Source code for obspy.clients.seedlink.slclient

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to create and use a connection to a SeedLink server using a
SeedLinkConnection object.

A new SeedLink application can be created by sub-classing SLClient and
overriding at least the packet_handler method of SLClient.

Part of Python implementation of libslink of Chad Trabant and
JSeedLink of Anthony Lomax

    The ObsPy Development Team ( & Anthony Lomax
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import sys

from obspy.core.util.decorator import deprecated_keywords
from .client.seedlinkconnection import SeedLinkConnection
from .seedlinkexception import SeedLinkException
from .slpacket import SLPacket

USAGE = """
## General program options ##
-V             report program version
-h             show this usage message
-v             be more verbose, multiple flags can be used
-p             print details of data packets
-nd delay      network re-connect delay (seconds), default 30
-nt timeout    network timeout (seconds), re-establish connection if no
               data/keepalives are received in this time, default 600
-k interval    send keepalive (heartbeat) packets this often (seconds)
-x statefile   save/restore stream state information to this file
-t begintime   sets a beginning time for the initiation of data transmission
-e endtime     sets an end time for windowed data transmission
-i infolevel   request this INFO level, write response to std out, and exit
               infolevel is one of: ID, STATIONS, STREAMS, GAPS, CONNECTIONS,

## Data stream selection ##
-l listfile    read a stream list from this file for multi-station mode
-s selectors   selectors for uni-station or default for multi-station
-S streams     select streams for multi-station (requires SeedLink >= 2.5)
  'streams' = 'stream1[:selectors1],stream2[:selectors2],...'
       'stream' is in NET_STA format, for example:

<[host]:port>  Address of the SeedLink server in host:port format
               if host is omitted (i.e. ':18000'), localhost is assumed

[docs]class SLClient(object): """ Basic class to create and use a connection to a SeedLink server using a SeedLinkConnection object. A new SeedLink application can be created by sub-classing SLClient and overriding at least the packet_handler method of SLClient. :var slconn: SeedLinkConnection object for communicating with the SeedLinkConnection over a socket. :type slconn: SeedLinkConnection :var verbose: Verbosity level, 0 is lowest. :type verbose: int :var ppackets: Flag to indicate show detailed packet information. :type ppackets: bool :var streamfile: Name of file containing stream list for multi-station mode. :type streamfile: str :var selectors: Selectors for uni-station or default selectors for multi-station. :type selectors: str :var multiselect: Selectors for multi-station. :type multiselect: str :var statefile: Name of file for reading (if exists) and storing state. :type statefile: str :var begin_time: Beginning of time window for read start in past. :type begin_time: str :var end_time: End of time window for reading windowed data. :type end_time: str :var infolevel: INFO LEVEL for info request only. :type infolevel: str :type timeout: float :param timeout: Timeout in seconds, passed on to the underlying SeedLinkConnection. """ VERSION = "1.2.0X00" VERSION_YEAR = "2011" VERSION_DATE = "24Nov" + VERSION_YEAR COPYRIGHT_YEAR = VERSION_YEAR PROGRAM_NAME = "SLClient v" + VERSION VERSION_INFO = PROGRAM_NAME + " (" + VERSION_DATE + ")"
[docs] @deprecated_keywords({"loglevel": None}) def __init__(self, loglevel=None, timeout=None): """ Creates a new instance of SLClient with the specified logging object """ self.verbose = 0 self.ppackets = False self.streamfile = None self.selectors = None self.multiselect = None self.statefile = None self.begin_time = None self.end_time = None self.infolevel = None self.timeout = timeout self.slconn = SeedLinkConnection(timeout=timeout)
[docs] def parse_cmd_line_args(self, args): """ Parses the command line arguments. :type args: list :param args: main method arguments. :return: -1 on error, 1 if version or help argument found, 0 otherwise. """ if len(args) < 2: self.print_usage(False) return 1 optind = 1 while optind < len(args): if args[optind] == "-V": print(self.VERSION_INFO, file=sys.stderr) return 1 elif args[optind] == "-h": self.print_usage(False) return 1 elif args[optind].startswith("-v"): self.verbose += len(args[optind]) - 1 elif args[optind] == "-p": self.ppackets = True elif args[optind] == "-nt": optind += 1 self.slconn.set_net_timeout(int(args[optind])) elif args[optind] == "-nd": optind += 1 self.slconn.set_net_delay(int(args[optind])) elif args[optind] == "-k": optind += 1 self.slconn.set_keep_alive(int(args[optind])) elif args[optind] == "-l": optind += 1 self.streamfile = args[optind] elif args[optind] == "-s": optind += 1 self.selectors = args[optind] elif args[optind] == "-S": optind += 1 self.multiselect = args[optind] elif args[optind] == "-x": optind += 1 self.statefile = args[optind] elif args[optind] == "-t": optind += 1 self.begin_time = args[optind] elif args[optind] == "-e": optind += 1 self.end_time = args[optind] elif args[optind] == "-i": optind += 1 self.infolevel = args[optind] elif args[optind].startswith("-"): print("Unknown option: " + args[optind], file=sys.stderr) return -1 elif self.slconn.get_sl_address() is None: self.slconn.set_sl_address(args[optind]) else: print("Unknown option: " + args[optind], file=sys.stderr) return -1 optind += 1 return 0
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initializes this SLClient. """ if self.slconn.get_sl_address() is None: message = "no SeedLink server specified" raise SeedLinkException(message) if self.verbose >= 2: self.ppackets = True if self.slconn.get_sl_address().startswith(":"): self.slconn.set_sl_address("" + self.slconn.get_sl_address()) if self.streamfile is not None: self.slconn.read_stream_list(self.streamfile, self.selectors) if self.multiselect is not None: self.slconn.parse_stream_list(self.multiselect, self.selectors) else: if self.streamfile is None: self.slconn.set_uni_params(self.selectors, -1, None) if self.statefile is not None: self.slconn.set_state_file(self.statefile) else: if self.begin_time is not None: self.slconn.set_begin_time(self.begin_time) if self.end_time is not None: self.slconn.set_end_time(self.end_time)
[docs] def run(self, packet_handler=None): """ Start this SLClient. :type packet_handler: callable :param packet_handler: Custom packet handler funtion to override `self.packet_handler` for this seedlink request. The function will be repeatedly called with two arguments: the current packet counter (`int`) and the currently served seedlink packet (:class:`~obspy.clients.seedlink.slclient.SLPacket`). The function should return `True` to abort the request or `False` to continue the request. """ if packet_handler is None: packet_handler = self.packet_handler if self.infolevel is not None: self.slconn.request_info(self.infolevel) # Loop with the connection manager count = 1 slpack = self.slconn.collect() while slpack is not None: if (slpack == SLPacket.SLTERMINATE): break try: # do something with packet terminate = packet_handler(count, slpack) if terminate: break except SeedLinkException as sle: print(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + sle.value) if count >= sys.maxsize: count = 1 print("DEBUG INFO: " + self.__class__.__name__ + ":", end=' ') print("Packet count reset to 1") else: count += 1 slpack = self.slconn.collect() # Close the SeedLinkConnection self.slconn.close()
[docs] def packet_handler(self, count, slpack): """ Processes each packet received from the SeedLinkConnection. This method should be overridden when sub-classing SLClient. :type count: int :param count: Packet counter. :type slpack: :class:`~obspy.clients.seedlink.slpacket.SLPacket` :param slpack: packet to process. :rtype: bool :return: True if connection to SeedLink server should be closed and session terminated, False otherwise. """ # check if not a complete packet if slpack is None or (slpack == SLPacket.SLNOPACKET) or \ (slpack == SLPacket.SLERROR): return False # get basic packet info seqnum = slpack.get_sequence_number() type = slpack.get_type() # process INFO packets here if (type == SLPacket.TYPE_SLINF): return False if (type == SLPacket.TYPE_SLINFT): print("Complete INFO:\n" + self.slconn.get_info_string()) if self.infolevel is not None: return True else: return False # can send an in-line INFO request here try: # if (count % 100 == 0 and not self.slconn.state.expect_info): if (count % 100 == 0): infostr = "ID" self.slconn.request_info(infostr) except SeedLinkException as sle: print(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + sle.value) # if here, must be a data blockette print(self.__class__.__name__ + ": packet seqnum:", end=' ') print(str(seqnum) + ": blockette type: " + str(type)) if not self.ppackets: return False # process packet data trace = slpack.get_trace() if trace is not None: print(self.__class__.__name__ + ": blockette contains a trace: ") print(, trace.stats['starttime'], end=' ') print(" dt:" + str(1.0 / trace.stats['sampling_rate']), end=' ') print(" npts:" + str(trace.stats['npts']), end=' ') print(" sampletype:" + str(trace.stats['sampletype']), end=' ') print(" dataquality:" + str(trace.stats['dataquality'])) if self.verbose >= 3: print(self.__class__.__name__ + ":") print("blockette contains a trace: " + str(trace.stats)) else: print(self.__class__.__name__ + ": blockette contains no trace") return False
[docs] def print_usage(self, concise=True): """ Prints the usage message for this class. """ print("\nUsage: python %s [options] <[host]:port>" % (self.__class__.__name__)) if concise: usage = "Use '-h' for detailed help" else: usage = USAGE print(usage)
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, args): """ Main method - creates and runs an SLClient using the specified command line arguments """ sl_client = SLClient() rval = sl_client.parse_cmd_line_args(args) if (rval != 0): sys.exit(rval) sl_client.initialize()
if __name__ == '__main__': SLClient.main(sys.argv)