#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
GCF bindings to python
import ctypes
import math
import os
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import Stream, Trace, AttribDict
from obspy.core.util.libnames import _load_cdll
# supported sampling rates outside range 1-250 Hz
# key:value = samplingrate:fractional_time_denominator
_SPS_MAP = {
0.1: 1,
0.125: 1,
0.2: 1,
0.25: 1,
0.5: 1,
400: 8,
500: 2,
625: 5,
800: 16,
1000: 4,
1250: 5,
2000: 8,
2500: 10,
4000: 16,
5000: 20
# Unsupported sampling rates in range 1-250 Hz
_SPS_RESERVED = [157, 161, 162, 164, 167, 171, 174, 175, 176, 179, 181, 182,
191, 193, 194]
# Valid differential gains
_VALID_GAIN = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]
# Min/max data values
_GCF_MIN = -2147483648
_GCF_MAX = 2147483647
# Mapping between error codes set by reader and messages
-1: "data block %d is not a data block",
1: "stream ID in header of data block %d use extended system ID format",
2: "stream ID in header of data block %d use double-extended "
"system ID format",
3: "unknown compression in data block %d",
4: "to few/many data samples indicated in block header of data block %d",
5: "start time of first data sample in data block %d is negative",
9: "failure to decode header values of data block %d",
10: "failure to decode data block %d (last data != RIC)",
11: "1'st first difference != 0 in data block %d",
21: "failure to decode data block %d (last data != RIC, 1'st first "
"difference != 0)"
-2: IOError("failed to write to disc"),
-1: IOError("failed to open file to write to"),
1: ValueError("no data or inconsistent headers"),
2: ValueError("unsupported sampling rate"),
3: ValueError("bad fractional start time"),
4: ValueError("unsupported gain"),
5: ValueError("unsupported instrument type"),
6: ValueError("too long system_id"),
class _GcfSeg(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('streamID', ctypes.c_char * 7),
('systemID', ctypes.c_char * 7),
('start', ctypes.c_int32),
('t_numerator', ctypes.c_int),
('t_denominator', ctypes.c_int),
('t_leap', ctypes.c_int),
('gain', ctypes.c_int),
('sysType', ctypes.c_int),
('digi', ctypes.c_int),
('ttl', ctypes.c_int),
('blk', ctypes.c_int),
('err', ctypes.c_int),
('sps', ctypes.c_int),
('sps_denom', ctypes.c_int),
('compr', ctypes.c_int),
('FIC', ctypes.c_int32),
('RIC', ctypes.c_int32),
('n_data', ctypes.c_int32),
('n_alloc', ctypes.c_int32),
('data', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32))
class _GcfFile(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('n_blk', ctypes.c_int),
('n_seg', ctypes.c_int),
('n_alloc', ctypes.c_int),
('n_errHead', ctypes.c_int),
('n_errData', ctypes.c_int),
('seg', ctypes.POINTER(_GcfSeg))
def compatible_sps(sps):
Checks if a sampling rate is compatible with the GCF format
:type sps: float, int
:param sps: sampling rate to test
:rtype: bool
:returns: True if sampling rate is compatible else False
if not (isinstance(sps, int) or isinstance(sps, float)):
return False
if sps >= 1 and sps <= 250:
if int(sps)-sps != 0 or sps in _SPS_RESERVED:
return False
elif sps not in _SPS_MAP:
return False
return True
def get_time_denominator(sps):
Returns the time fractional offset denominator, d, associated with an
input sampling rate.
Any data written to a gcf file must have its first sample sampled at a
fractional time:
where 0 <= n < d
:type sps: float, int
:param sps: sampling rate (samples per second)
:rtype: int
:returns: fractional offset denominator, if 0 input sampling rate is not
compatible with implemented GCF format, if 1 first data sample must be
sampled in integer time
denom = 0
if compatible_sps(sps):
if sps <= 250:
denom = 1
denom = _SPS_MAP[sps]
return denom
def merge_gcf_stream(st):
Merges GCF stream (replacing Stream.merge(-1) for headonly=True)
:type st: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
:param st: GCF Stream object with no data
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
:returns: Stream object containing header and data.
traces = []
for tr in st:
delta = tr.stats.delta
starttime = tr.stats.starttime
endtime = tr.stats.endtime
for trace in traces:
if tr.id == trace.id and delta == trace.stats.delta \
and not starttime == trace.stats.starttime:
if 0 < starttime - trace.stats.endtime <= delta:
trace.stats.npts += tr.stats.npts
elif 0 < trace.stats.starttime - endtime <= delta:
trace.stats.starttime = UTCDateTime(starttime)
trace.stats.npts += tr.stats.npts
return Stream(traces=traces)
def _is_gcf(filename):
Checks whether a file is GCF or not.
:type filename: str
:param filename: path to GCF file to be checked.
:rtype: bool
:return: True if a object pointed to by path is a GCF file.
if not os.path.isfile(filename) or os.path.getsize(filename) % 1024:
# File either does not point at a file object or file is not of
# proper size
return False
# Load shared library
gcf_io = _load_cdll("gcf")
# declare function argument and return types
gcf_io.read_gcf.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p,
gcf_io.read_gcf.restype = ctypes.c_int
gcf_io.free_GcfFile.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(_GcfFile)]
gcf_io.free_GcfFile.restype = None
# Decode first block
obj = _GcfFile()
b_filename = filename.encode('utf-8')
ret = gcf_io.read_gcf(b_filename, obj, 3)
if ret or (obj.n_errHead and obj.seg[0].err not in (10, 11, 21)) \
or obj.n_errData:
return False
except Exception:
return False
# release allocated memory
return True
def _read_gcf(filename, headonly=False, network='', station='',
location='', channel_prefix='HH', blockmerge=True,
cleanoverlap=True, errorret=False, **kwargs):
Reads a GCF file and returns a :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
Only GCF data records are supported. Function supports format as described
by GCF Reference
`SWA-RFC-GCFR Issue F, December 2021
.. warning::
This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.stream.read` function, call this instead.
.. rubric:: Exceptions
Function will raise ``IOError`` on problems to read file
.. rubric:: GCF header data
GCF specific meta data will be set for each
:class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object in the returned
:class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object under attribute
``stats.gcf``, more precisely the following attributes will be set:
``stats.gcf.system_id`` : str
system_id set in block header
``stats.gcf.stream_id`` : str
6-character stream_id set in block, typically consists of:
(4-character unitID) + (1-character orientation code) + (int,
``stats.gcf.sys_type`` : int
system_id type:
``0`` - regular
``1`` - extended
``2`` - double extended
``stats.gcf.t_leap`` : bool
1 if block start at leap second, else 0
``stats.gcf.gain`` : int
variable gain setting (if ``-1`` not used)
``stats.gcf.digi`` : int
digitizer type, combine with ``stats.gcf.sys_type`` to find the
digitizer according to:
================== ============== ===========================
stats.gcf.sys_type stats.gcf.digi digitizer
================== ============== ===========================
0 0 unknown (probably DM24 Mk2)
1 0 DM24
1 1 CD24
2 0 Affinity
2 1 Minimus
================== ============== ===========================
``stats.gcf.ttl`` : int
tap-table-lookup to retrieve sequence of decimation filters
used (see GCF reference linked above for further info)
``stats.gcf.blk`` : int
Lowest block number in gcf file of blocks included in trace
(count start at 0)
``stats.gcf.FIC`` : int
Forward Integration Constant (i.e. first data value)
``stats.gcf.RIC`` : int
Reverse Integration Constant (ideally last data value)
``stats.gcf.stat`` : int
Status code, available codes are:
==== ==========================================================
code description
==== ==========================================================
-1 not a data block
0 no detected block issues
1 stream ID use extended system ID format
2 stream ID use double-extended system ID format
3 unknown compression
4 to few/many data samples indicated in block header
5 start of first data sample is negative
9 failure to decode header values
10 failure to decode data values (last data != RIC, may be
due to bad RIC!!!)
11 first first difference != 0 (may not be critical!!!)
21 status codes 10 + 11
==== ==========================================================
.. rubric:: Example
>>> from obspy import read
>>> st = read("/path/to/20160603_1955n.gcf", format="GCF")
:type filename: str or :class:`~pathlib.Path`
:param filename: path to GCF file to read
:type headonly: bool, optional
:param headonly: if True only read block headers
:type network: str, optional
:param network: network code to use
:type station: str, optional
:param station: station code to use, if not specified unitID in gcf header
will be used (first 4 characters in stream_id)
:type location: str, optional
:param location: location code to use
:type channel_prefix: str, optional
:param channel_prefix: 2-character channel prefix to use (e.g. ``"HH"`` for
a high-gain seismometer sampled at 200 Hz)
:type blockmerge: bool, optional
:param blockmerge: if True merge blocks if aligned
:type cleanoverlap: bool, optional
:param cleanoverlap: ignored if blockmerge is False, if True, remove
overlapping identical data prior to merging blocks, if False
overlapping blocks will not be merged even if data in overlap is
:type errorret: bool, optional
:param errorret: if ``True`` block and header issues will be set in
trace.stats.gcf.stat for each :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
object in returned :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object, else
function will raise raise an ``IOError`` with an appropriate
error message
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
:returns: Stream object
if isinstance(filename, Path):
filename = str(filename)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise IOError("file %s could not be located (erroneous path?)"
% (filename))
stream = None
# Load shared library
gcf_io = _load_cdll("gcf")
# declare function argument and return types
gcf_io.read_gcf.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p,
gcf_io.read_gcf.restype = ctypes.c_int
gcf_io.free_GcfFile.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(_GcfFile)]
gcf_io.free_GcfFile.restype = None
# set reader mode
if headonly:
if not blockmerge:
mode = -2
mode = -1
if not blockmerge:
mode = 2
elif not cleanoverlap:
mode = 1
mode = 0
# read file
obj = _GcfFile()
b_filename = filename.encode('utf-8')
ret = gcf_io.read_gcf(b_filename, obj, mode)
if ret == -1:
if os.path.isfile(filename):
raise IOError("cannot open file %s in read mode (missing "
"read permissions for user?)" % (filename))
raise IOError("%s is not a file" % (filename))
elif ret == 1:
raise IOError("file %s is not a GCF data file" % (filename))
elif ret:
raise IOError("failed to read file %s (unknown error code %d "
"returned)" % (filename, ret))
err_msg = ""
# So far so good, set up trace objects
traces = []
for i in range(int(obj.n_seg)):
if obj.seg[i].err and not errorret:
err_msg = _ERRORMSG_READ.get(
"unknown error code (%d) set for data block %%d" %
) % (i+1)
chn = obj.seg[i].streamID.decode('utf-8')[-2]
channel = channel_prefix + chn.upper()
if headonly or obj.seg[i].n_data <= 0:
data = None
data = np.array(obj.seg[i].data[:obj.seg[i].n_data],
sps = obj.seg[i].sps*1./obj.seg[i].sps_denom
dt = obj.seg[i].t_leap
start = obj.seg[i].start+obj.seg[i].t_numerator * \
def_stat = obj.seg[i].streamID[:4].decode('utf-8')
stats = {
"network": network,
"station": station if station else def_stat,
"location": location,
"channel": channel,
"sampling_rate": sps,
"starttime": UTCDateTime(start),
"npts": obj.seg[i].n_data,
"gcf": AttribDict({
"system_id": obj.seg[i].systemID.decode('utf-8'),
"stream_id": obj.seg[i].streamID.decode('utf-8'),
"sys_type": obj.seg[i].sysType,
"t_leap": True if obj.seg[i].t_leap else False,
"gain": obj.seg[i].gain,
"digi": obj.seg[i].digi,
"ttl": obj.seg[i].ttl,
"blk": obj.seg[i].blk,
"FIC": obj.seg[i].FIC,
"RIC": obj.seg[i].RIC,
"stat": obj.seg[i].err
if data is not None:
traces.append(Trace(data=data, header=stats))
# Set up the stream object
if not err_msg:
stream = Stream(traces=traces)
# Free memory allocated by the C-function
if err_msg:
raise IOError(err_msg)
return stream
def _write_gcf(stream, filename, stream_id=None, system_id=None, is_leap=False,
gain=None, ttl=None, digi=None, sys_type=None, misalign=0.1,
Writes a :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` or a
:class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` to a GCF file
Only GCF data records are supported. Function supports format as described
by `GCF Reference <https://www.guralp.com/apps/ok?doc=GCF_format>`_
SWA-RFC-GCFR Issue F, December 2021.
.. warning::
This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.stream.write` function, call this
.. note::
Sampling rate is restricted, most sampling rates between 1-250 samples
per second (minus a few exceptions)are supported, for greater or lower
sampling rates format support can be checked with function
First data sample in each trace may only be sampled at non-integer
second if sampling rate > 250. For sampling rates > 250 first data
sample in each trace must start at an integer nominator of the
denominator associated with the ampling rate. e.g. for a sampling rate
of 1000 samples per second the associated denominator is 4 hence first
data sample must be sampled at either ss.00 (0/4), ss.25 (1/4), ss.50
(2/4), or ss.75 (3/4). Use function :func:`get_time_denominator` to get
the associated denominator.
The GCF format is only guaranteed to support 32-bit signed integer
values. While data with values out of range may be properly stored in
the GCF format (if first and last data sample can be represented as a
32-bit signed integer as well as all first difference values of the
data vector) the current implementaion only permitts input data to be
representable as a 32-bit signed integer. If input waveforms cannot be
representable as 32-bit signed integers they will be clipped at
-2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647
.. rubric:: Exceptions
``TypeError`` will be raised upon unsupported input, ``IOError`` will
be raised upon failure to output file
.. rubric:: Example
>>> st.write('GCF-filename.gcf', format='GCF') # doctest: +SKIP
:type stream: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` or
:param stream: waveform to write to file,
:type filename: str
:param filename: path to GCF file to read
:type stream_id: str
:param stream_id: 6-character stream ID, first 4 characters (the unit ID)
should be in the range 0-9, A-Z fifth character should be the
orientation code (e.g. Z, N, E) and the last character an integer
yielding the tap the data were output from in the digitizer. If not
specified stream_id will be taken from ``stats.gcf.stream_id`` for each
:class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object in the input
:class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object if present else stream_id
will be constructed as:
``stats.station.ljust(4, x)[:4]+stats.channel[-1]+'0'``
:type system_id: str
:param system_id: 4- to 6-character SysID (4 if ``sys_type`` is 2, 5 if
``sys_type`` is 1 and 6 if ``sys_type`` is 0). If not specified
system_id will be taken from ``stats.gcf.system_id`` for each
:class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object in the input
:class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object and if present else system_id
will be extracted from ``stream_id`` starting from first character.
:type is_leap: int
:param is_leap: should be set to ``True`` if first sample is sampled at an
integer second that is a leap second. If not specified value will be
taken from ``stats.gcf.t_leap`` for each
:class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object in the input
:class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` if present else the default value
is ``0``
:type gain: int
:param gain: digitizer gain (permitted values are 2^n; n <= 6, and -1 if
combined with ``sys_type`` = 0), if not specified gain will be taken
from ``stats.gcf.gain`` for each :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
object in the input :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object if
present else the default value is ``0``.
:type ttl: int
:param ttl: tap-table-lookup reference. if not specified ttl will be
taken from t``stats.gcf.gain`` for each
:class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object in the input
:class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object if present else the default
value is ``0``
:type digi: int
:param digi: digitizer type (permitted values are 0 or 1), if not
specified type will be taken from ``stats.gcf.digi`` for each
:class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object in the input
:class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object if present else the default
value is ``0``
:type sys_type: int
:param sys_type: system_id type (permitted values are 0, 1, or 2), if not
specified sys_type will be taken from ``stats.gcf.sys_type`` for each
:class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object in the input
:class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream` object if present else the default
value is ``0``
:type misalign: float
:param misalign: fraction of a sampling interval (permitted range is
0-0.5) of tolerated misalignment of starttime. If not specified
default value is ``0.1``
# avoid altering input object
stream = stream.copy()
# Make sure we have a Stream or Trace object
if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
if not isinstance(stream, Trace):
raise TypeError("write requires either a Stream or a Trace object")
stream = Stream(traces=stream)
# Check output path
if os.path.exists(filename) and not os.path.isfile(filename):
IOError("path %s exists but is not a file object" % (filename))
d, f = os.path.split(filename)
if d and not os.path.exists(d):
except Exception:
raise IOError("failed to create output directorie(s) %s" % (d))
# check misalign parameter for supported range
if misalign < 0 or misalign > 0.5:
raise TypeError("argument misalign out of range (permitted range "
"0 - 0.5)")
ret = 0
# Load shared library
gcf_io = _load_cdll("gcf")
# declare function argument and return types
gcf_io.write_gcf.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.POINTER(_GcfFile)]
gcf_io.write_gcf.restype = ctypes.c_int
# prepare the GcfFile object
obj = _GcfFile()
obj.n_seg = len(stream)
obj.seg = (_GcfSeg * obj.n_seg)()
obj.n_alloc = obj.n_seg
ctypes.cast(obj.seg, ctypes.POINTER(_GcfSeg))
for i, trace in enumerate(stream):
gcf_stats = trace.stats.gcf if hasattr(trace.stats, 'gcf') \
else None
# Input checks, all of these are checked in the C-writer function
# but still duplicated here for clarity and ease of formatting
# proper exception messages
# Check data type
if not isinstance(trace.data[0], np.int32):
if np.any(trace.data > _GCF_MAX) or \
np.any(trace.data < _GCF_MIN):
msg = ('some samples were exceeding the data range that '
'GCF format can store (signed 32-bit integer), so '
'the data written to file will be clipped')
trace.data = trace.data.clip(_GCF_MIN, _GCF_MAX)
data = np.require(trace.data, dtype=np.int32,
if not np.all(data == trace.data):
msg = ('data was downcast to int32 and data was altered '
'by this operation')
trace.data = data
trace.data = np.ascontiguousarray(trace.data)
# Check sampling rate
sps_denom = 1
if not compatible_sps(trace.stats.sampling_rate):
sps = ".3f" % (trace.stats.sampling_rate) if \
trace.stats.sampling_rate < 1 else \
"%d" % (trace.stats.sampling_rate)
raise ValueError("trace sampling rate, %s, in trace %d not "
"supported in GCF format" % (sps, i+1))
sps = trace.stats.sampling_rate
if sps < 1:
if sps < 0.12:
sps_denom = 10
elif sps < 0.19:
sps_denom = 8
elif sps < 0.24:
sps_denom = 5
elif sps < 0.49:
sps_denom = 4
sps_denom = 2
sps = 1
sps = int(sps)
# check start time
sec = trace.stats.starttime.timestamp
t_numerator = 0
if sps <= 250:
# fractional start time not supported, allow for rounding of
# up 10% of the sampling interval
# hmm is this enough for sampling rates < 1 Hz
start = int(round(sec))
if abs(start-sec) > 1./sps*misalign:
raise ValueError("fractional start time not supported for "
"sampling rates <= 250 Hz (in trace %d)" %
# fractional start time supported but restricted, allow for
# 10% misalignment
start = int(math.floor(sec))
dt = sec-start
t_denom = _SPS_MAP[sps]
numerator = dt*t_denom
t_numerator = int(round(numerator))
if abs(numerator-t_numerator)/t_denom > misalign/sps:
raise ValueError("start time in trace %d not aligned with "
"supported (fractional) start time" %
# Check if is_leap is set else set
use_is_leap = 0
if is_leap is not None:
use_is_leap = 1 if is_leap else 0
elif hasattr(gcf_stats, "is_leap"):
use_is_leap = 1 if gcf_stats.is_leap else 0
# Check if gain is set else set
use_gain = 0
gain_in_stats = False
if gain is not None:
use_gain = gain
elif hasattr(gcf_stats, "gain"):
gain_in_stats = True
use_gain = gcf_stats.gain
if use_gain not in _VALID_GAIN:
if gain is None:
gains = ', '.join(["%d" % g for g in _VALID_GAIN])
raise ValueError("bad value on stats.gcf.gain, %s, in "
"stats.gcf in trace %d (permitted values:"
" %s)" % (use_gain, i+1, gains))
gains = ', '.join(["%d" % g for g in _VALID_GAIN])
raise ValueError("bad value on argument gain, %s "
"(permitted values: %s)" %
(use_gain, gains))
# Check if ttl is set else set
use_ttl = 0
if ttl is not None:
use_ttl = ttl
elif hasattr(gcf_stats, "ttl"):
use_ttl = gcf_stats.ttl
# Check if type is set else set
use_digi = 0
if digi is not None:
use_digi = digi
elif hasattr(gcf_stats, "digi"):
use_digi = gcf_stats.digi
if use_digi not in [0, 1]:
if digi is None:
raise ValueError("bad value on stats.gcf.digi, %s, in "
"trace %d (permitted values: 0, 1)" %
(use_digi, i+1))
raise ValueError("bad value on argument digi, %s "
"(permitted values: 0, 1)" % (use_digi))
# Check if sys_type is set else set
use_sys_type = 0
st_in_stats = False
if sys_type is not None:
use_sys_type = sys_type
elif hasattr(gcf_stats, "sys_type"):
st_in_stats = True
use_sys_type = gcf_stats.sys_type
if use_sys_type not in [0, 1, 2]:
if digi is None:
raise ValueError("bad value on stats.gcf.digi, %s, in "
"trace %d (permitted values: 0, 1, 2)"
% (use_sys_type, i+1))
raise ValueError("bad value on argument digi, %s, "
"in trace %d (permitted values: 0, 1, 2)"
% (use_sys_type, i+1))
elif use_sys_type != 0 and use_gain == -1:
if gain_in_stats and st_in_stats:
raise ValueError(
"value -1 on stats.gcf.gain may only be "
"combined with value 0 on "
"stats.gcf.sys_type (in trace %s)" % (i+1))
elif gain_in_stats:
raise ValueError("value -1 on stats.gcf.gain may only be "
"combined with value 0 on argument "
"sys_type (in trace %s)" % (i+1))
elif st_in_stats:
raise ValueError(
"value -1 on argument gain may only be "
"combined with value 0 on "
"stats.gcf.sys_type (in trace %s)" % (i+1))
raise ValueError("value -1 on argument gain may only be "
"combined with value 0 on argument "
# Check if stream_id is set else build
if stream_id is not None:
use_stream_id = stream_id
elif gcf_stats is not None and hasattr(gcf_stats, "stream_id"):
use_stream_id = gcf_stats.stream_id.upper()
use_stream_id = (trace.stats.station.ljust(4, "X")[:4] +
if trace.stats.channel
else 'X')+'0').upper()
if len(use_stream_id) != 6:
if stream_id is None:
raise ValueError("bad value on stats.gcf.stream_id, %s, "
"in trace %d (must be 6-character long)" %
(use_stream_id, i+1))
raise ValueError(
"bad value on argument stream_id, %s (must"
" be 6-character long)" % (use_stream_id))
# Check if system_id is set else set
len_system_id = 6 if use_sys_type == 0 \
else (5 if use_sys_type == 1 else 4)
use_system_id = use_stream_id[:len_system_id]
si_in_stats = False
if system_id is not None:
use_system_id = system_id.upper()
elif gcf_stats is not None and hasattr(gcf_stats, "system_id"):
si_in_stats = True
use_system_id = gcf_stats.system_id.upper()
if len(use_system_id) > len_system_id:
if st_in_stats and si_in_stats:
raise ValueError("stats.gcf.system_id not compatible with "
"stats.gcf.sys_type in trace %d (max "
"length %d characters )" %
(i+1, len_system_id))
elif st_in_stats:
raise ValueError("argument system_id not compatible with "
"stats.gcf.sys_type in trace %d (max "
"length %d characters )" %
(i+1, len_system_id))
elif si_in_stats:
raise ValueError("stats.gcf.system_id not compatible with "
"argument sys_type in trace %d (max length"
" %d characters )" % (i+1, len_system_id))
raise ValueError("argument system_id not compatible with "
"argument sys_type (max length %d "
"characters )" % (len_system_id))
# Populate segment
tr = _GcfSeg()
tr.streamID = use_stream_id.encode('utf-8')
tr.systemID = use_system_id.encode('utf-8')
tr.start = start
tr.t_numerator = t_numerator
tr.t_leap = use_is_leap
tr.gain = use_gain
tr.sysType = use_sys_type
tr.digi = use_digi
tr.ttl = use_ttl
tr.sps = sps
tr.sps_denom = sps_denom
tr.n_data = trace.data.size
tr.n_alloc = trace.data.size
tr.data = trace.data.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32))
# Add segment to file object
obj.seg[i] = tr
# Write to file
ret = gcf_io.write_gcf(filename.encode('utf-8'), obj)
if ret == 0:
elif ret in _ERROR_WRITE:
raise _ERROR_WRITE['ret']
raise IOError("unknown error code %d" % (ret))