============ API Overview ============ ObsPy's functionality is provided through the following packages. .. rubric:: General Packages *This section lists the core package that ties everything together as well as other general packages and packages that don't fit it any of the other categories.* .. autosummary:: :toctree: . :nosignatures: obspy.core obspy.geodetics obspy.imaging obspy.realtime obspy.signal obspy.taup .. rubric:: Scripts *All command-line scripts shipping with ObsPy.* .. autosummary:: :template: script.rst :toctree: autogen :nosignatures: obspy.scripts.flinnengdahl obspy.scripts.runtests obspy.scripts.reftekrescue obspy.scripts.print obspy.scripts.sds_html_report obspy.imaging.scripts.scan obspy.imaging.scripts.plot obspy.imaging.scripts.mopad obspy.io.mseed.scripts.recordanalyzer obspy.io.xseed.scripts.dataless2xseed obspy.io.xseed.scripts.xseed2dataless obspy.io.xseed.scripts.dataless2resp .. rubric:: Database or Web Service Access Clients *All ObsPy clients enabling remote and local access to data.* .. autosummary:: :toctree: . :nosignatures: obspy.clients.earthworm obspy.clients.fdsn obspy.clients.filesystem obspy.clients.iris obspy.clients.neic obspy.clients.nrl obspy.clients.seedlink obspy.clients.syngine .. rubric:: Waveform Import/Export Plug-ins .. warning:: In most cases these modules do not need to be called directly. They register via the central ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.stream.read` function - call this instead. **Usage Example:** .. code-block:: python import obspy # Format will be detected automatically. st = obspy.read("/path/to/file") # Many formats can also be written out - just use the module name. st.write("/path/to/outfile", format="mseed") .. autosummary:: :toctree: . :nosignatures: obspy.io.ah obspy.io.alsep obspy.io.ascii obspy.io.css obspy.io.cybershake obspy.io.dmx obspy.io.gcf obspy.io.gse2 obspy.io.kinemetrics obspy.io.mseed obspy.io.nied.knet obspy.io.pdas obspy.io.reftek obspy.io.rg16 obspy.io.sac obspy.io.seisan obspy.io.seg2 obspy.io.segy obspy.io.sh obspy.io.wav obspy.io.win obspy.io.y .. rubric:: Event Data Import/Export Plug-ins .. warning:: In most cases these modules do not need to be called directly. They register via the central ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function - call this instead. **Usage Example:** .. code-block:: python import obspy # Format will be detected automatically. cat = obspy.read_events("/path/to/file") # Many formats can also be written out - just use the module name. cat.write("/path/to/outfile", format="quakeml") .. autosummary:: :toctree: . :nosignatures: obspy.io.cmtsolution obspy.io.cnv obspy.io.csv obspy.io.focmec obspy.io.gse2 obspy.io.hypodd obspy.io.iaspei obspy.io.json obspy.io.kml obspy.io.ndk obspy.io.nied.fnetmt obspy.io.nied.knet obspy.io.nlloc obspy.io.nordic obspy.io.pde obspy.io.quakeml obspy.io.scardec obspy.io.seiscomp obspy.io.shapefile obspy.io.zmap .. rubric:: Inventory Data Import/Export Plug-ins .. warning:: In most cases these modules do not need to be called directly. They register via the central ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.read_inventory` function - call this instead. **Usage Example:** .. code-block:: python import obspy # Format will be detected automatically. inv = obspy.read_inventory("/path/to/file") # Many formats can also be written out - just use the module name. inv.write("/path/to/outfile", format="stationxml") .. autosummary:: :toctree: . :nosignatures: obspy.io.css obspy.io.kml obspy.io.sac.sacpz obspy.io.seiscomp obspy.io.shapefile obspy.io.stationtxt obspy.io.stationxml obspy.io.xseed