Source code for obspy.taup.taup_create

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Class to create new models.
import glob
import inspect
import os
from math import pi
from pathlib import Path
from obspy.taup import _DEFAULT_VALUES
from obspy.taup.slowness_model import SlownessModel
from obspy.taup.tau_model import TauModel
from obspy.taup.velocity_model import VelocityModel

# Most generic way to get the data directory.
__DATA_DIR = Path(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())).resolve()
__DATA_DIR = __DATA_DIR.parent / "data"

[docs]class TauPCreate(object): """ The seismic travel time calculation method of [Buland1983]_. The calculation method is described in [Buland1983]_. This creates the SlownessModel and tau branches and saves them for later use. """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_filename, output_filename, verbose=False, min_delta_p=0.1, max_delta_p=11.0, max_depth_interval=115.0, max_range_interval=2.5, max_interp_error=0.05, allow_inner_core_s=True): self.input_filename = input_filename self.output_filename = output_filename self.debug = verbose self.min_delta_p = min_delta_p self.max_delta_p = max_delta_p self.max_depth_interval = max_depth_interval self.max_range_interval = max_range_interval self.max_interp_error = max_interp_error self.allow_inner_core_s = allow_inner_core_s
[docs] def load_velocity_model(self): """ Try to load a velocity model. """ # Read the velocity model file. filename = self.input_filename if self.debug: print("filename =", filename) self.v_mod = VelocityModel.read_velocity_file(filename) if self.v_mod is None: raise IOError("Velocity model file not found: " + filename) # If model was read: if self.debug: print("Done reading velocity model.") print("Radius of model " + self.v_mod.model_name + " is " + str(self.v_mod.radius_of_planet)) # if self.debug: # print("velocity mode: " + self.v_mod) return self.v_mod
[docs] def create_tau_model(self, v_mod): """ Create :class:`~.TauModel` from velocity model. First, a slowness model is created from the velocity model, and then it is passed to :class:`~.TauModel`. """ if v_mod is None: raise ValueError("v_mod is None.") if v_mod.is_spherical is False: raise Exception("Flat slowness model not yet implemented.") SlownessModel.debug = self.debug if self.debug: print("Using parameters provided in TauP_config.ini (or defaults " "if not) to call SlownessModel...") self.s_mod = SlownessModel( v_mod, self.min_delta_p, self.max_delta_p, self.max_depth_interval, self.max_range_interval * pi / 180.0, self.max_interp_error, self.allow_inner_core_s, _DEFAULT_VALUES["slowness_tolerance"]) if self.debug: print("Parameters are:") print("taup.create.min_delta_p = " + str(self.s_mod.min_delta_p) + " sec / radian") print("taup.create.max_delta_p = " + str(self.s_mod.max_delta_p) + " sec / radian") print("taup.create.max_depth_interval = " + str(self.s_mod.max_depth_interval) + " kilometers") print("taup.create.max_range_interval = " + str(self.s_mod.max_range_interval) + " degrees") print("taup.create.max_interp_error = " + str(self.s_mod.max_interp_error) + " seconds") print("taup.create.allow_inner_core_s = " + str(self.s_mod.allow_inner_core_s)) print("Slow model " + " " + str(self.s_mod.get_num_layers(True)) + " P layers," + str(self.s_mod.get_num_layers(False)) + " S layers") # if self.debug: # print(self.s_mod) # set the debug flags to value given here: TauModel.debug = self.debug SlownessModel.debug = self.debug # Creates tau model from slownesses. return TauModel(self.s_mod, radius_of_planet=v_mod.radius_of_planet)
[docs] def run(self): """ Create a tau model from a velocity model. Called by :func:`build_taup_model` after :meth:`load_velocity_model`; calls :meth:`create_tau_model` and writes the result to a ``.npy`` file. """ try: self.tau_model = self.create_tau_model(self.v_mod) # this reassigns model! Used to be TauModel() class, # now it's an instance of it. if self.debug: print("Done calculating Tau branches.") dirname = os.path.dirname(self.output_filename) if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) self.tau_model.serialize(self.output_filename) if self.debug: print("Done Saving " + self.output_filename) except IOError as e: print("Tried to write!\n Caught IOError. Do you have write " "permission in this directory?", e) except KeyError as e: print('file not found or wrong key?', e) finally: if self.debug: print("Method run is done, but not necessarily successful.")
[docs]def get_builtin_model_files(): """ Get a list of paths to builtin files that can be used for models. These files reside in the ``<package-root>/obspy/taup/data`` directory. """ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(__DATA_DIR, "*.tvel")) files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(__DATA_DIR, "*.nd"))) return files
[docs]def build_taup_model(filename, output_folder=None, verbose=True): """ Build an ObsPy model file from a "tvel" or "nd" file. The file is loaded into a :class:`~obspy.taup.tau_model.TauModel` instance and is then saved in ObsPy's own format, which can be loaded using :meth:`~obspy.taup.tau_model.TauModel.from_file`. The output file will have the same name as the input with ``'.npz'`` as file extension. :type filename: str :param filename: Absolute path of input file. :type output_folder: str :param output_folder: Directory in which the built :class:`~obspy.taup.tau_model.TauModel` will be stored. Defaults to the `taup/data` directory of the current obspy installation. """ if output_folder is None: output_folder = __DATA_DIR model_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] output_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, model_name + ".npz") if verbose: print("Building obspy.taup model for '%s' ..." % filename) mod_create = TauPCreate(input_filename=filename, output_filename=output_filename) mod_create.load_velocity_model()
[docs]def build_all_taup_models(): """ Build all :class:`~obspy.taup.tau_model.TauModel` models in data directory. The data directory is defined to be ``<package-root>/obspy/taup/data``. """ for model in get_builtin_model_files(): build_taup_model(filename=model)
if __name__ == '__main__': build_all_taup_models()