, output unit is meters/second ``"ACC"`` acceleration, output unit is meters/second**2 ``"DEF"`` default units, the response is calculated in output units/input units (last stage/first stage). Useful if the units for a particular type of sensor (e.g., a pressure sensor) cannot be converted to displacement, velocity or acceleration. :type start_stage: int, optional :param start_stage: Stage sequence number of first stage that will be used (disregarding all earlier stages). :type end_stage: int, optional :param end_stage: Stage sequence number of last stage that will be used (disregarding all later stages). :type hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning: bool :param hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning: Hide the evalresp warning that computed and reported sensitivities do not match. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: frequency response at requested frequencies """ hsmw = hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning # PEP8 output, chan = self._call_eval_resp_for_frequencies( frequencies, output=output, start_stage=start_stage, end_stage=end_stage, hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning=hsmw) return output
[docs] def get_evalresp_response(self, t_samp, nfft, output="VEL", start_stage=None, end_stage=None, hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning=False): """ Returns frequency response and corresponding frequencies using evalresp. :type t_samp: float :param t_samp: time resolution (inverse frequency resolution) :type nfft: int :param nfft: Number of FFT points to use :type output: str :param output: Output units. One of: ``"DISP"`` displacement, output unit is meters ``"VEL"`` velocity, output unit is meters/second ``"ACC"`` acceleration, output unit is meters/second**2 ``"DEF"`` default units, the response is calculated in output units/input units (last stage/first stage). Useful if the units for a particular type of sensor (e.g., a pressure sensor) cannot be converted to displacement, velocity or acceleration. :type start_stage: int, optional :param start_stage: Stage sequence number of first stage that will be used (disregarding all earlier stages). :type end_stage: int, optional :param end_stage: Stage sequence number of last stage that will be used (disregarding all later stages). :type hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning: bool :param hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning: Hide the evalresp warning that computed and reported sensitivities do not match. :rtype: tuple(:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`) :returns: frequency response and corresponding frequencies """ # Calculate the output frequencies. fy = 1 / (t_samp * 2.0) # start at zero to get zero for offset/ DC of fft # numpy 1.9 introduced a dtype kwarg try: freqs = np.linspace(0, fy, int(nfft // 2) + 1, dtype=np.float64) except Exception: freqs = np.linspace(0, fy, int(nfft // 2) + 1).astype(np.float64) hsmw = hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning # PEP8 response = self.get_evalresp_response_for_frequencies( freqs, output=output, start_stage=start_stage, end_stage=end_stage, hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning=hsmw) return response, freqs
[docs] def __str__(self): i_s = self.instrument_sensitivity if i_s: input_units = i_s.input_units \ if i_s.input_units else "UNKNOWN" input_units_description = i_s.input_units_description \ if i_s.input_units_description else "" output_units = i_s.output_units \ if i_s.output_units else "UNKNOWN" output_units_description = i_s.output_units_description \ if i_s.output_units_description else "" sensitivity = ("%g" % i_s.value) if i_s.value else "UNKNOWN" freq = ("%.3f" % i_s.frequency) if i_s.frequency else "UNKNOWN" else: input_units = "UNKNOWN" input_units_description = "" output_units = "UNKNOWN" output_units_description = "" sensitivity = "UNKNOWN" freq = "UNKNOWN" ret = ( "Channel Response\n" "\tFrom {input_units} ({input_units_description}) to " "{output_units} ({output_units_description})\n" "\tOverall Sensitivity: {sensitivity} defined at {freq} Hz\n" "\t{stages} stages:\n{stage_desc}").format( input_units=input_units, input_units_description=input_units_description, output_units=output_units, output_units_description=output_units_description, sensitivity=sensitivity, freq=freq, stages=len(self.response_stages), stage_desc="\n".join( ["\t\tStage %i: %s from %s to %s," " gain: %s" % ( i.stage_sequence_number, i.__class__.__name__, i.input_units, i.output_units, ("%g" % i.stage_gain) if i.stage_gain else "UNKNOWN") for i in self.response_stages])) return ret
[docs] def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(str(self))
[docs] def plot(self, min_freq, output="VEL", start_stage=None, end_stage=None, label=None, axes=None, sampling_rate=None, unwrap_phase=False, plot_degrees=False, show=True, outfile=None): """ Show bode plot of instrument response. :type min_freq: float :param min_freq: Lowest frequency to plot. :type output: str :param output: Output units. One of: ``"DISP"`` displacement, output unit is meters ``"VEL"`` velocity, output unit is meters/second ``"ACC"`` acceleration, output unit is meters/second**2 ``"DEF"`` default units, the response is calculated in output units/input units (last stage/first stage). Useful if the units for a particular type of sensor (e.g., a pressure sensor) cannot be converted to displacement, velocity or acceleration. :type start_stage: int, optional :param start_stage: Stage sequence number of first stage that will be used (disregarding all earlier stages). :type end_stage: int, optional :param end_stage: Stage sequence number of last stage that will be used (disregarding all later stages). :type label: str :param label: Label string for legend. :type axes: list of 2 :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :param axes: List/tuple of two axes instances to plot the amplitude/phase spectrum into. If not specified, a new figure is opened. :type sampling_rate: float :param sampling_rate: Manually specify sampling rate of time series. If not given it is attempted to determine it from the information in the individual response stages. Does not influence the spectra calculation, if it is not known, just provide the highest frequency that should be plotted times two. :type unwrap_phase: bool :param unwrap_phase: Set optional phase unwrapping using NumPy. :type plot_degrees: bool :param plot_degrees: if ``True`` plot bode in degrees :type show: bool :param show: Whether to show the figure after plotting or not. Can be used to do further customization of the plot before showing it. :type outfile: str :param outfile: Output file path to directly save the resulting image (e.g. ``"/tmp/image.png"``). Overrides the ``show`` option, image will not be displayed interactively. The given path/filename is also used to automatically determine the output format. Supported file formats depend on your matplotlib backend. Most backends support png, pdf, ps, eps and svg. Defaults to ``None``. .. rubric:: Basic Usage >>> from obspy import read_inventory >>> resp = read_inventory()[0][0][0].response >>> resp.plot(0.001, output="VEL") # doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: from obspy import read_inventory resp = read_inventory()[0][0][0].response resp.plot(0.001, output="VEL") """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.transforms import blended_transform_factory # detect sampling rate from response stages if sampling_rate is None: for stage in self.response_stages[::-1]: if (stage.decimation_input_sample_rate is not None and stage.decimation_factor is not None): sampling_rate = (stage.decimation_input_sample_rate / stage.decimation_factor) break else: msg = ("Failed to autodetect sampling rate of channel from " "response stages. Please manually specify parameter " "`sampling_rate`") raise Exception(msg) if sampling_rate == 0: msg = "Can not plot response for channel with sampling rate `0`." raise ZeroSamplingRate(msg) t_samp = 1.0 / sampling_rate nyquist = sampling_rate / 2.0 nfft = int(sampling_rate / min_freq) cpx_response, freq = self.get_evalresp_response( t_samp=t_samp, nfft=nfft, output=output, start_stage=start_stage, end_stage=end_stage) if axes is not None: ax1, ax2 = axes fig = ax1.figure else: fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax1) label_kwarg = {} if label is not None: label_kwarg['label'] = label # plot amplitude response lw = 1.5 lines = ax1.loglog(freq, abs(cpx_response), lw=lw, **label_kwarg) color = lines[0].get_color() if self.instrument_sensitivity: trans_above = blended_transform_factory(ax1.transData, ax1.transAxes) trans_right = blended_transform_factory(ax1.transAxes, ax1.transData) arrowprops = dict( arrowstyle="wedge,tail_width=1.4,shrink_factor=0.8", fc=color) bbox = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w") if self.instrument_sensitivity.frequency: ax1.annotate("%.1g" % self.instrument_sensitivity.frequency, (self.instrument_sensitivity.frequency, 1.0), xytext=(self.instrument_sensitivity.frequency, 1.1), xycoords=trans_above, textcoords=trans_above, ha="center", va="bottom", arrowprops=arrowprops, bbox=bbox) if self.instrument_sensitivity.value: ax1.annotate("%.1e" % self.instrument_sensitivity.value, (1.0, self.instrument_sensitivity.value), xytext=(1.05, self.instrument_sensitivity.value), xycoords=trans_right, textcoords=trans_right, ha="left", va="center", arrowprops=arrowprops, bbox=bbox) # plot phase response phase = np.angle(cpx_response, deg=plot_degrees) if unwrap_phase and not plot_degrees: phase = np.unwrap(phase) ax2.semilogx(freq, phase, color=color, lw=lw) # plot nyquist frequency for ax in (ax1, ax2): ax.axvline(nyquist, ls="--", color=color, lw=lw) # only do adjustments if we initialized the figure in here if not axes: _adjust_bode_plot_figure(fig, show=False, plot_degrees=plot_degrees) if outfile: fig.savefig(outfile) else: if show: return fig
[docs] def get_paz(self): """ Get Poles and Zeros stage. Prints a warning if more than one poles and zeros stage is found. Raises if no poles and zeros stage is found. :rtype: :class:`PolesZerosResponseStage` :returns: Poles and Zeros response stage. """ paz = [deepcopy(stage) for stage in self.response_stages if isinstance(stage, PolesZerosResponseStage)] if len(paz) == 0: msg = "No PolesZerosResponseStage found." raise Exception(msg) elif len(paz) > 1: msg = ("More than one PolesZerosResponseStage encountered. " "Returning first one found.") warnings.warn(msg) return paz[0]
[docs] def get_sacpz(self): """ Returns SACPZ ASCII text representation of Response. :rtype: str :returns: Textual SACPZ representation of response. """ # extract paz paz = self.get_paz() return paz_to_sacpz_string(paz, self.instrument_sensitivity)
[docs] @classmethod def from_paz(cls, zeros, poles, stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency=1.0, input_units='M/S', output_units='VOLTS', normalization_frequency=1.0, pz_transfer_function_type='LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)', normalization_factor=1.0): """ Convert poles and zeros lists into a single-stage response. Takes in lists of complex poles and zeros and returns a Response with those values defining its only stage. Most of the optional parameters defined here are from :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.response.PolesZerosResponseStage`. :type zeros: list[complex] :param zeros: All zeros of the response to be defined. :type poles: list[complex] :param poles: All poles of the response to be defined. :type stage_gain: float :param stage_gain: The gain value of the response [sensitivity] :returns: new Response instance with given P-Z values """ pzstage = PolesZerosResponseStage( stage_sequence_number=1, stage_gain=stage_gain, stage_gain_frequency=stage_gain_frequency, input_units=input_units, output_units=output_units, pz_transfer_function_type=pz_transfer_function_type, normalization_frequency=normalization_frequency, zeros=zeros, poles=poles, normalization_factor=normalization_factor) sens = InstrumentSensitivity(value=stage_gain, frequency=stage_gain_frequency, input_units=input_units, output_units=output_units) resp = cls(instrument_sensitivity=sens, response_stages=[pzstage]) resp.recalculate_overall_sensitivity() return resp
[docs]def paz_to_sacpz_string(paz, instrument_sensitivity): """ Returns SACPZ ASCII text representation of Response. :type paz: :class:`PolesZerosResponseStage` :param paz: Poles and Zeros response information :type instrument_sensitivity: :class:`InstrumentSensitivity` :param paz: Overall instrument sensitivity of response :rtype: str :returns: Textual SACPZ representation of poles and zeros response stage. """ # assemble output string out = [] out.append("ZEROS %i" % len(paz.zeros)) for c in paz.zeros: out.append(" %+.6e %+.6e" % (c.real, c.imag)) out.append("POLES %i" % len(paz.poles)) for c in paz.poles: out.append(" %+.6e %+.6e" % (c.real, c.imag)) constant = paz.normalization_factor * instrument_sensitivity.value out.append("CONSTANT %.6e" % constant) return "\n".join(out)
[docs]class InstrumentSensitivity(ComparingObject): """ From the StationXML Definition: The total sensitivity for a channel, representing the complete acquisition system expressed as a scalar. Equivalent to SEED stage 0 gain with (blockette 58) with the ability to specify a frequency range. Sensitivity and frequency ranges. The FrequencyRangeGroup is an optional construct that defines a pass band in Hertz (FrequencyStart and FrequencyEnd) in which the SensitivityValue is valid within the number of decibels specified in FrequencyDBVariation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value, frequency, input_units, output_units, input_units_description=None, output_units_description=None, frequency_range_start=None, frequency_range_end=None, frequency_range_db_variation=None): """ :type value: float :param value: Complex type for sensitivity and frequency ranges. This complex type can be used to represent both overall sensitivities and individual stage gains. The FrequencyRangeGroup is an optional construct that defines a pass band in Hertz ( FrequencyStart and FrequencyEnd) in which the SensitivityValue is valid within the number of decibels specified in FrequencyDBVariation. :type frequency: float :param frequency: Complex type for sensitivity and frequency ranges. This complex type can be used to represent both overall sensitivities and individual stage gains. The FrequencyRangeGroup is an optional construct that defines a pass band in Hertz ( FrequencyStart and FrequencyEnd) in which the SensitivityValue is valid within the number of decibels specified in FrequencyDBVariation. :param input_units: string :param input_units: The units of the data as input from the perspective of data acquisition. After correcting data for this response, these would be the resulting units. Name of units, e.g. "M/S", "V", "PA". :param input_units_description: string, optional :param input_units_description: The units of the data as input from the perspective of data acquisition. After correcting data for this response, these would be the resulting units. Description of units, e.g. "Velocity in meters per second", "Volts", "Pascals". :param output_units: string :param output_units: The units of the data as output from the perspective of data acquisition. These would be the units of the data prior to correcting for this response. Name of units, e.g. "M/S", "V", "PA". :type output_units_description: str, optional :param output_units_description: The units of the data as output from the perspective of data acquisition. These would be the units of the data prior to correcting for this response. Description of units, e.g. "Velocity in meters per second", "Volts", "Pascals". :type frequency_range_start: float, optional :param frequency_range_start: Start of the frequency range for which the SensitivityValue is valid within the dB variation specified. :type frequency_range_end: float, optional :param frequency_range_end: End of the frequency range for which the SensitivityValue is valid within the dB variation specified. :type frequency_range_db_variation: float, optional :param frequency_range_db_variation: Variation in decibels within the specified range. """ self.value = value self.frequency = frequency self.input_units = input_units self.input_units_description = input_units_description self.output_units = output_units self.output_units_description = output_units_description self.frequency_range_start = frequency_range_start self.frequency_range_end = frequency_range_end self.frequency_range_db_variation = frequency_range_db_variation
[docs] def __str__(self): ret = ("Instrument Sensitivity:\n" "\tValue: {value}\n" "\tFrequency: {frequency}\n" "\tInput units: {input_units}\n" "\tInput units description: {input_units_description}\n" "\tOutput units: {output_units}\n" "\tOutput units description: {output_units_description}\n") ret = ret.format(**self.__dict__) return ret
[docs] def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(str(self))
# XXX duplicated code, PolynomialResponseStage could probably be implemented by # XXX inheriting from both InstrumentPolynomial and ResponseStage
[docs]class InstrumentPolynomial(ComparingObject): """ From the StationXML Definition: The total sensitivity for a channel, representing the complete acquisition system expressed as a polynomial. Equivalent to SEED stage 0 polynomial (blockette 62). """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_units, output_units, frequency_lower_bound, frequency_upper_bound, approximation_lower_bound, approximation_upper_bound, maximum_error, coefficients, approximation_type='MACLAURIN', resource_id=None, name=None, input_units_description=None, output_units_description=None, description=None): """ :type approximation_type: str :param approximation_type: Approximation type. Currently restricted to 'MACLAURIN' by StationXML definition. :type frequency_lower_bound: float :param frequency_lower_bound: Lower frequency bound. :type frequency_upper_bound: float :param frequency_upper_bound: Upper frequency bound. :type approximation_lower_bound: float :param approximation_lower_bound: Lower bound of approximation. :type approximation_upper_bound: float :param approximation_upper_bound: Upper bound of approximation. :type maximum_error: float :param maximum_error: Maximum error. :type coefficients: list[float] :param coefficients: List of polynomial coefficients. :param input_units: string :param input_units: The units of the data as input from the perspective of data acquisition. After correcting data for this response, these would be the resulting units. Name of units, e.g. "M/S", "V", "PA". :param output_units: string :param output_units: The units of the data as output from the perspective of data acquisition. These would be the units of the data prior to correcting for this response. Name of units, e.g. "M/S", "V", "PA". :type resource_id: str :param resource_id: This field contains a string that should serve as a unique resource identifier. This identifier can be interpreted differently depending on the data center/software that generated the document. Also, we recommend to use something like GENERATOR:Meaningful ID. As a common behavior equipment with the same ID should contains the same information/be derived from the same base instruments. :type name: str :param name: A name given to the filter stage. :param input_units_description: string, optional :param input_units_description: The units of the data as input from the perspective of data acquisition. After correcting data for this response, these would be the resulting units. Description of units, e.g. "Velocity in meters per second", "Volts", "Pascals". :type output_units_description: str, optional :param output_units_description: The units of the data as output from the perspective of data acquisition. These would be the units of the data prior to correcting for this response. Description of units, e.g. "Velocity in meters per second", "Volts", "Pascals". :type description: str, optional :param description: A short description of of the filter. """ self.input_units = input_units self.output_units = output_units self.input_units_description = input_units_description self.output_units_description = output_units_description self.resource_id = resource_id = name self.description = description self._approximation_type = approximation_type self.frequency_lower_bound = frequency_lower_bound self.frequency_upper_bound = frequency_upper_bound self.approximation_lower_bound = approximation_lower_bound self.approximation_upper_bound = approximation_upper_bound self.maximum_error = maximum_error self.coefficients = coefficients
@property def approximation_type(self): return self._approximation_type @approximation_type.setter def approximation_type(self, value): value = str(value).upper() allowed = ("MACLAURIN",) if value not in allowed: msg = ("Value '%s' for polynomial response approximation type not " "allowed. Possible values are: '%s'") msg = msg % (value, "', '".join(allowed)) raise ValueError(msg) self._approximation_type = value
[docs]class FilterCoefficient(FloatWithUncertainties): """ A filter coefficient. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value, number=None): """ :type value: float :param value: The actual value of the coefficient :type number: int, optional :param number: Number to indicate the position of the coefficient. """ super(FilterCoefficient, self).__init__(value) self.number = number
@property def number(self): return self._number @number.setter def number(self, value): if value is not None: value = int(value) self._number = value
[docs]class CoefficientWithUncertainties(FloatWithUncertainties): """ A coefficient with optional uncertainties. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value, number=None, lower_uncertainty=None, upper_uncertainty=None): """ :type value: float :param value: The actual value of the coefficient :type number: int, optional :param number: Number to indicate the position of the coefficient. :type lower_uncertainty: float :param lower_uncertainty: Lower uncertainty (aka minusError) :type upper_uncertainty: float :param upper_uncertainty: Upper uncertainty (aka plusError) """ super(CoefficientWithUncertainties, self).__init__( value, lower_uncertainty=lower_uncertainty, upper_uncertainty=upper_uncertainty) self.number = number
@property def number(self): return self._number @number.setter def number(self, value): if value is not None: value = int(value) self._number = value
[docs]def _adjust_bode_plot_figure(fig, plot_degrees=False, grid=True, show=True): """ Helper function to do final adjustments to Bode plot figure. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # make more room in between subplots for the ylabel of right plot fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.02, top=0.87, right=0.82) ax1, ax2 = fig.axes[:2] # workaround for older matplotlib versions try: ax1.legend(loc="lower center", ncol=3, fontsize='small') except TypeError: leg_ = ax1.legend(loc="lower center", ncol=3) leg_.prop.set_size("small") plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude') minmax1 = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.set_ylim(top=minmax1[1] * 5) ax1.grid(True) ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') if plot_degrees: # degrees bode plot ax2.set_ylabel('Phase [degrees]') ax2.set_yticks(np.arange(-180, 180, 30)) ax2.set_yticklabels(np.arange(-180, 180, 30)) ax2.set_ylim(-180, 180) else: # radian bode plot plt.setp(ax2.get_yticklabels()[-1], visible=False) ax2.set_ylabel('Phase [rad]') minmax2 = ax2.yaxis.get_data_interval() yticks2 = np.arange(minmax2[0] - minmax2[0] % (pi / 2), minmax2[1] - minmax2[1] % (pi / 2) + pi, pi / 2) ax2.set_yticks(yticks2) ax2.set_yticklabels([_pitick2latex(x) for x in yticks2]) ax2.grid(True) if show:
[docs]def _pitick2latex(x): """ Helper function to convert a float that is a multiple of pi/2 to a latex string. """ # safety check, if no multiple of pi/2 return normal representation if x % (pi / 2) != 0: return "%#.3g" % x string = "$" if x < 0: string += "-" if x / pi % 1 == 0: x = abs(int(x / pi)) if x == 0: return "$0$" elif x == 1: x = "" string += r"%s\pi$" % x else: x = abs(int(2 * x / pi)) if x == 1: x = "" string += r"\frac{%s\pi}{2}$" % x return string
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)