Source code for obspy.clients.filesystem.tsindex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
obspy.clients.filesystem.tsindex - EarthScope TSIndex Client and Indexer

The obspy.clients.filesystem.tsindex module includes a timeseries extraction
:class:`Client` class for a database created by the EarthScope
`mseedindex <>`_ program, as well as,
a :class:`Indexer` class to create a SQLite3 database, following the
EarthScope `tsindex database schema

    Nick Falco, Chad Trabant, EarthScope (former IRIS) Data Services, 2024
    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3

.. contents:: Contents
    :depth: 2

Client Usage

The first step is always to initialize a client object.

.. highlight:: python

>>> from obspy.clients.filesystem.tsindex import Client
>>> from obspy.clients.filesystem.tests.test_tsindex \
...     import get_test_data_filepath
>>> import os
>>> # for this example get the file path to test data
>>> filepath = get_test_data_filepath()
>>> db_path = os.path.join(filepath, 'timeseries.sqlite')
>>> # create a new Client instance
>>> client = Client(db_path, datapath_replace=("^", filepath))

The example below uses the test SQLite tsindex database included with ObsPy to
illustrate how to do the following:

* Determine what data is available in the tsindex database using
  and :meth:`~Client.get_availability()`, as
  well as, the percentage of data available using
* Request available timeseries data using
  :meth:`~Client.get_waveforms()` and

Determining Data Availability

* :meth:`~Client.get_availability_extent()`:
  Returns a list of (network, station, location, channel, earliest, latest)
  tuples that represent the full extent of available data. This example
  retrieves from the very small obspy test tsindex database a list of all
  available ("BHZ") channel extents from the Global Seismograph Network
  ("IU") for all times.

>>> extents = client.get_availability_extent(network="IU", channel="BHZ")
>>> for extent in extents:
...     print("{0:<3} {1:<6} {2:<3} {3:<4} {4} {5}".format(*extent))
IU  ANMO   10  BHZ  2018-01-01T00:00:00.019500Z 2018-01-01T00:00:59.994536Z
IU  COLA   10  BHZ  2018-01-01T00:00:00.019500Z 2018-01-01T00:00:59.994538Z

* :meth:`~Client.get_availability()`: Works in the same way as
  :meth:`~Client.get_availability_extent()` but returns a list of (network,
  station, location, channel, starttime, endtime) tuples representing
  contiguous time spans for selected channels and time ranges.

* :meth:`~Client.get_availability_percentage()`:
  Returns the tuple(float, int) of percentage of available data
  (``0.0`` to ``1.0``) and number of gaps/overlaps. Availability percentage is
  calculated relative to the provided ``starttime`` and ``endtime``.

>>> from obspy import UTCDateTime
>>> avail_percentage = client.get_availability_percentage(
...     "IU", "ANMO", "10", "BHZ",
...     UTCDateTime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 19500),
...     UTCDateTime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 1, 57, 994536))
>>> print(avail_percentage)
(0.5083705674817509, 1)

Requesting Timeseries Data

* :meth:`~Client.get_waveforms()`:
  This example illustrates how to request 1 second of available ("IU")
  timeseries data in the test tsindex database. Results are returned as a
  :class:`` object. See the
  method for information on how to make multiple requests at once.

>>> t = UTCDateTime("2018-01-01T00:00:00.019500")
>>> st = client.get_waveforms("IU", "*", "*", "BHZ", t, t + 1)
>>> st.plot()  # doctest: +SKIP

.. plot::

    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    from obspy.clients.filesystem.tsindex import Client
    from obspy.clients.filesystem.tests.test_tsindex \
        import get_test_data_filepath
    import os
    # for this example get the file path to test data
    filepath = get_test_data_filepath()
    db_path = os.path.join(filepath, 'timeseries.sqlite')
    # create a new Client instance
    client = Client(db_path, datapath_replace=("^", filepath))
    t = UTCDateTime("2018-01-01T00:00:00.019500")
    st = client.get_waveforms("IU", "*", "*", "BHZ", t, t + 1)

Indexer Usage

The :class:`~Indexer` provides a high level
API for indexing a directory tree of miniSEED files using the EarthScope
`mseedindex <>`_ software.

An important feature of this module is the ability to index data files
in parallel, making it convenient for indexing large data sets of many

Initialize an indexer object by supplying the root path to data to be indexed.

>>> from obspy.clients.filesystem.tsindex import Indexer
>>> from obspy.clients.filesystem.tests.test_tsindex \
...     import get_test_data_filepath
>>> # for this example get the file path to test data
>>> filepath = get_test_data_filepath()
>>> # create a new Indexer instance
>>> indexer = Indexer(filepath, filename_pattern='*.mseed')

Index a directory tree of miniSEED files by calling
:meth:``. By default this will
create a database called ``timeseries.sqlite`` in the current working
directory. The name of the index database can be changed by supplying the
``database`` parameter when instantiating the
:class:`~Indexer` object.

.. code-block:: python


import copyreg
import datetime
import logging
import os
import sqlalchemy as sa
import subprocess
import types

from collections import namedtuple
from glob import glob
from multiprocessing import Pool
from os.path import relpath
from sqlalchemy.exc import ResourceClosedError
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.pool import QueuePool

from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.clients.filesystem.miniseed import _MiniseedDataExtractor, \
from obspy.clients.filesystem.db import _get_tsindex_table, \
from import Stream
from obspy.core.util.decorator import deprecated_keywords

logger = logging.getLogger('obspy.clients.filesystem.tsindex')

[docs] def _pickle_method(m): """ Allows serializing of class and instance methods. """ if m.im_self is None: return getattr, (m.im_class, m.im_func.func_name) else: return getattr, (m.im_self, m.im_func.func_name)
copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method)
[docs] class Client(object): """ Time series extraction client for EarthScope tsindex database schema. """
[docs] @deprecated_keywords({"loglevel": None}) def __init__(self, database, datapath_replace=None, loglevel=None): """ Initializes the client. :type database: str or :class:`~TSIndexDatabaseHandler` :param database: Path to SQLite tsindex database or a TSIndexDatabaseHandler object :type datapath_replace: tuple(str, str) :param datapath_replace: A ``tuple(str, str)``, where any occurrence of the first value will be replaced with the second value in filename paths from the index. :param loglevel: DEPRECATED and without effect """ # setup handler for database if isinstance(database, str): self.request_handler = TSIndexDatabaseHandler( os.path.normpath(database)) elif isinstance(database, TSIndexDatabaseHandler): self.request_handler = database else: raise ValueError("database must be a string or " "TSIndexDatabaseHandler object.") # Create and configure the data extraction self.data_extractor = _MiniseedDataExtractor( dp_replace=datapath_replace)
[docs] def get_waveforms(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, merge=-1): """ Query tsindex database and read miniSEED data from local indexed directory tree. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. :type merge: int or None :param merge: Specifies, which merge operation should be performed on the stream before returning the data. Default (``-1``) means only a conservative cleanup merge is performed to merge seamless traces (e.g. when reading across day boundaries). See :meth:`Stream.merge() <>` for details. If set to ``None`` (or ``False``) no merge operation at all will be performed. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: A ObsPy :class:`` object containing requested timeseries data. """ query_rows = [(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime)] return self._get_waveforms(query_rows, merge)
[docs] def get_waveforms_bulk(self, query_rows, merge=-1): """ Query tsindex database and read miniSEED data from local indexed directory tree using a bulk request. :type query_rows: list(tuple(str, str, str, str, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`) :param query_rows: A list of tuples [(net, sta, loc, cha, starttime, endtime),...] containing information on what timeseries should be returned from the indexed archive. Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type merge: int or None :param merge: Specifies, which merge operation should be performed on the stream before returning the data. Default (``-1``) means only a conservative cleanup merge is performed to merge seamless traces (e.g. when reading across day boundaries). See :meth:`Stream.merge() <>` for details. If set to ``None`` (or ``False``) no merge operation at all will be performed. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: A ObsPy :class:`` object containing requested timeseries data. """ return self._get_waveforms(query_rows, merge)
[docs] def get_nslc(self, network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None, starttime=None, endtime=None): """ Get a list of tuples [(net, sta, loc, cha),...] containing information on what streams are included in the tsindex database. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. :rtype: list(tuple(str, str, str, str)) :returns: A list of tuples [(network, station, location, channel)...] containing information on what streams are included in the tsindex database. """ summary_rows = self._get_summary_rows(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime) nslc_list = [] for row in summary_rows: nslc = (, row.station, row.location, nslc_list.append(nslc) nslc_list.sort() return nslc_list
[docs] def get_availability_extent(self, network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None, starttime=None, endtime=None): """ Get a list of tuples [(network, station, location, channel, earliest, latest)] containing data extent info for time series included in the tsindex database. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. :rtype: list(tuple(str, str, str, str, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`)) :returns: A list of tuples [(network, station, location, channel, earliest, latest)...] containing data extent info for time series included in the tsindex database. """ summary_rows = self._get_summary_rows(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime) availability_extents = [] for row in summary_rows: extent = (, row.station, row.location,, UTCDateTime(row.earliest), UTCDateTime(row.latest)) availability_extents.append(extent) availability_extents.sort() return availability_extents
[docs] def get_availability(self, network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None, starttime=None, endtime=None, include_sample_rate=False, merge_overlap=False): """ Get a list of tuples [(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime),...] containing data availability info for time series included in the tsindex database. If ``include_sample_rate=True``, then a tuple containing the sample rate [(net, sta, loc, cha, start, end, sample_rate),...] is returned. If ``merge_overlap=True``, then all time spans that overlap are merged. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. :type include_sample_rate: bool :param include_sample_rate: If ``include_sample_rate=True``, then a tuple containing the sample rate [(net, sta, loc, cha, start, end, sample_rate),...] is returned. :type merge_overlap: bool :param merge_overlap: If ``merge_overlap=True``, then all time spans that overlap are merged. :rtype: list(tuple(str, str, str, str, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`)) :returns: A list of tuples [(network, station, location, channel, earliest, latest)...] representing contiguous time spans for selected channels and time ranges. """ tsindex_rows = self._get_tsindex_rows(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime) grouped_channels = {} for row in tsindex_rows: if include_sample_rate is True: # split on different sample rates when merging hash = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(, row.station, row.location,, row.samplerate) else: # ignore sample rate when merging hash = "{}_{}_{}_{}".format(, row.station, row.location, timespans = self._create_timespans_list(row.timespans) if grouped_channels.get(hash) is not None: if row.samplerate not in \ grouped_channels[hash]["samplerates"]: grouped_channels[hash]["samplerates"].append( row.samplerate) grouped_channels[hash]["timespans"].extend(timespans) else: grouped_channels[hash] = {} grouped_channels[hash]["samplerates"] = [row.samplerate] grouped_channels[hash]["timespans"] = timespans # sort timespans for _, channel_group in grouped_channels.items(): channel_group["timespans"].sort() # join timespans joined_avail_tuples = [] for sncl, channel_group in grouped_channels.items(): net, sta, loc, cha = sncl.split("_")[:4] samplerates = channel_group["samplerates"] timespans = channel_group["timespans"] avail_data = self._get_availability_from_timespans( net, sta, loc, cha, samplerates, include_sample_rate, merge_overlap, timespans ) # extend complete list of available data joined_avail_tuples.extend(avail_data) joined_avail_tuples.sort() return joined_avail_tuples
[docs] def get_availability_percentage(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime): """ Get percentage of available data. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. :rtype: tuple(float, int) :returns: Tuple of percentage of available data (``0.0`` to ``1.0``) and number of gaps/overlaps. """ avail = self.get_availability(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, merge_overlap=True) if not avail: return (0, 1) total_duration = endtime - starttime # sum up gaps in the middle gap_sum = 0 gap_count = 0 for idx, cur_ts in enumerate(avail[1:]): prev_ts = avail[idx] gap_count = gap_count + 1 gap_sum += cur_ts[4] - prev_ts[5] # check if we have a gap at start or end earliest = min([ts[4] for ts in avail]) latest = max([ts[5] for ts in avail]) if earliest > starttime: gap_sum += earliest - starttime gap_count += 1 if latest < endtime: gap_sum += endtime - latest gap_count += 1 return (1 - (gap_sum / total_duration), gap_count)
[docs] def has_data(self, network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None, starttime=None, endtime=None): """ Return whether there is data for a specified network, station, location, channel, starttime, and endtime combination. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. Defaults to minimum possible start date. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. Defaults to maximum possible end date. :rtype: bool :returns: Returns ``True`` if there is data in the index for a given network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime. """ if starttime is None: starttime = UTCDateTime(year=datetime.MINYEAR, month=1, day=1) if endtime is None: endtime = UTCDateTime(year=datetime.MAXYEAR, month=12, day=31) avail_percentage = self.get_availability_percentage(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime)[0] if avail_percentage > 0: return True else: return False
[docs] def _get_summary_rows(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime): """ Return a list of tuples [(net, sta, loc, cha, earliest, latest),...] containing information found in the tsindex_summary table. Information about the tsindex_summary schema may be found in the `mseedindex wiki <\ Database-Schema#suggested-time-series-summary-table>`_. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` """ query_rows = [(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime)] return self.request_handler._fetch_summary_rows(query_rows)
[docs] def _get_waveforms(self, query_rows, merge=-1): """ Query tsindex database and read miniSEED data from local indexed directory tree using a bulk request and return a :class:`` object containing the requested timeseries data. :type query_rows: list(tuple(str, str, str, str, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`)) :param query_rows: A list of tuples [(net, sta, loc, cha, starttime, endtime),...] containing information on what timeseries should be returned from the indexed archive. Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type merge: int or None :param merge: Specifies, which merge operation should be performed on the stream before returning the data. Default (``-1``) means only a conservative cleanup merge is performed to merge seamless traces (e.g. when reading across day boundaries). See :meth:`Stream.merge() <>` for details. If set to ``None`` (or ``False``) no merge operation at all will be performed. """ # Get the corresponding index DB entries index_rows = self.request_handler._fetch_index_rows(query_rows) total_bytes = 0 src_bytes = {} logger.debug("Starting data return") st = Stream(traces=[]) try: # Extract the data, writing each returned segment to the response for data_segment in self.data_extractor.extract_data(index_rows): bytes_written = data_segment.get_num_bytes() src_name = data_segment.get_src_name() if bytes_written > 0: st_segment = data_segment.read_stream() st += st_segment total_bytes += bytes_written src_bytes.setdefault(src_name, 0) src_bytes[src_name] += bytes_written except NoDataError: logger.debug("No data matched selection") logger.debug("Wrote {} bytes".format(total_bytes)) if merge: st.merge(merge) return st
[docs] def _get_tsindex_rows(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime): """ Return a list of tuples [(net, sta, loc, cha, quality... etc.),...] containing information found in the tsindex table. Information about the tsindex schema may be found in the `mseedindex wiki <\ Database-Schema#sqlite-schema-version-11>`_. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. """ query_rows = [(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime)] return self.request_handler._fetch_index_rows(query_rows)
[docs] def _get_availability_from_timespans(self, network, station, location, channel, samplerates, include_sample_rate, merge_overlap, timespans, _sncl_joined_avail_tuples=None): """ Recurse over a list of timespans, joining adjacent timespans, and merging if merge_overlaps is ``True``. Returns a list of tuples (network, station, location, channel, earliest, latest) representing available data. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. :type timespans: list :param timespans: List of timespan tuples. """ if _sncl_joined_avail_tuples is None: _sncl_joined_avail_tuples = [] sr = min(samplerates) if len(timespans) > 1: prev_ts = timespans.pop(0) cur_ts = timespans.pop(0) if merge_overlap is True and \ self._do_timespans_overlap(prev_ts, cur_ts) is True: # merge if overlapping timespans and merge_overlap # option is set to true merged_ts = self._create_timespan(prev_ts.earliest, cur_ts.latest) timespans.insert(0, merged_ts) return self._get_availability_from_timespans( network, station, location, channel, samplerates, include_sample_rate, merge_overlap, timespans, _sncl_joined_avail_tuples) elif self._are_timespans_adjacent(prev_ts, cur_ts, sr, 0.5): # merge if timespans are next to each other within # a 0.5 sample tolerance merged_ts = self._create_timespan(prev_ts.earliest, cur_ts.latest) timespans.insert(0, merged_ts) return self._get_availability_from_timespans( network, station, location, channel, samplerates, include_sample_rate, merge_overlap, timespans, _sncl_joined_avail_tuples) else: # timespan shouldn't be merged so add to list avail_tuple = self._create_avail_tuple( network, station, location, channel, prev_ts.earliest, prev_ts.latest, sr=sr if include_sample_rate else None) _sncl_joined_avail_tuples.append(avail_tuple) timespans.insert(0, cur_ts) return self._get_availability_from_timespans( network, station, location, channel, samplerates, include_sample_rate, merge_overlap, timespans, _sncl_joined_avail_tuples) else: # no other timespans to merge with cur_ts = timespans.pop(0) avail_tuple = self._create_avail_tuple( network, station, location, channel, cur_ts.earliest, cur_ts.latest, sr=sr if include_sample_rate else None) _sncl_joined_avail_tuples.append(avail_tuple) return _sncl_joined_avail_tuples
[docs] def _are_timespans_adjacent(self, ts1, ts2, sample_rate, tolerance=0.5): """ Checks whether or not two time span named tuples (e.g. NameTuple(earliest, latest)) are adjacent within a given tolerance. :type ts1: NamedTuple :param ts1: Earliest timespan. :type ts2: NamedTuple :param ts2: Latest timespan. :type sample_rate: int :param sample_rate: Sensor sample rate. :type tolerance: float :param tolerance: Tolerance in seconds to determine whether a adjacent timespan should be merged. """ # @40Hz sample period = 0.025 sample_period = 1. / float(sample_rate) expected_next = ts1.latest + sample_period # @40Hz tolerance = 0.0125 tolerance_amount = (tolerance*sample_period) actual_next = ts2.earliest if expected_next + tolerance_amount > actual_next and \ expected_next - tolerance_amount < actual_next: return True else: return False
[docs] def _do_timespans_overlap(self, ts1, ts2): """ Checks whether or not two time span named tuples (e.g. NameTuple(earliest, latest)) intersect with one another. :type ts1: :class:`collections.namedtuple` :param ts1: Earliest timespan. :type ts2: :class:`collections.namedtuple` :param ts2: Latest timespan. """ if ts1.earliest <= ts2.latest and \ ts1.latest >= ts2.earliest: return True else: return False
[docs] def _create_avail_tuple(self, network, station, location, channel, earliest, latest, sr=None): """ Returns a tuple representing available waveform data. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type earliest: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param earliest: Earliest date of timespan. :type latest: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param latest: Latest date of timespan. :type sr: float :param sr: Sensor sample rate (optional). """ if sr is not None: avail_record = (network, station, location, channel, UTCDateTime(float(earliest)), UTCDateTime(float(latest)), sr) else: avail_record = (network, station, location, channel, UTCDateTime(float(earliest)), UTCDateTime(float(latest))) return avail_record
[docs] def _create_timespan(self, earliest, latest): """ Create a ``TimeSpan`` named tuple object given a earliest and latest date. :param earliest: Earliest date of timespan. :param latest: Latest date of timespan. """ TimeSpan = namedtuple('TimeSpan', ['earliest', 'latest']) return TimeSpan(earliest, latest)
[docs] def _create_timespans_list(self, raw_timespans): """ Given a timespans string from the database, return a list of named tuples. :type raw_timespans: str :param raw_timespans: timespans field from tsindex database table. """ timespans = [] unparsed_timespans = \ raw_timespans.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",") for t in unparsed_timespans: earliest, latest = t.split(":") ts = self._create_timespan(float(earliest), float(latest)) timespans.append(ts) return timespans
[docs] class Indexer(object): """ Build an index for miniSEED data using EarthScope's mseedindex program. Recursively search for files matching ``filename_pattern`` starting from ``root_path`` and run ``index_cmd`` for each target file found that is not already in the index. After all new files are indexed a summary table is generated with the extents of each timeseries. """
[docs] @deprecated_keywords({"leap_seconds_file": None}) @deprecated_keywords({"loglevel": None}) def __init__(self, root_path, database="timeseries.sqlite", index_cmd='mseedindex', bulk_params=None, filename_pattern='*', parallel=5, leap_seconds_file=None, loglevel=None): """ Initializes the Indexer. :type root_path: str :param root_path: Root path to the directory structure to index. :type database: str or :class:`~TSIndexDatabaseHandler` :param database: Path to SQLite tsindex database or a TSIndexDatabaseHandler object. A database will be created if one does not already exists at the specified path. :type index_cmd: str :param index_cmd: Command to be run for each target file found that is not already in the index :type bulk_params: dict :param bulk_params: Dictionary of options to pass to ``index_cmd``. :type filename_pattern: str :param filename_pattern: Glob pattern to determine what files to index. :type parallel: int :param parallel: Max number of ``index_cmd`` instances to run in parallel. By default a max of 5 parallel process are run. :param loglevel: DEPRECATED and without effect :param leap_seconds_file: DEPRECATED and without effect """ self.index_cmd = index_cmd if bulk_params is None: bulk_params = {} self.bulk_params = bulk_params self.filename_pattern = filename_pattern self.parallel = parallel # setup handler for database if isinstance(database, str): self.request_handler = TSIndexDatabaseHandler(database) elif isinstance(database, TSIndexDatabaseHandler): self.request_handler = database else: raise ValueError("Database must be a string or " "TSIndexDatabaseHandler object.") self.root_path = os.path.abspath(root_path) if not os.path.isdir(self.root_path): raise OSError("Root path `{}` does not exists." .format(self.root_path))
[docs] def run(self, build_summary=True, relative_paths=False, reindex=False): """ Execute the file discovery and indexing. :type build_summary: bool :param build_summary: By default, a summary table is (re)generated containing the extents for each time series in the index. This can be turned off by setting `build_summary` to False. :type relative_paths: bool :param relative_paths: By default, the absolute path to each file is stored in the index. If ``relative_paths`` is True, the file paths will be relative to the ``root_path``. :type reindex: bool :param reindex: By default, files are not indexed that are already in the index and have not been modified. The ``reindex`` option can be set to ``True`` to force a re-indexing of all files regardless. """ if self._is_index_cmd_installed() is False: raise OSError( "Required program '{}' is not installed. Hint: Install " "mseedindex at" .format(self.index_cmd)) if self.request_handler.sqlite: self.request_handler._set_sqlite_pragma() try: file_paths = self.build_file_list(relative_paths, reindex) except OSError as error: print(error) return # always keep the original file paths as specified. absolute and # relative paths are determined in the build_file_list method self.bulk_params["-kp"] = None if self.bulk_params.get("-table") is None: self.bulk_params["-table"] = self.request_handler.tsindex_table if (self.bulk_params.get("-sqlite") is None and self.request_handler.sqlite and self.request_handler.database is not None): self.bulk_params['-sqlite'] = self.request_handler.database pool = Pool(processes=self.parallel) # run mseedindex on each file in parallel try: proccesses = [] for file_name in file_paths: logger.debug("Indexing file '{}'.".format(file_name)) proc = pool.apply_async(Indexer._run_index_command, args=(self.index_cmd, self.root_path, file_name, self.bulk_params)) proccesses.append(proc) pool.close() # Without timeout, cannot respond to KeyboardInterrupt. # Also need get to raise the exceptions workers may throw. for proc in proccesses: cmd, rc, out, err = proc.get(timeout=999999) if rc: logger.warning("FAIL [{0}] '{1}' out: '{2}' err: '{3}'" .format(rc, cmd, out, err)) pool.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning('Parent received keyboard interrupt.') if build_summary is True: logger.warning("Skipped building timeseries summary " "table since indexing was ended " "prematurely.") pool.terminate() else: if build_summary is True: self.request_handler.build_tsindex_summary()
[docs] def build_file_list(self, relative_paths=False, reindex=False): """ Create a list of absolute paths to all files under ``root_path`` that match the ``filename_pattern``. :type relative_paths: bool :param relative_paths: By default, the absolute path to each file is stored in the index. If ``relative_paths`` is ``True``, then the file paths will be relative to the ``root_path``. :type reindex: bool :param reindex: If ``reindex`` is ``True``, then already indexed files will be reindexed. :rtype: list(str) :returns: A list of files under the ``root_path`` matching ``filename_pattern``. """ logger.debug("Building a list of files to index.") file_list = self._get_rootpath_files(relative_paths=False) # find relative file paths in case they are stored in the database as # relative paths. file_list_relative = self._get_rootpath_files(relative_paths=True) result = [] if reindex is False and self.request_handler.has_tsindex(): # remove any files already in the tsindex table unindexed_abs = [] unindexed_rel = [] tsindex = self.request_handler._fetch_index_rows() tsindex_filenames = [os.path.normpath(row.filename) for row in tsindex] for abs_fn, rel_fn in zip(file_list, file_list_relative): if abs_fn not in tsindex_filenames and \ rel_fn not in tsindex_filenames: unindexed_abs.append(abs_fn) unindexed_rel.append(rel_fn) if relative_paths is True: result = unindexed_rel else: result = unindexed_abs elif relative_paths is True: result = file_list_relative else: result = file_list if not result: raise OSError("No {}files matching filename pattern '{}' " "were found under root path '{}'." .format("unindexed " if reindex is False else "", self.filename_pattern, self.root_path)) return result
[docs] def _get_rootpath_files(self, relative_paths=False): """ Return a list of absolute paths to files under the rootpath that match the Indexers filename pattern """ file_list = [os.path.normpath(y) for x in os.walk(self.root_path) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], self.filename_pattern)) if os.path.isfile(y)] if relative_paths: file_list_relative = [] for abs_path in file_list: file_list_relative.append(os.path.normpath(relpath( abs_path, self.root_path))) return file_list_relative else: return file_list
[docs] def _is_index_cmd_installed(self): """ Checks if the index command (e.g. mseedindex) is installed. :rtype: bool :returns: Returns ``True`` if the ``index_cmd`` is installed. """ try:[self.index_cmd, "-V"]) except OSError: return False else: return True
[docs] @classmethod def _run_index_command(cls, index_cmd, root_path, file_name, bulk_params): """ Execute a command to perform indexing. :type index_cmd: str :param index_cmd: Name of indexing command to execute. Defaults to ``mseedindex``. :type file_name: str :param file_name: Name of file to index. :type bulk_params: dict :param bulk_params: Dictionary of options to pass to ``index_cmd``. """ try: cmd = [index_cmd] for option, value in bulk_params.items(): params = [option, value] cmd.extend(params) cmd.append(file_name) # boolean options have a value of None cmd = [c for c in cmd if c is not None] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=root_path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() return (index_cmd, proc.returncode, out.strip(), err.strip()) except Exception as err: msg = ("Error running command `{}` - {}" .format(index_cmd, err)) raise OSError(msg)
[docs] class TSIndexDatabaseHandler(object): """Supports direct tsindex database data access and manipulation. .. warning:: Direct use of this class is experimental. It cannot yet be used to support TSIndex operation on other databases. """
[docs] @deprecated_keywords({"loglevel": None}) def __init__(self, database=None, tsindex_table="tsindex", tsindex_summary_table="tsindex_summary", session=None, loglevel=None): """ Main query interface to timeseries index database. :type database: str :param database: Path to sqlite tsindex database :type tsindex_table: str :param tsindex_table: Name of timeseries index table :type tsindex_summary_table: str :param tsindex_summary_table: Name of timeseries index summary table :type session: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` :param session: An existing database session object. """ self.database = None self.tsindex_table = tsindex_table self.tsindex_summary_table = tsindex_summary_table self.TSIndexTable = _get_tsindex_table(self.tsindex_table) self.TSIndexSummaryTable = \ _get_tsindex_summary_table(self.tsindex_summary_table) if database and session: raise ValueError("Both a database path and an existing database " "session object were supplied. Supply one or " "the other but not both.") if session: self.session = session self.engine = session().get_bind() elif database: if isinstance(database, str): self.database = os.path.abspath(database) db_dirpath = os.path.dirname(self.database) if not os.path.exists(db_dirpath): raise OSError("Database path '{}' does not exist." .format(db_dirpath)) elif not os.path.isfile(self.database):"No SQLite database file exists at `{}`." .format(self.database)) else: raise ValueError("database must be a string.") db_path = "sqlite:///{}".format(self.database) self.engine = sa.create_engine(db_path, poolclass=QueuePool) self.session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) else: raise ValueError("Either a database path or an existing " "database session object must be supplied.") self.sqlite = True if 'sqlite' in \ else False
[docs] def get_tsindex_summary_cte(self): """ :rtype: `sqlalchemy.sql.expression.CTE` :returns: Returns a common table expression (CTE) containing the tsindex summary information. If a tsindex summary table has been created in the database it will be used as the source for the CTE, otherwise it will be created by querying the tsindex table directly as a, potentially slow, fallback method. """ session = self.session() tsindex_summary_cte_name = "tsindex_summary_cte" if self.has_tsindex_summary(): # get tsindex summary cte by querying tsindex_summary table tsindex_summary_cte = \ (session .query(self.TSIndexSummaryTable) .group_by(, self.TSIndexSummaryTable.station, self.TSIndexSummaryTable.location, .cte(name=tsindex_summary_cte_name) ) else: logger.warning("No {0} table found! A {0} " "CTE will be created by querying the {1} " "table, which could be slow!" .format(self.tsindex_summary_table, self.tsindex_table))"For improved performance create a permanent " "{0} table by running the " "TSIndexDatabaseHandler.build_tsindex_summary() " "instance method." .format(self.tsindex_summary_table)) # create the tsindex summary cte by querying the tsindex table. tsindex_summary_cte = \ (session .query(, self.TSIndexTable.station, self.TSIndexTable.location,, sa.func.min(self.TSIndexTable.starttime) .label("earliest"), sa.func.max(self.TSIndexTable.endtime) .label("latest"), sa.literal("updt") ) .group_by(, self.TSIndexTable.station, self.TSIndexTable.location, .cte(name=tsindex_summary_cte_name) ) return tsindex_summary_cte
[docs] def build_tsindex_summary(self): """ Builds a tsindex_summary table using the table name supplied to the Indexer instance (defaults to 'tsindex_summary'). """ # test if tsindex table exists if not self.has_tsindex(): raise ValueError("No tsindex table '{}' exists in database '{}'." .format(self.tsindex_table, self.database)) if self.has_tsindex_summary(): self.TSIndexSummaryTable.__table__.drop(self.engine) session = self.session() self.TSIndexSummaryTable.__table__.create(self.engine) rows = (session .query(, self.TSIndexTable.station, self.TSIndexTable.location,, sa.func.min(self.TSIndexTable.starttime) .label("earliest"), sa.func.max(self.TSIndexTable.endtime) .label("latest"), sa.literal(UTCDateTime().now().isoformat())) .group_by(, self.TSIndexTable.station, self.TSIndexTable.location, session.execute(self.TSIndexSummaryTable.__table__.insert(), [{'network': r[0], 'station': r[1], 'location': r[2], 'channel': r[3], 'earliest': r[4], 'latest': r[5], 'updt': r[6] } for r in rows]) session.commit()
[docs] def has_tsindex_summary(self): """ Returns ``True`` if there is a tsindex_summary table in the database. :rtype: bool :returns: Returns ``True`` if there a tsindex_summary table is present in the database. """ table_names = sa.inspect(self.engine).get_table_names() if self.tsindex_summary_table in table_names: return True else: return False
[docs] def has_tsindex(self): """ Returns ``True`` if there is a tsindex table in the database. :rtype: bool :returns: Returns ``True`` if there a tsindex table is present in the database. """ table_names = sa.inspect(self.engine).get_table_names() if self.tsindex_table in table_names: return True else: return False
[docs] def _fetch_index_rows(self, query_rows=None, bulk_params=None): ''' Fetch index rows matching specified request. This method is marked as private because the index schema is subject to change. :type query_rows: list(tuple(str, str, str, str, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`)) :param query_rows: List of tuples containing (net,sta,loc,chan,start, end). By default everything is selected. :type bulk_params: dict :param bulk_params: Dict of bulk parameters (e.g. quality) Request elements may contain '?' and '*' wildcards. The start and end elements can be a single '*' if not a date-time string. :rtype: list(tuple) :returns: Return rows as list of named tuples containing: (network, station, location, channel, quality, starttime, endtime, samplerate, filename, byteoffset, bytes, hash, timeindex, timespans, timerates, format, filemodtime, updated, scanned, requeststart, requestend). ''' session = self.session() if query_rows is None: query_rows = [] if bulk_params is None: bulk_params = {} query_rows = self._clean_query_rows(query_rows) request_cte_name = "raw_request_cte" result = [] # Create a CTE that contains the request try: stmts = [ sa.literal(a).label("network"), sa.literal(b).label("station"), sa.literal(c).label("location"), sa.literal(d).label("channel"), == '*', sa.literal('0000-00-00T00:00:00')), else_=sa.literal(e) ).label("starttime"), == '*', sa.literal('5000-00-00T00:00:00')), else_=sa.literal(f) ).label("endtime") ) for idx, (a, b, c, d, e, f) in enumerate(query_rows) ] requests = sa.union_all(*stmts) requests_cte = requests.cte(name=request_cte_name) wildcards = False for req in query_rows: for field in req: if '*' in str(field) or '?' in str(field): wildcards = True break summary_present = self.has_tsindex_summary() if wildcards and summary_present: # Resolve wildcards using summary if present to: # a) resolve wildcards, allows use of '=' operator # and table index # b) reduce index table search to channels that are # known included flattened_request_cte_name = 'flattened_request_cte' # expand flattened_request_cte = ( session .query(, self.TSIndexSummaryTable.station, self.TSIndexSummaryTable.location,, == '*', self.TSIndexSummaryTable.earliest), else_=requests_cte.c.starttime ).label('starttime'), == '*', self.TSIndexSummaryTable.latest), else_=requests_cte.c.endtime ).label('endtime')) .filter('GLOB') ( .filter(self.TSIndexSummaryTable.station.op('GLOB') (requests_cte.c.station)) .filter(self.TSIndexSummaryTable.location.op('GLOB') (requests_cte.c.location)) .filter('GLOB') ( .filter(self.TSIndexSummaryTable.earliest <= requests_cte.c.endtime) .filter(self.TSIndexSummaryTable.latest >= requests_cte.c.starttime) .order_by(, self.TSIndexSummaryTable.station, self.TSIndexSummaryTable.location,, self.TSIndexSummaryTable.earliest, self.TSIndexSummaryTable.latest) .cte(name=flattened_request_cte_name)) result = ( session .query(self.TSIndexTable, requests_cte.c.starttime, requests_cte.c.endtime) .filter( == .filter(self.TSIndexTable.station == flattened_request_cte.c.station) .filter(self.TSIndexTable.location == flattened_request_cte.c.location) .filter( == .filter(self.TSIndexTable.starttime <= flattened_request_cte.c.endtime) .filter(self.TSIndexTable.endtime >= flattened_request_cte.c.starttime) .order_by(, self.TSIndexTable.station, self.TSIndexTable.location,, self.TSIndexTable.starttime, self.TSIndexTable.endtime)) wildcards = False else: result = ( session .query(self.TSIndexTable, requests_cte.c.starttime, requests_cte.c.endtime ) .filter('GLOB') ( .filter(self.TSIndexTable.station.op('GLOB') (requests_cte.c.station)) .filter(self.TSIndexTable.location.op('GLOB') (requests_cte.c.location)) .filter('GLOB') ( .filter(self.TSIndexTable.starttime <= requests_cte.c.endtime) .filter(self.TSIndexTable.endtime >= requests_cte.c.starttime) .order_by(, self.TSIndexTable.station, self.TSIndexTable.location,, self.TSIndexTable.starttime, self.TSIndexTable.endtime)) except Exception as err: raise ValueError(str(err)) index_rows = [] try: for rt in result: # convert to a named tuple NamedRow = namedtuple('NamedRow', ['network', 'station', 'location', 'channel', 'quality', 'version', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'samplerate', 'filename', 'byteoffset', 'bytes', 'hash', 'timeindex', 'timespans', 'timerates', 'format', 'filemodtime', 'updated', 'scanned', 'requeststart', 'requestend']) row, requeststart, requestend = rt nrow = NamedRow(, row.station, row.location,, row.quality, row.version, row.starttime, row.endtime, row.samplerate, row.filename, row.byteoffset, row.bytes, row.hash, row.timeindex, row.timespans, row.timerates, row.format, row.filemodtime, row.updated, row.scanned, requeststart, requestend ) index_rows.append(nrow) except ResourceClosedError: pass # query returned no results logger.debug("Fetched %d index rows" % len(index_rows)) return index_rows
[docs] def _fetch_summary_rows(self, query_rows): ''' Fetch summary rows matching specified request. A temporary tsindex summary is created if one does not exists. This method is marked as private because the index schema is subject to change. Returns rows as list of named tuples containing: (network,station,location,channel,earliest,latest,updated) :type query_rows: list(tuple(str, str, str, str, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`)) :param query_rows: List of tuples containing (net,sta,loc,chan,start,end) Request elements may contain '?' and '*' wildcards. The start and end elements can be a single '*' if not a date-time string. :rtype: list(tuple) :returns: Return rows as list of named tuples containing: (network, station, location, channel, earliest, latest, updated). ''' session = self.session() query_rows = self._clean_query_rows(query_rows) tsindex_summary_cte = self.get_tsindex_summary_cte() # Create a CTE that contains the request try: request_cte_name = "request_cte" stmts = [ sa.literal(a).label("network"), sa.literal(b).label("station"), sa.literal(c).label("location"), sa.literal(d).label("channel"), == '*', sa.literal('0000-00-00T00:00:00')), else_=sa.literal(e) ).label("starttime"), == '*', sa.literal('5000-00-00T00:00:00')), else_=sa.literal(f) ).label("endtime") ) for idx, (a, b, c, d, e, f) in enumerate(query_rows) ] requests = sa.union_all(*stmts) requests_cte = requests.cte(name=request_cte_name) except Exception as err: raise ValueError(str(err)) # Select summary rows by joining with summary table try: # expand result = ( session .query(, tsindex_summary_cte.c.station, tsindex_summary_cte.c.location,, tsindex_summary_cte.c.earliest, tsindex_summary_cte.c.latest, tsindex_summary_cte.c.updt) .filter('GLOB') ( .filter(tsindex_summary_cte.c.station.op('GLOB') (requests_cte.c.station)) .filter(tsindex_summary_cte.c.location.op('GLOB') (requests_cte.c.location)) .filter('GLOB') ( .filter(tsindex_summary_cte.c.earliest <= requests_cte.c.endtime) .filter(tsindex_summary_cte.c.latest >= requests_cte.c.starttime) .order_by(, tsindex_summary_cte.c.station, tsindex_summary_cte.c.location,, tsindex_summary_cte.c.earliest, tsindex_summary_cte.c.latest)) except Exception as err: raise ValueError(str(err)) # Map raw tuples to named tuples for clear referencing NamedRow = namedtuple('NamedRow', ['network', 'station', 'location', 'channel', 'earliest', 'latest', 'updated']) summary_rows = [] try: for row in result: summary_rows.append(NamedRow(*row)) except ResourceClosedError: pass # query returned no results logger.debug("Fetched %d summary rows" % len(summary_rows)) return summary_rows
[docs] def _create_query_row(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime): """ Returns a tuple (network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime) with elements that have been formatted to match database entries. This allows for accurate comparisons when querying the database. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` """ # Replace "--" location ID request alias with true empty value if location == "--": location = "" if isinstance(starttime, UTCDateTime): starttime = starttime.isoformat() if isinstance(endtime, UTCDateTime): endtime = endtime.isoformat() return (network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime)
[docs] def _format_date(self, dt): try: if dt is None: dt = "*" else: dt = UTCDateTime(dt) except TypeError: raise TypeError("'{}' could not be converted to " "type 'UTCDateTime'.".format(dt)) return dt
[docs] def _clean_query_rows(self, query_rows): """ Reformats query rows to match what is stored in the database. :type query_rows: list(tuple(str, str, str, str, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`, :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`)) :param query_rows: List of tuples containing (network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime). """ flat_query_rows = [] if query_rows == []: # if an empty list is supplied then select everything select_all_query = self._create_query_row('*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*') flat_query_rows = [select_all_query] else: # perform some formatting on the query rows to ensure that they # query the database properly. for i, qr in enumerate(query_rows): query_rows[i] = self._create_query_row(*qr) # flatten query rows for req in query_rows: networks = (req[0].replace(" ", "").split(",") if req[0] else "*") stations = (req[1].replace(" ", "").split(",") if req[1] else "*") locations = (req[2].replace(" ", "").split(",") if req[2] else "*") channels = (req[3].replace(" ", "").split(",") if req[3] else "*") starttime = self._format_date(req[4]) endtime = self._format_date(req[5]) for net in networks: for sta in stations: for loc in locations: for cha in channels: qr = self._create_query_row(net, sta, loc, cha, starttime, endtime) flat_query_rows.append(qr) return flat_query_rows
[docs] def _set_sqlite_pragma(self): """ Setup a SQLite database for indexing. """ try: logger.debug('Setting up SQLite database {}'. format(self.database if self.database else "")) # setup the sqlite database session = self.session() # session.execute(sa.text('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON')) # as used by mseedindex session.execute(sa.text('PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = ON')) # enable Write-Ahead Log for better concurrency support session.execute(sa.text('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL')) except Exception: raise OSError("Failed to setup SQLite database for indexing.")
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)