Source code for obspy.clients.seedlink.basic_client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
SeedLink request client for ObsPy.

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import fnmatch
import warnings

from lxml import etree

from obspy import Stream
from .slclient import SLClient, SLPacket
from .client.seedlinkconnection import SeedLinkConnection

[docs] class Client(object): """ SeedLink request client. This client is intended for requests of specific, finite time windows. To work with continuous realtime data streams please see :class:`~obspy.clients.seedlink.slclient.SLClient` and :class:`~obspy.clients.seedlink.easyseedlink.EasySeedLinkClient`. :type server: str :param server: Server name or IP address to connect to (e.g. "localhost", "") :type port: int :param port: Port at which the seedlink server is operating (default is `18000`). :type timeout: float :param timeout: Network timeout for low-level network connection in seconds. :type debug: bool :param debug: Switches on debugging output. """
[docs] def __init__(self, server, port=18000, timeout=20, debug=False): """ Initializes the SeedLink request client. """ self.timeout = timeout self.debug = debug self._server_url = "%s:%i" % (server, port) self._station_cache = None self._station_cache_level = None
[docs] def _init_client(self): """ Make fresh connection to seedlink server Should be done before any request to server, since SLClient keeps things like multiselect etc for subsequent requests """ self._slclient = SLClient(timeout=self.timeout)
[docs] def _connect(self): """ Open new connection to seedlink server. """ self._slclient.slconn = SeedLinkConnection(timeout=self.timeout) self._slclient.slconn.set_sl_address(self._server_url) self._slclient.slconn.netto = self.timeout
[docs] def get_waveforms(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime): """ Request waveform data from the seedlink server. >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> client = Client('') >>> t = UTCDateTime() - 1500 >>> st = client.get_waveforms("G", "FDFM", "00", "BHZ", t, t + 5) >>> print(st) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1 Trace(s) in Stream: G.FDFM.00.BHZ | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples Most servers support '?' single-character wildcard in location and channel code fields: >>> st = client.get_waveforms("G", "FDFM", "??", "B??", t, t + 5) >>> st = st.sort(reverse=True) >>> print(st) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 6 Trace(s) in Stream: G.FDFM.10.BHZ | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.10.BHN | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.10.BHE | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.00.BHZ | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.00.BHN | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.00.BHE | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples Depending on server capabilities, '*' multi-character wildcards might work in any parameter: >>> st = client.get_waveforms("*", "FDFM", "*", "B*", t, t + 5) >>> st = st.sort(reverse=True) >>> print(st) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 6 Trace(s) in Stream: G.FDFM.10.BHZ | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.10.BHN | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.10.BHE | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.00.BHZ | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.00.BHN | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples G.FDFM.00.BHE | 20... | 20.0 Hz, ... samples .. note:: Support of wildcards strongly depends on the queried seedlink server. In general, '?' as single character wildcard seems to work well in location code and channel code fields for most servers. Usage of '*' relies on the server supporting info requests on station or even channel level, see :meth:`Client.get_info()`. :type network: str :param network: Network code. See note on wildcards above. :type station: str :param station: Station code. See note on wildcards above. :type location: str :param location: Location code. See note on wildcards above. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code. See note on wildcards above. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start time of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End time of requested time window. """ # need to do an info request? if any('*' in x for x in (network, station, location, channel)) \ or any('?' in x for x in (network, station)): # need to do an info request on channel level? if any('*' in x for x in (location, channel)): info = self.get_info(network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, level='channel', cache=True) multiselect = ["%s_%s:%s%s" % (net, sta, loc, cha) for net, sta, loc, cha in info] # otherwise keep location/channel wildcards and do request on # station level only else: info = self.get_info(network=network, station=station, level='station', cache=True) multiselect = ["%s_%s:%s%s" % (net, sta, location, channel) for net, sta in info] multiselect = ','.join(multiselect) return self._multiselect_request(multiselect, starttime, endtime) # if no info request is needed, we just work with the given input # (might have some '?' wildcards in loc/cha) if len(location) > 2: msg = ("Location code ('%s') only supports a maximum of 2 " "characters.") % location raise ValueError(msg) elif len(location) == 1: msg = ("Single character location codes that are not an '*' are " "untested.") warnings.warn(msg) if location: loccha = "%2s%3s" % (location, channel) else: loccha = channel seedlink_id = "%s_%s:%s" % (network, station, loccha) return self._multiselect_request(seedlink_id, starttime, endtime)
[docs] def _multiselect_request(self, multiselect, starttime, endtime): """ Make a multiselect request to underlying seedlink client Multiselect string is one or more comma separated network/station/location/channel combinations as defined by seedlink standard, e.g. "NETWORK_STATION:LOCATIONCHANNEL,NETWORK_STATION:LOCATIONCHANNEL" where location+channel may contain '?' characters but should be exactly 5 characters long. :rtype: :class:`` """ self._init_client() self._slclient.multiselect = multiselect self._slclient.begin_time = starttime self._slclient.end_time = endtime self._connect() self._slclient.initialize() = Stream() stream = stream.trim(starttime, endtime) = None stream.sort() return stream
[docs] def get_info(self, network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None, level='station', cache=True, warn_on_excluded_stations=False): """ Request available stations information from the seedlink server. Supports ``fnmatch`` wildcards, e.g. ``*`` and ``?``, in ``network``, ``station``, ``location`` and ``channel``. >>> client = Client('') >>> info = client.get_info(station="FDFM") >>> print(info) [('G', 'FDFM')] >>> info = client.get_info( ... station="FD?M", channel='*Z', level='channel') >>> print(info) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [('G', 'FDFM', '00', 'BHZ'), ('G', 'FDFM', '00', 'HHZ'), ('G', 'FDFM', '00', 'HNZ'), ('G', 'FDFM', '00', 'LHZ'), ('G', 'FDFM', '10', 'BHZ'), ('G', 'FDFM', '10', 'HHZ'), ('G', 'FDFM', '10', 'LHZ')] Available station information is cached after the first request to the server, so use ``cache=False`` on subsequent requests if there is a need to force fetching new information from the server (should only concern programs running in background for a very long time). .. note:: Stations/channels are excluded from the results for which the server indicates it is serving them in general but it also states no data are in ring buffer currently. If interested in these "no data" stations/channels, either set ``warn_on_excluded_stations=True`` which will show a warning message with excluded stations or use ``debug=True`` when initializing the client which will print the raw server ``seedlink INFO`` xml response which will show these stations listed with ``begin_seq`` and ``end_seq`` both with value ``'000000'``. :type network: str :param network: Network code. Supports ``fnmatch`` wildcards, e.g. ``*`` and ``?``. :type station: str :param station: Station code. Supports ``fnmatch`` wildcards, e.g. ``*`` and ``?``. :type location: str :param location: Location code. Supports ``fnmatch`` wildcards, e.g. ``*`` and ``?``. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code. Supports ``fnmatch`` wildcards, e.g. ``*`` and ``?``. :type cache: bool :param cache: Subsequent function calls are cached, use ``cache=False`` to force fetching station metadata again from the server. :type warn_on_excluded_stations: bool :param warn_on_excluded_stations: Whether to show a warning for stations that are excluded from the results because the server indicates there is no data currently available. :rtype: list :returns: list of 2-tuples (or 4-tuples with ``level='channel'``) with network/station (network/station/location/channel, respectively) code combinations for which data is served by the server. """ if level not in ('station', 'channel'): msg = "Invalid option for 'level': '%s'" % str(level) raise ValueError(msg) if level == 'station' and \ any(x is not None for x in (location, channel)): msg = ("location and channel options are ignored in get_info() if " "level='station'.") warnings.warn(msg) # deteremine if we have a usable cache and check if it is at least the # requested level of detail if cache and self._station_cache is not None \ and level in ('station', self._station_cache_level): if level == 'station': if self._station_cache_level == 'station': info = [(net, sta) for net, sta in self._station_cache if fnmatch.fnmatch(net, network or '*') and fnmatch.fnmatch(sta, station or '*')] return sorted(info) else: info = [(net, sta) for net, sta, loc, cha in self._station_cache if fnmatch.fnmatch(net, network or '*') and fnmatch.fnmatch(sta, station or '*')] return sorted(set(info)) info = [(net, sta, loc, cha) for net, sta, loc, cha in self._station_cache if fnmatch.fnmatch(net, network or '*') and fnmatch.fnmatch(sta, station or '*') and fnmatch.fnmatch(loc, location or '*') and fnmatch.fnmatch(cha, channel or '*')] return sorted(info) self._init_client() if level == 'station': self._slclient.infolevel = "STATIONS" elif level == 'channel': self._slclient.infolevel = "STREAMS" self._slclient.verbose = 1 self._connect() self._slclient.initialize() # info = self._slclient.slconn.info_string try: xml = etree.fromstring(info) except ValueError as e: msg = 'Unicode strings with encoding declaration are not supported' if msg not in str(e): raise parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8') xml = etree.fromstring(info.encode('utf-8'), parser=parser) station_cache = set() excluded_stations = set() for tag in xml.xpath('./station'): net = tag.attrib['network'] sta = tag.attrib['name'] item = (net, sta) if level == 'channel': subtags = tag.xpath('./stream') # If no data is in ring buffer (e.g. station outage?) then it # seems the seedlink server replies with no subtags for the # channels if not subtags: excluded_stations.add(item) continue for subtag in subtags: loc = subtag.attrib['location'] cha = subtag.attrib['seedname'] station_cache.add(item + (loc, cha)) elif level == 'station': # remove stations that seem to have no data if all(tag.attrib[key] == '000000' for key in ('begin_seq', 'end_seq')): excluded_stations.add(item) continue station_cache.add(item) else: raise NotImplementedError() # change results to an Inventory object self._station_cache = station_cache self._station_cache_level = level if warn_on_excluded_stations and excluded_stations: msg = ('Some stations were excluded from results because server ' 'indicates no data available (use debug=True in Client ' 'initialization for details, suppress warning with ' 'warn_on_excluded_stations=False): ') msg += ', '.join('.'.join(item) for item in sorted(excluded_stations)) warnings.warn(msg) return self.get_info( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, cache=True, level=level)
[docs] def _packet_handler(self, count, slpack): """ Custom packet handler that accumulates all waveform packets in a stream. """ # check if not a complete packet if slpack is None or (slpack == SLPacket.SLNOPACKET) or \ (slpack == SLPacket.SLERROR): return False # get basic packet info type_ = slpack.get_type() if self.debug: print(type_) # process INFO packets here if type_ == SLPacket.TYPE_SLINF: if self.debug: print(SLPacket.TYPE_SLINF) return False elif type_ == SLPacket.TYPE_SLINFT: if self.debug: print("Complete INFO:", self._slclient.slconn.get_info_string()) return True # process packet data trace = slpack.get_trace() if trace is None: if self.debug: print("Blockette contains no trace") return False # new samples add to the main stream which is then trimmed += trace return False
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)