Source code for obspy.core.util.testing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Testing utilities for ObsPy.

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import difflib
import doctest
import inspect
import io
import os
import re

import numpy as np
from lxml import etree


[docs] def compare_xml_strings(doc1, doc2): """ Simple helper function to compare two XML byte strings. :type doc1: bytes :type doc2: bytes """ obj1 = etree.fromstring(doc1).getroottree() obj2 = etree.fromstring(doc2).getroottree() buf = io.BytesIO() obj1.write_c14n(buf), 0) str1 = str1 = [_i.strip() for _i in str1.splitlines()] buf = io.BytesIO() obj2.write_c14n(buf), 0) str2 = str2 = [_i.strip() for _i in str2.splitlines()] unified_diff = difflib.unified_diff(str1, str2) err_msg = "\n".join(unified_diff) if err_msg: # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError("Strings are not equal.\n" + err_msg)
[docs] def remove_unique_ids(xml_string, remove_creation_time=False): """ Removes unique ID parts of e.g. 'publicID="..."' attributes from xml strings. :type xml_string: str :param xml_string: xml string to process :type remove_creation_time: bool :param xml_string: controls whether to remove 'creationTime' tags or not. :rtype: str """ prefixes = ["id", "publicID", "pickID", "originID", "preferredOriginID", "preferredMagnitudeID", "preferredFocalMechanismID", "referenceSystemID", "methodID", "earthModelID", "triggeringOriginID", "derivedOriginID", "momentMagnitudeID", "greensFunctionID", "filterID", "amplitudeID", "stationMagnitudeID", "earthModelID", "slownessMethodID", "pickReference", "amplitudeReference"] if remove_creation_time: prefixes.append("creationTime") for prefix in prefixes: xml_string = re.sub("%s='.*?'" % prefix, '%s=""' % prefix, xml_string) xml_string = re.sub('%s=".*?"' % prefix, '%s=""' % prefix, xml_string) xml_string = re.sub("<%s>.*?</%s>" % (prefix, prefix), '<%s/>' % prefix, xml_string) return xml_string
[docs] def get_all_py_files(): """ Return a list with full absolute paths to all .py files in ObsPy file tree. :rtype: list[str] """ util_dir = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())) obspy_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(util_dir))) py_files = set() # Walk the obspy directory structure for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(obspy_dir): py_files.update([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, i)) for i in filenames if i.endswith(".py")]) return sorted(py_files)
[docs] def create_diverse_catalog(): """ Create a catalog with a single event that has many features. Uses most the event related classes. """ # imports are here in order to avoid circular import issues import obspy.core.event as ev from obspy import UTCDateTime, Catalog # local dict for storing state state = dict(time=UTCDateTime('2016-05-04T12:00:01')) def _create_event(): event = ev.Event( event_type='mining explosion', event_descriptions=[_get_event_description()], picks=[_create_pick()], origins=[_create_origins()], station_magnitudes=[_get_station_mag()], magnitudes=[_create_magnitudes()], amplitudes=[_get_amplitudes()], focal_mechanisms=[_get_focal_mechanisms()], ) # set preferred origin, focal mechanism, magnitude preferred_objects = dict([-1].resource_id, focal_mechanism=event.focal_mechanisms[-1].resource_id, magnitude=event.magnitudes[-1].resource_id, ) for item, value in preferred_objects.items(): setattr(event, 'preferred_' + item + '_id', value) event.scope_resource_ids() return event def _create_pick(): # setup some of the classes creation = ev.CreationInfo( agency='SwanCo', author='Indago', creation_time=UTCDateTime(), version='10.10', author_url=ev.ResourceIdentifier('smi:local/'), ) pick = ev.Pick( time=state['time'], comments=[ev.Comment(x) for x in 'BOB'], evaluation_mode='manual', evaluation_status='final', creation_info=creation, phase_hint='P', polarity='positive', onset='emergent', back_azimith_errors={"uncertainty": 10}, slowness_method_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier('smi:local/slow'), backazimuth=122.1, horizontal_slowness=12, method_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier(), horizontal_slowness_errors={'uncertainty': 12}, filter_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier(), waveform_id=ev.WaveformStreamID('UU', 'FOO', '--', 'HHZ'), ) state['pick_id'] = pick.resource_id return pick def _create_origins(): ori = ev.Origin( resource_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier('smi:local/First'), time=UTCDateTime('2016-05-04T12:00:00'), time_errors={'uncertainty': .01}, longitude=-111.12525, longitude_errors={'uncertainty': .020}, latitude=47.48589325, latitude_errors={'uncertainty': .021}, depth=2.123, depth_errors={'uncertainty': 1.22}, depth_type='from location', time_fixed=False, epicenter_fixed=False, reference_system_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier(), method_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier(), earth_model_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier(), arrivals=[_get_arrival()], composite_times=[_get_composite_times()], quality=_get_origin_quality(), origin_type='hypocenter', origin_uncertainty=_get_origin_uncertainty(), region='US', evaluation_mode='manual', evaluation_status='final', ) state['origin_id'] = ori.resource_id return ori def _get_arrival(): return ev.Arrival( resource_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier('smi:local/Ar1'), pick_id=state['pick_id'], phase='P', time_correction=.2, azimuth=12, distance=10, takeoff_angle=15, takeoff_angle_errors={'uncertainty': 10.2}, time_residual=.02, horizontal_slowness_residual=12.2, backazimuth_residual=12.2, time_weight=.23, horizontal_slowness_weight=12, backazimuth_weight=12, earth_model_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier(), commens=[ev.Comment(x) for x in 'Nothing'], ) def _get_composite_times(): return ev.CompositeTime( year=2016, year_errors={'uncertainty': 0}, month=5, month_errors={'uncertainty': 0}, day=4, day_errors={'uncertainty': 0}, hour=0, hour_errors={'uncertainty': 0}, minute=0, minute_errors={'uncertainty': 0}, second=0, second_errors={'uncertainty': .01} ) def _get_origin_quality(): return ev.OriginQuality( associate_phase_count=1, used_phase_count=1, associated_station_count=1, used_station_count=1, depth_phase_count=1, standard_error=.02, azimuthal_gap=.12, ground_truth_level='GT0', ) def _get_origin_uncertainty(): return ev.OriginUncertainty( horizontal_uncertainty=1.2, min_horizontal_uncertainty=.12, max_horizontal_uncertainty=2.2, confidence_ellipsoid=_get_confidence_ellipsoid(), preferred_description="uncertainty ellipse", ) def _get_confidence_ellipsoid(): return ev.ConfidenceEllipsoid( semi_major_axis_length=12, semi_minor_axis_length=12, major_axis_plunge=12, major_axis_rotation=12, ) def _create_magnitudes(): return ev.Magnitude( resource_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier(), mag=5.5, mag_errors={'uncertainty': .01}, magnitude_type='Mw', origin_id=state['origin_id'], station_count=1, station_magnitude_contributions=[_get_station_mag_contrib()], ) def _get_station_mag(): station_mag = ev.StationMagnitude( mag=2.24, ) state['station_mag_id'] = station_mag.resource_id return station_mag def _get_station_mag_contrib(): return ev.StationMagnitudeContribution( station_magnitude_id=state['station_mag_id'], ) def _get_event_description(): return ev.EventDescription( text='some text about the EQ', type='earthquake name', ) def _get_amplitudes(): return ev.Amplitude( generic_amplitude=.0012, type='A', unit='m', period=1, time_window=_get_timewindow(), pick_id=state['pick_id'], scalling_time=state['time'], mangitude_hint='ML', scaling_time_errors=ev.QuantityError(uncertainty=42.0), ) def _get_timewindow(): return ev.TimeWindow( begin=1.2, end=2.2, reference=UTCDateTime('2016-05-04T12:00:00'), ) def _get_focal_mechanisms(): return ev.FocalMechanism( nodal_planes=_get_nodal_planes(), principal_axis=_get_principal_axis(), azimuthal_gap=12, station_polarity_count=12, misfit=.12, station_distribution_ratio=.12, moment_tensor=_get_moment_tensor(), ) def _get_nodal_planes(): return ev.NodalPlanes( nodal_plane_1=ev.NodalPlane(strike=12, dip=2, rake=12), nodal_plane_2=ev.NodalPlane(strike=12, dip=2, rake=12), preferred_plane=2, ) def _get_principal_axis(): return ev.PrincipalAxes( t_axis=15, p_axis=15, n_axis=15, ) def _get_moment_tensor(): return ev.MomentTensor( scalar_moment=12213, tensor=_get_tensor(), variance=12.23, variance_reduction=98, double_couple=.22, clvd=.55, iso=.33, source_time_function=_get_source_time_function(), data_used=[_get_data_used()], method_id=ev.ResourceIdentifier(), inversion_type='general', ) def _get_tensor(): return ev.Tensor( m_rr=12, m_rr_errors={'uncertainty': .01}, m_tt=12, m_pp=12, m_rt=12, m_rp=12, m_tp=12, ) def _get_source_time_function(): return ev.SourceTimeFunction( type='triangle', duration=.12, rise_time=.33, decay_time=.23, ) def _get_data_used(): return ev.DataUsed( wave_type='body waves', station_count=12, component_count=12, shortest_period=1, longest_period=20, ) events = [_create_event()] return Catalog(events=events)
[docs] def streams_almost_equal(st1, st2, default_stats=True, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=True): """ Return True if two streams are almost equal. :param st1: The first :class:`` object. :param st2: The second :class:`` object. :param default_stats: If True only compare the default stats on the traces, such as seed identification codes, start/end times, sampling_rates, etc. If False also compare extra stats attributes such as processing and format specific information. :param rtol: The relative tolerance parameter passed to :func:`~numpy.allclose` for comparing time series. :param atol: The absolute tolerance parameter passed to :func:`~numpy.allclose` for comparing time series. :param equal_nan: If ``True`` NaNs are evaluated equal when comparing the time series. :return: bool .. rubric:: Example 1) Changes to the non-default parameters of the :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Stats` objects of the stream's contained :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` objects will cause the streams to be considered unequal, but they will be considered almost equal. >>> from obspy import read >>> st1 = read() >>> st2 = read() >>> # The traces should, of course, be equal. >>> assert st1 == st2 >>> # Perform detrending on st1 twice so processing stats differ. >>> st1 = st1.detrend('linear') >>> st1 = st1.detrend('linear') >>> st2 = st2.detrend('linear') >>> # The traces are no longer equal, but are almost equal. >>> assert st1 != st2 >>> assert streams_almost_equal(st1, st2) 2) Slight differences in each trace's data will cause the streams to be considered unequal, but they will be almost equal if the differences don't exceed the limits set by the ``rtol`` and ``atol`` parameters. >>> from obspy import read >>> st1 = read() >>> st2 = read() >>> # Perturb the trace data in st2 slightly. >>> for tr in st2: ... *= (1 + 1e-6) >>> # The streams are no longer equal. >>> assert st1 != st2 >>> # But they are almost equal. >>> assert streams_almost_equal(st1, st2) >>> # Unless, of course, there is a large change. >>> st1[0].data *= 10 >>> assert not streams_almost_equal(st1, st2) """ from import Stream # Return False if both objects are not streams or not the same length. are_streams = isinstance(st1, Stream) and isinstance(st2, Stream) if not are_streams or not len(st1) == len(st2): return False # Kwargs to pass trace_almost_equal. tr_kwargs = dict(default_stats=default_stats, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan) # Ensure the streams are sorted (as done with the __equal__ method) st1_sorted = st1_sorted.sort() st2_sorted = st2_sorted.sort() # Iterate over sorted trace pairs and determine if they are almost equal. for tr1, tr2 in zip(st1_sorted, st2_sorted): if not traces_almost_equal(tr1, tr2, **tr_kwargs): return False # If any are not almost equal return None. return True
[docs] def traces_almost_equal(tr1, tr2, default_stats=True, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=True): """ Return True if the two traces are almost equal. :param tr1: The first :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object. :param tr2: The second :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object. :param default_stats: If True only compare the default stats on the traces, such as seed identification codes, start/end times, sampling_rates, etc. If False also compare extra stats attributes such as processing and format specific information. :param rtol: The relative tolerance parameter passed to :func:`~numpy.allclose` for comparing time series. :param atol: The absolute tolerance parameter passed to :func:`~numpy.allclose` for comparing time series. :param equal_nan: If ``True`` NaNs are evaluated equal when comparing the time series. :return: bool """ from obspy.core.trace import Trace # If other isnt a trace, or data is not the same len return False. if not isinstance(tr2, Trace) or len( != len( return False # First compare the array values try: # Use equal_nan if available all_close = np.allclose(,, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan) except TypeError: # This happens on very old versions of numpy. Essentially # we just need to handle NaN detection on our own, if equal_nan. is_close = np.isclose(,, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) if equal_nan: isnan = np.isnan( & np.isnan( else: isnan = np.zeros( all_close = np.all(isnan | is_close) # Then compare the stats objects stats1 = _make_stats_dict(tr1, default_stats) stats2 = _make_stats_dict(tr2, default_stats) return all_close and stats1 == stats2
[docs] def _make_stats_dict(tr, default_stats): """ Return a dict of stats from trace optionally including processing. """ from obspy.core.trace import Stats if not default_stats: return dict(tr.stats) return {i: tr.stats[i] for i in Stats.defaults}
if __name__ == '__main__': doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)