Source code for obspy.taup.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Misc functionality.
import inspect
from pathlib import Path

ROOT = Path(Path(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())).resolve()).parent

[docs]def parse_phase_list(phase_list): """ Takes a list of phases, returns a list of individual phases. Performs e.g. replacing e.g. ``"ttall"`` with the relevant phases. """ phase_names = [] for phase_name in phase_list: phase_names += get_phase_names(phase_name) # Remove duplicates. return sorted(list(set(phase_names)))
[docs]def get_phase_names(phase_name): """ Called by parse_phase_list to replace e.g. ttall with the relevant phases. """ lphase = phase_name.lower() names = [] if lphase in ("ttp", "tts", "ttbasic", "tts+", "ttp+", "ttall"): if lphase in ("ttp", "ttp+", "ttbasic", "ttall"): names.extend(["p", "P", "Pn", "Pdiff", "PKP", "PKiKP", "PKIKP"]) if lphase in ("tts", "tts+", "ttbasic", "ttall"): names.extend(["s", "S", "Sn", "Sdiff", "SKS", "SKIKS"]) if lphase in ("ttp+", "ttbasic", "ttall"): names.extend(["PcP", "pP", "pPdiff", "pPKP", "pPKIKP", "pPKiKP", "sP", "sPdiff", "sPKP", "sPKIKP", "sPKiKP"]) if lphase in ("tts+", "ttbasic", "ttall"): names.extend(["sS", "sSdiff", "sSKS", "sSKIKS", "ScS", "pS", "pSdiff", "pSKS", "pSKIKS"]) if lphase in ("ttbasic", "ttall"): names.extend(["ScP", "SKP", "SKIKP", "PKKP", "PKIKKIKP", "SKKP", "SKIKKIKP", "PP", "PKPPKP", "PKIKPPKIKP"]) if lphase == "ttall": names.extend(["SKiKP", "PP", "ScS", "PcS", "PKS", "PKIKS", "PKKS", "PKIKKIKS", "SKKS", "SKIKKIKS", "SKSSKS", "SKIKSSKIKS", "SS", "SP", "PS"]) else: names.append(phase_name) return names