#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Base class for all FDSN routers.
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
Celso G Reyes, 2017
EarthScope (former IRIS-DMC)
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
import decorator
import io
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import obspy
from obspy.core.util.deprecation_helpers import ObsPyDeprecationWarning
from ...base import HTTPClient
from .. import client
from ..client import raise_on_error
from ..header import FDSNException, URL_MAPPINGS, FDSNNoDataException
def RoutingClient(routing_type, *args, **kwargs): # NOQA
Helper function to get the correct routing instance.
:type routing_type: str
:param routing_type: The type of router to initialize.
``"earthscope-federator"`` or ``"eida-routing"``. Will consequently
return either a
:class:`~.federator_routing_client.FederatorRoutingClient` or a
:class:`~.eidaws_routing_client.EIDAWSRoutingClient` object,
Remaining ``args`` and ``kwargs`` will be passed to the underlying classes.
For example, credentials can be supported for all underlying data centers.
See :meth:`BaseRoutingClient <BaseRoutingClient.__init__>` for details.
>>> from obspy.clients.fdsn import RoutingClient
Get an instance of a routing client using the EarthScope (former IRIS)
>>> c = RoutingClient("earthscope-federator")
>>> print(type(c)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class '...routing.federator_routing_client.FederatorRoutingClient'>
Or get an instance of a routing client using the EIDAWS routing web
>>> c = RoutingClient("eida-routing")
>>> print(type(c)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class '...routing.eidaws_routing_client.EIDAWSRoutingClient'>
if routing_type.lower() == "iris-federator":
routing_type = "earthscope-federator"
msg = ("IRIS is now EarthScope, please consider changing the "
"'routing_type' to 'earthscope-federator'.")
warnings.warn(msg, ObsPyDeprecationWarning)
if routing_type.lower() == "eida-routing":
from .eidaws_routing_client import EIDAWSRoutingClient
return EIDAWSRoutingClient(*args, **kwargs)
elif routing_type.lower() == "earthscope-federator":
from .federator_routing_client import FederatorRoutingClient
return FederatorRoutingClient(*args, **kwargs)
raise NotImplementedError(
"Routing type '%s' is not implemented. Available types: "
"`earthscope-federator`, `eida-routing`" % routing_type)
def _assert_format_not_in_kwargs(f, *args, **kwargs):
if "format" in kwargs:
raise ValueError("The `format` argument is not supported")
return f(*args, **kwargs)
def _assert_filename_not_in_kwargs(f, *args, **kwargs):
if "filename" in kwargs:
raise ValueError("The `filename` argument is not supported")
return f(*args, **kwargs)
def _assert_attach_response_not_in_kwargs(f, *args, **kwargs):
if "attach_response" in kwargs:
raise ValueError("The `attach_response` argument is not supported")
return f(*args, **kwargs)
def _try_download_bulk(r):
return _download_bulk(r)
except Exception:
reason = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
"Failed to download data of type '%s' from '%s' due to: \n%s" % (
r["data_type"], r["endpoint"], reason))
return None
def _download_bulk(r):
# Figure out the passed credentials, if any. Two possibilities:
# (1) User and password, given explicitly for the base URLs (or an
# explicity given `eida_token` key per URL).
# (2) A global EIDA_TOKEN key. It will be used for all services that
# don't have explicit credentials and also support the `/auth` route.
credentials = r["credentials"].get(urlparse(r["endpoint"]).netloc, {})
c = client.Client(r["endpoint"], debug=r["debug"],
timeout=r["timeout"], **credentials)
# This should rarely happen but better safe than sorry.
except FDSNException as e: # pragma: no cover
msg = e.args[0]
msg += "It will not be used for routing. Try again later?"
return None
if not credentials and "EIDA_TOKEN" in r["credentials"] and \
if r["data_type"] == "waveform":
fct = c.get_waveforms_bulk
service = c.services["dataselect"]
elif r["data_type"] == "station":
fct = c.get_stations_bulk
service = c.services["station"]
# Keep only kwargs that are supported by this particular service.
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in r["kwargs"].items() if k in service}
bulk_str = ""
for key, value in kwargs.items():
bulk_str += "%s=%s\n" % (key, str(value))
return fct(bulk_str + r["bulk_str"])
except FDSNException:
return None
def _strip_protocol(url):
url = urlparse(url)
return url.netloc + url.path
# Does not inherit from the FDSN client as that would be fairly hacky as
# some methods just make no sense for the routing client to have (e.g.
# get_events() but also others).
class BaseRoutingClient(HTTPClient):
def __init__(self, debug=False, timeout=120, include_providers=None,
exclude_providers=None, credentials=None):
:type routing_type: str
:param routing_type: The type of
router to initialize. For details see :func:`RoutingClient`.
:type exclude_providers: str or list[str]
:param exclude_providers: Get no data from these providers. Can be
the full HTTP address or one of the shortcuts ObsPy knows about.
:type include_providers: str or list[str]
:param include_providers: Get data only from these providers. Can be
the full HTTP address of one of the shortcuts ObsPy knows about.
:type credentials: dict
:param credentials: Credentials for the individual data centers as a
dictionary that maps base url of FDSN web service to either
username/password or EIDA token, e.g.
'geofon.gfz-potsdam.de': {'eida_token': 'my_token_file.txt'},
'service.iris.edu': {'user': 'me', 'password': 'my_pass'}
'EIDA_TOKEN': '/path/to/token.txt'
The root level ``'EIDA_TOKEN'`` will be applied to all data centers
that claim to support the ``/auth`` route and don't have data
center specific credentials.
You can also use a URL mapping as for the normal FDSN client
instead of the URL.
HTTPClient.__init__(self, debug=debug, timeout=timeout)
self.include_providers = include_providers
self.exclude_providers = exclude_providers
# Parse credentials.
self.credentials = {}
for key, value in (credentials or {}).items():
if key == "EIDA_TOKEN":
self.credentials[key] = value
# Map, if necessary.
if key in URL_MAPPINGS:
key = URL_MAPPINGS[key]
# Make sure urlparse works correctly.
if not key.startswith("http"):
key = "http://" + key
# Only use the location.
self.credentials[urlparse(key).netloc] = value
def include_providers(self):
return self.__include_providers
def include_providers(self, value):
self.__include_providers = self._expand_providers(value)
def exclude_providers(self):
return self.__exclude_providers
def exclude_providers(self, value):
self.__exclude_providers = self._expand_providers(value)
def _expand_providers(self, providers):
if providers is None:
providers = []
elif isinstance(providers, str):
providers = [providers]
return [_strip_protocol(URL_MAPPINGS[_i])
else _strip_protocol(_i) for _i in providers]
def _filter_requests(self, split):
Filter requests based on including and excluding providers.
:type split: dict
:param split: A dictionary containing the desired routing.
key_map = {_strip_protocol(url): url for url in split.keys()}
# Apply both filters.
f_keys = set(key_map.keys())
if self.include_providers:
f_keys = f_keys.intersection(set(self.include_providers))
f_keys = f_keys.difference(set(self.exclude_providers))
return {key_map[k]: split[key_map[k]] for k in f_keys}
def _download_stations(self, split, **kwargs):
return self._download_parallel(split, data_type="station", **kwargs)
def _download_parallel(self, split, data_type, **kwargs):
# Apply the provider filter.
split = self._filter_requests(split)
if not split:
raise FDSNNoDataException(
"Nothing remains to download after the provider "
"inclusion/exclusion filters have been applied.")
if data_type not in ["waveform", "station"]: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("Invalid data type.")
# One thread per data center.
dl_requests = []
for k, v in split.items():
"debug": self._debug,
"timeout": self._timeout,
"endpoint": k,
"bulk_str": v,
"data_type": data_type,
"kwargs": kwargs,
"credentials": self.credentials})
pool = ThreadPool(processes=len(dl_requests))
results = pool.map(_try_download_bulk, dl_requests)
# Merge all results into a single object.
if data_type == "waveform":
collection = obspy.Stream()
elif data_type == "station":
collection = obspy.Inventory(
source="ObsPy FDSN Routing %s" % obspy.__version__)
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError
for _i in results:
if not _i:
collection += _i
# Explitly close the thread pool as somehow this does not work
# automatically under linux. See #2342.
return collection
def _handle_requests_http_error(self, r):
This assumes the same error code semantics as the base fdsnws web
Please overwrite this method in a child class if necessary.
reason = r.reason.encode()
if hasattr(r, "content"):
reason += b" -- " + r.content
with io.BytesIO(reason) as buf:
raise_on_error(r.status_code, buf)
def get_service_version(self):
Return a semantic version number of the remote service as a string.
r = self._download(self._url + "/version")
return r.content.decode() if \
hasattr(r.content, "decode") else r.content
def get_stations(self, **kwargs):
Get stations from multiple data centers.
It will pass on most parameters to the underlying routed service.
They will also be passed on to the individual FDSNWS implementations
if a service supports them.
The ``filename`` parameter of the single provider FDSN client is not
This can route on a number of different parameters, please see the
web sites of the `EarthScope (former IRIS) Federator
<https://service.iris.edu/irisws/fedcatalog/1/>`_ and of the
`EIDAWS Routing Service
<http://www.orfeus-eu.org/data/eida/webservices/routing/>`_ for
# Just pass these to the bulk request.
bulk = [kwargs.pop(key, '*') for key in (
"network", "station", "location", "channel", "starttime",
return self.get_stations_bulk([bulk], **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
import doctest