# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ZMAP read/write support.
ZMAP is a simple 10 column CSV file (technically TSV) format for basic catalog
data (see [Wiemer2001]_).
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org), Lukas Heiniger
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import math
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.event import (Catalog, Event, Magnitude, Origin,
from obspy.core.util.decorator import map_example_filename
_STD_ZMAP_COLUMNS = ('lon', 'lat', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'mag', 'depth',
'hour', 'minute', 'second')
_EXT_ZMAP_COLUMNS = ('h_err', 'z_err', 'm_err')
[docs]class Pickler(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, with_uncertainties=False):
# This is ZMAP column order, don't change it
zmap_columns = _STD_ZMAP_COLUMNS
if with_uncertainties:
zmap_columns += _EXT_ZMAP_COLUMNS
self.zmap_columns = zmap_columns
[docs] def dump(self, catalog, filename):
Writes ObsPy Catalog into given file.
:type catalog: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:param catalog: ObsPy Catalog object.
:type filename: str or file
:param filename: Target file name or open file-like object.
# Open filehandler or use an existing file like object.
if not hasattr(filename, "write"):
file_opened = True
fh = open(filename, "wb")
file_opened = False
fh = filename
cat_string = self._serialize(catalog)
if file_opened:
[docs] def dumps(self, catalog):
Returns ZMAP string of given ObsPy Catalog object.
:type catalog: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:param catalog: ObsPy Catalog object.
:rtype: str
:returns: ZMAP formatted string.
return self._serialize(catalog)
[docs] @staticmethod
def _hz_error(origin):
Compute horizontal error of origin.
If the origin has an associated origin uncertainty object, we will try
to extract the horizontal uncertainty from there. Otherwise we compute
it from the individual lat/lon uncertainties stored in origin.
ou = origin.origin_uncertainty
# TODO: implement the other two possible descriptions
if ou and ou.preferred_description == 'horizontal uncertainty':
return ou.horizontal_uncertainty
km_per_deg = math.pi * 6371.0087714 / 180.0
lat_err = origin.latitude_errors.uncertainty
lon_err = origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty
if lat_err is None or lon_err is None:
return None
d_lat = lat_err
d_lon = lon_err * math.cos(origin.latitude * math.pi / 180.0)
h_err = km_per_deg * math.hypot(d_lat, d_lon)
return h_err
[docs] @staticmethod
def _depth_error(origin):
Return the absolute depth error in km
# TODO: add option to extract depth error from origin uncertainty
# when ellipsoid is used
if origin.depth_errors.uncertainty is None:
return None
return origin.depth_errors.uncertainty / 1000.0
[docs] @staticmethod
def _num2str(num, precision=6):
Convert num into a matlab (and thus zmap) compatible string
if num is None:
return 'NaN'
return '{n:.{p}f}'.format(p=precision, n=num)
[docs] @staticmethod
def _decimal_year(time):
Return (floating point) decimal year representation of UTCDateTime
input value
start_of_year = UTCDateTime(time.year, 1, 1).timestamp
end_of_year = UTCDateTime(time.year + 1, 1, 1).timestamp
timestamp = time.timestamp
year_fraction = ((timestamp - start_of_year) /
(end_of_year - start_of_year))
return time.year + year_fraction
[docs] def _serialize(self, catalog):
rows = []
for ev in catalog:
strings = dict.fromkeys(self.zmap_columns, 'NaN')
# origin
origin = ev.preferred_origin()
if origin is None and ev.origins:
origin = ev.origins[0]
if origin:
dec_year = self._decimal_year(origin.time)
dec_second = origin.time.second + \
origin.time.microsecond / 1e6
'depth': self._num2str(origin.depth / 1000.0), # m to km
'z_err': self._num2str(self._depth_error(origin)),
'lat': self._num2str(origin.latitude),
'lon': self._num2str(origin.longitude),
'h_err': self._num2str(self._hz_error(origin)),
'year': self._num2str(dec_year, 12),
'month': self._num2str(origin.time.month, 0),
'day': self._num2str(origin.time.day, 0),
'hour': self._num2str(origin.time.hour, 0),
'minute': self._num2str(origin.time.minute, 0),
'second': str(dec_second)
# magnitude
magnitude = ev.preferred_magnitude()
if magnitude is None and ev.magnitudes:
magnitude = ev.magnitudes[0]
if magnitude:
'mag': self._num2str(magnitude.mag),
'm_err': self._num2str(magnitude.mag_errors.uncertainty)
# create tab separated row
rows.append('\t'.join([strings[c] for c in self.zmap_columns]))
zmap = '\n'.join(rows) + '\n'
return zmap
[docs]class Unpickler(object):
[docs] def load(self, filename):
Returns an ObsPy Catalog object from a ZMAP file.
:type filename: str or file
:param filename: Source file name or open file-like object.
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:returns: ObsPy catalog
# Open filehandler or use an existing file like object.
if not hasattr(filename, "read"):
file_opened = True
fh = open(filename, 'rb')
file_opened = False
fh = filename
zmap_str = fh.read()
if hasattr(zmap_str, 'decode'):
zmap_str = zmap_str.decode('utf-8')
catalog = self._deserialize(zmap_str)
return catalog
if file_opened:
[docs] def loads(self, zmap_str):
Returns an ObsPy Catalog object from a ZMAP string.
:type zmap_str: str
:param zmap_str: ObsPy Catalog object.
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:returns: ObsPy catalog
return self._deserialize(zmap_str)
[docs] def _deserialize(self, zmap_str):
catalog = Catalog()
for row in zmap_str.split('\n'):
if len(row) == 0:
origin = Origin()
event = Event(origins=[origin])
event.preferred_origin_id = origin.resource_id.id
# Begin value extraction
columns = row.split('\t', 13)[:13] # ignore extra columns
values = dict(zip(_STD_ZMAP_COLUMNS + _EXT_ZMAP_COLUMNS, columns))
# Extract origin
origin.longitude = self._str2num(values.get('lon'))
origin.latitude = self._str2num(values.get('lat'))
depth = self._str2num(values.get('depth'))
if depth is not None:
origin.depth = depth * 1000.0
z_err = self._str2num(values.get('z_err'))
if z_err is not None:
origin.depth_errors.uncertainty = z_err * 1000.0
h_err = self._str2num(values.get('h_err'))
if h_err is not None:
ou = OriginUncertainty()
ou.horizontal_uncertainty = h_err
ou.preferred_description = 'horizontal uncertainty'
origin.origin_uncertainty = ou
year = self._str2num(values.get('year'))
if year is not None:
t_fields = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']
comps = [self._str2num(values.get(f)) for f in t_fields]
if year % 1 != 0:
origin.time = self._decyear2utc(year)
elif any(v > 0 for v in comps[1:]):
# no seconds involved
if len(comps) < 6:
utc_args = [int(v) for v in comps if v is not None]
# we also have to handle seconds
utc_args = [int(v) if v is not None else 0
for v in comps[:-1]]
# just leave float seconds as is
origin.time = UTCDateTime(*utc_args)
mag = self._str2num(values.get('mag'))
# Extract magnitude
if mag is not None:
magnitude = Magnitude(mag=mag)
m_err = self._str2num(values.get('m_err'))
magnitude.mag_errors.uncertainty = m_err
event.preferred_magnitude_id = magnitude.resource_id.id
return catalog
[docs] @staticmethod
def _str2num(num_str):
if num_str is not None and num_str.lower() != 'nan':
num = float(num_str)
return None
except ValueError:
return None
return num
[docs] @staticmethod
def _decyear2utc(decimal_year):
Return UTCDateTime from decimal year
start_of_year = UTCDateTime(int(decimal_year), 1, 1)
end_of_year = UTCDateTime(int(decimal_year) + 1, 1, 1)
t = start_of_year + (decimal_year % 1) * (end_of_year - start_of_year)
return t
[docs]def _write_zmap(catalog, filename, with_uncertainties=False,
**kwargs): # @UnusedVariable
Writes a ZMAP file.
Extended ZMAP format as used in CSEP (http://www.cseptesting.org) is
supported by using keyword argument with_uncertainties=True (default:
.. warning::
This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
the :meth:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog.write` method of an
ObsPy :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object, call this instead.
:type catalog: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:param catalog: The ObsPy Catalog object to write.
:type filename: str or file
:param filename: Filename to write or open file-like object.
:type with_uncertainties: bool
:param with_uncertainties: appends non-standard columns for horizontal,
magnitude and depth uncertainty (see :mod:`~obspy.io.zmap.core`).
Pickler(with_uncertainties).dump(catalog, filename)
[docs]def _read_zmap(filename, **kwargs):
Reads a ZMAP file and returns an ObsPy Catalog object.
.. warning::
This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this
:type filename: str or file
:param filename: ZMAP string, name of ZMAP file to be read or open
file-like object.
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
:return: An ObsPy Catalog object.
if not hasattr(filename, 'read'):
with open(filename):
except Exception:
# we assume it's a string now
return Unpickler().loads(filename)
return Unpickler().load(filename)
def _is_zmap(filename):
Checks whether a file is ZMAP format.
Unlike :func:`~obspy.io.zmap.core._read_zmap` *_is_zmap* is strict, i.e. it
will not detect a ZMAP file unless it consists of exactly 10 or 13
numerical columns.
:type filename: str or file
:param filename: ZMAP string, name of the file to be checked or open
file-like object.
:rtype: bool
:return: ``True`` if ZMAP file.
.. rubric:: Example
>>> _is_zmap('/path/to/zmap_events.txt')
if all(hasattr(filename, attr) for attr in ['tell', 'seek', 'read']):
# we got an open file
pos = filename.tell()
first_line = filename.readline()
if hasattr(first_line, 'decode'):
first_line = first_line.decode()
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
first_line = f.readline().decode()
except Exception:
first_line = filename.decode()
except Exception:
first_line = str(filename)
line_ending = first_line.find("\n")
if line_ending == -1:
return False
first_line = first_line[:line_ending]
# we expect 10 (standard) or 13 columns (extended)
columns = first_line.split('\t')
if len(columns) not in [10, 13]:
return False
# only numerical values are allowed (including NaN)
[float(col) for col in columns]
return True
except ValueError:
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest