Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ALSEP module helper functions and data.
from obspy import UTCDateTime

[docs] def interp(x1, x2, x3, x4): """Interpolate by Lagrange polynomial with two points before and after""" return int(((x2 + x3) * 4 - (x1 + x4) + 3) / 6)
[docs] def get_utc(year, msec_of_year): """Calculate date and time in UTC from year and millisecond of year""" return UTCDateTime(year, month=1, day=1) + msec_of_year / 1000.0
[docs] def doy2utc(year, doy): """Calculate date and time in UTC from year and day of year""" return UTCDateTime(year, julday=doy)
[docs] def check_date(apollo_station, utc): """Check observation date""" if apollo_station == 11: # 1969/202 - 1969/214, 1969/231 - 1969/237 if doy2utc(1969, 202) <= utc < doy2utc(1969, 215): return True if doy2utc(1969, 231) <= utc < doy2utc(1969, 238): return True elif apollo_station == 12: # 1969/323-1977/273 if doy2utc(1969, 323) <= utc < doy2utc(1977, 274): return True elif apollo_station == 14: # 1971/036-1977/273 if doy2utc(1971, 36) <= utc < doy2utc(1977, 274): return True elif apollo_station == 15: # 1971/212-1977/273 if doy2utc(1971, 212) <= utc < doy2utc(1977, 274): return True elif apollo_station == 16: # 1972/112-1977/273 if doy2utc(1972, 112) <= utc < doy2utc(1977, 274): return True elif apollo_station == 17: # LSPE: 1976/228-1977/115 # LSG: 1976/061-1977/273 if doy2utc(1976, 61) <= utc < doy2utc(1977, 273): return True return False
[docs] def check_sync_code(sync_code): """Check sync pattern barker code""" return True if sync_code == 0b11100010010 else False